Women & Sex


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2007
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Rollo Tomassi said:
Estrogen does 'control' libido - for men: Estrogen have a look at the Functions section here. And while you're at it you may want to have a look at Testosterone; and in particular this:
I see your point (I think). Thing is we know high testosterone levels increase attraction for men and increased libidos, but again, we are attracted to feminine women. Women with high test, show more masculine traits, however, they are less attractive to 'us', and also more likely to be attracted to women as well...ie, bull dykes.

So, there's a contradiction there as well. Are men with more estrogen more likely to be gay, since they may display more feminine traits?

I'll admit there's a lot on this subject that I just don't know, was never good with science.

It seems to me that estrogen, being a woman's primary sex hormone, must have something to do with her attraction and sex drive towards a man with high testosterone. Hence, what builds that animal attraction I was referring to.


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2008
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If men and women were gluttons, men would be the super fat fvcker who has lost the ability to even walk. You know, the person who is so fat that he/she requires a scooter to ambulate and has to be on oxygen? Chicks wouldn't be quite as fat, but they'd still be morbidly obese.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
samspade said:
Related to this - the bullshyt claim that women peak sexually around age 40. (It used to be 30, but as more women stay single in their 30s, the conventional wisdom has adjusted.)

This makes no sense. Why would a woman's sexual peak be the opposite of her child conceiving and bearing peak?

More lies.
The only thing a woman has more of when she is 35 then when she is 21 is cynicism

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
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Moved to General Discussion because of all the underage participation and I think the thread deserves their input too.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
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A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
I'll agree that women don't "get horny" in the way that men do, typically. They aren't biologically driven to "go out and get some" in the same way that we do.

But to say that women aren't SEXUAL just because they don't "get horny" I think is a semantical problem.

All human beings love to be stimulated with touch. Women are capable of having orgasms that in many cases rival those of men. Most women do not go out seeking to "f*ck". (although I've had this happen to me before) If you're married, she's not gonna want it anywhere near as often as you are.

But they DO enjoy the dance of seduction...they do enjoy being "taken" by a masculine male and they do enjoy getting sexual attention from men...at least from ATTRACTIVE men. There is a deep psychological factor to sex for women. And they do experience physical pleasure from the "act".

Do men ever have "toy parties"? Do men wear seductive clothes? Do men read magazines that give them "50 ways to please their lover in bed"?

If you're going to define "sexual" as "being biologically driven to intercourse", then yes, you're probably right that women are not as "sexual" as men. The biological imperative of a woman is NOT to "f*ck". The biological imperative for a woman is to mother and nurture a child.

All I'm saying is be careful about generalizing that imperative to all things "sexual".


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
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Gold Coast. Aust.
backbreaker said:
The only thing a woman has more of when she is 35 then when she is 21 is cynicism
And cellulite.


Master Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
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If you haven't found women who want dirty nasty sex just as much as any guy you know maybe you aren't doing it right. :eek:


Senior Don Juan
Mar 28, 2010
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backbreaker said:
almost 2 and a half.

he sleeps by himself. he did walk in on us 'wrestling' about a month ago, he peed in the the bed and came running into our room. i was like dude you have pee pee all on you why are you jumping in my bed.

blue phoenix hit the nail on the head. just becuase a woman ****s you, doesn't mean she wants to have sex with you. having sex with someone, can have nothing to do with her wanting to have sex with you.

as alot know, i am a recovering addict. lots of women have sex for drugs, that don't' call themselves prostitutes. in reality, the situation is no different, then what goes on in everyday marriage. you have something i want, i will give you access to my virgina, in return for what you have of value. not even women just sitting on the street. when i was in my addiction tyhere were 2-3 (good looking) women i could call up and would drop what they were doing and would come and we would "kick it". i doubt it was me they were interested in but would give it up left and right willingly, without me even asking. they weren't attracted to me.

you will say, that's idfferent. no it's not.

i remember, i used to sale cars. this ass licking hot woman, to this day, one of the top 3 prettiest women i have ever seen in my life with my own two eyes, just, perfection, guy was about 15 years older, had money. sold them a infiniti G35 coupe for her, the price was about 100 a mont higher than he wanted to pay, he looked at her, in front of me and said "we are definatly having sex tonight".

it was a joke.. but not so much. i'm quite sure he got laid. and i'm quite sure she ****ed his brains out becuase of that transtion
ahahahah niiiice. He is the same ages as two of my siblings, they're unidentical twins - a boy and girl, we started potty training them a few months ago and the first time my sister did a wee in her potty and as a reward she got two sweeties and my brother, the cheeky little monkey, as I went to get the sweets he attempted to transfer her potty full of wee into his potty to pass it off as his own so he could get some sweets too! A clever plan for a 2 year old, if he hadn't've spilt it all over the floor for me to clean up!

I can see the comparisons you're pulling on but I firmly believe sex for drugs and cheaper cars is different to sex in relationships..

backbreaker said:
what we are saying, is that they don't like sex as much as we do (men) and there are times, a woman will have sex with a man, to accommodate him, not becuase she wants it and conversely, there is not ever a time a man doesn't want it.
Yeah but that's the point, generally yes men are more up for it than women, but it's not always the case. There are women with high libidos and there are men with lower libidos, yes testosterone is important but libidos are still more complex than that and nothing is always black and white, no matter how much science attempts to filter things so.
I just wanted to point out sometimes some women have higher libidos than some men*, which the OP said wasn't so.
*(and not because they are mental or have been abused)


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Yeah but that's the point, generally yes men are more up for it than women, but it's not always the case. There are women with high libidos and there are men with lower libidos
I have known couples where the guy is always complaining because he wants to have sex more often the girl does. And I have known couples where the girl is always complaining because she wants to have sex more often than the guy does. The former is more common, but I have known more than a few of the latter.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 28, 2010
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zekko said:
I have known couples where the guy is always complaining because he wants to have sex more often the girl does. And I have known couples where the girl is always complaining because she wants to have sex more often than the guy does. The former is more common, but I have known more than a few of the latter.
Yeah exactly, and the former is always more acceptable because the women have a moan and make jokes about it brushing it off with "ugh men" and the men complain and make jokes about it brushing it off with "ugh women". but with the latter situation it's worse because it's not 'the norm' and it emasculates the guy and makes the woman feel like a man, which neither party wants, and on top of that their mates aren't gonna relate to it.


Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2009
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Look at the white knights try to rationalise this.


Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
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The whole discussion sounds like the old "Nature vs Nuture" debate.

I believe that men have 17x testosterone compared to women. I also take Rollo's word for it that testosterone is directly related to our sex drive. But, testosterone is only a biological factor. Our environment must also play a major role in our overall sex drive. This is where childhood experiences, drugs and how sex is introduced in our lives determine how much we truly desire sex. Not to mention opportunity to have sex...

Also, I hope everyone understands that Rollo is making generalizations. He almost always does in his posts. Of course you will find exceptions, we've all seen examples of extremely horny women and guys who are eunuchs. But in general, I think everyone sees that men desire sex more than women.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2003
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KingofHearts said:
I think everyone sees that men desire sex more than women.
Seems like common sense, surprised it turned into such a discussion


Master Don Juan
May 27, 2007
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In general - i believe you're right. Women "think" about sex a lot less than men do. I don't believe there's a HUGE gap there though; unless you are getting into women with low sex drives.

However, i believe a some men can bring out a woman's sexual nature WAY more than most men. When you fvck a woman for hours every time (and she can handle it; aka: she has a high sex drive.) She will become addicted to you on a level where you will most of the time desire sex a lot less than her. This is field tested. A working example: If i get a room with a woman and fvck her 4-5 times throughout the night - she'll wake up in the morning and want to go again; never fails! I'm normally desireless at that point (and will be for hours/days), my abs hurts, and i just want to recover. They, on the other hand - are ready with their wetness to go 4-5 more times... This isn't just one woman, this is pretty much any woman i've ever fvcked into the night!

This is also a byproduct of being a desirable male who knows how to lead.

And then what happens??? I push them away, tell them i don't feel like it this morning..... And then what happens??????? They want me even more! If any of you have control over a woman's desires like this - you will understand what i'm saying. This isn't complete mathematics via testosterone levels at work.... This is her desire to lock down the alpha male via the biggest weapon in her arsenal - - - her pvssy! And if you display NO sign of being pvssy tranced - she will go nuts hormonally!

I know women who get wet just being around me (so wet that my d!ck looks like a candle stick when we finish), but then they turn around and fvck their boyfriends only once a month. To her boyfriend - she has no sexual desire. To me - she's a raving sex fiend! This is in large because - the boyfriend normally sucks in bed, is supplicant, and needy/non-challenging. And on top of that HE ASKS FOR SEX.... EVERYTIME! ("can we have sex tonight honey?" "NO!" "oh ok, let me know if you change your mind. ok?")

As far as physical enjoyment of sex - - - again, that's in large part on who the partner is. A woman who is with a minute-man, a man who can't stroke, or just a man who doesn't please her for a conundrum of reasons - won't enjoy the sex anywhere near the level of the man..... But put her in bed with a man who can last as long as she can handle it, who knows what he's doing, and is focused more on her pleasure (which may or may not be supplicant) - and i don't think there's a comparison! I mean - my best night i had 6 orgasms. All of which lasted maybe 30 seconds..... I've had women orgasm into the 100''s! I've had women orgasm for minutes upon minutes! I've put women into continuous orgasmic states!

There's no fvcking comparison when the man knows what he's doing! (which starts outside the bed and finishes in it; a man with good sexual technique will soon become boring to his woman if he doesn't handle her right outside of the bedroom).

When you can consistently please women on a level they rarely (if ever) experience; and not judge their sexual desires (but sub-communication) - you will see a sexual side of them that few men see.

You can be that man, or you can be a man who wonders where the $ex went!


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
taiyuu_otoko said:
Oy Vey, this is an old argument that has been put to bed many years ago with solid, scientific evidence.

I refer you to:

Why men don't listen, and women can't read maps

as well as

The Red Queen

Despite your wishes/hopes/desires that women are as horny as men, it just ain't so.

women's lack of horniness is a screen to filter out the weak men, so she is only boned by alpha gene carrying motherfukkers. (in general, from the vantage point of evolution. I'm not talking about that bar wh0re you saw last weekend).

Statistics indicate (see references above) women's sexual interest peaks around estrus, and declines thereafter, as well as generally being seasonally dependent. This allows children to be born in the spring when food is plentiful, and the little dude has a chance to grow a bit before the next winter. Again, this is broadly speaking after millions of years of evolution.

Once again, women's sexual desire peaks once a month (or so) and the height of each peak varies throughout the year, designed to peak so the kid is born at the best time, seasonally.

Another bit of evidence that men are always horny, and women rarely are, is that gay men fukk like rabbits, and lesbian women rarely fukk at all. (I believe this is discussed in that first book, but I'm not sure. It's been a while since I read it.)

But memes, and how memes spread have absolutely nothing to do with the truth. And the meme of women loving sex as much as men is strong for the following reasons:

1) men want to believe it because it gives them hope
2) men want to believe it because it makes "logical" sense
3) men want to believe it because it is taught to the by PUA gurus
4) men want to believe it because it makes them feel "enlightened" (gender equality and all that)
5) men want to believe it so they think they really can find a girl like that one in the porno

6) women want to present it as true because it makes them more desirable

Bottom line, men were designed to be good to go, AT ALL TIMES because estrus of the human animal is hidden, so they never knew when the woman was ready.

Women were designed to be attractive to men ALL THE TIME, so that when SHE was good to go, she could pick a suitable father from all the drooling cavemen around her.

Sorry boys, that's the breaks. No magic formula. Only become as alpha as you can, and always be out trolling for young ladies in estrus. (just be sure to wear protection).

See? The secret is not how to make HER horny, or unlock HER magic box, the secret is to have the power to find a different HER whenever you want.
Women are put on a goddamn pedestal all the time, and they can have sex whenever and wherever. More often than not, the women are the ones who choose. Most guys think women want sex all the time, but they don't. Women aren't always looking for men, and when they are, there's something usually wrong with them or you got something big to offer. Hit the Powerball/ Mega Millions and watch how quick women flock to you.

A man is entitled to ZERO pu$$y in his lifetime. Any man with an iota of common sense knows this, so they lie, get rich, get plastic surgery, work out, do whatever they can to get into a woman's pants, or get chosen by the women they desire.


Master Don Juan
Jul 18, 2005
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Rollo, I find your post interesting, but I take serious issue with focusing on testosterone almost exclusively. I wish I could post some sort of link but it doesn't look like the stuff I want to talk about is readily available online (unless you're on the VPN of a university or whatever). The wikipedia/easy-to-read references online seem pretty slim. That's unfortunate, because things are far more complicated than how you're presenting them.

And then there's the whole issue of how you define "sexual," a never-ending conversation in and of itself. How do you measure how "sexual" a person is?

The conclusion I reach: the statement you're trying to debunk is poorly qualified to begin with. So you're straw-manning it.

There's some interesting stuff you're presenting, and you provoke interesting discussion with the post, but I feel that you're arguing with weak facts against a weak statement.

Oh, and have you read any Roland Barthes? If you haven't, you might dig it.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
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n 1: the process of formulating general concepts by abstracting common properties of instances [syn: abstraction, generalisation] 2: reasoning from detailed facts to general principles [syn: generalisation, induction, inductive reasoning] 3: an idea having general application; "he spoke in broad generalities" [syn: generalisation, generality] 4: (psychology) transfer of a response learned to one stimulus to a similar stimulus [syn: generalisation, stimulus generalization, stimulus generalisation]
Source: WordNet ® 2.0

Generalization gets a bum rap. The term ougt to be used in the way it was actually intended - drawing hypothesis and conclusions from a greater, general whole of observed behavior. Pay close attention to #2, "reasoning from detailed facts to general principles [syn: generalisation, induction, inductive reasoning]." I am sorry if this process offends you, but I'm interested in the general Rule, since it,_ and not the exceptions to it, better help to predict an outcome.

Like it or not generalizations are useful and we use them all the time to see the forest for the trees. It's not isolated abnormalities in a system that we use to describe the circumstances of that system, it's the whole. We study majorities to assess overall condition, not isolations. That's the scientific definition of generalities, but when they refer to things that are close to us we tend to put ourselves into the generalization and cop the "not-in-my-case" menality. We'd like to think that our experiences are unique and special (and they are, to us), but in the generality we're simply statistics. So the word 'Generalize' gets a negative connotation and the person using it is vilified, because it's an afront to our "special" conditions.

Again, the point of my starting this thread wasn't to debate whether or not women are sexual at all - obviously they are - however it was my intent to draw attention to the canard that women (and their would-be male identifiers) would like everyone to believe, "women are just as / more sexual than men". No woman can make a realistic assessment about that unless she's had 12 -17 times her natural testosterone levels increased and lived in a man's biological condition. Just on the face of it the assertion is silly, but as I said, for women it's empowering to think that women are "just as sexual" as men. And female-identifiers are all too happy to reinforce that meme because it offers them the prospect of getting laid with one of these 'sexually repressed' women.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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Comment from roissy's blog:

Women, and especially fembots, cannot distinguish between rules and exceptions.

We see examples of this all the time on this blog, and in real life too. When women are faced with contentions they disagree with, they’ll write a long and extremely detailed personal story about their life, not for entertainment purposes, but as if this one single exception, their story, disproves the rule!!!

They’re nuts I’ll tell ya. Poor things.


Don Juan
Oct 17, 2009
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This thread is funny. If women were as horny as men are, we'd be living on a porn film set right now. Men and women would be copulating everywhere non-stop. The fact that men have to do all this other stuff to get laid (get game, get rich, study PUA material, acquire material status symbols like expensive cars, learn to dance, fly overseas, pay for it, get married, go on dates, etc. etc. etc.) proves the point.

Social repression can only go so far in controlling people's sexual impulses. Prostitutes stay in business even though patronizing them is socially unacceptable. Men with secret homosexual tendencies have illicit gay sex even if they belong to conservative religions and are married with kids. Women cheat on their husbands and boyfriends. If women were really as horny as men are the world would be very different then it is.