The journal of Dedication


Senior Don Juan
Jul 26, 2008
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Day 57


Day 58


Day 59


Day 60

Yet to come, but my guess is that it will be nothing.

I promised to quit 'game' sites like these and focus on my career and lifestyle if I did not end up with the results I wanted, and I did not. So I'm holding myself to that and as such this is my last post. That is, untill I've either approached a 50 women in a direct manner and have found a real sticking point or if I'm in a relationship and I need help.

Taking the red pill is fun, but I didn't actualize the small prints. It has to be taken with a healthy dose of massive action.

Dedication out!


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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I may continue where Dedication left off. 60 days.

Today is August 30,2013 and 60 days from now is Halloween.

Goals: Go out an approach at least an hb7-10 and make my own day. Want to get my gut tingling from the interaction and feel good.

Minimum interaction: say "Hello and ask for direction" appear lost, or if in church, talk about the service without number closing (i.e. nice meeting you, see you next week)
Interaction - level #1: indirect approach
Level #2: direct approach
Level #3: crazy direct approach.

The principles of approach will utilize "simple pick-up" on this youtube channel here:

Every single video (except really wierd ones) can be looked at. For that matter, all videos on youtube dealing with pick-up can be broached.

Also, calling out women if they are not taking me on may be based on the book "How to be the Bad Boy that women love".

The point of SimplePickUp is to illustrate you can have fun with this and just try to see how women would react for kicks. Some principles of this may be looked at on a daily basis.


****block point one:

Going out with my mother.

Do not believe in fornication only sex within marriage and am looking for a Christian wife that loves the Lord. Since most women are out there are probably not close to God, this will make this more challenging as I'll have to know if they are a Christian and single first before I'm even interested myself.

Therefore I'll just focus on churches or any Christian gathering. In terms of going to secular, or mall, I may stick with asking for directions or engaging in small talk or having over a business card or gospel tract.

Goal out of all of this: Is to have fun as inspired by Simple Pick-up and seeing what type or quality of rejections I get and get feedback on my looks and approach.


Seeing how Dedication did on his journal. Lets see if I can beat him. With allot of days with no activity, and spent studying, I don't think that would be too hard to do.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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First of all I'm going to show some failed pick-up attempts:

Shows that even the best people are not going successful all the time and that getting "rejected" is cool and fun.

Other failed pick-up pics: Worst case, women just keep walking and say no.

Offensive pick-up lines:

Picking-up women by massaging them on their back:

Other failed pick-up lines:

The idea of this is not to get too attached to the outcome but to see that rejection happens allot of times and is not a big deal.

This clip is also interesting. Simple pick-up is more classier on their approach compared to what else is out there. Have to admire their balls to do some of that stuff but they get their share of rejections but the highs are more than worth it.


Master Don Juan
Jan 21, 2008
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I hope you bring more entertainment that that Dedication guy. He will die virgin!


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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Quite uneventful. Mainly minimal interactions were made around. Do not have the guts or balls to do anything further than minimal interaction at the moment. This includes making flirting attempts with the secretary at my office (asian hb9), or saying hi to women around. Just trying to make a basic connection.

I notice one thing, if a woman passes without saying hi back I just resign. For kicks, it may be interesting making an off-handed comment when that happens. (i.e. you are missing out, what if we were meant to be, where are you going b1tch? come back here and talk with me, wow, can I spank that ass? etc...) and laugh at that and see if she turns around. It may actually be easy to exercise that "gut" once the woman has passed by if the opener didn't cut it after all they are walking away, what do you have to lose? The goal of this is actually to have fun with this. If I have invented a concept that will make the process more enjoyable then it's a sucessful first day.

Who gets laid on the first day of this anyway? (i.e. just kidding).


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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Went to church today and didn't talk to anyone. Folks were tired and I said, okay, lets get out of here and go somewhere else for lunch. Didn't see anyone I recognized there today.

The message at church was convicting and soul-searching. But, I did see other people talking together (i.e. girls and guys) so that's not an excuse.

On one hand it's difficult to make random approaches like simple pick-up because they are vulgar, and I have a mindset to just deal with Christians, and on the other hand, when I go to church I don't talk to anyone, see anyone I can talk to, or no one approaches me to talk. The opener should be a no-brainer, you can introduce yourself, talk about the message, etc....

Either way I didn't see it as fun, but as a chore and didn't feel into it at all.

At the place we went to for lunch, I did see a group of three girls at a table and an empty chair. My folks discouraged me going up and sitting at the table and introducing myself to those girls. Later in the day my mom said they looked like nice women and I could have approached them. That would be a gut category level 3 if I did that. It is way out of my character to just sit on women who are having lunch among themselves, but in, and introduce myself so I'm not going to be too hard on myself if I didn't jump into the deep end there.

So, today was a passive sort of day. I'm connecting with what women is showing any initiative or connection with me but I'm just not going out of my way. Perhaps I resent the fact I have to initiate when if a woman is interested they will usually initiate otherwise you have an uphill battle anyway or feel entitled. Suppose I didn't want to force it. Maybe my attitude to this wasn't right today. Let's see how tomorrow goes.

Did have a nice connection with a girl working at the place. I know her and she let let me get some stuff and said I could pay later showing some favour with me. Not sure if she's a Christian but she was nice with me. Had a nice connection with her last week as well and my blood takes her. Okay, well that made my day, sort of, if that's based on some goal here. She's an hb7-8 (of course she's in uniform). There was an hb10 smoking hot worker there but I didn't go on here line. Anyway, lets see how next week goes there. Even if the church didn't work out to make a connection, it wasn't a total bomb of a day.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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Day Two con'd

Day is not over yet. Talked to a girl at an ice cream shop. She asked that I pay first and I told her "you don't trust me?". She offered me to sample some flavours. My mom asked where she was from and she said "Italy". I also talked with her about Italy as I was there too. Found out she's 21 years old, no boyfriend, and visiting Canada and will be back to Italy in 4 months.

I was a pvssy and didn't number close her or say "Do you want one?" when she said she had no boyfriend. I just froze. My mom even encouraged me to talk to her some more infrount of her and I just froze.

When I came to and realized I just missed an opportunity, the line in the ice cream shop suddenly crowded. (We came in earlier there was virtually nobody there and it was easier to talk, now a rush of people came in- we walked around and waited, but even up to an hour later it wasn't the same. Just lucked out. Got her name though).


I'm placing this at gut-level one interaction. This means I did something out of character from normal, but it's not a crazy type of gutsy. Challenging a woman that she doesn't trust me. Other ideas of crazy gutsy is to try out ALL of the flavours until she starts laughing, or ask for her name and ask for (name-flavour, or make a racial joke (i.e. if she's black, chocolate, white, vanilla, etc...).

Ultra-gut level for an ice cream shop would be if she offers a sample, not to pick up the spoon, but put your mouth to the spoon while she's holding it. As much as I can brain storm for now. It sounds simple in writing but it does exercise the muscles.


Next time I meet a hot cashier person while checking out...I'm going to ask her "How many times did you get hit on today?" and see how she responds to that. This would be a bit more gutsy level of interaction than norm.





Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
1) Cashier pick-up:
Opener: (i.e. are you single?)

2) Asking girls out, ackwardly:

Asking women for sex:


Asking women for making out:

Videos where this is working (more social / romantic interaction before asking has a higher success rate):

Okay, videos just for kicks. Now, time to get serious again. Back to regularly scheduled journal.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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DAY THREE: Briefing and debriefing.

Have not gone out today, but have seen some inspiring videos instead:

Shows how introverts with no lives beyong fapping to porn can become successful with women. (I'm not in that category)

I listened to this video and it made some points:
- if you don't approach a girl you will not know if she's right for you or compatable. If there is a .001% chance, it's worth the approach.
- Rejection is better than regret (i.e. 'what if'), which you'll have to live with.
- Divorce rate is 50%. Don't settle - keep approaching!

Talks about "inner confidence".
- Be polarizing - or 100% you even if it embarasses you. People will love you or hate you rather than having weak acquaintence connections.
- Any thing based on "outer-confidence" (i.e. good looks, material possessions) can go away with an accident or misfortunate, but inner confidence will stick.

Great mental booster. Probably keeping to myself today for now.

Everything is still in God's timing, and I am not going to panic. Keeping a "fun" mind-set about this for now.

Rule of ackwardness: (more ackward is less - less ackward is more):


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
DAY THREE con'd:

After I wrote the above thing, I went for a bike ride and decided to update on Sundays, as per the OP post rules. I went on a particular bike route that would likey remind me of my ex. However, the opportunity to approach girls there took my mind off her a bit.

I saw two single ladies sitting on rocks by the lake. One was black the other was white, both appeared to be hb5-6 with me when I saw them. I was confused which girl to approach first because I was worried if I approached one of them the other girl may get jealous. Facing this dillema I biked away from them.

Of all the lame excuses not to approach the girl is deciding which girl to approach first. I'd assume if an approach went well, the other girl would also welcome an approach because that would be social proof. It's not like I'm choosing to marry someone when i'm approaching. Sometimes the depth of serious thought that goes through my mind is scary.


My mom told a waitress serving us that she was nice and pretty. My mom asked me if I thought so (infront of her). I said, yes, she's really pretty, then I blurted out "are you single?" She laughed in a blushing way. I frooze when she did that. I have no real record of asking a girl if she was "single" in the past that I'm interacting with socially.

I went into an adjacent store and the cashier gave me good eye-contact and said hi when I walked in. This is not usual as usually there is an invisible "wall" around me and women usually avoid eye contact when I walk in. Looked like that flirting attempt at the waitress chipped that wall.


Went bike riding and approached a random asian woman and asked for the time. She didn't understand me and kept walking. I asked again, and she said she didn't know. Wow. Getting rejected on an opener for time.

Saw two students with pretty faces but I just couldn't click to ask them for the time. I was thinking of saying, "I'm on my way to an appointment, do you know wha time it is?" and then say, "that's great, that means I'm on time to meet you, my name is *** extend hand".

Felt some issues doing that with high school / college students as I'm 37 years old and the idea of picking up someone potentially that yonge sort of messed with my head. Having a student bag myself (i.e. where I carry the water), having a bike helmet (to cover my grey hair and bald spot), should mask any evidence that I'm even older than then these women. For the sake of practise I think these fears are unwarranted.

Later in the evening I went to a Health Food-store. Again, seemed rather low-energy and very cautious in my interactions with two women there. One I could have got a hug from if I pushed it, or asked for her number, the other had a q-tip to her face which looked funny but it didn't come out to ask her what she was doing. Guess tend to get stuck on this "business, don't bother me" mode as a defense around women.


Nice connection with hb8.5 at bank. She's taken, but the interaction gave me a high that lasted through the day like part of her was with me through the day. I must really be wired weirdly.

Eventually did get the phone number of the girl working at the ice cream store, with my mother's help. This time, my mom called the girl from the counter and asked her to come to our table. I passed her my cell phone, she said it's an Italian number and she wrote it down on there. We then talked about how we will stay in touch when she goes back to Italy.

Great - haven't number closed a girl since 2011.

I looked at videos of people tossing their cell phone at a girl, and saying nothign at all, the girl would actually put their name and phone number on the cell. I kid you not. These approaches had no opener, no talk, all they did was pass their cell. That's inspiring me to consider number closes like that if feel too ackward going to that stage or too supplicative asking for the number.


Nothing eventful. Talked to a married women over the phone.


Went to church today but I was really out of it. Talked to a girl friend and her mother, and shook hands with different women in the church. Felt ackward that I mistook the names of some of the girls and ignored shaking the hands of guys (i.e. like I made it too obvious like I'm looking for a girl like a retard, no social grace).

Went to the health food store as we do after church. Saw this smoking hot hb9 working as a cashier. I saw her since January but always felt intimidated to strike up a conversation with her. Today I determined I'm going to talk to this hb9.

I remembered videos I had look at about nerds or ackward people approaching girls. Those videos inspired me to talk to this girl because I realise that it's okay to be ackward. We actually had a nice brief conversation. I told her I like her name. But I forgot my credit card there which had a high limit but picked it up after when she told my mom I left it there. Have to be more careful trying to chat up hb9 cashiers and focus more on the transaction -- but good breaker from January.

Think I was out of it as a whole as I forgot my groceries talking to another cashier on the same store. It's like I either have to stay at this "all or nothing" business frame. The minute I go into this "talk to a girl" frame, it's like all sense goes out the window and I start forgetting things. Maybe the girls I'm approaching are too hot or something and I'm not used to it.

Felt on a little high the rest of the day after speaking to this hb9 girl from South America.

My dad is also trying to help out by getting some numbers from Filipino ladies - but they look like mature hb5's to me. Best to focus on spotting hb8-10 and talking to them, even if I'm asking for the time...esp if it's an hb10.


Well there you have it. One number close from a 21 year old college student visiting from Italy and who will be leaving in four months plus some interactions with hbs that either made my day or are in my memory as being a good-time being out.

As my goals in continuing dedication thread are more like having a good-time with someone at the moment, or having fun in the interaction with a girl (as opposed to seeing it as a chore, or we are both losing energy), and I think there is some good progress. Will update again next week.


Master Don Juan
Jan 21, 2008
Reaction score
1) stop hanging out with your mom
2) stop posting videos we know where to go to find them
3) stop doing the "what is the time opener". F0ck i remember when was on my date in the mall and this guy approached me to ask for the time. I immediately could tell he was doing a boot camp. He was terrible.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
I've resurrected this dying thread back to life and now the haters are coming out of the woodwork. You have to be doing something right when the haters come out!

One thing I have to share. When I was bike riding and asked that woman for the time, this song played on the radio and stuck into my mind: (Don't get me wrong: Pretenders)

Something about the lyrics sound encouraging. I'm like, wow! I'm even getting a sound-tract into my life behind some of my approaches with women.

This is making me happy and that's all I care about.

Here is another encouraging sound-tract:

Just pretend every woman you approach is madly in love with you, lol!

This is what these songs are saying. Assume attraction.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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Today is September 15, 2013, and my update for today is a big fat goose-egg. Nothing.

Thank-you Stageer Lee for your posts here which made me realize that, gee, I guess my hair is thinning and I'm older. All of your threads about online dating, your hair, have really made me realize that women may think, who is this older guy approaching me? And all you negative posters...thanks allot!

Also, I've been busy like crazy in my career and have lost interest in woman this week. Totally asexual. I have never been this busy in my life as far as I can remember. Maybe "something" is distracting me from the goal on this tread on such a level that I'd be swamped.

I did feel sucky when I didn't approach a hot Filipino woman at a copy centre and try to talk to her. This happened on Thursday, Sept 12 in the afternoon. I remember that. It stung that I didn't try.

The fact is, if I'm busy like crazy, who can find the time and mental fortitude to approach woman and do lame things like ask for directions or the time, or try to talk with them. Couldn't even go to church as I was even busy today.

Let's see how next week will be like. Well, looks like I'm losing out to Dedication for this week. Maybe I'll review his journal again and see that he had weeks that he did nothing or just did lame stuff so I'll feel good again....if I have the time to do this, lol!


Senior Don Juan
Jul 26, 2008
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I'm back to report what I've done these last 4/5 months. I quit all PUA and game theory, I've searched out wingmen, went living with them in a pretty big city, started street selling, started dancing classes and met a couple of natural players.

Putting myself in such a healthy and productive environment paid off, I'm earning money than ever and I'm currently ****ing a HB8.