The Easy Way to Meet Women (Part 1)


Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2012
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Hey everyone. Now is as good a time as any to share with you an easy way to meet women. After replying to an old thread about Signs of High Interest I realized that although the information in the reply was good it would get lost in the noise of the "Hall of Excellence" section.

I felt like it belonged where it would be more easily seen and that the signs of interest I'd posted, although helpful, would be lost to the majority of readers here if not put in a more visible section.

But I will go a few steps further and give you what I consider the keys to meeting women that really like you with little effort. One of the biggest keys is to talk to the women who are ALREADY interested in you. Most men live in the land of missed opportunity where they have simply been in the proximity of women who are interested in them and either a) didn't know what to look for or b) saw a potential opportunities and missed them.

Whether you are good-looking or ugly, young or old, smart or dumb. Rich or poor. It does NOT matter. Water will always seek it's own level. You will find the women at your own level by necessity because nature dictates that some women will have to be attracted to you. This is good news for the ugly guys. Or for people that need to improve because it means that no matter what, there are females available to date you.

All you have to do is see the opportunities you used to miss. But this is a double edged sword. There are already women that want you. This is good and bad news. Good news because even the homeless junkie can find someone who wants him. Bad news because only the homeless junkie women will want him.

If you're a good guy or an average guy you'll do fine. Just remember to work on your own qualities for the sake of living a better life and you may just find that without your even trying, even better women will look your way. And trust me, women will always look your way. Water will always seek it's own level. This can be a blessing or a curse. Now on to part one. Signals of High Interest................


Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2012
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Some signs of high interest.
1) She engages in girlfriend type behaviors even if you haven't been on a date. (ex. She straightens your shirt or shirt collar. She gets physically close to you a lot during conversation. She puts her hand on your chest or on your waist during conversation. She calls you some sort of pet name or uses a term of endearment in combination with the above mentioned behaviors <calling you "sweetie" or "honey" while patting your chest> .

Lots of women use words like honey when speaking with people in general so that alone means nothing. Combined with the above behaviors has more meaning.

2) Stroking the stem of a wine glass while making continuous eye contact with you.

3) "Accidentally" bumping or brushing against you in a non-crowded situation.

4) Walking by and bumping or brushing her breasts or buttocks against you when she has room to pass by you.

5) Looking for you a lot or following you around like a puppy or lost kitten.

6) Telling you you're handsome or good-looking.

7) Asking you to come over to her place to visit her alone. (Could be a sign of friendship or of romantic interest. Combined with the behaviors listed above more likely a sign of romantic interest).

8) Telling you sexual stories that go into great detail. Or speaking of a past sexual experience she had but in a lot of detail.

9) Giving her number to you without you asking after you've given her your number.

10) Doing a telephone gesture next to her head and either saying or mouthing the words "Call me." after giving you her number.


Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2012
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11) Sprinkling in sexual innuendo during your conversation.

12) Comparing you directly or indirectly to a character from a movie that is sexually attractive to women or good-looking. (Comparing you to James Dean or calling you Don Juan or Cassanova. Or comparing you to some actor she likes.)

13) If she is wearing an unbuttoned sweater over a shirt and flashes the sweater open while pushing her breasts forward and making heavy eye contact. So you're seeing the tighter shirt over her breasts instead of the sweater covering them. Sometimes women will "flash" you their breasts. This would be a signal if combined with the other behaviors I've mentioned.

14) Smiling while you run your fingers through her hair and then inching closer to you.

15) Making imaginary future plans with you or indirectly inviting you to do something with her in the future. "I went with my friend to such and such a place. I think you would like it. We should go there.".

16) Indirect statement directed at you. While making heavy contact with you and standing in your personal space " I wish SOMEONE would grab me."


Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2012
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These signals are not necessarily guarantees but if you see many of them combined together the probability of her being interested on some level is much higher than if you don't see any of these signals at all. Just one or two of these behaviors alone means little. It's when many signals are combined and repeated that the chances of her being interested are higher.

With women as with everything in life nothing is 100% guaranteed. We're just dealing with probabilities and not absolutes. But these signals are a good start.


Mar 6, 2017
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Great stuff bro. I kind of disagree with dealing with girls at your own level, there´s not much fun in that for me. I rather punch above my weight, hunt out of my league.


Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2012
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Dr. Suave......There's a general rule that is true most of the time. In general a man can get a woman at his level plus or minus 2. So if you're a 6 you can date women who are 6's, 7's or 8's. You can also get 4's and 5's. Maybe the women you think are "out of your league" really aren't. But that's just a side point and I will get back on track with the topic.


Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2012
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Now we have a list of some of the signals that show a woman is interested in you. So let's say we see these signals. An attractive woman is showing multiple behaviors that show she has some interest. How does this allow us to meet women with very little effort? How is what I'm going to show or tell you any different from anything else you've heard before?

Well, for one thing, you will no longer be "approaching" women or doing what some guys here might call a "cold approach". You will not be going in blindly and looking at some woman just hoping and praying that maybe she might like you, without making any real observation or judgements of your own.

You won't waste your time even thinking about approaching women. You will simply observe a woman's behavior across the room or as she's sitting next to you. You will have conversations with them. Normal conversations. Sometimes fun conversations. Sometimes run-of-the-mill conversations. Sometimes boring conversations. You are NOT to hit on her or try to "pick her up".

You are not going to waste your words or time or efforts to try to seduce a physically attractive woman with a horrible attitude and a scowl on her face. You are instead going to have normal conversations and if a woman you find attractive starts moving in on you, let her move an inch or two closer to you during your chat.

The key here is that once she begins moving in ever so gradually during the conversation, you reciprocate with some kind of a positive response. Or you maintain positive behavior you've already been doing.

So if she is talking to you and starts twirling her hair while making eye contact, you maintain good eye contact. Maybe you also move your hand on the table a few inches closer to her. Not touching her. Just a few inches in her direction on the table. And leave it there. You're going to make it easy for her to reach your hand if she wants to. Maybe she touches the top of your hand next for a brief moment during your conversation.

Then she may start leaning in more while you're both talking. Then you gently touch her hand with your fingers and in a minute you're holding hands during your conversation. Now, you haven't even exchanged phone numbers yet but do you think it will be a lot easier to get or give out a phone number after you've been holding hands? It really only seems natural to do so and to not exchange numbers would actually seem awkward.

So what seems completely backwards to most people can actually be the easier way. You're going in reverse order of what most people do to the point where NOT getting the number seems awkward. But this isn't just some "technique". There are rules and principles that will govern your behavior. Attitudes that will generate your responses to her signs of high interest.

The above was just an example but there are multiple ways you both could respond. After her continually inching forward and closer to you, you could have ran your fingers along the edges of her hair and then gently squeezed her shoulder for a second while talking and observe her response. She might scoot next to you and put her arm around your shoulder. And wouldn't it just be awkward to not exchange numbers after she put her arm around you? I think you see where I'm going with this........ and when you think about it that way, doesn't the idea of moving forward this way seem so much easier?


Nov 13, 2021
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Telling you sexual stories that go into great detail. Or speaking of a past sexual experience she had but in a lot of detail.
Imagine a girl telling you all the threesome she's had, all the dudes she's being with in a great detail... That's so disgusting, and really trashy behavior


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
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Imagine a girl telling you all the threesome she's had, all the dudes she's being with in a great detail... That's so disgusting, and really trashy behavior
If a girl is telling you about threesomes and other wild sex stories, that suggests you're in the Alpha Fux territory, which is where you want to be.

Beta Bux guys will be kept in the dark since they won't be participating in the wild sex.


Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2012
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Imagine a girl telling you all the threesome she's had, all the dudes she's being with in a great detail... That's so disgusting, and really trashy behavior
Hey Pedro,
The good thing about being able to recognize and look for women's signals of high interest or sexual attraction is you can use that knowledge not just to meet women but to avoid certain situations or scenarios or women you want to avoid.

Let me give you an example. Part of my code of ethics has been to always be loyal to my friends. Years ago in my single days I was visiting a friend and his girlfriend was at his place. He walked off to the other room for 2 or 3 minutes looking for something.

His girlfriend wanted to give me a quick "lesson" in Italian. In Italian she said " Do you want to walk with me.". Ok. Innocent enough. "Do you want to dance with me?". Ok. Still innocent. "Do you want to sleep with me?".....Ok. Not so innocent. Heavy flirting and disguising a proposition as a language lesson.

I just ignored it and made double sure not to be alone with her for any length of time. I value my friendships and I don't betray my friends by sleeping with their girlfriends. You can do the same. You can learn what to look for and either use it to meet women or to avoid being put in awkward situations.

Of course I didn't say anything to my friend because he'd just think I was crazy. I didn't really have anything concrete to tell him so I just left it at that.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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11) Sprinkling in sexual innuendo during your conversation.

12) Comparing you directly or indirectly to a character from a movie that is sexually attractive to women or good-looking. (Comparing you to James Dean or calling you Don Juan or Cassanova. Or comparing you to some actor she likes.)

13) If she is wearing an unbuttoned sweater over a shirt and flashes the sweater open while pushing her breasts forward and making heavy eye contact. So you're seeing the tighter shirt over her breasts instead of the sweater covering them. Sometimes women will "flash" you their breasts. This would be a signal if combined with the other behaviors I've mentioned.

14) Smiling while you run your fingers through her hair and then inching closer to you.

15) Making imaginary future plans with you or indirectly inviting you to do something with her in the future. "I went with my friend to such and such a place. I think you would like it. We should go there.".

16) Indirect statement directed at you. While making heavy contact with you and standing in your personal space " I wish SOMEONE would grab me."
17) If she starts sucking your d!ck, she might be interested.

Seriously though, most of the signs you've listed are extremely obvious. Unfortunately, women are rarely THAT obvious.


Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2012
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Hahaha! Yeah Bokanovsky. That's another sign that maybe she just might be interested......
A few more
18) While making eye contact she narrows her eyes during conversation. (aka bedroom eyes)

19) She twirls her hair while keeping eye contact. Or flips her hair.

20) She primps or straightens up hair, applies makeup, etc... does things to look more attractive as you're walking by. Could be coincidence unless followed by or accompanied by other signals.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2020
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His girlfriend wanted to give me a quick "lesson" in Italian. In Italian she said " Do you want to walk with me.". Ok. Innocent enough. "Do you want to dance with me?". Ok. Still innocent. "Do you want to sleep with me?".....Ok. Not so innocent. Heavy flirting and disguising a proposition as a language lesson.
Dunno what to say about that …

I met an Italian couple , and the guy was friend with my friend . They started walking in front and his gf took my hand ( palm to palm - like lovers do ) and started talking about what a great night it is and bla bla

I still think that this is just their culture . A lot of teasing and flirting but without necessary the romantic part actually being present

I felt very weird because her bf could see us anytime , but in the same time I also knew that nothing can happen . So just took it as a friendly gesture

maybe I am wrong . Have no idea what to believe