Valentines Cards.


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
Reaction score
The Valentines Card and Christmas,Birthdays etc,though a cynical way for card makers to coin brass can also be another valuable weapon in the Don Juans Arsenal...Having committed yourself to the philandering life style you need to build on your essential infrastructure...First learn to write well...I talk of the mechanical skill...So buy yourself a Scribal Fountain Pen(US and the best)A bottle of black ink and a Hyperdermic to fill the cartridges suppied...Then get a copious supply of good quality cartridge paper and learn to write copperplate...get a line guide,Just doodle at the TV or during Lunch Hour...Be bold like Napoleon draw florid outlines of the Capital letters,let yourself go...In a surprisingly short time you will be writing in the Old Fashioned Style...Next you need a supply of good quality cards...We can buy Monets and other French Artist works for a dollar or so over here they advertise to the World your Culture,Worldliness and Erudition...Next some Textas,broad Felt Pens...Red,Black,Blue...Now to the Envelopes,Draw a line at 45 degees about half an inch at each corner in black put a little circle on each end...Now draw three Parallel lines around each card in each colour Texta...Red in the middle,lines a bit more than a sixteenth of an inch apart...Now get some soft 6B or4B pencils...Get a piece of Tracing Paper from your Stationer...Go to your Library get a Field book on birds out find a picture about 2-3 inches high of say a Whistling Lark or a thrush sitting on a stump...It's little head thrown back in fulsome joy,its beak wide open as it sings its song to the World.... now Trace this picture onto the paper....Turn the Paper over...Retrace the outline...Now by turning over and tracing its shape again,you have reproduced this picture in the left corner of the envelope...You might even omit the texta lines in that corner....Draw it out properly with soft dark strokes...Now project and extend the Open Beak with three parallel lines top and bottom...let musical chords drop from it.....underneath this write in ink Happy whatever.....A few stylised flying birds,a rising Sun,and your envelope is ready...The card and its contents? the net is full of suggestions,the lyrics of songs,Poetry the Sky is the limit just be carefree and flamboyent....The results will reduce their knees to quivering jelly...they never got anything like this before...What sort of Guy is this?.....It works and not just on the dating Scene...I have traded on it for Forty years Promise.
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Senior Don Juan
Apr 29, 2014
Reaction score
Midwest United States
Not gonna lie, I read the whole thing!

Get a gym membership guys. Your best Valentines gift to her is the way your muscles feel when she scratches you, when you DOMINATE her.

And no cards!


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2012
Reaction score
Glad my wife hates cards.. Flowers and chocolate (she likes chocolate just not on those "relationshipy" days.. Says its a waste of money..