Who cares.

Alex DeLarge

Master Don Juan
May 26, 2011
Reaction score
This site places so much emphasis on women to the point where most posters become a neurotic over-analytical mess in response to some minute detail of an interaction with a female. I'll tell you right now.. I don't care anymore. What a woman is going to think about me on a date is her own problem. If I'm happy doing whatever I'm doing, and she is not.. Then adios!

But I want to talk about a brief example. Some of you may call me an AFC. But I couldn't care less.

Last night I was out with my group of best friends. Within that group is a girl and we both have some off and on relationship dynamic going (casual). We were by a fire last night and it was just her and I briefly for a minute, we started kissing and all that. Then I said to her "I want you to be my girlfriend." Then she denied me saying "I'm not looking for a boyfriend right now." I said "Okay, I appreciate you being up front and honest with me." and just continued hanging out with her. We kept making out. She held my hand all night, and I just didn't really give a fvck. Didn't end in sex, but whatever.

The point I'm trying to make here.. Is who cares if a woman does or doesn't want to be "official". If they like you and want to be with you, they don't need some label to turn down other guys for you.. And if they don't turn a guy down for you, then who cares! Keep doing what you're doing. Girls in their 20's like to have fun, don't take it as an insult. You should be out having fun too.

Forget your ego, forget having any label over others for power. Just live in the moment and do what you want.


Don Juan
Dec 18, 2011
Reaction score
The emphasis to this is that you shouldn't care less if women reject you or not. Valid point Alex but repetitive dialogue. I dont think this is the main problem many men have out there. I believe it is desperation and hope that they get accepted by the "vag" and/or those who they deem interesting or what society implements is acceptable.

It's a sad realization.


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
Alex DeLarge said:
This site places so much emphasis on women to the point where most posters become a neurotic over-analytical mess in response to some minute detail of an interaction with a female.
Well, one thing I've come to realize lately is that a lot of guys here are just as crazy as the girls we rant about.

Don't get me wrong, I love this place. Everyone here is pretty cool, and on the same page regarding lots of things. But, uh, some of these guys are kinda f**ked in the head.

Instinctively, you want to envision a lot of these guys as ambitious, healthy people. But just like the rest of the world, some people here are just kinda...weird.


Master Don Juan
Sep 19, 2001
Reaction score
North America
Iceberg said:
Well, one thing I've come to realize lately is that a lot of guys here are just as crazy as the girls we rant about.


Instinctively, you want to envision a lot of these guys as ambitious, healthy people. But just like the rest of the world, some people here are just kinda...weird.
The truth. Too much ranting and whining in this place about how women are emotional, women are illogical - and yet many of the people making these claims need to take a hard look in the mirror and see that they are guilty of exactly what they are accusing females of being.

Humans are human. We all have our flaws. We ALL think emotionally. Men included.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2011
Reaction score
South Africa
I'll be the first to admit i'm fvcked in the head... Nothing further.


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2011
Reaction score
exile663dfx said:
The emphasis to this is that you shouldn't care less if women reject you or not. Valid point Alex but repetitive dialogue. I dont think this is the main problem many men have out there. I believe it is desperation and hope that they get accepted by the "vag" and/or those who they deem interesting or what society implements is acceptable.

It's a sad realization.
I will have to agree with you.

I don't care so much about rejection personally but I do want to get accepted by the "vag". It's like being able to throw a 3-pointer in basketball. I just want to be able to do it for the sake of it. Nobody wants to end their day with the idea of "I can't". So we endeavor until we can.

The main problem imo would be someone who was (subconsciously) holding themselves back or making up bullsh*t excuses why something didn't work instead of actually addressing the issue. Like Einstein said: "Instanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2006
Reaction score
Alex De Large, there is some validity to your post. I have been guilty in the past, while on a date, instead of enjoying myself and letting the chips fall, I am analyzing the entire event.. Then once over I am still doing it.

Now with that said, I have learned to stop that nonsense and JUST enjoy myself. Also, my experience has taught me if I have to analyze after the said date, I can rest assure it did not go well. If I just relax and have fun, I will walk away knowing the date was success and it leads to further action with my date.

Sometimes and a different times, we are on here venting when things are not going well.. If a lot of people not familiar with our forum came and saw, they would think we hated women at times. Simply NOT true.

Instead of trying to find/ point out the negatives of our stellar site, find what helps you. I will say in the several years since finding this site, my game has improved drastically! I was decent with women before finding sosuave,but way better now.. The stories here sometimes cannot be beaten!!

Two of the best posts were:
Rollo finding a solid gold piece where a guy finds his lady cheated on him. The radio station calls her on the air and she thinks he is calling to propose.

Desinova had a battle with some hateful broad on a dating site and ripped her to pieces.. It was either DES or Rollo, my memory eludes me right now. But I still look it up for inspiration. It was fvcking outstanding!!

And God rest his soul, Jophil was one our forums MOST solid posters. He and I talked some on IM. He is missed.

OP, whether you find gold here or not is on you, but trust me, it is here!


Don Juan
Feb 26, 2012
Reaction score
I think it's because in some ways it's a measure of where you are at/how you are doing in life if you at least have the ability to attract women. It's not really bout the women, so in individual cases of *****iness, I agree F*CK em. But overall, as a whole, in the world at large, it tends to be a reflection of us or of something missing in us if we can't attract women. That something missing is usually something that would help us across the board. That's why so many of these sites turn into self-improvement style forums.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 29, 2011
Reaction score
Alex, another good post. You're more insightful than some men twice your senior on this board. Following your journal, back when you were struggling to seal the deal with girls, you were over analyzing every event instead of just living. Once you stopped caring, and started going for it without thinking too much into things, you were able to close chicks.

Make no mistake, a lot of the stuff on here is smoke and mirrors. If you have genuine, inner confidence, and you don't put women on a pedistal/care about outcomes and just live life, everything will come easier, not just women.

Cheers friend


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
Excellent thread Alex. Who knows how rich I could be right now if I spent more time trying to get my business poppin instead of being here. More people need to worry about getting there money game up then how to pick up chicks. Once you get the money the confidence and girls will follow.

Instead of worrying bout who that b!tch fvcking
Why don't you get you some money
Wiz Khalifa


Alex you are spot on the money!

I was in a night club the other night to celebrate my 23rd Birthday and I was dancing like a complete idiot, I mean the dancing was so comical it was unbelievable, it had my friends in fits of laughter, one of my friends was in tears of laughter. I was having a fun time being a lunatic on the dancefloor and I actually pulled this girl, a cute blond chick through my dancing, she was laughing her head off and decided to start dancing with me and then boom, I lamped her with my lips.

Not caring is simply the best way to succeed in life, because there is no pressure on you. I reckon the people who find the whole game difficult are those who place such high expectations on themselves and who care about results way too much then they should.