The Easy Way to Meet Women (Part 2)


Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2012
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Hi again. Welcome to Part 2. If you haven't read Part 1 yet, please either go back and read Part 1 first or after reading this go back and read Part 1. You need all of the pieces of the puzzle in order to be able to fully understand and implement what I'm telling you.

Now that we have that out of the way, let's continue.

We live in a world of information overflow so if you really want to master the easy way to meet women, for now just forget everything you think you know and start like a clean state. I'm talking especially about your over-eagerness to try to appear like you're cool or charming or whatever. To try to look like you're the top dog or like you're the macho man or like you're some kind of smooth player or a playboy or like you're some kind of Casanova or Don Juan.

Just be comfortable with being yourself and I know that sounds like a cliche but the reality is, you can't keep an act up forever, so don't. Yes there are some positive traits you can import into your existing personality. We can all improve. If you're too fearful or down on yourself, work on improving your level of self-confidence or your opinion of yourself. If you're too arrogant, learn some humility.

In the meantime, with women, we will keep our focus very narrow. There are only a few things we need to keep in mind and nothing more. First, your main focus is to see if any women you find attractive are showing signs of high interest. Spend time looking for some of the behaviors mentioned in Part 1. Just notice any attractive women showing these signals. Once you see them, then your job is to make her job of seducing you easy.

"What? Are you crazy? Her seduce me?" you might be saying to yourself. That is exactly what I'm saying. Make her job of seducing you easy. Now I'm not saying you're just going to lay back speechless and women will jump on you. No. Her job will be to seduce you in the same way that a fat man's job is to eat a big juicy steak with a couple of baked potatoes and an entire chocolate cake.

The temptation will already be there and all you have to do is pour a little gasoline on the fire and fan the flames a little. The idea is that by the time it's over you'll both be so worked up that you're ready to devour each other.

Think of it this way. Most men are so busy focusing on "getting laid" that they miss the forest for the trees. So let's take a look at things a little differently. You can look back to your own experiences and think about this. Ok. Something else always leads up to a sexual experience. So you have to think, well, what leads up to it? Stop focusing on the sex and focus on what leads up to it and the sex will happen automatically.

What state of mind and body leads to sex? Sexual arousal of course. What behaviors typically lead up to sex? Kissing, touching, foreplay, etc. What behaviors can eventually lead up to kissing?
Holding hands. Long, lingering hugs, putting your hands around a woman's waist or her doing the same to you.

But before any of those things can happen, even the most innocent of those, the physical gap must be closed. In other words, two people must be in each other's physical space for any of the other behaviors to be possible. This is why I can't stress enough that you should pay attention also to a woman's physical proximity to you. Don't assume just because a woman stands close to you that she wants you.

Just realize that for the women who want you, they will be drawn to you and want to enter your personal space. If a woman enters your space a lot and keeps moving in closer and displaying lots of other signals of interest, you simply reciprocate with something innocent. Moving closer to her a little. A slight touch on the wrist. A compliment with steady eye contact. Your choice. And see how she reacts. I mentioned in Part 1 how you can go from holding hands to getting or giving out a phone number.

You can also go from holding hands to the bedroom. You're holding hands as you say goodbye you give her a long, lingering hug. Maybe also a soft kiss on the cheek or neck as you pull away from hugging her. If you've been flirting and touching all night during your conversation, doing this will seem pretty natural. Now you can either leave her in a state of being aroused wanting more for your next date or this could lead to more kissing and possibly sex right then.

You give her just as much as she wants in that moment and there's never any resistance. If you don't have sex right then and there it's ok. She'll be worked up and thinking of you the entire time until you meet again. Just fan the flames again next time you see her and before you know it she won't be able to control herself.