Poon King got banned?

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Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Poon King may be the most popular poster who has ever been on this forum. This is why I think that is:

A lot of men come to this site because they've had bad, painful, disappointing experiences with women. Here, they may be first introduced to what PUAs call the "red pill". Poon King delivers that red pill in a way that dovetails with the angry, bitter feelings the new guys bring with them.

Poon King represents the extreme edge of the pendulumn swing before it inevitably has to come back more to the center. Guys may have to go "too far" into cynicism before they find their calibration.

Guys who mess up with girls by being " too soft" will tend to want to go to the opposite extreme to avoid that mistake again. They may go too far in becoming the unfeeling, uncaring, manipulator that they think girls want or deserve. If you stick with it long enough, you will usually find the answer is more toward the middle - not at the center necessarily, but more toward it.

Poon King is at that opposite edge, and being a colorful poster, many guys remember him as being the one who introduced them to the red pill. So he becomes a hero of sorts. Nothing wrong with that, as long as they remember that most guys will need to come back from that edge and find their calibration.


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
Reaction score
There is really no such thing as being banned from sosouave. All you have to do is re-register under a different name. In order to ban people, we would have to require that everyone register from a computer with a static IP, the old-style desktop. But most people today access the Internet through a mobile device, which has a dynamic IP - it's different every time you log on.
they could ban by IP range or MAC address (the latter is hard to change but possibly hard to detect, the former has a lot of collateral damage)


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2016
Reaction score
Once again, everyone appreciates his insight, wisdom and content. It's his personal attacks that are the issue, not his contribution.


Senior Don Juan
May 11, 2016
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The City
Wow, a lot of posts here isn't there?

Guess it's a shame he is banned. Hope he gets freed soon.

Yes, he is a great poster imo

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
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The 7th Dimension
Here's what every member agreed to when signing up:

"Registration to this forum is free! But you must abide by the rules and policies detailed below. If you agree to the terms, please press the Agree button at the end of the page.

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In my life I've observed that men worthy of respect and honor, always honor their agreements. That's not directed at Poon King, but rather directed to those of you who have a problem with the necessity of our action.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Bottom line is, it's not our website. I think this board is pretty fairly moderated.

I frequent another board (not a pickup site) where the moderation is very heavy handed. Pretty much they delete your posts or move them to a seldom used sub-forum if they don't like the opinion you have. I don't like the way that board is moderated, but for whatever reason I like posting there. It's not my site, so I have to play by their rules.


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
Reaction score
I frequent another board (not a pickup site) where the moderation is very heavy handed. Pretty much they delete your posts or move them to a seldom used sub-forum if they don't like the opinion you have. I don't like the way that board is moderated, but for whatever reason I like posting there. It's not my site, so I have to play by their rules.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension

See post #125 to re-read and comprehend what every member agrees to when joining.

Your logic seems to be obscured by emotion. He agreed to it, YOU agreed to it, and I agreed to it. Do you not believe in honoring your agreements? If you disagreed with the rules, surely you would have said to yourself that this is not the place for you. Yet you digitally signed the agreement.

Is this indeed the place for you, deesade?


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Do you not believe in honoring your agreements?
Considering the number of posters here who think that men are not only entitled to cheat within exclusive relationships, it is their duty:
I would say no, a lot of guys here don't believe in honoring agreements.


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2016
Reaction score
@deesade let me clear one thing up, and I plan on refraining from using expletives, even tho I very much think you need someone to rip you a LARGE new "one"....

AFAIK @BeExcellent and I are the only female posters on these boards. You keep droning on about how, amongst others, the "women" got their way. For the last time, refraining from ad hominem attacks, the females on this board has nothing do with the mess your beloved PK got himself into. We see you all rip each other apart, and leave you to your own discretion. You are all men and can handle your shiz.

May I suggest you calm down, pull yourself together, and swallow that bitter pill that he maybe actually did this to himself?

Good day mate


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2016
Reaction score
And see my post about the ways in which we all converse, and how you are encouraging female conversation standards over male.

Pretty standard understanding about male/female dynamics, which I would expect such a forum to understand.

We all have made personal attacks. A handful of posters have made personal attacks on me that span a page long.

You have used your discretion to ban someone in particular, for a reason other than what you have made.

Same way that you banned the bimbo that came here talking about how she preferred dildo's within about 3 posts. It comes down to discretion of the rules, and you know that.

Not sure why you would make such a facile argument with someone like me, but there you are.

More indirect bullsh*t. I'd rather you just called me a faggot.

In other words you want me to fvck off / shut up?

Fair enough, mate :D
One more thing, @deesade you are WRONG. Wrong, wrong, WRONG if you think, for a moment, that "this is the way we men ALL talk to each other on these boards"

As someone who reads a he11 of a lot more than she posts, it absolutely WAS both you and PK who would respond offensively to posts. You are both out-of-the-gate inflammatory. It literally appears that you have nothing better to do than incite people by talking crap to them.

That's just MY observation. From my vantage point, both you and PK started most of the flame wars. Yes, others with your viewpoint would jump in, but you guys typically poked at people to get a rise.

IMO you're just sad because you can't be PKs wingman right now. As he typically started issues, and you jumped right on to that bandwagon. It was a predictable pattern my friend. Very predictable.

Be your own man


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
Poon King will be back I'm sure, if not under the Poon King name, he'll be back under a new name....the new name might be The Lay King or something.

But what's interesting is what Virtual Mind said. He said Poon King has had at least 12 other accounts. 12?? I mean guys, I know you try to give folks the benefit of the doubt, but how can you guys follow a man that is this obsessed with coming back on Sosuave to "preach" his sermons?

I mean it would be different if he were coming here to seek help with some sort of continued development process (like me with my anger issues). But Poon King has made 12 accounts over and over, just to keep coming back to sit on a soapbox and preach?

Why doesn't the guy write a book, start a blog, or start his own website with a discussion forum or something and make MONEY off of his material? I mean he's that PASSIONATE to preach it, why do it for free?? And if the man has been banned 11 or 12 times, why does he want to keep coming back to a site that keeps banning him?

I got banned off City Data as well as a Politics Discussion Forum. Not once have I returned there, especially after receiving NO warnings from the Moderators. I said screw it, I'll go participate somewhere else or better yet.....start my own damn blog and produce content for money.


If I wanted to get nagged constantly by some broad, I'd get married.

Learn your place, and stop talking trash.
This is just stupid @deesade . The mods said it's a temporary ban and he may be back. Are you really going on almost a week about SOMEONE ELSE getting banned from AN INTERNET FORUM...for the 12th time? I'm starting to have real concerns about your mental health.

And might I go so far as to say you are one of the chest beaters here. With this "learn your place" talk you achieve the opposite effect of what you're looking for. It doesn't make you look badass, it looks petty and insecure. If you're as great with women as you say you are over there in England, they should be afraid to cross you in the first place. You shouldn't have to tell them to get in their place.


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
Reaction score
you guys gotta remember that all the good PUAs are controversial
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