Reverse Snobbery

Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
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We all know about the concept of a snob, "a person with an exaggerated respect for high social position or wealth who seeks to associate with social superiors and looks down on those regarded as socially inferior."

Snobbery isn't really a thing. That's not to say it doesn't exist, but it doesn't really happen.

But Reverse Snobbery is most definitely a thing, "a person overly proud of being one of or sympathetic to the common people, and who denigrates or shuns those of superior ability, education, social standing, etc."

You can be accused of being a Snob for simply having highbrow tastes or lifestyle, irrespective of how you treat others.

Rich people can't win. You could donate boatloads of money to charity, and people will still hate you.

"There Is No Escape Being Viewed As Arrogant If You Have More

If you have more money or more success in any aspect of your life, you will always be viewed as arrogant by others who have less. No matter what comes out of your mouth or what you write, there is no escape from the bitterness of some people.

Your detractors don't see the countless hours you've put into your business, craft, or hobby. All they see is the end product that looks so easy to them, yet somehow they can't replicate your work. Instead they complain.

Why do you think people with a lot of money end up just hanging out with each other? They just want to be themselves. When they talk about which car to buy, they don't want to be viewed as snobs just because they prefer to drive a Mercedes Benz S-Class over a Toyota Avalon.

To the rich, it's just car that provides solid performance and ultimate safety for their family! But to those who cannot afford a $100,000 automobile, speaking of S-Class Mercedes smells of pompous arrogance."



Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
"There Is No Escape Being Viewed As Arrogant If You Have More

If you have more money or more success in any aspect of your life, you will always be viewed as arrogant by others who have less. No matter what comes out of your mouth or what you write, there is no escape from the bitterness of some people.

Your detractors don't see the countless hours you've put into your business, craft, or hobby. All they see is the end product that looks so easy to them, yet somehow they can't replicate your work. Instead they complain.

Why do you think people with a lot of money end up just hanging out with each other? They just want to be themselves. When they talk about which car to buy, they don't want to be viewed as snobs just because they prefer to drive a Mercedes Benz S-Class over a Toyota Avalon.

To the rich, it's just car that provides solid performance and ultimate safety for their family! But to those who cannot afford a $100,000 automobile, speaking of S-Class Mercedes smells of pompous arrogance."

YOu frggin hit the nailed on the head with this!

THis is one of the reasons you seldom see well to do/rich/wealthy people hang out with people who make lower income
People assume the most foolish things and unless they have been in your shoes (yes cliche) they have no clue
This is why other rich people tend to hang out with other rich people.

They understand

The countless hours
The sacrifices
Delayed gratifications
Constant rejections
The blood, sweat and tiers
The lost of relationships
The betrayals in business

That they had to go through to get to where they are today, not every rich person was born with a silver spoon in their mouths. This is why when I talk about certain concepts on this site about dating "trust fund chicks" or dating "Upperclass" people think I'm trying to sound cool or better. Nope, the reality is dating changes once you make more money and you move in different circles. A guy making 40K a year at 35 is not gonna be able to relate to a guy making 400K a year at 40 (who has been making that for at least a decade) it's just different lifestyles, different circles, different opportunities.

For example: The guy making 400K spending $400 on a first date, to the guy making 40K a year this sounds foolish and simping (and to a point I actually agree) however to the guy making 400K he views it as having a good time and spending his money on something he enjoys doing, it just happens to be a first date (im not saying you should spend $400 on a first date, Not at all Im just saying the guy making it has a different train of thought.) While the guy making 40K a year is complaining about spending $40 on a first date He can talk about this to his rich buddies but to him $40 is probably a 1/3rd of what he tipped. Hence the rich guy talks about this to his rich friends who get the concept but to the guy making 40K a year it sounds like he's a beta simp

I use to think a former buddy of mine was the biggest simp, taking girls on helicopter rides, and buying his girlfriends a 100K range rovers. However the guy makes 30 million annually we are not the same, once you start making money you start to view certain things differently there are lot of dynamics to this that I could touch on, it's not black and white as people on this forum like to think


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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But Reverse Snobbery is most definitely a thing, "a person overly proud of being one of or sympathetic to the common people, and who denigrates or shuns those of superior ability, education, social standing, etc."
What you call "reverse snobbery" is also known as jealousy. It's an age-old concept. It usually manifests itself in poor people acting like they have better financial sense than rich people (which is a hilarious concept in and of itself). They'd say things like "he must have more money than brains to buy a new $100K's going to depreciate like crazy". Or they would act shocked that someone would buy an expensive watch when you can easily check time on your phone or buy nice clothing instead of shopping at Walmart on Back Friday.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
Reaction score
We all know about the concept of a snob, "a person with an exaggerated respect for high social position or wealth who seeks to associate with social superiors and looks down on those regarded as socially inferior."

Snobbery isn't really a thing. That's not to say it doesn't exist, but it doesn't really happen.

But Reverse Snobbery is most definitely a thing, "a person overly proud of being one of or sympathetic to the common people, and who denigrates or shuns those of superior ability, education, social standing, etc."

You can be accused of being a Snob for simply having highbrow tastes or lifestyle, irrespective of how you treat others.

Rich people can't win. You could donate boatloads of money to charity, and people will still hate you.

"There Is No Escape Being Viewed As Arrogant If You Have More

If you have more money or more success in any aspect of your life, you will always be viewed as arrogant by others who have less. No matter what comes out of your mouth or what you write, there is no escape from the bitterness of some people.

Your detractors don't see the countless hours you've put into your business, craft, or hobby. All they see is the end product that looks so easy to them, yet somehow they can't replicate your work. Instead they complain.

Why do you think people with a lot of money end up just hanging out with each other? They just want to be themselves. When they talk about which car to buy, they don't want to be viewed as snobs just because they prefer to drive a Mercedes Benz S-Class over a Toyota Avalon.

To the rich, it's just car that provides solid performance and ultimate safety for their family! But to those who cannot afford a $100,000 automobile, speaking of S-Class Mercedes smells of pompous arrogance."

It's called envy.

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
Reaction score
You can buy a used merc in great shape for less than a new Toyo.

We all know about the concept of a snob, "a person with an exaggerated respect for high social position or wealth who seeks to associate with social superiors and looks down on those regarded as socially inferior."

Snobbery isn't really a thing. That's not to say it doesn't exist, but it doesn't really happen.

But Reverse Snobbery is most definitely a thing, "a person overly proud of being one of or sympathetic to the common people, and who denigrates or shuns those of superior ability, education, social standing, etc."

You can be accused of being a Snob for simply having highbrow tastes or lifestyle, irrespective of how you treat others.

Rich people can't win. You could donate boatloads of money to charity, and people will still hate you.

"There Is No Escape Being Viewed As Arrogant If You Have More

If you have more money or more success in any aspect of your life, you will always be viewed as arrogant by others who have less. No matter what comes out of your mouth or what you write, there is no escape from the bitterness of some people.

Your detractors don't see the countless hours you've put into your business, craft, or hobby. All they see is the end product that looks so easy to them, yet somehow they can't replicate your work. Instead they complain.

Why do you think people with a lot of money end up just hanging out with each other? They just want to be themselves. When they talk about which car to buy, they don't want to be viewed as snobs just because they prefer to drive a Mercedes Benz S-Class over a Toyota Avalon.

To the rich, it's just car that provides solid performance and ultimate safety for their family! But to those who cannot afford a $100,000 automobile, speaking of S-Class Mercedes smells of pompous arrogance."



Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2019
Reaction score
Rich people can't win. You could donate boatloads of money to charity, and people will still hate you.

"There Is No Escape Being Viewed As Arrogant If You Have More

If you have more money or more success in any aspect of your life, you will always be viewed as arrogant by others who have less. No matter what comes out of your mouth or what you write, there is no escape from the bitterness of some people.
You can escape being viewed as arrogant if you are quietly wealthy and don't flaunt it by spending it on lavish items. Braggarts are universally hated.

People who have actually built up a large amount of wealth by "putting in the work" tend not to drop $100k on a mercedes S-class that is going to depreciate by 30% within the first 3 years and whose running costs increase exponentially with age. That is not a mentality that leads to keeping your wealth long-term.

Reverse snobbery as you're describing it is a pretty good description of how self-avowed marxists behave. They claim to be of the people and for the people, but in reality they're envious and snobby.