What stocks do you guys own?


Master Don Juan
Jul 24, 2012
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depends on the type of bricks and mortar.

High end office will always be in demand for a long time.

Industrial is looking amazing. Retail being replaced by distribution hubs. Even with AI, you still need workshops.

Most of history shows new tech creates jobs as well as destroying them. Think of auto pilot on an aircraft. It frees up pilots to do other stuff. We have lost flight engineers, but we have many, many more pilots needed.
Do agree with depends on space, imagine industrial, wharehouses, low cost senior housing will all have increasing demand. High end office space does have a lot of pressure to the downside though. There have been some major defaults lately and there are very large funds doing it. SF and NYC are having some major issues with this, as well as other cities. That type of space is very expensive to convert to other uses as well. Here is an article on it, there are many out there about this. Also companies as they renew their leases they will not need as much room with work from home and layoffs. Add in having to adjust costs to higher rates, could be a recipe for many more defaults coming down the pipe

I am not sure new tech will balance out job creation and destruction though. Some major sectors can potentially get wiped out like drivers, back office, admin etc That is just my guess but personally do not know enough about that to have a strong opinion

One last thing to add as well, the past few years showed companies it is possible to work remotely. This will potentially drive wages down in western countries if labor can be done outside an immediate area or country. Again, no sure how big an effect this will have 5-10+yrs from now
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Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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Do agree with depends on space, imagine industrial, wharehouses, low cost senior housing will all have increasing demand. High end office space does have a lot of pressure to the downside though. There have been some major defaults lately and there are very large funds doing it. SF and NYC are having some major issues with this, as well as other cities. That type of space is very expensive to convert to other uses as well. Here is an article on it, there are many out there about this. Also companies as they renew their leases they will not need as much room with work from home and layoffs. Add in having to adjust costs to higher rates, could be a recipe for many more defaults coming down the pipe

I am not sure new tech will balance out job creation and destruction though. Some major sectors can potentially get wiped out like drivers, back office, admin etc That is just my guess but personally do not know enough about that to have a strong opinion

One last thing to add as well, the past few years showed companies it is possible to work remotely. This will potentially drive wages down in western countries if labor can be done outside an immediate area or country. Again, no sure how big an effect this will have 5-10+yrs from now
Well, the one thing you can do is cancel any company where an Indian picks up the phone.

that’s what I do. No questions asked. I’m fed up with people trying to answer queries who can’t properly speak English.

You know the feeling. When the customer service call is answered and you hear and strong accent and you think “this is going to be painful”


Master Don Juan
Jul 24, 2012
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Well, the one thing you can do is cancel any company where an Indian picks up the phone.

that’s what I do. No questions asked. I’m fed up with people trying to answer queries who can’t properly speak English.

You know the feeling. When the customer service call is answered and you hear and strong accent and you think “this is going to be painful”
Totally understand, haven't dealt with that recently but remember this happening a while back with anything tech related. Literally couldn't understand anything. Not sure how much attention you are paying to AI, chatgpt etc but think programs like this may replace a lot of low level customer service. It is moving at a really fast space, not sure if that is a good thing but it is happening. Going to be an interesting decade.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 15, 2023
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Spent the last 2 years swing & day trading to offset the losses and volatility in my mutual funds. Got to be a little too much computer work for me and threw it all back into the mutuals at the end of 2022. Things are starting to look a little better lately and am looking at poking around some more.

I don't invest individually on steady slow movers like Apple & Disney, I leave that to the mutual funds, and focus on things that produce better at the moment.

When oil is popping I'll work Valero, Devon, Marathon. Health & pharmaceuticals like Vertex & Cardinal health look interesting at times, and day trade anything that's hitting. Made a couple good moves with Revlon that way.

Swing & day trading takes a lot monitoring online so I have to weigh out the time/effort factor with having a life.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2013
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Gold, Silver. Learn options and covered calls.


Master Don Juan
Jul 24, 2012
Reaction score
Gold, Silver. Learn options and covered calls.
I own a good amount of physical metals but really look at it more as insurance and last line of defense. If you are trading only paper you are missing out on some of the key reasons to own it as a hedge against the system. If you go physical you are instantly negative just based on dealer premiums. There are a lot of nuances and ways you can get screwed. In my opinion, important to own but going much over 10% you can seriously handicap yourself. You could make the case for more at this point in time but have to be careful. Metals influencers are basically the boomer versions of meme coin crypto influencers.


Master Don Juan
Dec 14, 2020
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When gold pulls back it will be the buying opportunity of all time


Master Don Juan
Jul 24, 2012
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When gold pulls back it will be the buying opportunity of all time
you think there is a massive deflationary event that crushes gold? Not sure we get a large pull back at this point but anything is possible. What range do you think it pulls back to?


Master Don Juan
Dec 14, 2020
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you think there is a massive deflationary event that crushes gold? Not sure we get a large pull back at this point but anything is possible. What range do you think it pulls back to?
I don’t know. But it’s been my observation that when gold rallies like this it is to set up new retail bag holders


Master Don Juan
Jul 24, 2012
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I don’t know. But it’s been my observation that when gold rallies like this it is to set up new retail bag holders
Very possible, metals cycles are incredibly long, imagine is it is probably one of the oldest and mature markets there is. Personally do not think we get a major sustained pullback, think we had that past couple years after it hit new highs in 2020. Anything is possible though


Dec 30, 2022
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I own 0 stocks but make 7 figures a year. and yes this is a flex.. I don't care to be humble about how much I make because i remember being dead broke .. I dont flaunt it much anywhere I go and live pretty modestly besides having a nice penthouse style apartment.. and buying a few nice pieces of designer clothing once in a while and eating at fine dining restaurants.

Growing up we didn't even eat at restaurants as a family or if we did, it was rarely- we barely bought anything we didn't need-- I didn't grow up with cable tv or any of that.. I could barely go on school trips and used to get embarassed when my teachers made me write a letter to the PTO thanking them for sponsoring my field trip when a friend would see and ask "hey whats that". I even remember attacking some kid who livedin my apartment building because he asked me "why do u wear the same clothes do u guys not have any money" -- he didnt mean it in a bad way i think but it made me react badly because I knew we were poor.

I want people to know one thing.. I was successful with women even before I became wealthy. I was having threesomes with women before I had money. But becoming wealthy just upped and improved everything in my life. Having a nice apartment downtown + bottle service/getting a table/booth at clubs was the moment I realized that I can literally put 0 effort and sleep with tons of diff women all the time, and yes I did take advantage of that for a bit until covid hit. To me that's not even important because at the age that I am, I already slept with a plethora of women and to me women and sex aren't my main priority. I have a mother and brother who I want to see better themselves in every way, friends that are like my support system and tribe, and i'm focused on helping them be better the same way they are focused on helping all of us be better. I don't care to own a super car or multiple super cars, or multiple houses, or for fame or notoriety, -- anyone who knows me knows im a simple dude.. but people will say I do have a huge ego at times -- but i can gladly say i earned the right to have one.

My next venture in life is to be ready to start a family.. I think theres no greater joy as a man than raising kids that he can be proud of.


Apr 22, 2023
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I’d like to invest in advanced robotics and also holographic technology. Any stock ticker recommendations for those?

I have been watching the ticker WIMI for a while now: the shares are currently under $1 and the company is developing holographic augmented reality technology for advertising.


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2023
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I’d like to invest in advanced robotics and also holographic technology. Any stock ticker recommendations for those?

I have been watching the ticker WIMI for a while now: the shares are currently under $1 and the company is developing holographic augmented reality technology for advertising.
Do not invest in WIMI, if the stock is trading at under $1, it's technically on its way to being out of compliance with NASDAQ exchange listing rules. Of course they'll do a reverse split to regain compliance, but it's just a bad sign in general. These small caps on such a downward trajectory rarely make meaningful improvement, they typically teeter in the gray zone.


Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
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Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2012
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To the original poster: I don't have a bunch of disposable income but if I did and wanted to invest in the stock market I would buy into Tesla, Microsoft, and Coinbase. For future reference.... the time will pass. It's 8/21/23. To anyone reading this. I'm basing my picks on a few factors but the timing I'm basing on the Benner Cycle. From now until early 2026 if you're in these stocks you should make money. Sell for profit in early 2026.

Let's see if the stock picks were right and if the Benner Cycle is right again.


Master Don Juan
Dec 14, 2020
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To the original poster: I don't have a bunch of disposable income but if I did and wanted to invest in the stock market I would buy into Tesla, Microsoft, and Coinbase. For future reference.... the time will pass. It's 8/21/23. To anyone reading this. I'm basing my picks on a few factors but the timing I'm basing on the Benner Cycle. From now until early 2026 if you're in these stocks you should make money. Sell for profit in early 2026.

Let's see if the stock picks were right and if the Benner Cycle is right again.
Dude I will totally invest some in there just to see if you are right lol


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2023
Reaction score
To the original poster: I don't have a bunch of disposable income but if I did and wanted to invest in the stock market I would buy into Tesla, Microsoft, and Coinbase. For future reference.... the time will pass. It's 8/21/23. To anyone reading this. I'm basing my picks on a few factors but the timing I'm basing on the Benner Cycle. From now until early 2026 if you're in these stocks you should make money. Sell for profit in early 2026.

Let's see if the stock picks were right and if the Benner Cycle is right again.
I'm confused, I'm aware of the Benner cycle, but thought it was more in-line with commodities pricing, as opposed to tech stocks. What makes TSLA, MSFT, & COIN good three year options? I'm not arguing that they aren't worth considering investing in but all will have major issues to manage. Coinbase is embroiled in SEC regulatory fights, Tesla will have a tough time increasing profitability while scaling over the next few years, and a lot of the upside around the potential of AI near term is already baked into Microsoft's current valuation.


Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2012
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Why Tesla, Microsoft, and Coinbase? First off, the electric car market is still in its infancy. Also, I forget where but I heard a while back that Tesla's endgame isn't to just be in the car business but that they also have in mind becoming a utilities business which is an even bigger market. Like an energy company that starts with cars and branches out.

Microsoft I think will continue to gain for a few reasons but the biggest ones that come to mind are that it partnered with OpenAI using GPT4 which is more advanced than Google's AI. I'm not saying that Microsoft will replace Google as the main search engine. It's just that Bing, while a good search engine before, had such a tiny piece of the pie. With the excitement around ChatGPT and it being integrated into Bing, I think Microsoft's piece of the pie will be smaller than Google's but because the slice was so small to begin with the growth will be exponential.

It's like you have this huge Goliath of a bodybuilder called Google. Now there's this 90 lb weakling that dedicates his life to bodybuilding and he actually develops a good physique. Maybe he even competes in some amateur competitions. He'll never match Goliath but he improved a lot. Maybe he even doubled in size. He's still smaller but the gains were huge for him.

Now onto Coinbase. Mr. Evil McEvil, Fink from Blackrock, I saw an interview with him months ago. He said that "tokenization of assetts" is the wave of the future and that Blackrock had invested in Coinbase. He kept mentioning Coinbase. So I think there's something to it.

I will find the Benner Cycle chart that says at the bottom that it's good to use for investing in stocks and post it later. Some time within the next day or two.