PUA outs himself on Instagram and women lose their ****.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
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If what he did wasnt based on manipulation and the targets' low selfesteem, there would be no need to hide what hes doing like you guys are saying and this wouldnt be a problem. Men who women really desire and respect have no reason to be anything less than upfront and unapologetic, and indeed them being so makes them more respected.

Not judging, if it works for him thats great and all behavior is technically manipulation. Just saying whats the overall mindset and place to aspire to.


Master Don Juan
Jun 17, 2014
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Real men do this exact same **** without thinking of it Hahahaha. This guys autism caused him to break it down like an algorithm. The post made me laugh though. I’ve juiced some girls egos so crazy. Then got annoyed with their clinginess. Stoped complimenting me. They chased me forever demanding that I juice their ego some more. Entertaining ****.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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The negs and backhanded compliments have been very overexposed in the mainstream, from what I've seen. It's a very transparent tactic, women are onto it. Unless I can find a very subtle and non-obvious way of doing it, I'd be embarrassed to use them. It's like telling them "I'm insecure and have to resort to cheap tricks to get laid".


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
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The negs and backhanded compliments have been very overexposed in the mainstream, from what I've seen. It's a very transparent tactic, women are onto it. Unless I can find a very subtle and non-obvious way of doing it, I'd be embarrassed to use them. It's like telling them "I'm insecure and have to resort to cheap tricks to get laid".
I agree that it's been very overexposed to the point of being cliche. I remember vaguely an episode of Big Bang Theory where one of the characters was learning these techniques. This was a number of years ago, and I remember thinking that that's the PUA equivalent of your shoe shine boy giving you a stock tip.

Still, even if women are onto it, they're self-deceiving enough to go along with it most of the time. A lot of these are just forms of teasing, and if you tease flirtatiously and a girl likes it, it's not like she's going to say "you're just doing this to get me to validate myself to you." I don't think it's the methods they dislike so much as hearing them explained to them or anyone.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
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First rule of fight club...
I'd say this is a HUGE understated problem in seduction, and you can see plenty examples here.

Traditionally (like evolutionary, instinctive based) guy needs real status to get laid.

Not fake bling status, but real, men follow you status.

That is the deep drivers of female attraction.

But in modern times, particularly due to feminism, which allows girls to slooze around without negative consequences, they can be "tricked' into short term attraction by using game.

This means lower tier dudes who never have much social status can learn PUA tricks to get laid.

Which is exactly what this guy did.

So he's getting laid, but he STILL craves social status, the admiration and validation of other men.

So he brags to other men about how easy it is to get laid (using short term tricks) in order to HOPEFULLY get the attention from MEN that he really wants.

The reason they are so quick to anger is they feel TRICKED by a BETA, which is essentially the WORST THING that can happen to any woman.

The modern PUA is very much like modern tech dudes (Elon Musk, that WeWork con artist, etc.) and VC's (and to large extent real estate goofs) who make tons of cash, but are not in the same class as old school empire builders.

it's very easy to FAKE your way into pvssy and money in modern society without having genuine, instinctive, subconsciously generated and projected STATUS.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
Reaction score
I'd say this is a HUGE understated problem in seduction, and you can see plenty examples here.

Traditionally (like evolutionary, instinctive based) guy needs real status to get laid.

Not fake bling status, but real, men follow you status.

That is the deep drivers of female attraction.

But in modern times, particularly due to feminism, which allows girls to slooze around without negative consequences, they can be "tricked' into short term attraction by using game.

This means lower tier dudes who never have much social status can learn PUA tricks to get laid.

Which is exactly what this guy did.

So he's getting laid, but he STILL craves social status, the admiration and validation of other men.

So he brags to other men about how easy it is to get laid (using short term tricks) in order to HOPEFULLY get the attention from MEN that he really wants.

The reason they are so quick to anger is they feel TRICKED by a BETA, which is essentially the WORST THING that can happen to any woman.

The modern PUA is very much like modern tech dudes (Elon Musk, that WeWork con artist, etc.) and VC's (and to large extent real estate goofs) who make tons of cash, but are not in the same class as old school empire builders.

it's very easy to FAKE your way into pvssy and money in modern society without having genuine, instinctive, subconsciously generated and projected STATUS.
Nailed it. You said it far better than I could have.

The dude even talks about having autism and how pickup seemed like a cure. I'm guessing what he meant is through game he found a way to channel and use autism to his advantage. Good for him and God bless but...to the female ear this sounds double icky.

If you could read women's minds and used that power subtly and discreetly, women would probably be swept up in the magic of it all and think that you just "get" them. But if you told people about your power? Game over.

And while I've always supported men who humbly admit they're learning and trying to improve with women, I've always been skeptical of men who brag about their results unprompted.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
I'd say this is a HUGE understated problem in seduction, and you can see plenty examples here.

Traditionally (like evolutionary, instinctive based) guy needs real status to get laid.

Not fake bling status, but real, men follow you status.

That is the deep drivers of female attraction.

But in modern times, particularly due to feminism, which allows girls to slooze around without negative consequences, they can be "tricked' into short term attraction by using game.

This means lower tier dudes who never have much social status can learn PUA tricks to get laid.

Which is exactly what this guy did.

So he's getting laid, but he STILL craves social status, the admiration and validation of other men.

So he brags to other men about how easy it is to get laid (using short term tricks) in order to HOPEFULLY get the attention from MEN that he really wants.

The reason they are so quick to anger is they feel TRICKED by a BETA, which is essentially the WORST THING that can happen to any woman.

The modern PUA is very much like modern tech dudes (Elon Musk, that WeWork con artist, etc.) and VC's (and to large extent real estate goofs) who make tons of cash, but are not in the same class as old school empire builders.

it's very easy to FAKE your way into pvssy and money in modern society without having genuine, instinctive, subconsciously generated and projected STATUS.
Its hilarious. The automatic response by women is victimhood. Zero ****s given. Women divorce rape, cuck, crater smv, be skiing down cawk mountain and seek a white dress as best yrs are done.

The reality is that, when are adept to evolving but are utter followers. They would be in the kitchen making sandwiches if not for the malleable culture. Girl power is the norm. In either event, the reaction of women is victimhood on tren.

Men need to be disregarding water works and the victimhood. It absolutely means nothing.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
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I've been with women who have heard about PUAs and have even tried to discuss the subject with me about how smart women wouldn't fall for such tactics. Women don't realize that a good PUA comes in under their radar and the woman doesn't even realize it's happening to her.
Its because of the wackkk jobs and con men in the industry which has been watered down. Furthermore, women are disgusting and having abortions. The barrier for entree is next to nothing. The fallback plan is marriage. The article about male eligibility for marriage is misandry. It caters to the narrative of victimhood and girl power (ability to unleash the dogs of the state to extract male resources).

Imagine, a legit article on the matter.The ssample size being from women on top form SMV 18-23, women men actually want lololol. Not busted 30+ just off the carousel with SMV decay and retard eggs + 100k in student loans from a degree in lesbianism dance therapy and a minor in left handed puppetry. How about a article that states the 80% of divorce initiated by women? The abundance of women who think marriage is a pie eating contest. The reality being, a man is better off a bachelor and slinging ****kkk.

Women play the victim card because it works. Its outrage due to female stupidity. Feminism convinced women that sloots gonna sloot is empowering. As if her teens and twenties will grow back lololol.

Hotter girls are turning 18 everyday.



Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
I agree that it's been very overexposed to the point of being cliche. I remember vaguely an episode of Big Bang Theory where one of the characters was learning these techniques. This was a number of years ago, and I remember thinking that that's the PUA equivalent of your shoe shine boy giving you a stock tip.

Still, even if women are onto it, they're self-deceiving enough to go along with it most of the time. A lot of these are just forms of teasing, and if you tease flirtatiously and a girl likes it, it's not like she's going to say "you're just doing this to get me to validate myself to you." I don't think it's the methods they dislike so much as hearing them explained to them or anyone.
A lot of the time they might know what you're doing, but if they like you they'll respond to you anyway. If they don't like you, then they might get angry that you're using these well known "tricks" on them.

For me, the issue is I would feel too cheesy saying a lot of these lines. Like I said, if it's done very subtly, it's fine. If you are subtle enough, a cold approach won't even look like a cold approach, although subtle isn't always the best approach either.


I don’t think what he wrote should be removed because the point of humansofny is to post about human experiences and how people feel.

That’s how this guy feels.

And honestly many many women already know about these kinds of games. For every article or forum post about how to game women, there’s double that on how to avoid being played by men. This isn’t anything new. The women who are reacting like that are just ticked off that what they already know about game and being played has been posted on a mainstream platform and they want to make a big point of reacting to it.

But, like I said, many if not most women are already aware of this and there are countless blogs and subreddits where women write about how to look for red flags and dump guys who treat them bad.

It’s not like it’s some secret. PUA/red pill sites are not hidden on the dark web, it’s out there for everyone to read and lots of women do.

Like I said before some of it is imo good advice but to be honest about 80% of what is advised is what woman are warned to avoid on basically every mainstream dating or relationship site. Just go to any subreddit relationship site and see what women are advised to do when they post dating/ relationship issues.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Like I said before some of it is imo good advice but to be honest about 80% of what is advised is what woman are warned to avoid on basically every mainstream dating or relationship site.
Just because a guy wants to be good with women, that doesn't make him a bad person. But I suppose what women are really wanting to avoid is being used for sex, manipulated, and pumped and dumped. But if a girl is just out for a one night stand herself, she probably doesn't care, and a lot of guys are specifically seeking those kind of women. Most guys would like to meet a decent women for a relationship, I suspect - maybe not most of the guys here.

AJ, it seems to me most "game" that is taught seems to be ways to send a message to a girl that he doesn't really like her that much, or find her that attractive or valuable. I bet 90% of PUA tactics are related to that idea in some way or another. Obviously it's not appealing to be overeager, or desperate. But as a female, do you think most women are looking for guys who "aren't that into them"? I'd be curious to hear your thoughts.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
Reaction score
But, like I said, many if not most women are already aware of this and there are countless blogs and subreddits where women write about how to look for red flags and dump guys who treat them bad.

It’s not like it’s some secret. PUA/red pill sites are not hidden on the dark web, it’s out there for everyone to read and lots of women do.

Like I said before some of it is imo good advice but to be honest about 80% of what is advised is what woman are warned to avoid on basically every mainstream dating or relationship site. Just go to any subreddit relationship site and see what women are advised to do when they post dating/ relationship issues.
This is just my opinion, but generally I think women are worse at applying what they've learned than are men. I think it's because they prefer the roller coaster, and having something to chat about with their girl friends. It tapers off with age, but they're much more drawn in by mixed signals and mystery than by Mr. Nice Guy. Whereas most guys look for the path of least resistance through whatever "game" they are employing.