"Scenes From a Marriage" on HBO

Dash Riprock

Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2005
Reaction score
Mile High City, USA
Anyone else check this out? I have nothing to binge watch right now outside of Saturday and Sunday (college football and NFL).

Watched the first two episodes last night. I'll give it 3/4 stars. Kind of like Blue Valentine but on fast forward. The acting is genuinely superb, especially Jessica Chastain. She'll likely be up for an award. Good storyline so far and my guess is these issues plague a lot of marriages if you pop open the hood, so to speak.

Only been two episodes so far and the second one was a tough watch considering how the husband, Jonathan (Oscar Issac) acted. Hint: nice guy, (very) blue pill, overly invested husband. He does a great job playing the part too. I was literally cringing at this behavior when I was watching episode two.

Worth the watch, tell me what you think.

