Pook, the MASTER!
Take it from someone who has failed more times that it is possible to count on both hands...and possibly feet!
Rejection has made me much stronger as a person. I used to be afraid of striking out, until I got rejected harshly by a girl I had a terrible crush on. I made a mistake no guy should ever make...and told her ALL about my "feelings" for her way before it was time. She ran for the hills, and I still tried chasing her, out of nothing but sheer desperation. I'm not going to explain exactly what happened...you can search it on the boards.
...now, I was a virgin when I first met this girl 2 years ago, so this explains why I acted the way I did. After this, I got motivated to better myself, and have been with 5 ladies within the past year alone. I would say that's not too bad of a start for an ex 23-year old virgin (I'm turning 26 in 4 weeks today).
So Pook, my friend, you hit the nail right on the head!
...as usual
Also, I just came back from a 6 month internship position gained through school. Her boyfriend was interviewed right after me for the same position, I ran into him on my way out of that place. He was not as fortunate as me, and was in between jobs during that time.
One small failure can lead to a much greater success.