Woman fired for being too hot.


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2010
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England, baby!
the funny thing is all the catty and bi.tchy comments from women at the end - its blatantly the ugly fatties (who dont get male attention) making those comments!

those outfits dont seem bad, she just got good knockers anda pretty face, most women who wear those clothes dont look as good

to the replies below
Zarky - i agree
DanelMadr- your talking out your arse
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Master Don Juan
May 11, 2006
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For the first two months, she says, she was hardly in the office—she was either out drumming up business or attending training sessions. But once she started spending more time in the office, things began to go downhill.
When she actually had to give some results and work, managers realized their mistake.

Other problems also popped up. In order to provide services to a client, a banker needs to become certified to do things like open a checking account or take a loan application. Lorenzana says Fisher didn't send her to enough of the required training sessions, which meant she wasn't authorized to do something as simple as order a debit card for a client and was forced to rely on her colleagues for favors. "When I complained," Lorenzana says, "Craig would say, 'Just go ahead and bring in new business.' So I went out every day and looked for business." But then, she says, when clients would come into the branch asking for her—or would fax papers to the branch with her name on them—Fisher would give those hard-won accounts to male colleagues.
He he. She is not qualified. She is green. She is told to bring clients, not make deals. But she thinks she is entitled to it and that she can run a client even if she can't take loan application.

All she knows very well is what she wore on that and that day. I bet she can't even count.

If I come to work with my **** stretching through my jeans I get fired and rightly so. If I don't like the dress code I'm free to go cutting trees to Canada.
Employee has no right to set the rules. if they are wrong he/she can leave.
If the rules are stupid...good employees go...company goes down. No problem.

bottom line...
They are stupid for hiring her. Because she is obviously not a employee of the year, more like AW trouble maker. Fakking AFC bankers hoping to have some of her. He he.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
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Sounds like the dude that hired her bit off way more that he could chew. I suppose he was hoping for a hot but submissive woman, to attract business, and instead got her.

I suppose she'll have a hard time finding work from now on, nobody will hire a troublemaker, despite how hot or smart she is.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
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from what I read on another site she actually has a case. IIRC, her clothing was normal, not super low cut or anything, and the only reason they canned her was because she wouldn't wear Amish long skirts, baggy suits, etc.

Her argument is that she was singled out because whenever she wore what the other women wore, all the guys got boners, and so they fired her. We'll see if she wins.


Senior Don Juan
May 4, 2007
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I read about this on Wall Street Oasis. What you've guys said is similar to what I've heard, which is that there's a lot more to the story.

What I find amusing though is that finance is seriously like 90-95% male, although commercial banking is an exception. I work at a smaller wealth management firm with about 60 employees total, and we have about 5 girls--including the receptionist and the CEO's secretary.


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2009
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Actually, it was a genius marketing strategy, though one more apt to be used by Budweiser than a bank: hire a hot chick to go solicit for you. Brilliant!


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
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Julius_Seizeher said:
Actually, it was a genius marketing strategy, though one more apt to be used by Budweiser than a bank: hire a hot chick to go solicit for you. Brilliant!
The drug companies have known about this for years. Theirs no shortage of young cute pill pushers making sales calls to docs with ugly nurses.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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Did you guys read the whole article? They were asses to her at every turn, if her stories are true.

I mean they fvcking made up a story about her coming to work late on days when the branch was CLOSED.

I don't get the pile on attitude.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
when i was in little rock i went to one bank and one bank only soley becuase of the ass licking hot personal banker i had. i did not necessarily want to **** her....okay i did....but i moreso appreciated just like having a pretty face to deal with when i am in the bank, and becuase of my business i was there quite often.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
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mrRuckus said:
I don't get the pile on attitude.
Ding ding ding. Really she obviously does have a case from all the "facts" presented. If the way she tells it is the truth, they are gonna pay. If she has a lawyer worth a damn they will pay just to make her go away.

But, my whole point is..there are three sides to every story (well these days four), his, hers, and Gods (and now the media).

I'd love to just know the rest of the story.

By the way, the spear head (where I found this) has a great tidbit about her lawyer. Now just because her lawyer is a weirdo doesn't make this woman any more right or wrong if her facts are correct.



Don Juan
Mar 5, 2010
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Las Vegas
We have been talking about this story at the office...as I am in the same field.

Simply put - she was most likely underqualified or undertrained. Most likely heavily underqualified with light undertraining. I have worked for three financial institutions and only needed heavy training with the first one.

Another simple case of an AFC dude making a hiring decision based on looks and most likely thinking that maybe he could sleep with her. Wow. One of the reasons why society is so f'd up today. To be honest - id rather have some not so good looking women in the office. Last one we had here wanted to sleep with me and I did - hot latina simliar to the one in this pic as a matter of fact - and we started dating. Big mistake - but I learned.

My boss probably wanted to sleep with her and thats why he hired her as well...she didnt really do anything. Thank god she quit before things got weird...

There is your real story right there. If there was any other juiciness behind it she would have still worked there. Trust me.


Don Juan
Mar 5, 2010
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Las Vegas
taiyuu_otoko said:
The drug companies have known about this for years. Theirs no shortage of young cute pill pushers making sales calls to docs with ugly nurses.
This is funny - albeit very true. Actually, there was a "How I Met Your Mother" qute referring to this....as Barney Stinson (Neil Patrick Harris) explains that a pharmaceutical sales girls are hot. Lol.


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2009
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I've noticed at networking events that hot girls flock to pharmaceutical sales.

Too bad they live an hour away, too far for my tongue to hit that a$$ YEAH!


Senior Don Juan
Mar 28, 2010
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I think that's appalling if it's true. Although her being on a 70,000 a year salary and saying she can't afford a new wardrobe is bollocks. But on the other hand she shouldn't have to. Why would they be ****s to her or single her out?


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2008
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Listening to what chics say and interpreting that as the truth is the surest way to destruction.

Whenever a chic "explains" something about herself, consider 35% of it to be true and the rest to be crap.

I would like to hear what Citibank says. If they have a smart HR person, this case is already over.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
either way, sex is the bottom line. eithe someone is mad they couldn't smash or she is dressing way to sexually. this is about sex in some way shape or form.

i'd smash btw


Senior Don Juan
Sep 14, 2006
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Debbie Lorenzana—whose mother is Puerto Rican and father is Italian—came to New York from Puerto Rico 12 years ago. She was 21 and pregnant, and had a degree as an emergency medical technician from a technical college in Manatí, a small city on the northern coast. The father, she says, didn't want to have anything to do with her or the baby. So she moved back to the States, where she had lived in her mid-teens (pinballing between relatives' houses and group homes), and took care of her elderly grandparents in Connecticut. After her son was born, she moved to Queens to stay with a friend. Then she got her first job in finance: working as a sales representative at the Municipal Credit Union, in 2002. She moved to Jersey City and worked long hours. She was successful.

She is a immigrant from Puerto Rico who is Hispanic and Italian. In school she study to become an EMT. At 21 She became a single mother. Her 1st job in finance was in Sales for a credit union.

And she will be well-dressed. Lorenzana is, by her own admission, a shopaholic. She shops for her work clothes at Zara, but when she has money, she says, she spends it on designer clothes. She has five closets full of Burberry, Hermès, Louis Vuitton, and Roberto Cavalli. In her son's closet, there's a row of tiny Lacoste, Dolce & Gabbana, and Ralph Lauren T-shirts. She says her love of fine clothes is a result of her growing up poor—she recalls running a high school marathon barefoot because she couldn't afford sneakers.

She grow up poor, so when she got her 1st taste of money she started to buy excess luxuries good for her and her son--- 5 closets worth.

Lorenzana left the workplace to get married, but that relationship went sour after a brief time, and in September 2008, she was ready to go back to work. It was the height of the Wall Street crisis, but she lucked out. She got an interview with Citibank for a job at its recently opened branch in the Chrysler Building."

She quit working to get married, but that plan flopped. So she went back to work this time to Citibank.

At the interview, she recalls, she wore a black Armani wrap dress and simple Christian Louboutin pumps. (The dress was form-fitting and tight in the bust: She says one size up would have been too big for her.) She remembers that the branch manager, Craig Fisher, was polite, asking her about strategies for acquiring new business and whether she had other job offers. Since she already had an offer from Washington Mutual, Fisher proposed a salary of $70,000 with three weeks' vacation, she says. Her job title was business banker, providing services to small businesses. There were three business bankers at the Chrysler Building branch; Lorenzana was the only woman.

she went to her job interview at Citibank wearing at minum 500 dollar heels and a dress that look like this :

When she started the job, she says, a colleague told her that the branch was "pretty much known for hiring pretty girls," and that she knew Lorenzana was going to be hired from the moment she came in for her interview. "So here I am," Lorenzana recalls, "thinking I got hired because of my capabilities, and now you're telling me it's because of my physical appearance? Oh, great."

A co-work passively put her up on game on how the bank hires female eye candy not base on their skills but because how they looks . This will foreshadows her further.

Other problems also popped up. In order to provide services to a client, a banker needs to become certified to do things like open a checking account or take a loan application. Lorenzana says Fisher didn't send her to enough of the required training sessions, which meant she wasn't authorized to do something as simple as order a debit card for a client and was forced to rely on her colleagues for favors. "When I complained," Lorenzana says, "Craig would say, 'Just go ahead and bring in new business.'

She did not have the skills to do her job which she blames the to manger for. so the manger just told her to look pretty and bait in new customers. Side note I never new bankers actively looked for business , don’t people normally just go to them.
The beginning of the debate of what she should wear

The managers instructed her to wear looser clothing. Lorenzana refused. "I don't have the money to buy a new wardrobe," she says, referring to her work outfits.

When you ball as hard as she does sometimes it is hard to buy new outfits , when you have 5 closet full of luxury goods.

Where I'm from," she says, switching into Spanish to explain it, "women dress up—like put on makeup and do their nails—to go to the supermarket. And I'm not talking trashy, you know, like in the Heights. I was raised very Latin, you know? We're feminine. A woman in Puerto Rico takes care of herself. The Puerto Rican women here put down our flag."

She finds time to put down the other Hispanic females in New York. She states in PR females get dolled up to run to the store. Compare to Hispanic females in Washington heights PR women from the island dress classy.

The high-heels incident infuriated her, she says. She was getting worn down. On June 25, at 3:30 p.m., she sent a long-winded e-mail to two regional vice presidents whom she had never met, bypassing Morgan Putman at Human Resources. It was the kind of e-mail that could have used a proofreader, one a lawyer might advise a client not to send without some serious editing. (English is not her first language.) But she summed up her experiences with Fisher and Claibourne well and talked about "the cruelty of a hostile work environment," where she was harassed "on a daily basis." She ended by writing that "Mr. Fisher stated he is good friends with lots of people in the organization giving me . . . reason to believe that nothing will happen to correct the situation going on at branch 357. I have requested for the second time a transfer. . . . I came to Citibank with high expectations. Please I just want to work in a fair work environment where everyone is equal. Thank you in advance for your attention in this matter."

She went over her mangers head and wrote a horribly written letter to two regional VPs, requesting to be transferred.

The VPs never responded in writing, but she sent follow-up e-mails in which she continued to report incidents at work. Less than a month after her June 25 e-mail, she was transferred to a Citibank branch at Rockefeller Center. The way she looked or dressed didn't draw any comments there, she says, but that branch didn't need another business banker. In mid-July, she e-mailed Morgan Putman, thanking her for the transfer, but pointing out that she was working as a telemarketer, which wasn't her job title.

she is granted the transfer. At her new Citibank job they did not need another banker so they had her working as a telemarketer, which was not under her job title . She was later let go.