Turned 51 a while back.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
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So I turned 51 a while back. No big day or nothing, dozen or so Facebook happy birthdays and that was it.

Finding it tough being this age, I'm still in good health and finding it harder each year to dig women close to my age.
I've been chasing the younger ones around the 30 to 38 mark but got shut down so often now that I'm thinking WTF maybe this is how it goes from now on.
I mostly get fatties and older women smiling at me, and it's pretty depressing.Though occasionally I get a looker that's interested.
Most of my friends are blue pill guys and have no idea what I'm talking about and in the end I figure in their eyes I start to look like a d1ck who talks outta his azz.

They say sh1t like "chicks like it when you buy em things and treat them like a lady" and then run out buying chicks drinks and opening doors and generally getting dissed but thinking it's success.

It's not that long ago that I had a string of successes with younger chicks, some of them just gorgeous. Then my brother died, sh1t hit the fan in my life and I had to work work work for the last 5 years, and I drunk way too much!
Before I knew it I'd kind of rolled over the 50 mark and into a new era in life.

Now it's become a matter of pride as much as anything else, you know, like who is right Englishman who says his buddies are living in the matrix and should take the red pill, or my buddies that say "hey, you know we heard enough of your BS, now shut up and learn how it goes and open some doors and your wallet for da ladies!" all said with a look of I told you so ridicule.

Not sure what to do? Any other guys on here over 50?


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2012
Reaction score
I am not near to 50 , but I think it is hard to a single man or woman to get aged .people look at singles as looser , unless you have a good social circle established it is hard to live without a family put aside a desire to have offspring like all creatures want .


Don Juan
Jan 7, 2013
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I'm not 50 as well, but keep in mind that at 51 you're in pretty good health. Think about all the friends that are in your age range and how they let themselves go. So you've got that going for you.

Sounds like you're just in a slump right now. Keep on pushing out those plates and remember at 51 that you have plenty of wisdom on your side.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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This is one of the reasons I came here, I was concerned about my age. Really, as long as you stay in shape and have built yourself into some sort of success on some level, I've found it hasn't really made much of a difference.

There is definitely no reason that you have to stick to women your own age, although there are some attractive ones out there. I've never banged a woman over 40. I've had girls in their 20s express desire for me. I live with a girl 15 years my junior. I have a friend my age who pumps and dumps 18-22 year olds routinely.

Most of the limitations are in your head. I wouldn't buy too heavily into all that red pill/blue pill stuff though. You don't want to turn into a weirdo. Just be aware of the pitfalls and act like a normal person.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
zekko said:
I wouldn't buy too heavily into all that red pill/blue pill stuff though. You don't want to turn into a weirdo. Just be aware of the pitfalls and act like a normal person.
lol, yep I hear you Zekko, sometimes I have a tendency to go towards the weird side. I'm sort of a creative type and thinking on the fringe is not hard for me.

It's kind of like I need a fortunate break to bust me out of the slump I'm in.

Years ago I was in a similar slump and I went on a holiday to China and then Thailand.
I'd never been before and I ended up staying away 3 months.
The holiday started well with a threesome in Shanghai, then I had more sex in Thailand than I could shake a stick at.
I'm not saying that bar girls are conquests or anything like that, some guys look down on it and that's up to them, however it did seem to jump start my life again.
I think I had a great vibe after that, I had a gorgeous young women climb in the shower with me, then banged another and was on a roll.
Whereas at the moment I think I'm giving off a bit of a dry balls vibe haha... gotta get out of that one.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
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evan12 said:
I am not near to 50 , but I think it is hard to a single man or woman to get aged .people look at singles as looser , unless you have a good social circle established it is hard to live without a family put aside a desire to have offspring like all creatures want .
I have a kid evan, shes 30 in september! holy smokes, I think that makes me old :rockon:


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
I think I can get my sh1t together and actually do OK.

The last 5 years that I had to work really hard, though a pain in the azz have been productive.

I bought a big house and made it into a guest house, has 10 bedrooms that I rent out.
The house is worth about 200 thousand more than what I paid for it and I have around 60k a year in revenue from it and it really doesn't take much effort to run it now that all the hard work is done.
I got into the deal and I knew it would be tough, but worth it in the end. I'd only had the house a short while and my kid brother took his own life back in the U.K.
Of course that screwed my head for a long while, but I didn't give in I stuck at it.
I kinda need to spend plenty of time on me now I think, sort of a cliche but true. Get rid of my bit of a gut, get plenty holidays and don't burn out. Cultivate my positivity etc...


Senior Don Juan
Sep 14, 2006
Reaction score
Finding decent looking females close to your age is going to be rough since most quality chick's that old are married or taken. Being as financially well off as you are makes you a sugar daddy target.

If you still look decent for your age, I wouldn't volunteer it unless they asked. That way you just might attract a hot milf. Deep down they really want a guy close to their age but are in the same boat as you; lots of older guys let themselves go too.


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2011
Reaction score
North America
It is definitely getting difficult to find a woman my age and be attracted to her. Blackmm is correct, the high quality ones are usually taken.

If you're going to the easy places (internet, bar?), then it is quite limited.
I joined a hiking club for something to do and was surprised at the number of single, reasonable women who are in the same situation as I.

Last one I went to, I got two phone numbers without even really asking for them.

Join something that is new and you can tolerate, you might be surprised.


PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
Reaction score
East Coast USA
Age doesn't matter at all to women from what I've seen. When I was in college I knew a few girls who chased older men (30's, 40's, 50's) etc. We always gave them sh!t for it, but they did it anyway because these men had money or were "fun" and "mature" or whatever. Took them on exciting trips.. Europe, Vegas, whatever in exchange for sex with a hot 20 year old. Most modern women are prostitutes who will sell themselves out for an improvement in lifestyle.

All women care about is that a man is a WINNER who can serve them. An old winner trumps a young loser any day.

This is why young men today need to stop obsessing over women and focus on getting educated and rising in the world. Be a WINNER and you won't have to chase what you desire.. it will chase you. :yes:

The only advantage youth gives to a man is he can get away MORE with being a loser / bum /thug. By age 30 a man needs to have some status in the world to have the best selection of p*ssy. If he is working at Walmart.. he better be the manager if he wants the 20 year old cashier. If he is 20 working at Walmart.. he can be the cashier and not have it held against him.


Don Juan
Aug 24, 2012
Reaction score
I dont want to be disrespectful so please dont take this the wrong way.

Younger red pillers, 20 - 40 (or 20 - 35 depending) are your typical DJs. The blue pillers are the ones in the fantasy world of being in love and finding the perfect woman. Some red pillers actually do find the right woman and settle down at a younger age

IMO, once you hit 50 things change. Roles are reversed. The blue pillers are the ones who are still looking to pick up women and reject and real relationships. That is now a fantasy world.

At 50, the red pillers are living in the real world. Being settled down and married. Starting a family if not too late.

Im having difficulty explaining but Im sure you guys get the jist of it.


Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2012
Reaction score
I can relate to your comment about attracting older women. I'm 55 years old, and while my build looks fairly young, I have white hair (think John Slattery from Mad Men). So the age of woman I attract seems to range from the 30's to 60's. It's quite a revelation when you realize that, yes, the 65 year old Grandma at the Mall is checking you out... :eek:

If you aren't doing this already, consider the following:

Work out with weights. If you keep an in shape physique, it will go a long way toward attracting younger women. It will also improve your outlook and attitude.

Invest in new clothes.

Also, in my opinion, it's not Beta to open doors. You're not a kid, you're 50 years old. In addition, I'm not saying that you are doing this, but consider that the same game you ran as a younger man needs to change as you get older. You're an established man now. Your competence, sense of self, the fact that you open doors and that you don't act like a younger, inexperienced man can be an asset.

Maybe you can still pull woman in their 20's. If so, my hat is off to you. I'm 55 and my girlfiend is 15 years younger, but that still puts her at 40. What I'm saying is that you may have to adjust your expectations about how much younger you can draw as you get older.

Best of Luck!



Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
Augustus_McCrae Also said:
Hi Augustus, yep yep... I agree. What I did when I was younger is one thing and what to do the other side of 50 is another.
And yes to adjusting expectations as to what age of women I can bag.

Opening doors..... hmmm, I'll have to think about that one.
I mean I do open doors for most women almost habitually, it doesn't feel wrong, but it's the getting out of your car and running around to the other side to open the door for her majesty 'the date' I just can't get my head around it.

But I'm with you on how to have style when older, and yep it's a different thing than 20' 30' etc...


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
SpazzAttackk said:
At 50, the red pillers are living in the real world. Being settled down and married. Starting a family if not too late.

Im having difficulty explaining but Im sure you guys get the jist of it.

Hi spazz attack! great name. lol

Yep, some people live life like that, you know a job a career, start a family etc...
Myself I have a kid, my kids 29! My father has a kid that's 9 and he's 70! no sh1t.
I've only ever had a job for about 5 years a long time ago, and I like to just get up and say phuk it I'm going to travel to Asia for a few months and then go.
Kind of a non conforming but relatively free kind of existence.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
Just met a guy I know that is an immigrant to Canada same as me. Around my age, maybe but younger.
It was interesting to hear him talk about his life in this city and how we had reached the same conclusions.
No money no honey in this town.