Role Reversal


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2001
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Thought I would repost here what I originally posted in the Discussion Forum -- things seem to get lost on that board after a while:

Many of you who read this board have come across the concept of dating "role reversal." For those of you who are in, or about to enter your early to mid 20s, read this post carefully. Likewise, if you are in your late 20s to early 30s, it might be good to read this as well, just to reinforce what you might already know.
When women are in their early to mid 20s, they are out to have fun and explore the wide world of dating. Even if you are a Don Juan, women will want to experience other Don Juans besides you. Nice guys suffer tremendously during this period. They are rejected by the women they desire, and often settle for the few women that are receptive to their feeble attempts at being a Don Juan. Doing so is a big mistake, as nice guys who do settle for such women end up emotional and sexual eunuchs, constantly at their wives' beck and call because they don't feel there are other women who are willing to have them. Put simply, nice guys that settle for such women never become Don Juans, as many guys naturally do when they reach their late 20s to early 30s.

When women are in their late 20s to early 30s, "role reversal" occurs. "Role reversal" did not occur in the baby boomer generation because women did not wait until their late 20s to early 30s to get married, and dating was much more regimented. Regardless, at such an age, women become the aggressors, looking for the nice guy who brings home the bacon and who they can manipulate the same way their mothers manipulated their fathers. Nice guys who have not settled, and who have learned the hard lessons from being stepped on by women in their early to mid 20s, are entering a time in their lives where their careers are on the fast track. They have more disposable income than they have ever had before, and many will still have a decent, if not athletic physique. Nice guys have become "nice jerks," and coupled with the aggressiveness of women at such an age, are now in control. Time is on the man's side. One need only look at the plethora of women's magazines catering to late 20s early 30s women – "how to get your man to commit," "steamy sex moves that will make him say ‘yes'," etc... These magazines also feature articles complaining about how unfair men of such age act toward women, namely, they won't commit, they sleep around, they have numerous women at their beck and call. It's funny that the women who write such articles, as well as the women who read them, will never admit that they are guilty of the same behavior.

When it comes time for the "role reversal," men should play it the same way women did in their early to mid 20s. Ms. Right, if you are looking for her, is out there – you have the right to be picky.

It could happen to you, just like it happened to me, there is simply no immunity, there's no guarantee...


Don Juan
Apr 10, 2001
Reaction score
Nice post definatly a good read for the new don juans entering there late twenties.

I stole this from maranathaman and I urge you to steal it from me.
"Please remember to use the "SEARCH" function in this forum on the topic you have questions about before asking, because it most likely has been answered already! Thank- you"

People who have stolen my signature...


I encourage you all to steal the signature that I stole so I can add you to the list of theives. Thank-you