Why the Kavanaugh nomination circus should scare the sh*t out of each and every one of you

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Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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By all accounts, Kavanugh is as close to a boy scout as you can find in Washington. Married father, goes to church, coaches his daughters' basketball team, the whole nine yards. Nominated and appointed to numerous important government jobs in the past; thoroughly investigated as part of the process. His co-workers love him. His ex's all say that he is a 'perfect gentleman'. Squeaky clean record. Yet, his life and career are about to be destroyed by a single, unproven allegation from 36 years ago.

Kavanaugh is a conservative judge nominate by Trump. If Kavanaugh is appointed, he will tilt the balance of the Supreme Court towards conservatism for decades. He will be the tie-breaking vote on cases involving highly controversial social issues, like abortion and the Second Amendment. His appointment will, quite literally, have a profound impact of the future political direction of the country.

Kavanaugh’s accuser is a liberal, pvssy hat wearing professor from California. She is a registered Democrat, attended anti-Trump protests, and considers herself part of the 'resistance'. The liberals have been freaking out about the Kavanaugh nomination and trying to do everything in their power to thwart it. Three days prior to the confirmation vote, the Democrats release the accuser's letter containing an allegation about something that allegedly happened in high school while Kavanaugh was teenager -- an allegation that is impossible to prove as much as it is impossible to disprove. Any intellectually honest person, regardless of their political leanings, can put two and two together and conclude that this is a hit job.

Yet, Democrat men are perfectly happy to throw Kavanaugh under the bus, even though they could very easily become victims of similar false allegations themselves. Women stick together and push the narrative that female accusers must always be believed. But men are all too happy to use made up allegations to destroy their opponents, even if, by doing so, they are digging their own graves. Any time you need to destroy a man’s reputation, all you need to do is find a female willing to accuse him of something…anything sexually inappropriate. And if the man is in a high-profile position, his accuser will become an overnight celebrity herself. TV interviews, book deals, countless likes on social media…being treated as a ‘hero’ of the Me Too movement. While I’d like to think that most women would not invent fake sexual assault/harassment allegations to gain celebrity status, there is no doubt in my mind that there are many who would.

I predict that there will be an epidemic of false allegations over the next decade…to a point where they will become commonplace as kind of modern day witch hunt. Initially, it will be limited to high profile politicians and celebrities but it will eventually trickle down into mainstream society. Any one of you is a potential future victim. Any girl you have ever dumped or pissed off for some reason could one day wake up and decide that, for the past 20 years, she has been suppressing memories of some terrible thing you did one night when you were drunk at some party in high school or college. And then she will share her “Me Too experience” on social media. She will get attention, sympathy and many likes. And you will get fired from your job without an investigation or due process. Or worse.

Scary times we live in.


May 17, 2018
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By all accounts, Kavanugh is as close to a boy scout as you can find in Washington. Married father, goes to church, coaches his daughters' basketball team, the whole nine yards. Nominated and appointed to numerous important government jobs in the past; thoroughly investigated as part of the process. His co-workers love him. His ex's all say that he is a 'perfect gentleman'. Squeaky clean record. Yet, his life and career are about to be destroyed by a single, unproven allegation from 36 years ago.

Kavanaugh is a conservative judge nominate by Trump. If Kavanaugh is appointed, he will tilt the balance of the Supreme Court towards conservatism for decades. He will be the tie-breaking vote on cases involving highly controversial social issues, like abortion and the Second Amendment. His appointment will, quite literally, have a profound impact of the future political direction of the country.

Kavanaugh’s accuser is a liberal, pvssy hat wearing professor from California. She is a registered Democrat, attended anti-Trump protests, and considers herself part of the 'resistance'. The liberals have been freaking out about the Kavanaugh nomination and trying to do everything in their power to thwart it. Three days prior to the confirmation vote, the Democrats release the accuser's letter containing an allegation about something that allegedly happened in high school while Kavanaugh was teenager -- an allegation that is impossible to prove as much as it is impossible to disprove. Any intellectually honest person, regardless of their political leanings, can put two and two together and conclude that this is a hit job.

Yet, Democrat men are perfectly happy to throw Kavanaugh under the bus, even though they could very easily become victims of similar false allegations themselves. Women stick together and push the narrative that female accusers must always be believed. But men are all too happy to use made up allegations to destroy their opponents, even if, by doing so, they are digging their own graves. Any time you need to destroy a man’s reputation, all you need to do is find a female willing to accuse him of something…anything sexually inappropriate. And if the man is in a high-profile position, his accuser will become an overnight celebrity herself. TV interviews, book deals, countless likes on social media…being treated as a ‘hero’ of the Me Too movement. While I’d like to think that most women would not invent fake sexual assault/harassment allegations to gain celebrity status, there is no doubt in my mind that there are many who would.

I predict that there will be an epidemic of false allegations over the next decade…to a point where they will become commonplace as kind of modern day witch hunt. Initially, it will be limited to high profile politicians and celebrities but it will eventually trickle down into mainstream society. Any one of you is a potential future victim. Any girl you have ever dumped or pissed off for some reason could one day wake up and decide that, for the past 20 years, she has been suppressing memories of some terrible thing you did one night when you were drunk at some party in high school or college. And then she will share her “Me Too experience” on social media. She will get attention, sympathy and many likes. And you will get fired from your job without an investigation or due process. Or worse.

Scary times we live in.
This is why I've always said that accusations should be kept privately in courts so if there is no proof of anything happening his name and life is unaffected.

People should be presumed innocent until proven guilty. Automatically believing a woman's claims are true is the same thing as assuming the man is guilty. This is immoral, unethical and just plain sick.

I think when women bring up a claim from years ago it is such a joke. Even if it's just a year later. Why not say something right away? Document the proof, get a rape kit, whatever you have to do.

Freedom is more important than safety. If there is no evidence people should just assume he's innocent. This sh1t is ridiculous and honestly, false accusations are almost as bad or worse than actual rape, but different. Because if a woman is raped it's a horrible thing, but people will sympathize and be very kind to her and she can easily get help. When a man is accused its all over the news, people are just waiting for a reason to villianize men, and if it turns out she had no proof or admits she lied (or it's proven) people are no longer emotionally invested, there is no outrage. Infact in sure the perception would be more "well its good she wasn't raped" instead of "she is a liar and should be treated as a criminal".

It's a huge problem. It is to easy for a woman to make false accusations and affect people's lives like this. It should be all private until there is proof. Also women who accuse men should have their names made public so there can be character witnesses and it can be known if she has made a habit of acussing people, especially if falsely.


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2018
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You are absolutely right!

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
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The Dirty South
"You can't adjust the wind, but you can adjust your sails" - someone smart.

You said it yourself. No one cares enough to throw accusations at you unless you are really rich and important already (unless you did someone really bad, like those high school football players gang-banging that drunk girl a few years ago). These guys need to grab their nuts and own this stuff, whatever it was. No apologies, if it was nothing bad and there's no proof. Trump did it his entire presidency. Kavanaugh seems to be standing strong, so that is good.

This is the world we live in. It's scary, but accept it and work within it. The good news is, there are a bunch of women out there that are waking up to the nonsense.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
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This is the world we live in. It's scary, but accept it and work within it. The good news is, there are a bunch of women out there that are waking up to the nonsense.
Women should be the ones who are the most pissed off about this if they want to have any solidarity, not men, since the people that fake charges ultimately come back to hurt are the real female rape victims.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
He's a fvcking rapist. Fvck all of you who think that man deserves to be on the supreme court. His victim has been in therapy her entire life because of what she did to him, with very detailed therapists's notes, by the way. If you think she's lying, then she's been lying her entire life in what was supposed to be confidential therapy sessions. For anyone to think this is some sort of setup, you have to be a fvcking idiot....which is why this thread is on sosuave. You're all morons.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
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He's a fvcking rapist. Fvck all of you who think that man deserves to be on the supreme court. His victim has been in therapy her entire life because of what she did to him, with very detailed therapists's notes, by the way. If you think she's lying, then she's been lying her entire life in what was supposed to be confidential therapy sessions. For anyone to think this is some sort of setup, you have to be a fvcking idiot....which is why this thread is on sosuave. You're all morons.
I personally have no idea who this guy is or what the case is and don't really care to discuss mainstream media (which is why I didn't and still won't comment on it). But it's a fact that fake charges hurt exactly this kind of rape victim that you're now bringing up: we can see it directly verified in the existence of this thread.


May 17, 2018
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He's a fvcking rapist. Fvck all of you who think that man deserves to be on the supreme court. His victim has been in therapy her entire life because of what she did to him, with very detailed therapists's notes, by the way. If you think she's lying, then she's been lying her entire life in what was supposed to be confidential therapy sessions. For anyone to think this is some sort of setup, you have to be a fvcking idiot....which is why this thread is on sosuave. You're all morons.
The problem is that it can't be proven so it doesn't really matter.


May 23, 2013
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What type of teenage guy hasn’t tried to grope a date or party girl? She admits her clothes weren’t removed, so don’t call her a rape victim, she was obviously so traumatized that instead of filing a police report immediately, she had to wait over 30 years to spill her damaged soul at exactly the same time he’s being professionally considered for the nations top court…
Use your mind and don’t become a manipulated moron of the liberal press.
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Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
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Talking a younger girl into her giving some voluntary BJ’s isn’t rape…
I guess depending on your political beliefs and accusation means rape, or it means absolutely nothing.

Kavanugh's accuser said he groped her, and to some that PROVES he's a rapist.

Clinton has been accused of rape, by more than one woman, and Clinton's fans ASSUME every one of his accusers is lying.


Bill Clinton, the 42nd President of the United States (1993–2001), has been publicly accused of sexual misconduct by four women: Juanita Broaddrick accused Clinton of raping her in 1978; Kathleen Willey accused Clinton of groping her without consent in 1993; Leslie Millwee[1] accused Clinton of sexually assaulting her in 1980; and Paula Jones accused Clinton of exposing himself to her in 1991 as well as sexually harassing her. The Jones allegations became public in 1994, during Clinton's first term as president, while Willey's and Broaddrick's accusations became public in 1999, toward the end of Clinton's second term. Millwee did not make her accusations until 2016.


May 23, 2013
Reaction score
I guess depending on your political beliefs and accusation means rape, or it means absolutely nothing.

Kavanugh's accuser said he groped her, and to some that PROVES he's a rapist.

Clinton has been accused of rape, by more than one woman, and Clinton's fans ASSUME every one of his accusers is lying.


Bill Clinton, the 42nd President of the United States (1993–2001), has been publicly accused of sexual misconduct by four women: Juanita Broaddrick accused Clinton of raping her in 1978; Kathleen Willey accused Clinton of groping her without consent in 1993; Leslie Millwee[1] accused Clinton of sexually assaulting her in 1980; and Paula Jones accused Clinton of exposing himself to her in 1991 as well as sexually harassing her. The Jones allegations became public in 1994, during Clinton's first term as president, while Willey's and Broaddrick's accusations became public in 1999, toward the end of Clinton's second term. Millwee did not make her accusations until 2016.
Then my logical conclusion is that any women that feel they were miss appreciated in a mans past need to wait until he becomes nationally prominent to lodge any charges against him…
Hell hath no fury like a woman once scorned, and if you thing it dies off with time, you are gravely mistaken.
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Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score
He's a fvcking rapist. Fvck all of you who think that man deserves to be on the supreme court. His victim has been in therapy her entire life because of what she did to him, with very detailed therapists's notes, by the way. If you think she's lying, then she's been lying her entire life in what was supposed to be confidential therapy sessions. For anyone to think this is some sort of setup, you have to be a fvcking idiot....which is why this thread is on sosuave. You're all morons.
WTF are you taking about?? She wasn't in therapy her entire life. This stuff came up for the first time in 2012 when she was getting therapy as part of marriage counselling. She was getting therapy because her marriage was falling apart, not because of something that happened 36 years ago. And we don't know why her marriage was falling apart. It could very well be because of something she did, and she could have invented the whole 'attempted rape in high school' story as an excuse.

The information she gave to the therapist differs from what she is telling the Senate now. She said there were 4 attackers; now she says there are two. And she never mentioned Kavanaugh by name to her therapist (even though he was already a well-known public figure at the time).

Fvck you for saying that every man is guilty until proven innocent and deserves to have his career and reputation destroyed by a mere unproven allegation. You have to be one real dumb@s white knight piece of sh!t to consider this acceptable.


Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2016
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By all accounts, Kavanugh is as close to a boy scout as you can find in Washington. Married father, goes to church, coaches his daughters' basketball team, the whole nine yards. Nominated and appointed to numerous important government jobs in the past; thoroughly investigated as part of the process. His co-workers love him. His ex's all say that he is a 'perfect gentleman'. Squeaky clean record. Yet, his life and career are about to be destroyed by a single, unproven allegation from 36 years ago.

Kavanaugh is a conservative judge nominate by Trump. If Kavanaugh is appointed, he will tilt the balance of the Supreme Court towards conservatism for decades. He will be the tie-breaking vote on cases involving highly controversial social issues, like abortion and the Second Amendment. His appointment will, quite literally, have a profound impact of the future political direction of the country.

Kavanaugh’s accuser is a liberal, pvssy hat wearing professor from California. She is a registered Democrat, attended anti-Trump protests, and considers herself part of the 'resistance'. The liberals have been freaking out about the Kavanaugh nomination and trying to do everything in their power to thwart it. Three days prior to the confirmation vote, the Democrats release the accuser's letter containing an allegation about something that allegedly happened in high school while Kavanaugh was teenager -- an allegation that is impossible to prove as much as it is impossible to disprove. Any intellectually honest person, regardless of their political leanings, can put two and two together and conclude that this is a hit job.

Yet, Democrat men are perfectly happy to throw Kavanaugh under the bus, even though they could very easily become victims of similar false allegations themselves. Women stick together and push the narrative that female accusers must always be believed. But men are all too happy to use made up allegations to destroy their opponents, even if, by doing so, they are digging their own graves. Any time you need to destroy a man’s reputation, all you need to do is find a female willing to accuse him of something…anything sexually inappropriate. And if the man is in a high-profile position, his accuser will become an overnight celebrity herself. TV interviews, book deals, countless likes on social media…being treated as a ‘hero’ of the Me Too movement. While I’d like to think that most women would not invent fake sexual assault/harassment allegations to gain celebrity status, there is no doubt in my mind that there are many who would.

I predict that there will be an epidemic of false allegations over the next decade…to a point where they will become commonplace as kind of modern day witch hunt. Initially, it will be limited to high profile politicians and celebrities but it will eventually trickle down into mainstream society. Any one of you is a potential future victim. Any girl you have ever dumped or pissed off for some reason could one day wake up and decide that, for the past 20 years, she has been suppressing memories of some terrible thing you did one night when you were drunk at some party in high school or college. And then she will share her “Me Too experience” on social media. She will get attention, sympathy and many likes. And you will get fired from your job without an investigation or due process. Or worse.

Scary times we live in.
Sexual Misconduct or Rape accusatioins, including the MeeToo movement, have been flying around against every MAN in power by Women who get ''pump-dump, reject, plate demoted, left etc...''

I posted this in another thread... but alot of people getting accused I am sure they are pretty sexual but they all have been accused by ''fan-girls or girls they dated/plate for years until they were changed for a younger chick''..

These accusations are not being used to wage war against the ''Authority'' often by WOMEN who WANTS TO BE THE MAN.

Women are turning to these accusations in their war for power... Like Men rape women in genocidal war to ''purify the bloodline'' (check Africa Rape War etc...).

Accusations always come in when the ''accused'' is in the spotlight or in a position of weakness.

All these women using rape for a political cause are just throwing all the rape victims under the bus....

What people will think now that we know 80% of the rape accusations are false, when a REAL VICTIM cause out ?

In Canadian politics, politicians here are already calling being ''victim of intimidations by the other political party''....

Man... that we are pro-right, pro-left, conservative or liberal.... Using DRAMA FOR POWER is WRONG


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
Reaction score
Then my logical conclusion is that any women that feel they were miss appreciated in a mans past need to wait until he becomes nationally prominent to lodge any charges against him…
That seems to be the unwritten law of the land these days.

Problem is how do you tell the difference between actual, legal, victims and attention seekers?


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2018
Reaction score
He's a fvcking rapist. Fvck all of you who think that man deserves to be on the supreme court. His victim has been in therapy her entire life because of what she did to him, with very detailed therapists's notes, by the way. If you think she's lying, then she's been lying her entire life in what was supposed to be confidential therapy sessions. For anyone to think this is some sort of setup, you have to be a fvcking idiot....which is why this thread is on sosuave. You're all morons.
Shame tactics because you can't come up with a logical argument. Gee, how original. The allegation is clearly false.
1. Kavanaugh has been a prominent man for years. He has been part of the Bush administration and an Appeals judge.
2. There is no pattern. Numerous women talk anout how respectful he is to women.
3. She has supposedly only been in therapy for 6 years. Not her entire life. He was a considered a potential Supreme Court justice then.
4. The one man she said witnessed it says it didn't happen. That's the word of two people against one.
5. She can't even give a location. The only way Kavanaugh can prove beyond dpubt that he didn't rape her is demonstrate that he wasn't where she says he was at the time of incident, so she provides no location and time.
6. Diane Feinstein had this letter back in June and waited until the confirmation hearings were over to reveal it. This is clearly an 11th last ditch attempt to stall his confirmation in hopes that Democrats will win the Senate in November. Then they hope they can delay a confirmation until after they control the Senate in January if they win. At that point they can reject any Trump nominee thst goes against their agenda. If Feinstein thought Kavsnaugh was really a rapist she should have revealed it weeks ago. That's a huge thing to hide about a Supreme Court nominee.
7. She does not want to testify before the committee claiming she wants the FBI to investigate first. Investigate what? This doesn't fall under FBI jurisdiction. Only local enforcement can investigate this if it isn't past a statute of limitstions as it would be a state offense, but she hasn't even given a location.
8. She scrubbed her social media last week. She is a liberal, anti-Trump activist.

Dude, you are very blue pill. Keep drinking that koolaid.


May 23, 2013
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Problem is how do you tell the difference between actual, legal, victims and attention seekers?
You can’t, does that tell you anything about how far out whack the different mindsets between the two sexes are these days?
Discovery of that is the purpose of this forum.
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Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2018
Reaction score
You can’t, does that tell you anything about how far out whack the different mindsets between the two sexes are these days?
Discovery of that is the purpose of this forum.
You can sometimes. This is one such case where it is clear she is an attention seeker. Obviously, not everyone can see that though.


May 17, 2018
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He's a fvcking rapist. Fvck all of you who think that man deserves to be on the supreme court. His victim has been in therapy her entire life because of what she did to him, with very detailed therapists's notes, by the way. If you think she's lying, then she's been lying her entire life in what was supposed to be confidential therapy sessions. For anyone to think this is some sort of setup, you have to be a fvcking idiot....which is why this thread is on sosuave. You're all morons.
Besides, why didn't she come out before? Why right now? It's obviously a desperate ploy by democrats to subvert the choice of the man that the American people chose to lead the country.

Bill Clinton was an a actual rapist and he was our president for two terms. But democrats weren't complaining then. How is this not obvious?
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