The High Maintenence First Date


Oct 20, 2006
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Here was my date with the 29 year old ****tail waitress from a strip bar. We met for dinner on Easter evening and she showed up looking gorgeous.

We ordered a bottle of wine, but the minute the wine was poured she said (without tasting it) "Would you like to order a ****tail?" and I let her order something else.

She then said "After dinner, let's go to a movie!" and I said that was fine.

The minute they delivered the dinner plates she said "Do you want to have a cigarette?" I said "I didn't know you smoke and neither do I" and she said "Well, I quit a year ago but have a few now and then". I said "Shouldn't we eat the food that was just delivered this second?" and she agreed and laughed about it.

Dinner was fine and she was making great eye contact. She was going over all the reasons why being married is such a good thing (29, single mom with 1 child from Russia - talk about husband hunting). I was thinking: "If 3 out of 4 women take 1/2 a man's stuff, how much stuff are the men left with?"

So then she asked me to find her a cigarette when she went to the ladies room and I paid the tab. She came back as I was signing the check (and she commented on the exact price of dinner). Then she said "Didn't you want to get dessert?" and I said "No, but if you'd like to order dessert you can...", testing her. And she ordered dessert, creating a new tab. I paid cash for that part.

At that point I almost went off, but realized I was probably at the point where I could score. She clearly was interested, and knowing where she works, the tab was negligible. But I did tell her we should go to the movie another night (taking the 3/4 full bottle home with me). She was really hoping to go that night and put in an effort. She kissed me goodnight and texted to thank me. When I didn't reply to 3 texts, she called to ask if we'd still go to the movie. I'm having reservations.

She honestly made a 20 year old stripper seem low maintenance.
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Master Don Juan
Sep 19, 2001
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North America
Definately high maintanence. I dont know what kind of women you are dating, bigneil, but this is definately not the typical experience for me. Clearly she was pushing to get as much free food/stuff from you as possible

Then she said "Didn't you want to get dessert?" and I said "No, but if you'd like to order dessert you can...", testing her. And she ordered dessert, creating a new tab. I paid cash for that part.
Why? Let her pay for her own fvcking dessert. That would have been the real test.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 25, 2011
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just started to read, and i was like WTF ?!

why are you doing this to yourself ?
even if she's interested why are you putting a lot of energy and money to bang her ?

honestly never happened to me but i think i would left her after paying for dinner, or paying my part, depend on my mood.

Why? Let her pay for her own fvcking dessert. That would have been the real test.
how would you tell her ? 'hey i dont want to, but if you want you can take one and pay for it' ?


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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TheMale said:
just started to read, and i was like WTF ?!
I was thinking the same thing. Dinner and wine for a first date? That's basically what me and my gf did for our 6-month. Our first date was mini golf.

Since I don't date strippers, I have to ask is this the norm for them? Do they expect to be wined and dined? I can't imagine forking out money like that for a woman I don't know and for a pvssy I haven't penetrated. From how the date went, it sounds like you wasted your money on her.

You need to watch what you do in the beginning of any relationship because you lay out the floor plan for your future together. If you're paying for all her 5hit in the beginning, she'll be expecting you to buy her 5hit all the time.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 25, 2011
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BTW, since you dating stripper, bigneil, i would want ou to tell me how do you do that ?

it's not really the regular way we are operating to get chicks in street or clubs, am i right ?


Oct 20, 2006
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TheMale, it's really not something you can plan on, and in hindsight, not something I would do again. Once management found out I was dating the stripper, they had a talk with her and she said we can only meet outside the club from now on. I would prefer that.

Desdinova said:
From how the date went, it sounds like you wasted your money on her.
Let's not go overboard. My goal was to have sex with this woman and she is eager to be together now. Yes, these girls expect to be wined and dined. Maybe not when you are 22 and they are 18, but when you are 41 and they are 29 they do. This date cost about $100 (1.25 hours pay for me). My time was worth much more than the price of dinner. Also, consider marginal cost. Dessert was $8. How much does it cost to go find another hot girl 12 years my junior?

It wasn't as much free food and stuff as possible. I just didn't like how she kept changing things at the worst moments. I'll probably still try to sleep with her though.

One way or another, men have to pay.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 25, 2011
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yep after so much effort .... i bet you do still want to sleep with her ! ;p

but how do you game a stripper ?

i have an AFC friend who was dating a stripper a while back and actually was living in her apartment ... never got how he did that !

and when he's going to the club, he have the VIP square for free .... nice catch for an AFC :)

$100 (1.25 hours pay for me)
what are you doing for living ?!


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
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Next time you take her out eat before you leave and tell her you just want to hang and chill. Tell her you feel like crap and you're not hungry. Drink bloody marys and tell her it soothes your stomach, go ahead and buy her drinks. When she asks for food tell her you don't think your stomach can handle it and see what she does. If she is inconsiderate in any way you already know she's using you for food. You also have the added effect of kinda making her drink more since there's no food, making it also easier to score. Flip the script bro... And as a side note any girl that works at a strip club is capable of tricking. Don't think that since she's a server she's different. I've seen em all do it for money...


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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All I got to say is I wish I was making your kind of money. I'd be Louis V shawty.

But anyways BigNeil you must understand one concept. There is an inverse relationship between Men's age and Girl's age and the value that eachother place on the opposite sex. When a girl is younger (18-25) she is in her prime. Her looks are at her best but when she gets older 30+ her looks start to decline.

The opposite is true for a man. When a man is young (18-25) he really has no sence of direction/leadership. He is young and doesn't really have too much assets going on. As a man gets older he starts to accumalate these assets and starts to gain more value.

Quit using the 41 year old excuse to trick off on these girls. You are using it because you lack a certain confidence because you think being older is a bad thing! Use it to your advantage.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
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atl, GA
bigneil said:
TheMale, it's really not something you can plan on, and in hindsight, not something I would do again. Once management found out I was dating the stripper, they had a talk with her and she said we can only meet outside the club from now on. I would prefer that.

Let's not go overboard. My goal was to have sex with this woman and she is eager to be together now. Yes, these girls expect to be wined and dined. Maybe not when you are 22 and they are 18, but when you are 41 and they are 29 they do. This date cost about $100 (1.25 hours pay for me). My time was worth much more than the price of dinner. Also, consider marginal cost. Dessert was $8. How much does it cost to go find another hot girl 12 years my junior?

It wasn't as much free food and stuff as possible. I just didn't like how she kept changing things at the worst moments. I'll probably still try to sleep with her though.

One way or another, men have to pay.
I'm with you bigneil. Simply put, no pay, no play. The most desirable women don't need to put up with cheapskates. Any guy that claims he can f*ck tons of women without paying is either 1) banging plain janes/ugly/fat chicks 2) if they're hot, he is typically super-attractive himself. You can go the Paul Janka route of chasing 1000s of women for 10 years to get 150 one-night-stands of varying quality, and pat yourself on the back for not spending $20 on her dinner. Or if you value your 10 years, go out start a successful business, make millions, and then have a dime-piece of your choosing ditch her friends on Friday night to watch a Broadway show with you.

Either way you're might as well go big or go home.


Oct 20, 2006
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PrettyBoyAJ said:
When a girl is younger (18-25) she is in her prime. Her looks are at her best but when she gets older 30+ her looks start to decline.
Exactly - which is why the lesson here is: A 20 year old bad girl is greater than a 29 year old bad girl.


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
sstype said:
Or if you value your 10 years, go out start a successful business, make millions, and then have a dime-piece of your choosing ditch her friends on Friday night to watch a Broadway show with you.
Here's the thing: even if strippers/barmaids are faking liking us for money, we still get a confidence boost and we should have money anyway. Then we have money and confidence and we start picking up women everywhere.
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Master Don Juan
Feb 19, 2009
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bigneil said:
29, single mom with 1 child from Russia
Heads up, Neil - I'm something of an expert on women from the Eastern Block. They're definitely not for those without means (I ain't sayin' she a gold digger).

If she's FROM Russia, she's used to guys treating her like that. Also, get used to casual cigarettes. It's just the way she grew up.

Those are the cons of Warsaw Pact women.

It's not all bad, though. Women from the Eastern block, when they were growing up, weren't allowed to leave the house without make-up, a short skirt, and heels no shorter than 3 inches.

Choose wisely... she got a kid already, dude. I would say if you're gonna date a Russkaya, you should at least find one without a kid.

You bang yet?


Master Don Juan
Sep 19, 2001
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North America
sstype said:
I'm with you bigneil. Simply put, no pay, no play.
I only have one response:

Fvck That.

That hasnt been my experience. Dont take a woman out to dinner and drinks on the first date - do something cheap. I ussually do social dancing. Maybe something like mini golf or bowling will work also. The bottom line is any woman that thinks she needs to be pampered in order for her to put out is not worth it in my book.

If I want to pay for sex, I'll just get a prostitute.


Oct 20, 2006
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loveshogun said:
You bang yet?
Thanks for the insight. No. She wanted to see American Reunion tonight and I said I couldn't do it, not having seen American Pie 1,2 or 3. She said we can go once I see those and I said I'm not ready for that kind of commitment.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
I'm sure you look young bigneil. Going forward, if you just want a quick and hopefully somewhat cheaper lay, lie about your age.

Then you can be more of the "hot guy" and less of the "sugar daddy."

Have her guess your age, if she guesses low, tell her it was a good guess.


Oct 20, 2006
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My feeling about that is, if everyone who was 41 looked like me, people wouldn't think 41 was old. And if everyone who looks good at 41 lies and says 35, then the real 35 year olds don't have as much hope. Plus, last night at dinner she carded me!


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2009
Reaction score
This thread has AFC written all over it.

bigneil said:
She showed up looking gorgeous.

You already have her on a pedestal

We ordered a bottle of wine, but the minute the wine was poured she said (without tasting it) "Would you like to order a ****tail?" and I let her order something else.

She's calling the shots in the FIRST date already, but hey maybe she will pay for part of the bill.

She then said "After dinner, let's go to a movie!" and I said that was fine.

Calling the shots again and you are her puppy.

"Do you want to have a cigarette?" I said "I didn't know you smoke and neither do I" and she said "Well, I quit a year ago but have a few now and then".

She's calling the shots one more time. By the way, this girl sounds pretty unintelligent; a person did not "quit" smoking if s/he smokes, regardless of how often it is.

I said "Shouldn't we eat the food that was just delivered this second?"

You are asking the woman who has been calling the shots since the beginning of the date for leadership; she has you wrapped around her finger.

She was going over all the reasons why being married is such a good thing (29, single mom with 1 child from Russia - talk about husband hunting).

Sounds like she wants a sugar daddy

So then she asked me to find her a cigarette when she went to the ladies room and I paid the tab. She came back as I was signing the check (and she commented on the exact price of dinner).

She told you what to do one more time and you obeyed like a good little puppy AND paid the bill. These are huge no-no's, how can you have so much rep and not know this!?

Then she said "Didn't you want to get dessert?" and I said "No, but if you'd like to order dessert you can...", . And she ordered dessert, creating a new tab. I paid cash for that part.

If I drank each of the shots she called by this point, I would be dead of alcohol poisoning right now. On top of that, you paid for her AGAIN.

She clearly was interested.

I agree, she's clearly your wallet.

She honestly made a 20 year old stripper seem low maintenance.
There is no such thing as low or high maintenance women; it is simply little bratty girls playing boss who think they are entitled to speacial treatment.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
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Russian women are the biggest gold-diggers on the planet. I've dated 3 and they've all been exactly the same. I have no idea why internet dudes speak so highly about them. They're often attractive but they're ruthless, manipulative and so thoughtlessly selfish that it boggles my mind. Expect more of the same if you continue to date this chick, or any Russian woman for that matter.

One way or another, men have to pay.
With that attitude you will be taken to the cleaners. You clearly have some self-loathing tendencies you may wish to have professionally looked into. You and this gold-digger may be perfect for each other. Cheers.

Listen to Robyn923b, he's half your age and has 10x more game than you.