Yes, Women Today Have More Options Than Some Men


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Kerpal said:
So you're saying once their looks are fading and they've been pumped & dumped hundreds of times, all the rest of us who aren't at the top of the pyramid will finally have our chance?
That's a different phenomenon actually. That's the "my looks are fading and I need to grab somebody while I can" phenomenon. It shouldn't take getting pumped and dumped hundreds of times for a girl to realize she might have to set her sites a little lower.

Anyway, why so negative? What's that they say? Make a girl find her own reasons not to fvck you, don't come up with them yourself.

When I was in my 20s I was definitely no alpha male but I got laid. They would give me a chance. I did have some LTRs (dated one girl three years), but generally I used to have trouble keeping a woman until I got into my 30s and started to fulfill some of my career aspirations. The good news for me was you're better off spinning plates in your 20s anyway. So I got some experience.

You're a young guy, you've got a lot of time to improve yourself. Guys your age are still building themselves up. I don't think young girls expect all that much from a young guy anyway. It helps to have something going for you - looks, a decent job, potential (college, for example), friends, being fit, being in a band or on a baseball team, good game, being fun, witty, funny - something.


Senior Don Juan
May 11, 2006
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the failure in this thread astounds me, so fat chicks are getting attention online who cares they are probably getting so much hate in the real world that there egos are just about right.

i know if a fat girl tried to hit on me they would be turned down instantly crushing any hope they think they are attractive to me


Senior Don Juan
Jun 4, 2008
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Kerpal said:
1. There are more men than women. Naturally, without artificial interference, there are 105 men born for every 100 women. This is BEFORE artificial pre-birth sex selection, abortion and infanticide, all of which skew the numbers to an even higher proportion of males.
There is actually a higher proportion of females to males in the world.

It's actually pretty simple to explain and it should be obvious for those who have a decent amount of experience. Every single girl I've encountered from ugly to average to hot has at least 2 guys texting them at a time. Some have over 5. One time I just got done banging my fb when she got a text from an ex bf asking her if she wanted to cuddle, hehe. She was like "why don't YOU ever text me? I have all these guys texting me and you're the only one I want to text me and you never do." I'll admit this girl isn't even that great looking, just someone to put my penis into sometimes.

So I replied with "why don't you text me if you want to talk to me?".

"Because it's the guy's job to do that."

Lol, over and over again I hear girls say that exact phrase. In this society it's the guys job to pursue and the invention of technology like text has made it easy to game multiple girls at a time. So girls have options without even having to do anything. All they have to do is make themselves available, give out their numbers and they'll have multiple guys texting them and therefore multiple options. So, like mentioned before in this thread it's technology that has made this so. Technology has multiplied a woman's options. Many of the other points in this thread such as "guys want sex more than girls" or "hormones" can't be valid because this has never changed. The ONLY thing that has changed in the past 10 years is the technology. The only way to move that in our favor is to work harder and talk to/text just as many girls.

Personally I hate texting and only use it sparingly, NEVER for a serious conversation. However, I know guys that text all day every day. I just think it cheapens interaction. The important thing is to stand out from the other dudes.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 4, 2008
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Kerpal said:

Yes in old age the numbers flip because men die earlier, but we're talking about young, sexually attractive women not old ones.
Interesting, thanks I stand corrected.

However, I still doubt that the difference if significant enough to produce such a drastic effect. Good point however, I really think that stuff is interesting.


Master Don Juan
Mar 11, 2004
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Voice said:
Interesting, thanks I stand corrected.

However, I still doubt that the difference if significant enough to produce such a drastic effect. Good point however, I really think that stuff is interesting.
Assuming pre-birth sex selection, abortion and infanticide were never invented, that's still a 5% surplus of men to women. With the aforementioned developments skewing the numbers even further, when we're talking about billions of people, that's a huge difference. The numbers are stacked against us from the beginning, and once you take all these other factors into account you realize that unless you're at the top of the pyramid in terms of male attractiveness, you're in trouble.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
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Well, I've reproduced so it's all fun and games from here on out. There is nothing I need from a woman besides sex. Companionship and having fun together is nice but I don't feel the need to tie myself to anyone just to gain that. What happens, happens. So what if a woman has options. Good for her. I hope she finds that special One. In the meantime lets have some nasty fun together until you get ready to go look for him. That's I live.


Don Juan
Apr 29, 2011
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hahaha Love this thread......well written too.

of course this thread is is about reality.....what most of you guys don't understand.

read the first few sentences......the OP wrote it to shut up the posters who are in denial on here.....jdealsilviera, amazing, the guys on the lunatic thread who dont understand.

if you guys cant get women....improve yourselves.....bottom line........dont blame women for not wanting to be with a superior should want to be a superior man.......its reality and the facts......accept them....if you dont want to change..then quit b1tch1ng about it......we are just stating the facts

high value women..........want a high value man

men want high value women......when they cant get them they go lower value

if you guys did something to enhance your qualities you would all be better off

some of these responses are classic.....just goes to show you who cant get the chicks on here.

I wrote a similar post the other day..... it got great reviews......this one beats it by far......great job man


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2006
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Ace_Magnamus said:
high value women..........want a high value man
Here, let me fix that typo for you:

high value women..........want a HIGHER value man .


Don Juan
Oct 17, 2009
Reaction score
HoneyHitter said:
Here, let me fix that typo for you:

high value women..........want a HIGHER value man .
The problem is a lot of women are kind of delusional about their value. That is why certain women are always complaining they can't find a man.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
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PappyS said:
The problem is a lot of women are kind of delusional about their value. That is why certain women are always complaining they can't find a man.
both sides are and both sides usually end up settling in some regard. women expect a lot without providing value, but men expect hot women without being valued themselves. Its a two way street that this forum tends to neglect mentioning from time to time.

I discussed this exact dynamic on another thread. Women in general have more options than guys. They don't need to do much to get what they want. If they want sex, its literally a few words away. However, when you leverage something as fickle as looks, you put yourself at the mercy of old age and the swaths of other hotter women who become of age, or who are entering the work force ( young 20s). Lets face it, some lucky women will land a NFL player, an actor, but most don't. Than their looks eclipse, and they have to learn to settle. Meanwhile as a guy, you are literally in control of everything in your life: finances, job, career, women. You hold the key. Being the aggressor allows you to pick rather than be chosen.

i am sorry, but I wouldn't give this up for anything in the world. Sure, we have to meet more women, but if your even halfway decent at it, you'll get something. There are plenty of smart, attractive women out there who want to meet you. Never abdicate control of ones own destiny....


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Kerpal said:
The numbers are stacked against us from the beginning, and once you take all these other factors into account you realize that unless you're at the top of the pyramid in terms of male attractiveness, you're in trouble.
You don't necessarily have to be at the top, but you should try to avoid being on the bottom. And even if you are at the bottom, as a young guy you have a lot of room to improve. Look at all the threads talking about how things are better in your 30s. Hit the gym, work on your career and social skills, those are probably the most important things.

Oh, and develop a positive attitude, women hate negative attitudes, and it doesn't help you do anything in life either. It will only hold you back.


Don Juan
Apr 5, 2011
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West of the Mississippi
Strelok said:
Captain obvious, noticed this post the high command decided for your promotion to general.

Jokes apart Elmer you can do better, that point is all over the board in N threads.
How can I do any better? This is an excellent thread. It is a well wriiten piece, it is straight forward, factual, concise, and states the obvious. Which is which is why wrote this thread to begin with, to state the obvious. If any of these ignorant guys on here haven't noticed, this topic was being argued all over the forum. So, I wrote this thread to put an end to this argument, and put forth, details, fatcs, knowledge, and experience to inform the guys that still had a problem beliving that women have more options than some men. Guess what? Some guys still don't want to believe it. I guess some of these ignorant guys who keep saying this thread was so obvious, missed the first few sentences in the first paragraph that states why I wrote this thread. It says it right there why I wrote it. But some guys are so ignorant that you have to spell everything out for them. Kind of makes you wonder how they ever get ahead in life. A lot of articles on the main page are obvious as well, but people still read them, and they learn, because some guys don't already know that information. Just like some don't know anything about this thread, because they still want to argue about it. Next time read everything you see in a thread before you make stupid comments and embarrass yourself on the forum for everyone to see. They understood it, why can't you? This wasn't really directed at you strelok, but the rest of the ignorant guys on here, although, you missed the point of this thread as well. Hopefully this clears it up for a second time, because with some guys, you have to spell everything out for them, that is a shame they can't get it the first time.

women haze said:
Yawn another long documentary from what Falcon33 says one of the females of the sosuave board Elmer Gantry....Who supports Women having their cake and eating it too, and does not know the power of walking away from trash...

Nothing to see here folks!!! moving along

Well, look who it is? The woman. The only time you post is when you write a stupid comment like this on my threads. This is one of your better posts by the way, that just shows more of your ignorance and stupidity. You sure have a lot of time on your hands to write on my threads. Guess that's the only enjoyment you get out of your day, showing your ignorance on my threads. I enjoy the laughs. Hopefully you will continue to post on my upcoming threads. I look forward to see how much more you can make an ass out of yourself. Maybe one day you can write excellent threads that provide solid information to help men with women with your own experience and knowledge like I do. Wait, I forgot you don't have any. Well, maybe you can tell us your experiences with all the dvd's and magazines you have to use because you have no experience with women. Hey, don't forget to tell your girlfriend Falcon I said hi.


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
No sh*t Sherlock.

But I can say that you live in the real world beyond a reasonable doubt, and I respect that.


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2010
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it's supply and demand, business, economics, the supply of available hot beautiful single women is very low and the demand for the, by us guys is very high


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2010
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Hi Elmer, while I´m all for your good intentions, you never seen me say otherwise.

What I said is that not every women has guys pursuing them, if she does who cares, but not every women. I know many examples, and I can tell I have a sister (not to mention the many girl friends i have) that has named lots of decent looking friends that aren´t being pursued, or aren´t getting fvcked...

And most times the guys that are pursuing them are too ugly/ afc/ ***** to even be considered as options. I don´t consider the ugly girls that are pursuing me as options neither..