RE:Filipina Dream Girls...


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
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Some time ago I was quite interested in "Englishmans"amorous adventures in the Philippines...I told my friend about it and he was quite taken with these exploits soon had a cyber seraglio on the net...I never really did anything substantial about pursuing things,but this poor fellow did...He runs a Gardening service makes good bickies,lots of unskilled things to do,mowing lawns,shovelling chips,pruning it never ends,a congenial companion who will work her end in the sack as well as in the Paddock,sounded a good Idea,so 800 Mails later he lands one...Brings her over,meets at the Airport,takes her home but on trying to unwrap this exotic little package,is told"I am a Lesbian" she sleeps on the lounge,the work aspect still seemed a goer,but after a few hours she just downs tools and plays with her phone...The few dollars she earned was spent on phone cards,she wont cook only eats take out food,sends photos of the Colenal Saunders boxes to her relatives...Soo for peaces sake,she has to Airline ticket is rescheduled and she is leaving Thursday Morning...Soo That morning in the wee small hours a noise can be heard,my mate goes into the lounge Room,No Chicky Babe,he runs out onto the Staircase to see her doing a bolt out the door,he runs down grabs her,phones the Wallopers takes her and her luggage upstairs again...The worthy custodians of the Law arrive...Open up her gear...sure enough,cameras,I Pad,a kindle...Emigration Officials are called,she is handcuffed,they took her away,gave her a personal escort to Sydney Airport,put her on the Plane...My Mate spent about $5.000 on this stupid girl...So the moral is,take care with Mail order Goods.


Don Juan
Aug 6, 2014
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Foolish. Only way to enjoy that is in the Philippines. They game you at home, there they put on a better front due to the economics.

I was stationed in the Philippines many years ago. Sorry to say, most of the women eager to leave with foreigners are or were prostitutes. When they get to America, Australia, etc their compatriots already there clue them in; they plug into the welfare system, will accuse men of abuse after running away to Vegas or someplace to turn tricks, party with friends, etc. And getting caught. Sounds like ur buddy's girl got here, decided no sale, was putting her grift together and stalling with him until she was ready.

There are some decent ones up town, but you need to be boots on the ground to observe, just like home. Men are stupid if they think a younger girl will be loyal to them for free, unknown, unvetted at that.


Don Juan
Aug 6, 2014
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We used to have a saying in America, you can take the kid out of the street, but you can't take the street out of the kid!


Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2013
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Have had friends experience similar but couldn't put it into words as well as OP does, so won't bother trying. But yeah, caveat emptor, OP's friend got off relatively light actually.


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
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Dear Prime Beef,
How interesting,never realised so many were Girls of the Village....Experience like yours is valuable as is your Bon Mot..


Don Juan
Aug 6, 2014
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Best way to enjoy these women if you are older is in the Philippines. Men need to be rational. If you're substantially older than the woman, you may expect some companionship for your efforts and funds, but sexual loyalty is unrealistic. Many of these women who want to leave the country were from the lower classes, prostitutes, mistresses of a sort, former or current drug addicts.. (crystal method is big over there, called shaboo if I recall) These women have networks at home and abroad and they know your country's systems and how to work it.

Best to go there, move into a town or area you are interested in, rent a condo. Neighbors know what you are about, and women of a higher level will avail themselves. Stay a few weeks, months, etc. They will be better there, hopefully to get out later possibly. They will appear loyal companions there, but on occasion sneak off to a good pounding by one of their real lovers, which will be discreet, and likely you will not be informed by those around.

Girls used to call this arrangement " the garage.." and joke about it. .meaning not fully in the house but the street for a time.

Not to say all Philippine women are bad. Educated women are decent, if the education is real, relevant and you can tell she didn't just buy it. In America many of our nurses and some other professionals are from there, so we don't get just the lower classes, if you catch my drift. Some are very decent people but you must shop with caution as at home.

I spent a lot of time there in the service. I was sent back as a grad student after Pinitubo blew to collect samples. And do tests. (Geophysicist back then)

These girls are like all women, drawn to power..and money because money can be turned into power. Higher your status they sense, the better quality you attract.


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
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Dear Prime Beef,
Fantastic advice,what an amazingly disparate crew we are,your advice should be read by every one contemplating an amorous liason,Thanks!


Don Juan
Aug 6, 2014
Reaction score
Ur welcome. I think the sweet spot in your age is widows, spinsters in their 40's. You move into a town, the neighbors will supply you, and you'll have your own shopping.

Be someone respectable, but not too flashy or you will get robbed. Your name, business card should have a title ...i.e.. "Engineer Bob Scaramouch" title is important because it adds legitimacy for the girl. Be gregareous, but clearly calm, a little aloof like a man used to being in charge is. Don't try to bs too much, the people there are excellent at detecting it, live in a world of it, and frankly, have more time to practice it.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
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Yes there are plenty of scammers in the Fills... When I was there I met an American guy who was around my age. He was doctor and worked in camps in Saudi.
I met him scuba diving and we had a good chat on the boat and then a beer after.
He was almost like a genius at sex tourism. He had it all worked out, phones for this and that, all taking care that American secret service can't trace what he's up to.
He had this women lined up here, then sent her home and another in Davao city, then fly to Bangkok etc... he would throw a few bucks around for tips, which to him as doctor in Saudi it wasn't a lot, but to the bar maid that earned $8 a day! It was lot.... they kind of flocked around him like pigeons do when someone pulls out a loaf of bread.
Getting laid there was easy, but ya know! It wasn't because of my wonderful personality ;)