The journal of Dedication


Senior Don Juan
Jul 26, 2008
Reaction score
Day 43

Theory day! A shift through thought and mindset thanks to Shasha daygame. Being direct in my intentions and the relationships I want out of a women, when he started talking for about 10 minutes I got excited and went out to do some approaches in my city, couldn't muster a normal conversation and must've looked retarded because I was all in my head. I've got a sharper idea of what I'd like to do when school starts and how to bring people (man & women) in to the fun. I'll be making some adventures asside from pick up, for fun and to make my life interesting.


Jul 1, 2013
Reaction score
Dedication said:
Day 26 & Day 27[/B]
Useless, while I went out I wasted my time by not approaching people.
Dedication said:
Day 28
I went out to daygame with 2 community guys
Dedication said:
Day 32
No approaches.
Dedication said:
Day 35
I won't be gaming today, only reading theorie.
Dedication said:
Day 37
It's official, I made a new friend.
Dedication said:
Day 38
It rained, all day.
Dedication said:
Day 39
I spent my day at the library, thinking it would be a good place to practice some pick-up.

I'm supporting you, but this must be one of the gayest diaries I have ever read.

You have to approach women. If you still have anxiety, try approaching random strangers and have small talk with them. Even it it leads nowhere, you are still being productive improving your social skills.

Here is my expectations for you this week:

(10) Small conversations with complete strangers
(5) Small conversations with random women
(3) Small conversation with cute chick
(1) Attempted # close


Master Don Juan
Jan 21, 2008
Reaction score
I'm going to be a little bit more direct...

If you have AA, pick up is not for you.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 26, 2008
Reaction score
Day 44


Skyy. said:

I'm supporting you, but this must be one of the gayest diaries I have ever read.

You have to approach women. If you still have anxiety, try approaching random strangers and have small talk with them. Even it it leads nowhere, you are still being productive improving your social skills.

Here is my expectations for you this week:

(10) Small conversations with complete strangers
(5) Small conversations with random women
(3) Small conversation with cute chick
(1) Attempted # close
I'll do this.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 26, 2008
Reaction score
Day 45

4 conversations with complete strangers. 1 old lady, a 2 set (with 1 cutie), a couple that owns their own company and a guy in his 30's who was painting his garage.

1 conversation with a solid 4,5. I know were she works and I just might #close her tomorrow (if she's there) for the sake of 'why not?'.

1 conversation with a cute chick. Didn't number close.

Quick thought:
Getting conversations with random strangers is easy, getting them to talk about themselves is easy, being remotely fun and having interesting stuff to share, that's currently the hard part. Today I was a boring piece of ****, lol.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 26, 2008
Reaction score
Day 46


escaleraroyal said:
I'm going to be a little bit more direct...

If you have AA, pick up is not for you.
Thanks for being direct, that is what I prefer. Big dreams are easily crushed in the face of fear, I don't think it'll be healthy for me to cling on something I won't be doing or achieving anyway. There is a chance I'll give it all up after these 60 days end, in 15 days I'll make that decision.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 26, 2008
Reaction score
Day 47


I went out with a couple of friends to a local pub, I talked to a few strangers but nothing much.


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
Reaction score
as I said in another post, this sounds more like the journal of boredom. really.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 26, 2008
Reaction score
I'm probably not going to be a person with good game or even capable of achieving the skill level I dreamed of getting.

I lack action, I lack an interesting life, I lack a good social circle, I lack being an interesting person. The good thing is that this really puts a magnifying glass on all the things that need fixing.

I'll complete this journal because I said I would, there is a high chance I won't achieve my goals and that means I'll be doing what I said I would. I will quit any and all activity’s focused on ‘game’ and do something entirely different.

pyros said:
as I said in another post, this sounds more like the journal of boredom. really.
So you want to be heard that much ey ;) don't worry so much about it. You can always try to top me.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 26, 2008
Reaction score
Day 48

3 failed openers. People don't like me that much, sometimes.

2 set in the train, one of the girls gave me reallly strong eye contact, twice. I was too chicken**** to actually approach.

3 conversations with random strangers, couple of college kids and on my way home I met a women (a manager in her early 30's) who I should've pushed to let her take me home >.< I'm beating myself up over this one.

1 conversation with a real daygamer, this guy has been in the game for about 5 years and has done SDL's. I got his info and we'll be hitting it off next week.

1 cute girl who had to go because the train arrived.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 26, 2008
Reaction score
Day 50


Edit: I lied, actually I talked with a stranger outside the gym and I noticed that when I'm talking with men I'm constantly looking for differences that I can appriciate. But this is something that they don't like since commonality's are what make people interesting in the first place. That is probably why Free Association(technique) is so very effective.

Inside the gym I broke a new record, 150 KG on the leg press machine (yay me).
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Senior Don Juan
Jul 26, 2008
Reaction score
Day 51

Failed to open: 1 stranger on the bus, 1 women on the street.

Talked with 2 lady's inside the hospital, one of them was a bit too chatty and open if you ask me (showing me pirctures of her grand children, ugh I don't give a **** :p)

Got pretty good chemistry with one of the female workers, do I ask her straight out and go for the # or not? Kind of undecided on that one.

Met an old couple in the hospital. I asked them where they got their coffee from and if I got to pay for it. They told me the location and the price. "Well, since I don't have any money on me I'll have to mug you in order to get it." Oh, the look on their faces, priceless.

Met a couple in the library, we talked for 20 minutes, both of em were NF's, very floaty with their heads up in the sky talking about live in outer space, god & our soul.

A women who was trying to sell icecream, I always tell these people that 'what you're doing isn't socially responsible.' While being playful. It easily and always shocks n intrigues these kinds of people. A little playful conversation ensued.

I talked to another 5 strangers while doing my own thing. Nothing noteworthy.

Sticking point:
Not talking to the people I should ACTUALLY be talking to in order to improve and achieve what I want to get. In other words, this way I won't make it.
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Senior Don Juan
Jul 26, 2008
Reaction score
Day 52

Some very fun conversations with strangers. A pretty funny old guy who'se gone on his pension.

You know what? I'm pretty good with old people... A skill I learned because I'm chicken ****.

Approached 4 strangers and a cutie.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
Dedication said:
Day 51

Failed to open: 1 stranger on the bus, 1 women on the street.

Talked with 2 lady's inside the hospital, one of them was a bit too chatty and open if you ask me (showing me pirctures of her grand children, ugh I don't give a **** :p)

Got pretty good chemistry with one of the female workers, do I ask her straight out and go for the # or not? Kind of undecided on that one.

Met an old couple in the hospital. I asked them where they got their coffee from and if I got to pay for it. They told me the location and the price. "Well, since I don't have any money on me I'll have to mug you in order to get it." Oh, the look on their faces, priceless.

Met a couple in the library, we talked for 20 minutes, both of em were NF's, very floaty with their heads up in the sky talking about live in outer space, god & our soul.

A women who was trying to sell icecream, I always tell these people that 'what you're doing isn't socially responsible.' While being playful. It easily and always shocks n intrigues these kinds of people. A little playful conversation ensued.

I talked to another 5 strangers while doing my own thing. Nothing noteworthy.

Sticking point:
Not talking to the people I should ACTUALLY be talking to in order to improve and achieve what I want to get. In other words, this way I won't make it.

This should be your "warm-up" in your comfort zone. For warm-up, try a few people like that. Then start working your way to the people you should ACTUALLY be talking to. Have a goal AFTER YOUR WARM-UP to speak to at least 5 hb(5-7), and then go for the gusto, approach an hb7+ even if you fall flat on your face.

It looks like you are just going after some "safe-bases" for now. That's cool, at the beginning. But you are on day 60 and "safe-bases" help you to get outside of yourself a bit, but if you don't try to approach a hb7+ that day then it's a day wasted.

We all want to see some hb7+ approaches.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2005
Reaction score
Stop playing it safe. The purpose of approaching isn't to just say you are approaching as if there's some tangible reward for approaching.

You're also trying too hard to carry the conversation. People like to talk about themselves especially women. The key is basically get them started talking listen, thread your conversations by making statements, tease her.

Example: You see a girl at a pub (try to notice her do soemthing that you can tease her with (i.e her shoes, her hair color, etc weight should be off limits)

You: You know you're cute but those aren't doing it for me they're too (insert some descriptive adjective here)
Her: You think they are too (adjective)?
You: Yes, for a second I thought you might be in clown school/a dominatrix.
Her: You're silly
You: Hey! you're the one wearing the shoes.
Her: You're mean (smiling and giving you a playful jab.)
You: Yes, they don't call me mean <your name> for nothing. I have an idea ...
Her: What's your idea
You: Let's go ask some people what they think *give her a head nod to follow and take her hand*

This is a general gist of a conversation. Escalation should start very shortly after you open her.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 26, 2008
Reaction score
The_411 said:
Stop playing it safe. The purpose of approaching isn't to just say you are approaching as if there's some tangible reward for approaching.

You're also trying too hard to carry the conversation. People like to talk about themselves especially women. The key is basically get them started talking listen, thread your conversations by making statements, tease her.

Example: You see a girl at a pub (try to notice her do soemthing that you can tease her with (i.e her shoes, her hair color, etc weight should be off limits)

You: You know you're cute but those aren't doing it for me they're too (insert some descriptive adjective here)
Her: You think they are too (adjective)?
You: Yes, for a second I thought you might be in clown school/a dominatrix.
Her: You're silly
You: Hey! you're the one wearing the shoes.
Her: You're mean (smiling and giving you a playful jab.)
You: Yes, they don't call me mean <your name> for nothing. I have an idea ...
Her: What's your idea
You: Let's go ask some people what they think *give her a head nod to follow and take her hand*

This is a general gist of a conversation. Escalation should start very shortly after you open her.
corrector said:
This should be your "warm-up" in your comfort zone. For warm-up, try a few people like that. Then start working your way to the people you should ACTUALLY be talking to. Have a goal AFTER YOUR WARM-UP to speak to at least 5 hb(5-7), and then go for the gusto, approach an hb7+ even if you fall flat on your face.

It looks like you are just going after some "safe-bases" for now. That's cool, at the beginning. But you are on day 60 and "safe-bases" help you to get outside of yourself a bit, but if you don't try to approach a hb7+ that day then it's a day wasted.

We all want to see some hb7+ approaches.
Thanks guys, it seems that whenever somebody posts it gets me going again. I'll let you know as soon as I approach at least an HB7.

People REALLY want to talk about themselves, omg. The more I talk (especially when I talk and I see that they want to say something) the more I screw it up. I feel like if I got the early stages of attraction down that it'll be smooth sailing. (As long as I'll be leading the interaction & conversation.) Anyway, I'm off in theory land again while I should be out approaching >.>


Master Don Juan
Jan 21, 2008
Reaction score
I recommend u got direct to 100 hot women now. Ask "are you single?"
if u cannot do this you better stick to social circle and if u don't have a social circle, you are fuked.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 26, 2008
Reaction score
Day 53

I approached 3 sets direct: Results:

1 didn't like it and blew me off.

2 When I told her I saw her walking across the street and I thought she looked cute so I had to meet her, I saw in her eyes that her heart skipped a beat. She got an adrenaline boost and gave me full attention. (Her body directly facing me with a face that was wondering what I would say next.) When I got to her age, *17* I told her it was nice meeting her.

3 Didn't want to have anything to do with me.

I approached around 8 sets indirect. Going nowhere except for 1 conversation lasting 30 minutes, we hopped in the bus and I told her to sit next to me because otherwise it would be a boring trip anyway, she complied. Then I got her to tell me she's got a boyfriend... I instantly lost my feelings & motivation to talk to her. But I was stuck for another 10 minutes so I kept joking around for verbal practice.

Now I understand why women 'hide' having a boyfriend when men talk to them. When you know she's got a BF (I'm talking about knowing, not guessing when she uses having a BF as an excuse.) it just kills the vibe.

On my way home I got unlucky and got to sit next to an HB4. Well, why not game her? So I did. Because I didn't gave a **** about her I was talking louder and louder while being pretty excited about my stories. Untill the other passengers told me to STFU because they couldn't enjoy the ride. I just found a social boundary there hahah.

Direct sets, scary as hell.