Potential mess...gimme some feedback cannot think properly

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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Ok it can be long but I would really appreciate some help.

There is this girl in my university that im dealing with from many weeks, she is really good looking but actually didnt tried to get her..I even asked her some suggestion about how to pick up girls from my other courses and told her about one I nailed.

During last week we had a project togheter and got to know each other even better although I was close to her even before, I found out she has a really great personality and Im afraid there's "oneitis" alarm popping.

The problem is that we went to a celebration on wednesday and after that to an after party with other people,mostly couples...theres was her and she was giving me good signals she let me touch her intimately here and there and often talk to me, problem is there's also an other guy interested in her....tall blonde and better looking than me,being myself kinda average.

After some drinking I was almost KO and collapses in a sofa on the upper floor of the home and that guy managed to have time with her and even kissed her, despite she somehow limited it when she saw I was looking.

I suppose she understood that I like her, maybe told her something while I was drunk but not sure (yeah I know bad mistake).

Now what do you suggest me to do? I cant take the doubt,im nervous cannot properly focus even during my soccer tranining.
I wish I could just simply ask straigh for a feedback but Im sure that would be an other f^cking mistake.
The tought of having her is jackhammering my head and the tough of that other guy who could get her is even worse, mostly cause we attend the same university.

Im trying to go out and meet other girls to avoid the oneitis plague but yet hard to find a girl to which I can be completely sincere and which I like to spend time apart from sex.

Please gimme some feedback guys,what can I do?


Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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A girl that makes out with a guy when you are there to see? I suggest you cut the oneitis crap and bang some other girls to talk about if you ever have to work together again.

Lord Sidious

Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
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- Be a man! Either do things in order to bang her and ignore if the other guy is better, or simply forget about her and move on for other chicks!

Take care.


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
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I've onl read the first post:

I sense a lack of masculine intent. She "let" you touch her? That shows me a mindset where you need permission to touch women.


Learn about "The Claw". It's an RSD concept for getting physical FAST. Check out "Physical Game" by Ozzie.

And it sounds like you were doing too much talking and not enough physical contact. Don't TELL a girl you like her, SHOW HER.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
Reaction score
What you just said sounds good Vice but can you be more a little bit more detailed?

I was thinking to take option one from Lord Sidious so going for it no matter the other guy is more attractive but exactly any other suggestion about the claw?
Any particular mindset necessary?


Nov 4, 2010
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you cant afford to go around thinking other guys are better looking than you, they may well be but you are realy limiting yourself and putting yourself on the back foot straight away. knock that sh!t off! if it real worked like that, hardly any guys would get laid.
get in touch with her, apologise for getting drunk, tell her your f cucking hamster died or something and you were upset! you have her number right? set up a date, tell her your doing xyz and she should come, if she declines without offering another time or an alternative, youve blown it, move on, if she agrees, get in there and escalate.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
Hindsight is always 20/20, but let's look at some of the mistakes so you dont repeat them in the future with other girls.

Mistake #1 - Asking her for advice on how to pick up other girls.

Never ask a female for game or dating advice. Most want you to fail so that the group if attractive males remains an elite club closed to new membership. More importantly it can make you look desperate/afc and friendzone you.

Mistake #2 - Telling her about another girl you hooked up with.

That can also friendzone you because it makes you a guy that kisses and tells. Girls like players, yes, but prefer the kind who keep their mouths shut. Finally, sharing hookup war stories is something friends do.

Mistake #3 - Not escalating enough

You were touching her intimately. There's no reason why you couldn't have kissed, made out, or even done more in another room ie fingering, possibly bj or sex. Even if she rejected you, she would have totally respected you for trying to make a move.

Mistake #4 - Drinking too much and NOT guarding your prey.

At any social venue such as a party, bar/club, etc., you must stay on the ball because there are many hungry horny sausage vultures that will steal your girl in the blink of an eye. If you had your arm around her at a minimum and keep the drinking down, you might have kept surfer boy away from her.

Anyway, is all lost? I don't know. I do know that you are in a much weaker position with her than before.

As much as we warn about oneitis, it happens. Watching your favorite girl tongue some other guy or even worse leave with him, hurts.

You could try to make a move on her next time you see her, but do NOT get invested in the outcome since it's a long shot.

Keep trying to meet other girls. Hopefully you'll find one you click with.

Good luck man.


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2011
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Twice now I've lost out on getting laid with hot girls because I overdid it on the drink. I had good reason to (the first girl was being rude, the second boring) but getting paralytic wasn't the best way to handle either situation.

Booze - your best friend and your worst enemy.

Mr. Suave

Don Juan
Sep 19, 2011
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If she "lets you touch her intimately" you should be trying to take it further not just staying at that level. Everything she lets you do is a signal to take it to the next level. Sadly you are competing with a guy who's tall and good looking so you may not be able to get in a relationship with her if he wants to be with her, however you should be able to nail her.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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UPDATE: that guy screwed up himself by turning afc and jealous that allowed me to run game on her and give me some benefits,incredible how goodlooking guys can screw themselves with the wrong behaviour.

Not sexual benefits but mostly favour from her, she often gets me cofee or get my papers when she has to deliver hers saving me long queue in offices.
After these things that other guy became jealous and started asking her why she was doing those things for me till she got pissed off and ignored him.

Last weekend I met her in a pub close to my place and asked her what was her plan for the night, she was going to an other pub to drink with two of her friends(girls), I asked her if I could join and she said yes.

I spent the night with her and her 2 friends to which one was totally uninterested in me while the others was simply playing hard to get.
The temptation to focus on this girl I like was strong but I tought I had no chance so focused on the "hard to get" friend which after a couple of hours became interested till I manage to make out with her.

Something happened and this girl I like toke me to a club nearby, only the two of us, we got drunk(again) and made out all night even doing some foreplays in the corner of the disco where there are dark spots behind the bar.
Kissed her upper boobs and got her nipple between my fingers under her shirt, and many other thing but I was actually too tired and out of idratation to move any further so at about 6 when the club closed we left.

We went back to our zone and she shown me the place where she live..."with her boyfriend"....thankfully I passed the obsession moment thanks to plate spinning but still this thing doesnt make sense in my mind.
I suppose there are IOI from her but she has a boyfriend? I mean I dont mind it as long as I can have her but yet Im not exactly sure how to behave from now on.

Btw that wasnt a lie, she has a boyfriend for real from last summer.

My opinion is that she like to get guys but lose interest when they get attached while at the same time appreciate good looking guys for pshysical things(I got 10lbs of muscles from the first post), what do you think?
I wouldnt mind having her as a fvck buddy even if I kinda like her.


Master Don Juan
Feb 22, 2010
Reaction score
Escalate and have a go!

See if she really is interested!

Waste of time making out with her in a club until 6am...if she is interested in your d!ck she'll follow your moves, if you get her to leave with you to head back to your place, boyfriend or not..

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
Reaction score
I completely agree with that runner, the problem is that Im not exactly sure HOW, sometime I push too much and have the opposite problem of guys who dont escalate and I dont want it to backfire.