royally f'd up a perfect pick up, salvagable?

big weezy

Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2010
Reaction score
i was in a posh sandwich shop just now and set up my laptop next to some HB and asked some question about the wifi, we got talking, she was receptive so i used my usual material.. she loved the attention, we flirted a lot i acted a bit c0cky made her laugh, did some things which may have been DLV's as oppose to DHV's.

prob was we talked for an hour and the shop was closing up so they told us to leave, as i packed up i was still in the middle of talking to her even though i had the number.. i couldn't help myself, i talk too much. i should have and i told myself to kiss her goodbye and go and not to stay and walk her out.. but my damn mouth couldn't shut up. anyway she seemed a little creeped out that i was waiting for her as we walked out and she walked 2 paces ahead of me.. just as we left i was behind her and she turned left and i made mistake of turning that way too when im suppose to turn right (she knows where i live i told her) this creeped her out more but i was just looking to say goodbye.. i didnt anticipate she was scared or worried.. she goes 'i got to go left here u need to go right' i go 'cool let me say goodbye' so i go up to her and kiss her cheek and she turned and walked away.. not a good sign.. seemed like i lost her.

is this salvageable?

it was a near perfect pick up.. she was into me, we're highly compatible but i f'd up by acting creepy at the end. is she likely to look past this and give me the benefit of the doubt? i couldnt understand why she was walking ahead of me.. it was cos i was waiting for her to leave to walk her out but that creeped her out and i didnt know this. major DLV's from my part like i got nothing to do. i thought i was just being polite waiting for her to leave to walk her out, thought it was gentlemanly.
May 25, 2011
Reaction score
If you think she was creeped out, she probably was. Move on.

Alternatively, you might bump into her again. Or you could try and maybe there is a 0.0001% chance she will reply to a text, in which case you can try and increase her comfort level with you that you arent some creepy weirdo. But be prepared if you text her and get no reply that bridge is probably burnt for good even if you bump into her face to face.

Take pride in the near perfect result, you got the number, you won. Just do it again with someone else.


Don Juan
Apr 29, 2011
Reaction score
well weezy you're 0 for 5

at least you didn't tell this chick off

why were you still hanging out with her after you got the number?

you get the number then you go.

she thought you were creepy hanging around still...

then following her....and a kiss? wtf?

why did you do that?

thats good you got her number

you're doing good getting the numbers that is good

just dont hang around anymore than you have to next time.

since you creeped her out i doubt she will answer your call or text

if you want to wait a few days and try it but i would just let it go.

keep trying for more

Happy Hunting!


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
I make it a point to leave a few minutes after getting the number. Otherwise you risk overstaying your welcome. It's best to leave on a high note and have her miss you. You were doing great, but did too much. It's important to quit while you are ahead.

You could try to call or text, but chances of reaching her are very slim. If you must, only try it once.


Senior Don Juan
May 7, 2011
Reaction score
all conversations have an arc and a natural conclusion and most dudes problems is that they go past this point, undoing all the good and interesting conversation that happened previously

then the girls memory of the conversation is either a) how boring it became - and if it goes on any longer b) how it sort of being a bit creepy as well. when the memory of the conversation should have been of the earlier part.

this happens in two ways - 1) in person or on messenger - when dude doesn't know when to draw to a conclusion, 2) in text - when dude doesn't know how to not send yet another text

most dudes stick to spoiling things with the above - but a good way to really make sure of it is to hang around waiting after the conversation has ended, tagging along in the direction they are walking, and just to make realy sure, try and kiss after all that. this is advanced level creepyness though, most boring creepy needy dudes will find they don't need these extra steps