Taking out Chinese Woman


Don Juan
Nov 14, 2007
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So, I'm taking out a Chinese woman this weekend. She's going to school here. Speaks English very well. I met her at an event I volunteered at. Funny thing is that I asked her out to a Chinese restaurant, lol, but it's a real popular place that shes never been to. Does anyone legitimately know anything about Chinese culture that would be good for me to know on a date? Any advice that would be useful? She hasn't been here to long, so I'm not sure how many American men she has dated and what Chinese women would expect from an American.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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Chinese love the future.

Fortunes, astrology, good luck numbers... etc.

It's actually very interesting. If you're into history you should do some reading just for the hell of it.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
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You haven't really given us a whole lot to go on. It's not likely that she is traditional so don't worry about that. In my experience, asian woman that learn english are more westernized and slutier. No offense.

Kino is going to be more important as there might be a language barrier. Also, I think taking to a chinese restaurant might not have been the best idea unless it's a top quality place that serves real chinese food.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2006
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South Carolina, USA
Find out from her. It's good for conversation. Also, Asians love Dong. Horniness is a universal language.


Jul 13, 2008
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The United State of Texas
DonutMan said:
So, I'm taking out a Chinese woman this weekend. She's going to school here. Speaks English very well. I met her at an event I volunteered at. Funny thing is that I asked her out to a Chinese restaurant, lol, but it's a real popular place that shes never been to. Does anyone legitimately know anything about Chinese culture that would be good for me to know on a date? Any advice that would be useful? She hasn't been here to long, so I'm not sure how many American men she has dated and what Chinese women would expect from an American.
I don't know anything about the Chinese culture,but one thing I think would make a good impression on her would be for you to learn a little of the chinese language.
Nothing major. Something simple like,"How you doin today,....Wow,you look nice" when you go to pick her up for the date.

I think that you saying those things in her native language would be a nice way to start the date off.


Don Juan
Nov 14, 2007
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More details are....I met her a couple months ago, got her number. Never called. Saw her again last night at this event, got to talking about Chinese new year, told her about my favorite Chinese restaurant, asked her if she wanted me to take her there...she said yes. After the event we were at was over, I was talking to other people and she waited for me before she left. After that we went for a walk and both went home. She is in a masters program at an ivy league school here, very cute, smart, really no language barrier other then her accent. She's from Taiwan, has brothers that also live in the US but family still in Taiwan.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
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I think would make a good impression on her would be for you to learn a little of the chinese language. Something simple like,"How you doin today,....Wow,you look nice" when you go to pick her up for the date.
Yes that's true, but don't make a big deal of it. Just remember every 4 year old chinese kid can use chop sticks and speak chinese.

Here is what you should say to her, I write it in pinyin and then phonetically. Ni hao. Ni hin piaoliang. (Nee how. Nee, hin pee-ow-leeang.)

It means "Hello. You look very beautiful."

Consider picking up the lonely planet mandarin phrasebook.

EDIT: Ok it sounds to me like you are making her being Chinese a bigger deal than it is. OH, and since she is from Taiwan, DO NOT CALL HER CHINESE!!


New Member
Jan 28, 2009
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Being white, fluent in mandarin, and having dated several Taiwanese and Chinese women, I highly recommended you do not attempt in any way to speak to her in mandarin. You'll only ruin any chance you might've had, trust me.

If you can't say things correctly, it can be offensive ... ie "Can I ask you a question" and "Please give me a kiss" both are qingwen with different tonal inflections. The word for mom and horse (ma) are also the same with different tonal inflections. These are just two of many ways you can really go wrong.

It makes you look 'cute' and drop you clearly in friend territory.

Finally, it clearly puts you in the 'weirdo' or 'trying too hard' category.

If you wanna study up a bunch of common phrases and ask her to teach you something (present you like to increase you value by continuously learning) that might be a good idea. This way you know it in advance so it's a refresher instead of just learning it. Mandarin is difficult, so preparing yourself is a good way to come off as a quick and intelligent person.

One last thing I forgot. If you can't use chopsticks correctly and proficiently, don't. If you have poor technique, don't. My last two ex's constantly complimented how I could use them with ease and proper technique while making fun of the fact their exes couldn't use them but tried to anyways.


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2008
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Show her you know a little bit about her culture, don't tell her or ask.

If they have tea there, flip over both your tea cups if they aren't already flipped rightside up. Take the Tea pot and pick it up with your right hand by the handle and pour her cup first. When your pouring hold the lid lightly with your left hand. Then pour yours.

If she assumes to pour your tea first before you get the chance, there is a gesture to show that you would not like anymore tea. Simply tap the table right next to the cup while she starts pouring. When you've had enough tea immediately stop tapping. That means that's all you want.

my Parents orginate from Hong Kong/China and you can call people from there chinese but as sharinganuser stated, Taiwanese people will be offended sometimes if you call them chinese. They consider it separate from China and consider it their own country, which it kind of is for now. I still call them chinese anyway and don't take their crap. But if your trying to stay on their good side just say taiwanese if you need to.

This is America, she came here to get an american education and better her english i assume. You do not need to try to flatter her in her mother tongue, ive seen it many times since i am from chinatown and a few of my family members own restaurants in chinatown. These lame white guys speak HORRENDOUS chinese that i just laugh at and the girl just smiles at them.

Besides some of the tips others have stated and the above ones, just be yourself and polite and don't talk too much. Taiwanese girls should be more outgoing than mainlanders from my experience so just ask a few questions and let them babble away.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2007
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I was gonna tell you what Sharingan User was gonna say lol... Except for the beautiful part. I only knew "hello"

But, other than that I wouldn't go too far in try to impress how by knowing about her culture. The best thing to do is just ask about her. Girls like talking about themselves so, I'm sure you will learn all you want to know.

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
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talking about sharingan, ask her about naruto she might know it MANGETSYUO SHARINGAN.

But on a serious note it is actually great ur asking us, i could maybe tell u but to b honest the fact ur so interested, just makes it so much better on ur date. Because yes u have something to talk about, ask her. Don't worry to much as well culture as a effect but shes still human lol, don't think she will b making a check list for what american guys should do.

Keep it kool and if ur lucky u might get to show her ur BANKAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2007
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Los Angeles
just be yourself man, seriously. if you can't use chopsticks, just try anyway, laugh at yourself, ask her to teach you, if she can't see the humor in it, she's an uptight btch

there's no need for you to be a damn Asiaphile. in fact, you'll probably lose points trying

I'm Asian btw. This is like a running joke in the community - white dudes trying to score points with Asian girls by talkign about how much they love Asian culture and butchering their language. You won't get points, but your tryhard-ness will be so apparent, you'll automatically be low value

on top of that, there are a TON of Americanized Asians who are a world apart from their culture back east. good way to kill attraction - pull out some obscure eastern cultural thing that SHE doesn't even know about and automatically make her feel like sht for not knowing her own culture

I'm Chinese and I never even heard that sht about pouring tea before. In fact I don't even like tea and if I was with a who girl made a big deal about me not being able to pour tea correctly, I'd give her a "you're retarded" look and remind her I was born and raised in LA


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2007
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Los Angeles
also, all that sht that you're trying to learn to "prep" yourself, why not just ask her authentically about it when you guys do go out

if she's down, congrats, you now have rapport and have also distanced yourself from all the other generic Asiaphile dudes trying to impress an Asian woman by butchering her language


Master Don Juan
Jan 28, 2009
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if you get a chance, kick back with her and watch russell peters on youtube.
Aug 13, 2007
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My college major was math, and so most of my professors and many of my fellow students were from China or other Asian countries.

Hmm, what can I tell you...

Chinese people hate the food they serve in most American Chinese restaurants. There are apparently a few which do it right though. They usually say 'Authentic Chinese Cuisene' or something like that.

One thing I always like to do is ask questions which I already know the answer to. Ask her about Taipei 101. It's the tallest building in the world(as of a couple years ago, maybe there is a taller one now), and it's in Taiwan. Also, it's pronounced Taibei, not Taipei. Make sure to ask about the counterweight in the building which they made to protect it against earthquakes.

They also had an election there last year. The friends I knew who were from Taiwan were very, very excited about this. I believe he is a less traditional president who wants to have more open comminication with mainland China. So ask her about that, and what she thinks of him. You can try relating it to the new president we have in our country.

You could also try asking about Chinese New Year--That was on Monday, I think. There are other Chinese holidays you might not have heard of. The Moon Festival, which is in fall is the only one I can remember right now, but there are two or three others.

I never tried to speak Chinese around any of the Chinese/Taiwanese people I met, so I can't tell you what kind of reponse you'd get from doing that.

I don't consider myself an 'Asiaphile', but I do love the personality that women from those countries have. It is really different from here in the United States.


Don Juan
Nov 14, 2007
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ready123 said:
just be yourself man, seriously. if you can't use chopsticks, just try anyway, laugh at yourself, ask her to teach you, if she can't see the humor in it, she's an uptight btch

there's no need for you to be a damn Asiaphile. in fact, you'll probably lose points trying

I'm Asian btw. This is like a running joke in the community - white dudes trying to score points with Asian girls by talkign about how much they love Asian culture and butchering their language. You won't get points, but your tryhard-ness will be so apparent, you'll automatically be low value

on top of that, there are a TON of Americanized Asians who are a world apart from their culture back east. good way to kill attraction - pull out some obscure eastern cultural thing that SHE doesn't even know about and automatically make her feel like sht for not knowing her own culture

I'm Chinese and I never even heard that sht about pouring tea before. In fact I don't even like tea and if I was with a who girl made a big deal about me not being able to pour tea correctly, I'd give her a "you're retarded" look and remind her I was born and raised in LA
I hear you...Im not an asiaphile or a "gawkasian" just cant turn away from a cute friendly and smart girl. Being asian has nothing to do with it, as far as asking about the culture I was more curious about if anyone knew if Taiwanese/Chinese people had different expectations for dating. I also only called her chinese cause she initially said she was chinese but that she was from taiwan. She also seems to be cool with eating at Americanized chinese restaurants, lol, so know worries there.