Women & Sex


Master Don Juan
Jul 18, 2005
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Seriously though Rollo, if you haven't read anything by Barthes I think you would really enjoy "Mythologies"


Master Don Juan
May 27, 2007
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I'm wondering just how much you guys actually think about sex and are horny.

Perhaps im strange, but i don't walk around all day thinking about sex. I rarely think about it....

Perhaps, the person my name is based after said it best when he said:

"Sex is only important to those who aren't getting it." - Charles Bukowski

Do you think it's healthy that men are painted to be sexual perverts? I've heard women say, "all you got to do is show a man a little flesh and that's all the foreplay he needs." Really? Is that all of you guys?

To me - my personal desire for sex with a woman begins when flirting takes a turn towards naughtiness. And it's certainly not me being 17Xs more horny than the woman!.... And when i touch her, i can feel the energy from her lust travel through both of us....

How many of you have seen a woman in such a horny state that it's just absurd???? (hopefully a lot of you).... How many of you have been in such a horny state that you felt it could compare to the state she was in??? (not me! i've never been in such a state that i shudder when being touched and orgasm just from being whispered too.)

Women can experience sexual desire, and sexual ecstasy on a level I CANNOT comprehend or explain. But "can" is not bolded by chance, because MOST women WILL NOT experience that level of sexual rush. I think it has almost everything to do with most men being weak and boring. (in and out of bed; if you don't know what im talking about here - then you yourself are weak and boring)

It's convenient to believe biological mathematics can settle once in for all just who desires what more. But how about we look at it this way:

It's fact that men have 17Xs the testosterone that women do?

So if we're dealing with this purely on a level of testosterone = sexual desire.

Are you guys going to sit here and tell me my desire for sex is 17Xs that of a woman????

Are you nuts? I CANNOT fathom how it would feel right now to have that much sexual desire rushing through my body!

If your NOT SAYING that that means i have 17Xs the sexual desire that a woman has - then you must be saying that there's other variables that factor into a woman's desire for sex.... (And my belief is - it's the man/men she's dealing with.)

I have NEVER been around a woman who desired sex 17 times less than me!

For that matter...

I have NEVER been around a woman who desired sex 50% less than me!


On top of all this.... I think you're missing a key part of phrase:

"women want/desire sex just as much as men"

To understand better what is meant by "want" or "desire" it should read:

"women want good sex just as much as men"


"women love/enjoy sex just as much as men do" (although i would say "more"!)

I don't believe these statements are claiming that women think about it more than men, or on the same level.

But if you put a woman in a room full of men with built bodies dancing around with their shirts off in sexual ways - she's going to get just as horny and desire sex just as much as a man when he's seeing women dance around topless at strip clubs.

Im really failing to see how believing these things can damage a mans game, or is a bad thing...

This belief is the reason im able to access women in a sexual way fairly quickly.... If you believe women don't desire sex as much as you - that is putting her desiring you sexually on a pedestal! No?

Someone who's good as sex explain to be how the belief that women desire sex just as much is damaging.
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Blue Phoenix

Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2004
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Another Dimension


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Perhaps im strange, but i don't walk around all day thinking about sex. I rarely think about it....
I have to admit it crosses my mind an awful lot. Yesterday I was around a bunch of women at work and for some reason almost EVERYTHING seemed sexual to me. It's not always like that though. There are definitely other things in life besides sex, and I think if a guy can't control his impulses he has some self discipline problems.

How many of you have seen a woman in such a horny state that it's just absurd???? (hopefully a lot of you).... How many of you have been in such a horny state that you felt it could compare to the state she was in??? (not me! i've never been in such a state that i shudder when being touched and orgasm just from being whispered too.)
This is similar to a point I made in another thread about women and their multiple screaming orgasms. Do men have screaming orgasms? Not as often as women do.

Women can experience sexual desire, and sexual ecstasy on a level I CANNOT comprehend or explain.
Careful, bukowski, you're liable to get called a white knight for suggesting that women have sexual desires. Don't you know they only fake interest in sex in order to manipulate men?

Are you guys going to sit here and tell me my desire for sex is 17Xs that of a woman????
Perhaps it is not a linear scale.

If you believe women don't desire sex as much as you - that is putting her desiring you sexually on a pedestal! No?
That's a pickup theory contradiction (one of many).
If man is the desirer, and woman is the object of desire (as Pook says), then doesn't that make her the prize to be won?

Also, if women aren't driven by sex, then what is the point of Being Sexual, of being the Sexual Guy?

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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zekko said:
Also, if women aren't driven by sex, then what is the point of Being Sexual, of being the Sexual Guy?
Because this is how quick sex happens. Women can Most Definitely tell if you're having sex. They react Instantaneously to seeing you, EVEN If, they've Never seen you before in their life! This happened to me yesterday after a total fvcked out weekend.

Sure, their End Game may be to Land the Rich mofo who is socially adept to show off to all her girls, but I don't want to be her show-off pony. I just want to fvck her, and be done with her.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 5, 2010
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Southern States

Kudos. I read the entire article very insightful and makes one think long and hard on the subject that is those with a mature mind who care to listen to the truth.


Rollo Tomassi said:
The Myth of Sexual Peak

This is a very good breakdown of the sexual peak myth as well as being pertinent to this discussion. Have a read.


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2008
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Rollo Tomassi said:
The Myth of Sexual Peak

This is a very good breakdown of the sexual peak myth as well as being pertinent to this discussion. Have a read.
Just want to restate how important it is you guys read this. Do not allow yourself to be fooled.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 28, 2010
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Rollo Tomassi said:
The Myth of Sexual Peak

This is a very good breakdown of the sexual peak myth as well as being pertinent to this discussion. Have a read.
I agree and disagree:

CuriousGirl said:
Also, on the "women's sexual peak at 30/40/etc" I believe that's less to do with hormones, and more to do with confidence and experience and learning about your body, being comfortable in your body and in the bedroom. That's why the age is changing/decreasing, because women are more open about sex than they used to be and much more open to masturbation, they will peak quicker because they are getting confident quicker and learning to orgasm at earlier ages etc. And it doesn't just stop at learning to orgasm, there's more and more! I've always taken 'sexual peak' to mean more than just being horny and stuff, I've been masturbating for about 5 or 6 years and I'm still learning more and more about my body and my arousal etc, and that's not even with sex so imagine how it can develop when I'm in a relationship and getting lots of sex? It's quite exciting knowing you're not at your peak and there's more to come.
- I do agree there is a completely wrong comparison, the female sexual peak of 30ish is usually compared to the male sexual peak of 18, the latter being based on much more biological performance/fertility/being able to keep getting it up after ejaculation etc.
...also I would add there's not so much of an emphasis on a man's sexual peak, when you ask someone why they would say 18 it's probably with what I just mentioned in mind and that's all.
- personally I think there is a sexual peak with women but when you ask what is the sexual peak it's different things. I firmly believe it's what I've previously mentioned, not a biological change in hormones but purely a much more experienced understanding of her body/orgasm/sex, and this gives you confidence in the bedroom and outside the bedroom.
-I think body confidence is quite an issue in sex for women, and as women become more comfortable in their own skin they let loose in sex too.
-On top of this I think it is somewhat linked in with the confidence in who you are, where you come from and where you're going in life that is again acquired by age and experience.
- I think women's sexual peak will depend on the individual and can be changeable, but generally is around the late 20s early 30s for in the former and present generations because of all of the above and particularly what I mentioned in my previous post about the open-ness of sex and masturbation. I also think for women it's got a lot to do with the development of her sexuality in relation to her confidence and the rest of her life experience.


Master Don Juan
Mar 15, 2008
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CuriousGirl said:
I agree and disagree:

- I do agree there is a completely wrong comparison, the female sexual peak of 30ish is usually compared to the male sexual peak of 18, the latter being based on much more biological performance/fertility/being able to keep getting it up after ejaculation etc.
...also I would add there's not so much of an emphasis on a man's sexual peak, when you ask someone why they would say 18 it's probably with what I just mentioned in mind and that's all.
- personally I think there is a sexual peak with women but when you ask what is the sexual peak it's different things. I firmly believe it's what I've previously mentioned, not a biological change in hormones but purely a much more experienced understanding of her body/orgasm/sex, and this gives you confidence in the bedroom and outside the bedroom.
-I think body confidence is quite an issue in sex for women, and as women become more comfortable in their own skin they let loose in sex too.
-On top of this I think it is somewhat linked in with the confidence in who you are, where you come from and where you're going in life that is again acquired by age and experience.
- I think women's sexual peak will depend on the individual and can be changeable, but generally is around the late 20s early 30s for in the former and present generations because of all of the above and particularly what I mentioned in my previous post about the open-ness of sex and masturbation. I also think for women it's got a lot to do with the development of her sexuality in relation to her confidence and the rest of her life experience.
You're gonna sit here and tell me a male hits his sexual peak at 18? I began mine at 12 and it stayed the same ever since. I'm ALWAYS wanting to **** something.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 28, 2010
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C-quenced said:
You're gonna sit here and tell me a male hits his sexual peak at 18? I began mine at 12 and it stayed the same ever since. I'm ALWAYS wanting to **** something.
You're only 26 though. But I think (correct me if I'm wrong) for a lot of guys it can start to go downhill in terms of amount of time you can get it up after ejaculating etc, completely biological (and different for different guys)..I think that is what a lot of people define male sexual peak as, the male body's prime for being able to have as much sex as possible (quantity over quality). Whereas a female's sexual peak is maybe more quality over quantity, it's more of a reflection of being in the prime of her life rather than the prime of her body. With the female sexual peak there's a much bigger relation to being good and confident in bed.


New Member
Jul 3, 2012
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Interesting points from all but I feel I should let you guys in on a couple of things you may or may not have been aware of.
While you guys are easier to turn on the longer you've gone without, a woman is different. It takes us longer to get going the longer we've gone without. So like a car that's been garaged for a long time it takes a while to get the engine purring. Better to take it out for a drive each day. Use it or lose it as the saying goes.
Another point is this, someone above in one post said something about sex being less important as we get older. For a substantial number of women entering peri-menopause this could not be farther from the truth. Sad to say just as things are falling to bits/drooping/drying up etc...lol....many of us want it more than ever. Hormones are surging and we feel like randy teenage boys trapped in a middle aged woman's body...hahaha...I guess there are those of you men who might say 'oh well sucked in, bad karma for all the headaches your pretended to have', I might even agree with you there.
But I would also say that if you are at all inclined give us older girls a go and you might be surprised. Some of us have stayed in pretty good shape and at least we're past the stupid game playing. Unless it's games of the fun kind...;)


Don Juan
Apr 7, 2012
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SOME women experience lust as we do, but the % of such gals is not high, most have to have a committed relationship with the guy, THEN they are often hot for HIM, but him only.


Nov 4, 2010
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SoliCat said:
Another point is this, someone above in one post said something about sex being less important as we get older. For a substantial number of women entering peri-menopause this could not be farther from the truth. Sad to say just as things are falling to bits/drooping/drying up etc...lol....many of us want it more than ever. Hormones are surging and we feel like randy teenage boys trapped in a middle aged woman's body...hahaha...I guess there are those of you men who might say 'oh well sucked in, bad karma for all the headaches your pretended to have', I might even agree with you there.
But I would also say that if you are at all inclined give us older girls a go and you might be surprised. Some of us have stayed in pretty good shape and at least we're past the stupid game playing. Unless it's games of the fun kind...;)
now what type of guy would you 'gals' be interestedin or attracted too? you are never too old for the 'stupid' games

Blue Phoenix

Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2004
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Another Dimension
PappyS said:
This thread is funny. If women were as horny as men are, we'd be living on a porn film set right now. Men and women would be copulating everywhere non-stop. The fact that men have to do all this other stuff to get laid (get game, get rich, study PUA material, acquire material status symbols like expensive cars, learn to dance, fly overseas, pay for it, get married, go on dates, etc. etc. etc.) proves the point.
I agree! That relates to this: "Getting turned on overrides women's natural disgust response to sex making them more willing to do things they otherwise wouldn't."

Great article:

You´ve got to sex her up first before going for sex, otherwise it´s called rape!


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2008
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Basically you need to amp up buying temperature. Do that, get her so turned on, and her own attraction will override her own logical "no script".