so i found out a nice piece of information


Senior Don Juan
May 16, 2009
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It turns out that this girl I'm dating is telling her friends that I'm way more into her than she is into me. Honestly, I don't care as I don't really want to date her anyways since I'm just doing it to get laid constantly with a hot chick at this point. Really, I am far more interested in the power dynamics of this relationship, and I've got another girl I'm hooking up with on the side. As far as relationships are concerned, she's a total novice (she's 21) and hasn't been in one outside of me. It's only been going on for a month, but I've probably told her some things that I didn't really mean.

Should I just cut her loose cleanly with some "I'm not ready for this right now" line?

Honestly, I was going to be gentle with this girl, but I really don't care about her and after getting this little tidbit, I don't care at all anymore. If I'm going to play a girl, I might as well do it right, fuck.

I've got a couple unanswered texts right now. I'd be leaving on a high note sexually, lol.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
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The 7th Dimension
Nuclear strike.

"I'm just not into you anymore". Don't tell her you heard what she's been saying to her friends.

I'm not one to quickly and firmly lower the boom without a cause, but she needs a taste of her own medicine.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2006
Reaction score
If it was me I'd drop her @$$ and on to the next one. Maybe its me but my time is money


Master Don Juan
Mar 20, 2010
Reaction score
Too much gossip girl,she is like a little girl playing the love game at school,It's even possible it was her to send her friend just to see your reaction.


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
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Manhattan, NY
I agree with the guys. I'm normally not a fan of games, but what the hell. Drop a bomb on this chick. Shake up her view of the world.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
Help me understand something here... it sounds like you only wanted this chick for some consistent @ss right?

So then why does it matter if she's telling her friends she thinks your way more into her than you??

Who gives a s**t what she says?

If your truly on player mode and you don't give a fu#k, then you shouldn't care.

But I'll tell you why you WOULD care...


Your going to throw away a nice young, hot piece of @ss just because she thinks your way into her?

Again if the goal is just to get laid then I think its dumb to get rid of her. But if it did hurt your feelings on some level then it makes sense.

Learn to cut emotion and feeling out of the equation especially when your trying to just straight up sex a girl.



Senior Don Juan
Oct 19, 2009
Reaction score
no reason to drop her if you're getting sex.

just pay less attention to her, go out with your friends more, answer fewer texts and phone calls.

why kick her off the team forever for a few moments of satisfaction that "you didn't look like an afc". **** that. you can handle this situation.

edit: yeah. what pimpsicle said. don't listen to these people saying to drop her. just be a man


Senior Don Juan
May 16, 2009
Reaction score
of course there is some ego involved here, but really, this girl has an awful world view and she's way too conservative for my tastes. i'm already getting ass on the side from a girl that's about the same level of attractiveness. what's a good line to drop with her to breakup with her?

"Sorry, but I think this is getting to real for me and I can't see you anymore" should leave her confused. Up to this point, I've played the role of the perfect guy. Yesterday she was revealing that she feels far too comfortable around me and pretty much dropped what she was doing at 2am to hang out with me.

this relationship just tastes like saccharine flavored water, i can't stand it.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
blueline said:
of course there is some ego involved here, but really, this girl has an awful world view and she's way too conservative for my tastes. i'm already getting ass on the side from a girl that's about the same level of attractiveness. what's a good line to drop with her to breakup with her?

"Sorry, but I think this is getting to real for me and I can't see you anymore" should leave her confused. Up to this point, I've played the role of the perfect guy. Yesterday she was revealing that she feels far too comfortable around me and pretty much dropped what she was doing at 2am to hang out with me.

this relationship just tastes like saccharine flavored water, i can't stand it.

You weren't very clear with the details, you never said you two were in a said your dating....big difference.

Not sure how old you are, but with time you should learn to not let your ego get in the way of your end goal. Girls SAY a lot of things, but the simple fact is she's into you. She drops things she's doing to see you, she fuvks and your going to drop that because of her "world views??" Give me a break dude, that's just a blanket excuse because your feelings are hurt.

Why are you letting your feelings get so involved here? I mean if you were being a chump and thought this beeyatch was Miss Perfect it would be different. But your clearly playing the field and she's just another in your bullpen...

So again, why let it bother you????

Lastly since your wondering how to break up with her, I can tell that your looking for some vindication aka "payback" to make her feel like sh#t and blind side her. Well that won't work in this case IF what she's telling all her friends is true.

The best way to put her in her place is to just call her up and start treating her like a FB....don't take her out, just tell her to come over so you can fuvk.

Eventually she'll grow cold and you won't have to worry about a break up speech.



Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
blueline said:
of course there is some ego involved here, but really, this girl has an awful world view and she's way too conservative for my tastes. i'm already getting ass on the side from a girl that's about the same level of attractiveness. what's a good line to drop with her to breakup with her?

"Sorry, but I think this is getting to real for me and I can't see you anymore" should leave her confused. Up to this point, I've played the role of the perfect guy. Yesterday she was revealing that she feels far too comfortable around me and pretty much dropped what she was doing at 2am to hang out with me.

this relationship just tastes like saccharine flavored water, i can't stand it.
This woman dropped what she was doing at 2am and YOUR the one thats too into her? She was bull****ting her friends son. Look at what a woman does, not what she says. She's used to guys fawning over her, but she drops what she's doing at 2am to come give it up? You think she would do that for a guy she felt was beneath her? When it comes to women and their girlfriends they are class A politicians. You have to judge which girlfriends, what else was said in the conversation, what time of the month it was. They can make contradictory statements in the same breath. I've seen it. Judge her actions, drop your ego, enjoy the poon until you can't access it any more. Find a new one and repeat.

Pimp-sicle was right. Listen and learn.


Senior Don Juan
May 16, 2009
Reaction score
I nuked her, lol. I'm not going to lead some girl on who I can barely have a conversation with. There was an acid come down involved in this decision, but it needed to happen. Those sorts of statements are unacceptable.


Don Juan
Mar 31, 2010
Reaction score
Good for you!

I would have done the same thing in your situation.

In fact I just DID that myself last week.

I wasn't mean, just let her know I was "done" with her and her foolish behavior.

And you know what? Every time I think about what I did, my inner voice tells me I did the right thing.

Thanks to this forum, I walked away with my integrity intact and so did you my friend.


Don Juan
Mar 3, 2008
Reaction score
tony-montana said:
if i was getting laid i wouldnt care what the fuk she says lol.
I semi-agree, as a$$ is always nice to get. However, I only have one life to life so why fvck with low quality women? I would probably just never take her out/talk to her and only get sum when I really need it.

Right now I have two girls who I never spend my time/money on but could hit them up and they'd come over that night.

The rest of the time I'm reserving towards bettering myself and meeting/dating new girls


Master Don Juan
May 11, 2006
Reaction score
I can be wrong, man, but I feel you might have a problem here.

She does not fit or she challenges your Big Player 'I can have any girl' ego image of yourself, which btw gives you the power.
'Dump her before she dumps you' is what your ego is telling you.

Think about it. What are your motives? Why do you have to spin 3 plates? Why do you drop the plate once it looks like it might fall down?

You are not there, man. Not yet. And I guess you question yourself right? As you do in here...'What would the player do?'

Fvck it man, players are just active AFCs. AFC's shielding their ego vs Players constantly feeding their ego.

Ego being that false personality you give yourself to justify your existence.


Senior Don Juan
May 16, 2009
Reaction score
I don't know. I really like waging psychological war on pretty women because they treated me like I didn't exist until I started playing the numbers game.

I took her back because she seemed insanely upset and it struck a chord in me. This is her first relationship, you can't just dump someone via SMS without warning.


Master Don Juan
May 11, 2006
Reaction score
blueline said:
I don't know. I really like waging psychological war on pretty women because they treated me like I didn't exist until I started playing the numbers game.

I took her back because she seemed insanely upset and it struck a chord in me. This is her first relationship, you can't just dump someone via SMS without warning.
You see and that's why you feel something is wrong. You feel edgy with confused feelings. That revenge thing is absolutely unjustified. You have to accept that you were a chump and that it was your fault you were a chump.
Yeah, society, media, parents or whatever can be blamed and the chicks too for not giving you the confidence at the start but without acceptance of your faults you are stuck in revenge mode and not progressing or being happy.

It does not mean you go around beating yourself and proclaiming your faults. You have to be honest with yourself and act upon it. It is hard, it can be painful but it can be done. Because that Big Player demanding revenge is actually that chump in armor. Any hole in the armor hurts the hearing she does not worship you.


Don Juan
Mar 31, 2010
Reaction score
blueline said:
This is her first relationship, you can't just dump someone via SMS without warning.
Yes you certainly can.

Are you done with her or not?