woman thinks men have the power


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score
this is a quote from a post at loveshack:

I hear ya! I hate dating too. I doesn't work for me either. I am a woman and a very independent one and sitting around for the prince to come and say hi just doesn't work. OK, you'll say "A woman can make an approach too". But still, the guy has MOST of the power, which for me, is debilitating. I hate waiting for the phone to ring (or not ring), I want to take action in my hands rather than be passive.

I think my friend you have to thank your stars you are the guy.
It's at http://www.loveshack.org/forums/t15970/ if you want to see the original post.

Why would this woman think this is so? The way we see it, getting women regularly requires a lot of training before the power equation is reversed.


Don Juan
Mar 10, 2002
Reaction score
maybe she's ugly...ugly chicks don't get the attention that HBs do so it's harder for them to find the kind of guys they want. That's my first guess.

With the whole waiting for the phone thing...I've had girls tell me "how come u don't call me" (like that alicia keys song LOL) Well, I don't call em cuz they call me. Simple. Another reason is I got 4 in my rotation right now, so i don't have time to call em all and chat each up everyday. The thing is, they all suspect this, and call me a pimp and whatnot, but i just shrug it off with an "i could care less" tone in my voice. So maybe that's another thing. They suspect they're not the only girl in ur life.

I dunno...figure it out man haha

oh....the whole power thing...she's prolly dealin with guys that have game and she likes to be in control (I had a girl like that last month, had to cut her off cuz she was no fun...she was always trying to get the upper hand)


Senior Don Juan
Jan 1, 2006
Reaction score
LOL, a good woman that is not manipulative or has a herd instinct is extraordinarily hard to find. Men do have more power than woman, just when it comes to physical and intelligence. But women are just too socially/emotional wrecks that bring us men into their schemes. The only power a man has against a woman is to be strong and prepare to walk away.

I'd *honestly* give away one of my nuts to meet a woman that is truly independent yet at the same time worships her man and doesn't use subtle tactics to get things done her way. Oh and disease free and low sexual partners is an extra bonus.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Warlord
I'd *honestly* give away one of my nuts to meet a woman that is truly independent yet at the same time worships her man and doesn't use subtle tactics to get things done her way. Oh and disease free and low sexual partners is an extra bonus.
Fo sho. Where are these stellar babes hiding? Antarctica?!