Rule: Don't Hang Out With Her Friends!!!!


Master Don Juan
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
I agree and disagree with this post.

sure if you are not having sex with her yet, it might be a bad Idea, but its only a bad idea if she has low interest level in you and you know it.

I find it an AWESOME screening situation, to be in a situation with HER friends to get to know her in a different level QUICK!!!!
she is going to be her real self, and you will have an answer as to whether she is really into you or not, if she is, she will be more than happy to introduce you to her friends as her future date or w.e.

you know what, if after you go out with her friends, it doesn't go as you planned because she starts flirting with some guy friend, stranger or just ignoring you to be with her friends... then that tells you IMMEDIATELY more about what kind of girl she is.

this is GOOD NEWS!!, because you can now make a decision and not waste any more mental energy on her.



Master Don Juan
Jan 28, 2009
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401taz said:
Well right now i do have some depression, but its getting better, but i have definitely not been talking with girls, even on a friendly basis for over 2 years now, so get really nervous around them for wandering wat they think of me, if im doing the right things, etc. Right now i only have about 3 hours or so a week to put into girls period with my job, biz and all, so just a friend would be fine and if it turns into something then so be it! if not i could care less. Well i did ask her out heres the last couple messages i sent her:

I told her that i was kinda hoping she would have changed her mind on going up to nc. with me cause i think it would have been fun to get some dinner for the ride up... then i told her, thats cool, no biggie, but maybe we can get together, get something to eat and hang out soon...then she said reason she didn't go is her mom wasn't home when i left and she didn't wanna leave w/o letting her mom go and also her dad who lives in nc. "especially since im a guy". then i said:Excuses, excuses...I see how u gonna be! Just throw me out to the dogs

she lives with parents, prob is i do too!! then she said the bingo thing i posted... wat do u think? i mean a friends with benefits would be cool i guess, i have never had one of those b4... i just dont wanna get into lying, saying i love u, etc just to get the *****... lol
ok heres the deal.

if you are just getting back into the swing of things, try to play the field. try and meet as much people as possible.

I know that you have very little time to socialize, that is the reason why its very important to get out as much as possible.

sure this little hottie you've known, sounds like a good prospect but, since you are just coming out of your rut and you think way to much of what people think of you I dont think you are ready yet.

The one thing you need to gain more of is CONFIDENCE. Thats right CONFIDENCE is the key for you.

But dont get ahead of yourself thinking this could be a FB or potential girlfriend.

You must work on yourself first and going out there, meeting new people would be the step in the right direction.

In your situation, ask her out for an exclusive date, no friends involved.

If shes not comfortable with you yet, then maybe she senses that you are not comfortable with yourself.

just my 2 pennies.


New Member
Nov 29, 2010
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Guys, all of your arguments against this rule are made with the assumption that you have game to make it work. This rule was suggested for people who don't know the ins and outs of dating - because it makes things more simple.

Once you know how the game works of course there will be exceptions, but I think first you need black and white guidelines until you learn the ropes.


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
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Baltimore, MD

- comic_relief


Don Juan
Feb 1, 2011
Reaction score
this thing happened to me once.. well i just wanna share my success story..
if your game is tight, anything is possible..
we were together with her friends and also her bodyguards(shes from a very rich clan in our country).. what i did is i just focused on the thing we were doing(watching movies).. and afterwards, about an hour, i went to the restroom, and rebooted i think.. when i came back my game is even tighter.. i initiated the first kiss by putting my arm around her first, then i kissed her and it was good. shes with me on that vibe. afterwards, we moved upwards seat.. i kissed and kissed good.. then she started touching my c*ck.. then i said not here, i said we should find a place. either her friend's or hers.. then shes the one who made the plan. we went to her place then it happened..


Don Juan
Nov 1, 2009
Reaction score
backbreaker said:
lol, it's a sucky rule brah

it's not practical in the real world.

you are like the guy who goes to the horse track and bets nothing but rail horses or nothing but overlays, trying to find a system to prevent you from doing any real work.

each woman is a case by case basis. but you would be an idiot to just dismiss a woman because she wants you to meet her friends

inf act the more i think about it that's the stupidest **** i have heard in a while
Agreed. If a girl wants her friends to meet you, it's usually a good thing. Stupid thread.