Secret Society


Master Don Juan
May 9, 2005
Reaction score
On The Road to Self-Improvement
I found this interesting:
Secret Society
by Tyler Durden

A secret society exists. Around 52% of people on this earth are a part of it.

Of that 52%, 50% are women, 2% are men.

Of that 2%, 1% of those men are gay, the other 1% are players.

What I'm talking about is the sex secret society - and you are either *IN* or *OUT*.


1) Don't talk about the secret society.

2) The priority of the secret society is to have perpetually good emotions in all members.

3) Create shrowds around the secret society, like "all men are dogs". Hide the truth that women are far more likely to cheat than men.

4) If you are part of the secret society, you will never be denied anything at any point.

5) If you are not part of the secret society, you will scrap and beg for everything you get.

6) Communication in the secret society is less often verbal, and more often spoken through bodylanguage subcommunications, and verbal subcommunications that would only make sense to members. Any other way, and the 48% of men would pick up on it, and it would no longer be a secret.

7) At the first sign that someone who is not part of the secret society is possibly trying to pretend that he is, barate him with both love-rhetoric, and accusations of chauvanism and nit-witted-ness.

It's OK to cheat on someone who is not a part of the secret society, so long as it is for the purpose of fulfilling the needs of someone who is, or if it to fulfill your own needs and it is with someone who is a part of the secret society. Sleeping with a rare guy from the secret society is no worse than grinding with a girlfriend at a club and making out with her. "It doesn't count".

9) Nobody judges eachother in the secret society. There is no such thing as a slut. A slut is only as slutty as people who are NOT in the secret society are aware of.

10) Secret society members COME FIRST. If someone in the society is not having fun with an interaction, it is cut off. Conversely, if a secret society male is with a non-secret-society male, and a secret society female (all females) decides she wants sex from the secret society male, the friend of the female may have sex with the non-secret-society male, because EVERYONE in the interaction must feel good. However, if the non-secret-society male is blowing himself out so badly that he makes the female member feel very bad emotions, then the secret-society-male must face the consequences of bringing negative emotions into the equation, and lose out on his privilege for sex in that interaction, until he ditches the non-secret-society male. Bear minimum requirements for non-secret-society males being grandfathered in with the male member, is that he not qualify himself or make anyone feel uncomfortable. Failing to meet those requirements, both are blown out.


Women are repressed by men, and so must look out for themselves. They will take care of:

1) Their own sexual needs.

2) The sexual needs of anyone in the secret society.

3) The sexual needs of the few males who make the secret society possible ("players").

The secret society is what allows women to appear wholesome and allows them to screen for a long term provider/emotionaltampon.

Women hold off to find the perfect boyfriend, while sleeping with a guy who is likely sleeping with all of their friends, and their friends friends.

They also **** their gay boyfriends or jerk them off or give them head. They're part of the secret society too, so they can't be left out.


Master Don Juan
May 9, 2005
Reaction score
On The Road to Self-Improvement
EYE WITNESS ACCOUNTS FROM SECRET SOCIETY INSIDERS (based on dozens of interviews I did over the summer, with girls in London England, as well as some from my own experience as a player):

1) If you tell a girl that you're gay, and that you want to "see what it feels like to be with a girl", she'll sleep with you. She won't insist on using a condom either, unless you do. You're part of the secret society, where condoms aren't necessary because they are logical entities and not emotionally relevant.

2) If you subcommunicate that you are a part of the secret society, and tell the friend of your target "I'm really lonely. My girlfriend cheated on me, and I need to re-validate myself tonight", she'll tell her friend to **** you. Her friend will realize from this that you are a part of the secret society, and she'll **** you. Moreover, if the friend refuses, the ugly girl will offer you a ******* to help you out.

3) If you manage to verbally subcommunicate that you are a member (its still subcommunication, because the verbal ways you communicate it aren't direct at all), the secret society members will gladly tell you all about their sexual exploits and adventures. As soon as you subcommunicate that you desire romance, she will immediately retract all of her previous statements (and she'll look completely congruent doing so), and downplay them that it was something she did just one time and that she's looking for a relationship.
PUA: "I love to go out and hook up. I hate it when girls try to run my life"..
HB: "Me too.. I hooked up with guys all last year.. My boyfriend tried to control me, but I do what I want.. My girlfriends all do it too."
PUA: "Really? Cause to be honest, I've always felt like I'm a romantic guy.. And girls always cheat on me.. I want to find a girl who won't cheat."
HB: "I would never cheat. Guys are dogs. I'm always loyal."
PUA: "But didn't you say..."
HB: "No, I said nothing."
PUA: "No, you said that you don't let your boyfriend control you and you do what you want."
HB: "No, I didn't mean that. I'm not a slut. I have no idea what you're talking about, I didn't say that."

4) If you are a member, and say that you are really lonely and you need someone to snuggle and makeout with, all members of the secret society will agree to do so with you. If you are a girl, you have privilege to snuggle and kiss and sleep in the same bed as all other girls. If you are gay, you can do the same. If it escalates to sex, its an accident and does not count. If you're a player, and you make girls around you emotional, and the friends are all in good emotions about it, they sleep with you. No one is a slut in the secret society, because the secret society does not judge.

5) If a group of girls living together find a guy who is in the secret society, they will all **** him. They'll recommend him as an honourary secret society member, and enjoy him. Meanwhile they may be in relationships with non-secret society members that they've fallen in love with, however this is not an issue because nobody in the secret society judges and sex with people in the secret society does not count. If you are a secret society member now, but in the past enjoyed a romantic relationship, what you may not realize is the part that was left out of the romance novel story (due to rules no1&2 of the secret society code), which was that after you dropped her off your romantic star watching, a secret society member came by and ****ed the **** out of her without a condom and gave her the money shot all over her face.

6) If a secret society male has a non member male friend, the friend of the girl who wants sex from the male member will have sex with the non-member even if she doesn't like him. However, rules state that if if the non-member is "creepy/scary" (kinos too much, leans in too much, asks dumb questions, tries too hard to impress, overqualifies), then the male member will be expected to return either alone or with another male member. Also, the male members must remember that positive emotions are always priority, and if he is alone he must still maintain the positive emotions of the female member who will not be getting sex, secret society rules not to be breached. Number 1 rule of the secret society, outside of not talking about it, is that EVERYONE maintains GOOD emotions.


The 49% of men who live outside of the secret society don't understand the mental model of attraction of people who are in the secret society.

Men view attraction in their MALE MENTAL MODELS. They believe that attraction is "sexual aggression". They understand attraction as having a physical urge to have sex, and then mentally deciding that you will go after it.

They try to seduce women by touching and grabbing them, and getting them very horny. They try to seduce them in the SAME WAY that a woman would do well seducing THEM. They try to seduce them as if they were seducing a GUY. This sometimes works, and the propaganda is spread - "this is how to get chicks".

Secret society members will not fill them in, due to breach of the code.

What the secret society members are not telling you, is that they understand that most sex occurs when women are not sexually AGGRESSIVE, but sexually RECEPTIVE.

They understand that for women to be ready for sex, they need not feel horny, they need only feel EMOTIONAL.

They understand that women are not logical, and that they are emotional. They understand that for women sex is not a big deal at all, and that its their LOGIC that puts the breaks on it.

They understand that most women are afraid of sex because they lack TRUST, and because their LOGIC is putting on the breaks.

They disarm logic by making the women EMOTIONAL, so that their LOGIC (which is the BREAKS of emotion) becomes disarmed, and at the same time maintain TRUST, so that the emotions generated won't be interfered with.

Then they simply have sex, because although the women are not WANTING sex, they are too EMOTIONAL to DECLINE sex. Then, once they BEGIN to have a physical interaction, the women become horny and sexually aggressive as a result, and sex begins.

(NOTE: This is why girls must ****BLOCK for eachother. Because they know that clubs are emotionally charged environments, and that it wouldn't take much for a guy to use her resulting sexual receptiveness to lay her. The guy may not be a guy that the girl would lay normally, were she feeling more logical, so the girls must look out for eachother. Guys don't need to do this because firstly, they will not be judged for sleeping around (no logic), secondly, they are sexually aggressive - not receptive - so their decisions will not be regretted later usually, and thirdly, because they do not need trust because they are not usually in any physical danger).

They also understand that value + trust + attraction = sex (rough lazy model).

Value = being someone in the secret society (it can also be SO many other things, but being a member can in some cases be sufficient)

Trust = not telegraphing interest

Attraction = increasing her buying temperature by making her emotional (emotionally aroused, not necessarily physically aroused.. the former will cause her to be too illogical to prevent you from causing the latter, when she's ready)

Don't tell anyone about this. All knowledge will be denied and you will be ridiculed.

Tyler Durden


Senior Don Juan
Jul 5, 2005
Reaction score
Northern New Jersey
That post made no sense to me.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 11, 2005
Reaction score
Yorkshire boy
Is this a joke? Tyler durden had a club in fight club which he couldnt talk about also....


Don Juan
Oct 26, 2005
Reaction score

Tyler Durden is one of Mysterys more famous students.

And, yes, a character in Fight Club.

The secret society he refers to is a basic analogy of those who understand the game or not.

There are no cult meetings, newsletters, secret hand shakes or any of the like.

Its a simple understanding of the game.

It is infact, wrong aswell. His analogy suggests that those outside the secret society - think AFCs - can not get girls. Which we all know is true. 49% of the worlds adult population are not virgins.

To join this 'secret society' you must learn the ways of attraction and being a man.

Become a Don Juan and you are in the secret society. Become a Key Board Jockey and you know it exists but you make excuses for yourself and do not enter. Become neither, and chances are you'll still get laid, but not as much as someone interested in seduction/attraction techniques.


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2004
Reaction score
Strangely, I do understand it, and from what I've seen and experienced, it does seem true to some extent.


Master Don Juan
May 4, 2005
Reaction score
hm its so clear, its so clear great post, bluelemond! STICKY!!!!

So pimp its scary

Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2003
Reaction score
In the C-A-N-A-D-A-Eh!
OMG!! This is a spectacular post!!

There are a couple of points that could be debated, for example, the 2% of males, I would up it to at least 7 but no more than 10% (sadly counting the gays as well)...

This is an example of what David D refers to as 'The elusive obvious', it's there, it's all around you, you see it everyday, but UNLESS YOU KNOW it... you will never see it for what it really is.

Unfortunately, Marlimus, Johnmich, and Badmannas (not you guys exclusively, but everyone that disregards this post) you guys DO NOT get the game. You might click into it one day, and you may get more sex from reading this website, but you don't understand the game.

I'm telling you, read this post everyday for a week or a month and look around in your life and you will eventually notice this to be true.

I also vote for this to be stickied.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
St. Louis Area
This sounds a little far-fetched.

It's a good thing I don't believe it, and that I don't consider sex to be the number one thing. Otherwise I'd be very depressed, given that it's not a "fair" concept.

I didn't even bother to read all of it. Just the first part (until the text got so long another "reply" was needed to be made in order to continue it).


So pimp its scary

Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2003
Reaction score
In the C-A-N-A-D-A-Eh!
Originally posted by Abbott
This sounds a little far-fetched.

It's a good thing I don't believe it, and that I don't consider sex to be the number one thing. Otherwise I'd be very depressed, given that it's not a "fair" concept.

I didn't even bother to read all of it. Just the first part (until the text got so long another "reply" was needed to be made in order to continue it).

Dude, LIFE is NOT fair... fairness is an IDEAL, and we do not live in an IDEAL world, untill you accept that, your as lost as the first 3 I mentioned.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
St. Louis Area
Originally posted by So pimp its scary
Dude, LIFE is NOT fair... fairness is an IDEAL, and we do not live in an IDEAL world, untill you accept that, your as lost as the first 3 I mentioned.
I'm very well aware of the fact that life is not fair. I've heard some crazy stories that show that, and those don't even scratch the surface. In fact, I'm terribly aware. So aware that I might decide this is a cruel, evil world and that I won't have any children, thus preventing their suffering. But there is no choice but to accept it, since there will always be someone who thinks it's unfair.

Of course we don't live in an "ideal" world. Even if we did, there will be someone else who thinks that it's not ideal, since everyone has different ideas of what's "ideal." I'm not so dumb and blind as to think there's such as thing as a utopia.

It's just that this thing just had a bit of a newage vibe to it. Perhaps you can see why?

I will, however, give credit where credit is due. This theory does sound much more plausible than the theory that we are all literally connected into a "matrix" (just like the motion picture). Even if the theory is simply a metaphor or an informal concept (I highly doubt there are club meetings for this so-called "society" and so on).

About the "Matrix" thing, I'm dead serious. I once saw a book at a our local Barnes & Noble (tm) where the author literally thought this. The world is full of very many strange people indeed. I'd tell you the title of the book, except I don't remember it. I just remember it was in the same section at the tarot cards.


Lost In Translation

Master Don Juan
Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
Great post :)

I really enjoyed reading and i could relate to all of it. In years gone by i never understood why women cheated on their boyfriends with me. I just thought because i kept my mouth shut and nobody knew what i did that they knew their secret was safe with me.

In retrospect it appears i was scratching the surface of a secret society.

Lost In Translation

So pimp its scary

Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2003
Reaction score
In the C-A-N-A-D-A-Eh!
Originally posted by Abbott
I'm very well aware of the fact that life is not fair. I've heard some crazy stories that show that, and those don't even scratch the surface. In fact, I'm terribly aware. So aware that I might decide this is a cruel, evil world and that I won't have any children, thus preventing their suffering. But there is no choice but to accept it, since there will always be someone who thinks it's unfair.

Of course we don't live in an "ideal" world. Even if we did, there will be someone else who thinks that it's not ideal, since everyone has different ideas of what's "ideal." I'm not so dumb and blind as to think there's such as thing as a utopia.

It's just that this thing just had a bit of a newage vibe to it. Perhaps you can see why?

I will, however, give credit where credit is due. This theory does sound much more plausible than the theory that we are all literally connected into a "matrix" (just like the motion picture). Even if the theory is simply a metaphor or an informal concept (I highly doubt there are club meetings for this so-called "society" and so on).

About the "Matrix" thing, I'm dead serious. I once saw a book at a our local Barnes & Noble (tm) where the author literally thought this. The world is full of very many strange people indeed. I'd tell you the title of the book, except I don't remember it. I just remember it was in the same section at the tarot cards.

Now, I wasn't going that far as to say that because life isn't fair that we should kill ourselves to end the suffering.

Now, with life not being fair, all it means is that you can turn life to your advantage.

And, quite the opposite of secret meetings, handshakes, or whatever, the secret society that he's referring to is secret enough that even the people that are involved just 'know' the game to such an extent that it allows this type of sexual freedom.

I'd wager that a majority of the secret society people wouldn't even label it as such... they would think of it as "just the way it is".


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
Remember that Tyler is a salesman. David D talks about the way to make someone want something is to make it scarce. That's what Tyler is doing with the "secret society" pitch. His 1% number helps a potential customer internally justify paying him money for his training.


Don Juan
Sep 27, 2004
Reaction score
nor cal
I thinks it pretty much makes sense. It explains a lot of stuff in a logical way and is pretty truthfull (there are a few ify points, but not many). I just think some might find it weird because everyone thinks of a secret society as being very small and weird, but this one is massive and many of its members (the men at least) are kinda like DJ's. I know this is completely random, but did anyone here this in Tyler Durdens voice in fight clucb?sticky it, definatly


Sep 3, 2004
Reaction score
welcome to my world
This post is very very true. My wing (he's not part of the community either, just a natural) who I occasionally sarge with (who has pretty good skills btw)...

...if i've hit a dry patch or whatever lately, he'll offer me girls that will willingly have sex with me. i've usually declined, because for some reason i feel a bit weird about it.

he's already fvcked her (and lord knows how many other guys), and it's kind of like passing a joint around the room, but instead your passing around a slvt who's very comfortable with giving. But apparently, according to this article, sex with secret society members doesn't count, and also doesn't make a girl a slvt, so that's the twisted logic there.

It's almost like, if you have this sort of mindset and the girls you pick-up do also, you can have like interchangable fvck buddies. I guess it's just something I'll get comfortable with over time, but for now, it's somewhat like, "whoa..."

I definitely agree with the whole bit about not judging. Maybe that's why I've been able to develop this connection to the secret society to begin with, but in a way, because I don't usually show such objections on the outside...I keep these such thoughts to myself, and tell him/her, maybe next time or later. I'm just still not comfortable with this whole big, swinger club sort of thing. Although, if I don't get any for a really long time and need it, I'll know where to get it, so it's actually not that bad. Being around people like this has definitely made me a lot more comfortable with my sexuality (projection) too

eh...this is a bit off tangent but...

Funny thing is, I think it's all about confidence. My wing will check out a girl as she passes by, and say "dayum, girl..." and tell her how nice she looks, and still get her. It's funny how a lot of people wouldn't understand how that works until they actually get out there and realize it's almost all about confidence and being yourself pretty much.

And also, I never thought the whole "gangbang" thing was actually commonly practiced. I thought it was just some porn/fetish thing on the Internet...but damn, there's a lot of guys and girls who do that.

I'm just not comfortable with it at the moment, and not sure if I ever would be.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Bible_Belt
Remember that Tyler is a salesman. David D talks about the way to make someone want something is to make it scarce. That's what Tyler is doing with the "secret society" pitch. His 1% number helps a potential customer internally justify paying him money for his training.
A very wise observation. And like David D he makes it sound like all women are seduction masterminds and manipulators, and we guys don't stand a chance...unless we pay them for some "top secret" tips!