The Doritos Commercial: An Attack on MEN!


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
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As you all know the doritos superbowl commercial was the talk of the town. I mean what's funnier than a little black boy smacking a grown man across the face and telling him to stay away from his mama and doritos? But as you were laughing did you ever stop to think of the social implications of said commercial? Did you ever stop to think of the consequences resulting from the commercial and the motives behind it?

Did you ever stop to think that you were falling right into the hands of the social engineers who work to emasculate men for the feminist/gay agenda? Is the commercial just a funny commercial with nothing to it or is there a more sinister side to it?

People in this forum complain about afcs and betamales but rarely do they discuss the root of the problem of how they came to be. This is the reason of this thread as it discusses just 1 aspect of the problem and that is media psychological warfare on men.
Our society has sunk to a new low. Six years ago, during the halftime show of Super Bowl 38, the world went berserk when Janet Jackson exposed her nipple to Justin Timberlake and all of TV-land.

Yesterday, however, during Super Bowl 44, when a young boy slapped a man's face in a Doritos commercial, the same world reacted with laughter and approval. Postscript: According to TiVo, this was America's favorite Super Bowl 44 commercial.

Hitting men with impunity is the new American sport. Just ask Elin Nordegren, Tiger Woods's wife, who hit her husband and chased him with a golf club that she wielded to smash his car window -- a feat that would landed any man in jail. Just ask Mary J. Blige, who punched her husband in the face, in full view of nightclub witnesses -- a feat that would have landed any man in jail.

Doritos pulled a similar misandrist stunt in Super Bowl 43, as I illustrated to Bill O'Reilly on Fox News, when it's high-priced spot featured one man hurling a snowglobe at the crotch of another. If you laughed at that one, too, you demonstrated your pure disregard for men.

If all of this is so funny, reverse the genders and run the same commercials again.
Let's all have a big laugh. What network, agency, and advertiser pinheads are greenlighting these anti-male commercials? Send me their names; I will publish them.

Woman Is the New Man

It's widely known that the epidemic of teens becoming pregnant, using drugs, dropping out of school, and joining gangs stems from weak or nonexistent dads. No worry -- Madison Avenue has a brilliant solution: weaken fathers at every turn; emasculate men and subordinate them to domineering women. Inequality is the new equality. Woman is the new man.

Recently, State Farm Insurance began running a spot with a wimpified husband in mock pregnancy. Why? To show a man feeling like a woman. What would John Wayne say? Do you want to send this "pregnant" eunuch to fight in Afghanistan?

The typical grade-school boy will ask himself, after absorbing these misandrist images and messages, Is this how a man is supposed to behave -- with a watermelon under his shirt, with no shred of testosterone? Is it now OK to slap daddy in the face when I'm angry? A man is not allowed to hit anybody, but everybody is allowed to hit him. I don't want to be a man when I grow up.

The NoNonsense Bottom Line

The biggest slap in the face from Doritos is to children. Its pernicious commercial compounds the already-negative impression they derive from repeatedly watching men being reduced, and reducing themselves, to buffoons.

Where's the outrage from mothers -- especially Michelle Obama -- NFL execs, progressives in Obama's administration, purveyors of "women's studies" programs, pediatricians, and child psychologists? There is none.

The next time you watch or hear a domestic-violence PSA, remember the Doritos Dictum: If mommy slaps daddy in the face, it's OK because the suits at Pepsi's Frito-Lay division, sellers of Doritos, make it acceptable. And, by not protesting, Americans also make it acceptable.

After viewing the Doritos commercial, no little boy will want to become a man, father, or husband. And, no little girl will want to marry him -- but she'll still have his babies. Funny, huh!
Hopefully this article helped shed some light and open up your mind so you can start looking out for the anti-man agenda next time you turn on the zombie tube. Here is a challenge to you. Every time you turn on the tv keep track of all the commercials doing the same thing. Keep track of commercials that make men look like bafoons and women as the calm, cool, collected intelligent individual. You wonder why there is an epidemic of beta/afcs in the male population? How can there not be when they grew up being emasculated by their society and the media.
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Phenomenal One

Don Juan
Jan 16, 2009
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Long Island, New York
I thought that commercial was funny and did'nt see anything that would suggest that was an attack on men.


Don Juan
Jun 14, 2008
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Dude, get a life.

f283000 said:
As you all know the doritos superbowl commercial was the talk of the town. I mean what's funnier than a little black boy smacking a grown man across the face and telling him to stay away from his mama and doritos?

But as you were laughing did you ever stop to think of the social implications of said commercial? Did you ever stop to think of the consequences resulting from the commercial and the motives behind it?

Did you ever stop to think that you were falling right into the hands of the social engineers who work to emasculate men for the feminist/gay agenda?

Is the commercial just a funny commercial with nothing to it or is there a more sinister side to it?

Hopefully this article helped shed some light and open up your mind so you can start looking out for the anti-man agenda next time you turn on the zombie tube. Here is a challenge to you. Every time you turn on the tv keep track of all the commercials doing the same thing. Keep track of commercials that make men look like bafoons and women as the calm, cool, collected intelligent individual. You wonder why there is an epidemic of beta/afcs in the male population? How can there not be when they grew up being emasculated by their society and the media.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
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Phenomenal One said:
I thought that commercial was funny and did'nt see anything that would suggest that was an attack on men.
Let me ask you a question, what if the genders had been reversed? What if the boy had slapped a woman? Would that have been celebrated as this commercial has been? NO! The media would be crying foul, people would be calling it "insensitive," anti-woman, chauvinistic etc etc etc. It would probably have never made it back on the air after that.

What do you think will be the consequence of young boys who watch tv and see all these adult men looking like bafoons, wimps, sissies, feminine, un-educated, men being hit with no retaliation in return? You get emasculated men, you get afcs, you get betamales.

What do you think the consequences would be if instead young boys saw on tv responsible, masculine, educated, strong, assertive examples of adult males on tv?

To brainwash people you start off by presenting your point of view in a positive manner. You disguise the dark side of it, you disguise the truth. You don't outright make men look like wimps. You do it covertly. You do it with a funny commercial where the intention is hidden but the message is subliminal. They don't tell you their intention, they hide it but you still see the message and it bypasses your moral compass of right and wrong.

Psychological warfare is a powerful thing. It's used in the media all the time. It's used by corporations, it's used by governments, it's used by special interest groups. Most people are not aware their mind, thoughts and beliefs are under constant attack.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
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More was a direct attack on the number of intelligent growing middle class educated black men. A baby thug, probably some thugs kid slapping the crap out of a black man who is probably a decent guy and is trying to date a single mother who has probably made poor choices. Yah, that's a good look. I thought as much as the OP when I saw the commercial. Most of the guys I work with both black and white said they would have beat the crap outta some kid who tried that.


Senior Don Juan
May 27, 2008
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Houston, TX
I didn't care for the commercial. I also thought the messages sent in that commerical were slickly layered, with emasculation as a central theme.

On a personal note... given the whole single mother epidemic/fiasco currrently plaguing the Black community, the notion of celebrating a scenario where a poorly-raised, undisciplined child slaps his mom's potential beau is a particularly asinine one.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
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DMSR76 said:
I didn't care for the commercial. I also thought the messages sent in that commerical were slickly layered, with emasculation as a central theme.

On a personal note... given the whole single mother epidemic/fiasco currrently plaguing the Black community, the notion of celebrating a scenario where a poorly-raised, undisciplined child slaps his mom's potential beau is a particularly asinine one.
Let's analyze the commercial even closer

1. It emasculates men
2. It hurts children because they see men being emasculated thus they get a negative view of how a man should be. Rather than looking up to strong, masculine, educated men they see the opposite.
3. The point you made about single mothers in the black community. Considering the problems they are having this commercial is a covert slap in the face to that community.
4. It hurts black males in the sense that they see what seems to be a nice, educated, well dressed black man getting smacked and embarrassed while the same media pushes thugs (rappers) as role models.
5. It hurts black women in the sense they see what seems to be a nice, educated, well dressed black man getting emasculated thus making similar men seem less attractive. They'll keep on going to the thugs and the whole cycle of poverty and problems for them will continue.

There is so much wrong with this commercial that those that haven't done just a bit of reading on psychological warfare wouldn't understand it all.
Dude, get a life.
Back when I didn't know jack about what's going on I would have told someone the same thing if I had seen this thread. Educate yourself on the feminist agenda. Then come back when you can make a worthwhile contribution to this thread and aren't a fool anymore.


Senior Don Juan
May 27, 2008
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Houston, TX
f283000 said:
Let's analyze the commercial even closer

1. It emasculates men
2. It hurts children because they see men being emasculated thus they get a negative view of how a man should be. Rather than looking up to strong, masculine, educated men they see the opposite.
3. The point you made about single mothers in the black community. Considering the problems they are having this commercial is a covert slap in the face to that community.
4. It hurts black males in the sense that they see what seems to be an educated, well dressed, educated black man getting smacked and embarrassed while the same media pushes thugs (rappers) as role models.

There is so much wrong with this commercial that those that haven't done just a bit of reading on psychological warfare wouldn't understand it all.
Right. That commercial could be peeled like an onion.

I was at raucous superbowl party when it aired. Most people there didn't pay close attention to it because there was music playing and other distractions going on at that moment. The few (mostly women) who did pay attention sheepishly laughed. I was gritting my teeth.


Don Juan
Jul 30, 2009
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I don't know much about marketing but this also seems like pretty effective marketing to me.

Most of the people watching the Super Bowl are guys.

What do the commercials do?

They either attack manhood,
Simply appeal to problems a majority of guys have. In this case it's the whole idea of being an AFC.

And within 30 seconds, BOOM, they give you a solution.

These commercials definitely have "emasculation" as a theme.
BUT, do you guys think the commercials are actually part of the effort?
Are they simply feeding off of the idea?


Don Juan
Jun 14, 2005
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not telling :P
I agree with you f283000 and this is why I don't watch much TV these days - it's all brainwashing garbage. I do like to watch sport, luckily in Europe the advertisers dont have as much control in our sports like soccer/rugby/cricket etc... so I dont really have to put up with that much but I wonder how long that is going to last.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
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thedoc said:
These commercials definitely have "emasculation" as a theme.
BUT, do you guys think the commercials are actually part of the effort?
Are they simply feeding off of the idea?
The "Sugar Daddies" Behind Feminism
How the Rockefellers Re-Engineered Women
Gloria Steinem: How the CIA Used Feminism to Destabilize Society

The same people that funded Nazi Eugenics started and funded the feminist movement in the west. The goal is depopulation through the emasculation of men, destruction of the nuclear family, promotion of homosexuality, birth control, abortion etc.


Don Juan
Feb 16, 2010
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Yeah I have noticed the trend of making guys looking like an idiot in commercials.

My biggest gripe would have to be the Snuggies commercial.

The man in those commercial looks like the biggest loser in the world, and any woman who's seen the commercial, I can garantee you, would NEVER sleep with him... EVER.

See also the Walmart Clown Commercial, and the list goes on, but I don't feel like finding them all.

Nexus Polaris

Senior Don Juan
Feb 10, 2007
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Here's my take on it. Fück society basically. If you know who you are, you recognize those subtle indoctrinations when you see them and you're immune to them. In fact, you can even sit back and laugh at them because you know how many other people honestly buy into those ideas.

I find it sad that so many men and women both currently buy into this notion of "woman = smart / man = dumb," but it's not my job to educate the world. It's those people's responsibility to come to their senses on their own. Besides, have you ever actually tried to rationally point out the flaws in someone's thought process who believes that crap? There is absolutely NO getting through to them. They are as completely convinced as the rest of us were when we were AFCs.

So what can you do? Just take care of yourself. Let them think what they want. If you really want to change public perception, lead by example. Be the smart, responsible, ideal man that people don't see very often anymore.


Senior Don Juan
May 23, 2009
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then again, who gives a fvck?

Yeah, you're being internet pvssy fags. stop your b1tching about a doritos commercial, jesus. This is what people make fun of on the internet - this exact type of discussion.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 14, 2005
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You got it figured out all wrong. There are 500 fortune 500 companies. Only 12 of the ceo's are women. 488 are men. All we are doing is giving women the illusion of power so they will stop complaining...women dont actually control anything lol...we only let women rule the media world for the pleasure of a man...imagine your little sister wanting to play football with the guys...of course shes not big enough or strong enough...but shes gonna keep on *****en until you let her you let her play and then she eventually goes home to play with her barbies because she is to sensitive.


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2008
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Southern California
well, like Ice882 said, who gives a ****. If you could see it, good for you, don't let these things affect you. What's worse it that Dockers pants commercial on facebook. They even advertised how testosterone levels dropped 17% in the last 14 years, yet their message was wearing their pants would make you more masculine. :rolleyes:
Jan 12, 2010
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It would have been an even funnier commercial if a woman was about to go on a date with a single dad, and the single dad's son b1tch slapped the woman...........oh but wait.........violence against women is wrong.......its taboo.........can never show that kind of funny commercial because women are by definition princesses who can do no wrong, so they would never deserve to be slapped by a child as a joke for a commercial.......right????

Fuuuuuuuuuuck that, this is why women are only to be played with these days - 100% of the fun, 0% of the drama, don't take em seriously


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
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Warrior74 said:
More was a direct attack on the number of intelligent growing middle class educated black men. A baby thug, probably some thugs kid slapping the crap out of a black man who is probably a decent guy and is trying to date a single mother who has probably made poor choices. Yah, that's a good look.
Exactly. This commercial is an attack on black people when you think about it but most are clueless.
well, like Ice882 said, who gives a ****. If you could see it, good for you, don't let these things affect you.
Yeah who gives a **** about something that affects you directly and the quality of life around you. Who gives a **** when there is a campaign to show men are emasculated on tv and children are watching and they grow up seeing men as irresponsible pu***s. Who gives a **** when a decent looking black guy is made to look like a bafoon in a community that idolizes thugs. Who gives a **** really??

When you get a clue to the overall picture and how this affects everyone then come back.
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