Turns out he's a chump...


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2010
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So, I've been watching the World Cup matches and was quite happy the US won its match. Anyway, Donovan, the man who literally is a fvcking hero, turns out is a major chump.

He shows in front of millions that he's not over his ex-wife by blowing her a kiss on camera!


Look at the pic of both in that article. Who's got the higher IL? I wonder who initiated the divorce... ;)

Ayayay.... Emulate this guy and play whatever sport you dig like he plays soccer. Just don't be a chump like him when it comes to relationships...


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
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It's not really going to matter. He's high-enough profile now that chicks from around the globe are going to be chasing him. No matter how into his ex he is now, after being pursued by a ton of hotter, sexier, younger, easier women he will lose interest in her. Just watch.

Which is why I always say that "game" is merely the simulation of dating tons of chicks. If you ARE dating tons of chicks, you don't need game. Or, to be more precise, you already have it without thinking about it.


Don Juan
Dec 22, 2005
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I think this forum offers a lot of valuable insight on how to better yourself as a person and what-not. But threads like this make me lose faith in the overall message that this forum is sending.
Here is a guy that is one of the best in the world at what he does, makes millions of dollars doing it, and some dude behind a computer screen calls him a chump for blowing a kiss at his ex.
The only thing important in life is happiness and I think a great measure of happiness is confidence. Having said that I think it takes a tremendous amount of confidence to blow a kiss at your ex in front of thousands of ppl.
I think there is something severely wrong with the way you evaluate people if someone blowing a kiss makes you lose respect for them.


Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2009
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originaldj said:
I think this forum offers a lot of valuable insight on how to better yourself as a person and what-not. But threads like this make me lose faith in the overall message that this forum is sending.
Here is a guy that is one of the best in the world at what he does, makes millions of dollars doing it, and some dude behind a computer screen calls him a chump for blowing a kiss at his ex.
The only thing important in life is happiness and I think a great measure of happiness is confidence. Having said that I think it takes a tremendous amount of confidence to blow a kiss at your ex in front of thousands of ppl.
I think there is something severely wrong with the way you evaluate people if someone blowing a kiss makes you lose respect for them.
Why put a nice wrapper around a piece of ****?

He's blowing his ex a kiss after a huge achievement, thats faggot behaviour. It is what it is, that was a weak thing to do. He looks like he's hugging her like a chode in the foto in the article also.

He's not even that good, USA cant play football! I would be shocked if they make it to the semi finals, even with having by far the easiest run of games in the second round.


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2007
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Ease said:
Why put a nice wrapper around a piece of ****?

He's blowing his ex a kiss after a huge achievement, thats faggot behaviour. It is what it is, that was a weak thing to do. He looks like he's hugging her like a chode in the foto in the article also.

He's not even that good, USA cant play football! I would be shocked if they make it to the semi finals, even with having by far the easiest run of games in the second round.
Well we finished ahead you guys, what does that say about your country? That England is garbage...Yup.


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2010
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Zarky said:
It's not really going to matter. He's high-enough profile now that chicks from around the globe are going to be chasing him. No matter how into his ex he is now, after being pursued by a ton of hotter, sexier, younger, easier women he will lose interest in her. Just watch.
Oh I know with all this new-found fame, he's gonna get laid more than I could ever dream. That is a fact. And I'm glad for the guy. What bothers me I'll explain later.

Based on the photo, I can tell that he was WAAAY into her. She was probably marginally (if at all) into him. Some guys are unfixable and will never get over a women they're infatuated with. I just hope this Donovan guy's not one of them.


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2010
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originaldj said:
Here is a guy that is one of the best in the world at what he does, makes millions of dollars doing it, and some dude behind a computer screen calls him a chump for blowing a kiss at his ex.
It's called calling a spade a spade.

Having said that I think it takes a tremendous amount of confidence to blow a kiss at your ex in front of thousands of ppl. I think there is something severely wrong with the way you evaluate people if someone blowing a kiss makes you lose respect for them.
Dude, had it been his loving wife of 10 years, his mother or a daughter, it would have been perfectly fine. It is a manly trait to express affection for the women in one's life. But for an ex!? Come on!!

I respect the guy as a soccer player. I have NO respect for the guy as a man.


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2010
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Okay, what bothers me about this whole ordeal is that this guy, who's just about a national hero to those of us who enjoy soccer, just displayed an extreme AFC behavior not only in front of television watchers in the U.S. No, that chump had to do it in front of millions, MILLIONS across the globe!!

Here we have a potential role-model for young boys across America telling them "It's okay to put you ex on a pedestal!" I swear to God man, men in this country are getting more pvssified by the minute! I mean former presidents are putting their arms around the guy like buddies and he's blowing kisses at his ex?

I know I'm preaching to the choir here but, FVCK!!

Ease said:
He's not even that good, USA cant play football! I would be shocked if they make it to the semi finals, even with having by far the easiest run of games in the second round.
Ah you crazy Brits and your jealousy! ;)


Don Juan
Aug 30, 2009
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I saw his interview after the match and he sounds real squickyy and chumpish. And from that photo, he looks like a regular AFC. But who caresss! Not everyperson in the world is trying to be a DJ. Most people probably don't even know about all the stuff thats discussed here. If he's happy with himself chasing after his ex, then let him be. Let him crash and burn like all of us has. Then maybe he'll find this site and join us. Be on the lookout for a future new poster with a soccer nickname!

I wonder what screenname he would give himself. Goldenballs? landonheartbianca? onlythingiscorewitisanet? GOOOL??


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2010
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phenomenom said:
But who caresss! Not everyperson in the world is trying to be a DJ. Most people probably don't even know about all the stuff thats discussed here. If he's happy with himself chasing after his ex, then let him be. Let him crash and burn like all of us has.
Dude, I totally agree! He can and should do whatever the hell he wants with his life. What I'm concerned about is the behavior being displayed to millions. After I found out who this Bianca chick was, I felt a little embarrassed to be an American: "Sh!t, people all over the world saw this and when they find out on the 'net or on their TV news that this guy's blowing kisses at an ex-wife... they're gonna realize that this American Hero is a chump!" I mean, we Americans are not well liked overseas but at least we shouldn't be considered pvssies! :D

And the American kids being exposed to such faggotry! "What about the children?! Won't somebody please think of the children!?"

Then maybe he'll find this site and join us. Be on the lookout for a future new poster with a soccer nickname!

I wonder what screenname he would give himself. Goldenballs? landonheartbianca? onlythingiscorewitisanet? GOOOL??
Haha! It will probably be:



Master Don Juan
Sep 15, 2009
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U.S. East


Master Don Juan
Sep 15, 2009
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U.S. East
What's with the hate on random high profile people all of a sudden? Someone's still passing that haterade around. Not every person is trying to become a DJ...

Tell you what: get your **** together become a high profile sports athlete who makes tons of money and meets former presidents, then you can talk **** about him. But we know that's probably not going to happen. So stop ****ting him if he's not successful with women, he's successful in a lot of other things.

I feel people are pointing at these high profile figures and trying to feed their egos by saying that they are more DJ than all of these stars. Suggestion: go analyze the field reports that people are posting in the main discussion forum not the behavior of eminem or football players; you'd actually be helping people out.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
What's with the hate on random high profile people all of a sudden? Someone's still passing that haterade around. Not every person is trying to become a DJ...
I don't agree with him blowing a kiss to his ex. Exes are exes for a reason, I don't think trying to get back with them is a good idea.

But you're right, not everybody is trying to be a DJ. He's probably spent so much of his life working on his soccer that he hasn't really thought about women that much. They aren't his priority. He's still a pretty young guy, he hasn't learned all his life lessons yet. He'll get to it. Like phenomenon said, let him crash and burn like the rest of us.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 23, 2009
Reaction score
Ease said:
Why put a nice wrapper around a piece of ****?

He's blowing his ex a kiss after a huge achievement, thats faggot behaviour. It is what it is, that was a weak thing to do. He looks like he's hugging her like a chode in the foto in the article also.

He's not even that good, USA cant play football! I would be shocked if they make it to the semi finals, even with having by far the easiest run of games in the second round.
haha its funny the US doesnt give 2 ****s about stupid ass "football" and you guys jizz in your pants at the mention of it and we STILL did better!! haha proud to be an AMERICAN!!


Senior Don Juan
Dec 23, 2009
Reaction score
Ease said:
Why put a nice wrapper around a piece of ****?

He's blowing his ex a kiss after a huge achievement, thats faggot behaviour. It is what it is, that was a weak thing to do. He looks like he's hugging her like a chode in the foto in the article also.

He's not even that good, USA cant play football! I would be shocked if they make it to the semi finals, even with having by far the easiest run of games in the second round.
haha its funny the US doesnt give 2 ****s about stupid ass "football" and you guys jizz in your pants at the mention of it and we STILL did better!! haha proud to be an AMERICAN!! its funny when other countries think they are superior in any way


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
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