Old guys on POF, better start staying away from young tang..


Senior Don Juan
Sep 14, 2006
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Got this notice in my inbox there:

My name is Markus and I created POF/Plentyoffish. When I created POF, I wanted it to be all about finding relationships with the right person. For the first 7 years this worked really well, I got the site to 10 million users without any employees people and POF was generating a ton of relationships. Around 3 years ago, everyone started using the website via mobile phones. Today about 70% of POF use is via a mobile phone and unfortunately about 2% of men started to use POF as more of a hookup site mostly due the the casual nature of cell phone use.

In sticking with my vision that POF is all about Relationships, I'm going to make a bunch of changes to ensure it stays a relationship-focused site.

1. Any first contact between users that contains sexual references will not be sent. Anyone who tries to get around this rule will be deleted without warning. This rule has actually been in effect since last month and it's made the site so much better.

2. You can only contact people +/- 14 years of your age. There is no reason for a 50 year old man to contact a 18 year old women. The majority of messages sent outside those age ranges are all about hookups. Anyone who tries to get around this rule will get deleted.

3. Intimate Encounters will go away in the next few months. There are 3.3 Million people who use the site every day, of those there are only 6,041 single women looking for Intimate Encounters. Of those 6,041 women, the ones with hot pictures are mostly men pretending to be women. Intimate Encounters on POF can be summed up as a bunch of horny men talking to a bunch of horny men pretending to be women.

In short the vast majority of people will not be impacted. This is because the vast majority of people are not going around spamming women saying "let's have sex tonight". I can't change POF alone, I need your help to get the word out there that POF is all about relationships!



Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2012
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Intimate Encounters will go away in the next few months. There are 3.3 Million people who use the site every day, of those there are only 6,041 single women looking for Intimate Encounters. Of those 6,041 women, the ones with hot pictures are mostly men pretending to be women. Intimate Encounters on POF can be summed up as a bunch of horny men talking to a bunch of horny men pretending to be women.
I was reading the number of women looking for Intimate Encounters will be higher than men in 2013 ,so from your prospective you want relationship , but for women online dating is the best meat market they can ever dream .


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
Reaction score
Sounds like a good time to quit POF. Drive 'em out of business.


Don Juan
May 2, 2013
Reaction score
He says he wants to form relationships, but is prohibiting people from communicating. Sounds like a great plan :crackup:


Mar 10, 2010
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The Wacky Races
How the fvck does POF continue to make money?!? Oh wait, thats right, everyone on their is a useless piece of sht and are all repeat offenders.


May 21, 2013
Reaction score
Think of it this way and it'll give you a perspective on the types of "prizes" that literally infest POF.

If you were to take away all the things women claim they don't want on POF: Players, dudes with their shirts off flexing, cheaters, jerks, hell even the "undesireables" leaving you'd see those same women mysteriously deciding to leave all of a sudden in droves for the next big online free hookup site catered to low quality trash disguised as a "dating" site. The few who'd stay would try to snag whatevers left over of the best looking desperate sucker to take on all her baggage from a chick who's had countless c0cks inside her and make her their cross and crown of thorns. (But don't question her past! That's the past and NONE of your business! lmao)

The negative attention it gets only attracts more men and more h0es pretending while continuing to breed like sewer rats. So long as they are in the top percentage of looks in their pictures.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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My girlfriend is 15 years younger than I am and this is the best relationship I've ever had. But on POF we wouldn't even be allowed to talk. Who is this dude to decide what is a proper relationship and what isn't?

Sounds like an excellent opportunity for someone wanting to start a new free dating site.

Funny line about most of the Intimate Encounters women really being men pretending to be women though. Lol. I bet a lot of those are SoSuave guys.


May 21, 2013
Reaction score
zekko said:
My girlfriend is 15 years younger than I am and this is the best relationship I've ever had. But on POF we wouldn't even be allowed to talk. Who is this dude to decide what is a proper relationship and what isn't?

Sounds like an excellent opportunity for someone wanting to start a new free dating site.

Funny line about most of the Intimate Encounters women really being men pretending to be women though. Lol. I bet a lot of those are SoSuave guys.

Markus or Mucus as he should be called. Funny how he thinks he knows or is (told) what's proper for a realtionship when a while back I'd seen his profile (looks like a complete dork with the features of a stork.) and his girlfriends profile...She isn't that great either but let's face it the chick wouldn't have given him the time of day if he wasn't the creator of POF.

The most epically hilarious thing was written on HER profile stating "My boyfriend takes me all over the world." Almost like an advertisement to all the women on that site to LOOK for a sugar daddy! I swear to God it's true what I'd seen on her profile. And her profile was well known on POF. Not sure if it's still on there but I wouldn't be surprised if it was. She was "giving hope" to all the other trashbags on the site who read her profile like you can meet a billionaire on here too! You can't make that sh1t up!


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
There is no reason for a 50 year old man to contact a 18 year old women.
I've heard guys here say this exact same thing. Now I have no plans or interest in starting anything with an 18 year old girl myself, personally I would find an 18 year old a little young. But nonetheless I find this statement offensive. There is nothing illegal about this, but this guy takes it upon himself to make sure it doesn't happen. I'm not fond of using the "White Knight" label (seems like male shaming to me), but this surely must qualify.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 6, 2012
Reaction score
You can only contact people +/- 14 years of your age. There is no reason for a 50 year old man to contact a 18 year old women.
His math appears to be a little off here, perhaps because he realizes the ridiculousness of his statement. If he had said, "There is no reason for a 50 year old man to contact a 35 year old woman", many, many people would be offended, but that is exactly what he is saying with his new "rules".

Personally I'm not interested in 18 year old women, sure they're cute but try having a conversation with one. I don't use pof either, but a simple option allowing individuals to set their own age limits would better help his customers have an enjoyable experience instead of dictating an arbitrary number as a one size fits all solution.


May 21, 2013
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MikeOck said:
His math appears to be a little off here, perhaps because he realizes the ridiculousness of his statement. If he had said, "There is no reason for a 50 year old man to contact a 35 year old woman", many, many people would be offended, but that is exactly what he is saying with his new "rules".

Personally I'm not interested in 18 year old women, sure they're cute but try having a conversation with one. I don't use pof either, but a simple option allowing individuals to set their own age limits would better help his customers have an enjoyable experience instead of dictating an arbitrary number as a one size fits all solution.

lol. True indeed. Hopefully Mucus AKA Markus new rules applauded by the trashy cvm dumpsters that live on that site will FORCE men to leave the site in droves.

Then all they'll have to complain about is teh playaz who hit and quit them one after the other.

Old men = disgusting creeper

Out of shape men = disgusting creeper

Average men = disgusting creeper

Non aethestetically pleasing men = disgusting creeper

well built tatt'd up possible serial rapist, unemployed, baby daddy etc. = REAL man.

Not that being cut up is a bad thing at all nor is being "teh playa" (confident man who takes care of himself) but let's get real here. The types of women on POF go for nothing else but the best they can land....even if it's only for the night. Not their fault though..It's those nasty "tricky playaz".

You can only laugh and be completely indifferent to those willing to be losers in life and offer nothing but their own issues to ANY man on sites like that.

Unfortuantely some clueless desperate chumps who use POF will somehow see the new rules as a "bonus" or "limiting their competition" in the search for their online "prize". As if these types of women give a rats azz about any quality but the best looking even though they'll publically claim otherwise.

POF is nothing more than the results of the lower classes poor choices in life rolled up into a giant cesspool of clusterfvck. Nothing more.

As far as the men who clean up on that site pumping and dumping those types of chicks? I APPLAUD them. At LEAST they're smart enough to know that's all those types of skanks are good for.

Funny how marcus caters to the slores and didn't bother to interview men about the site knowing fools will show up anyway seeing all his "ladies" free to pose provocatively in practically whatever they want. Not that men care but it's obvious he uses all those dysfunctional h0es that use the site as bait.
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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MikeOck said:
If he had said, "There is no reason for a 50 year old man to contact a 35 year old woman", many, many people would be offended, but that is exactly what he is saying with his new "rules".
Good point, that's exactly what he's saying. He may as well also say "There is no reason for a 45 year old man to contact a 30 year old woman". Or for that matter, "There is no reason for a 40 year old woman to contact a 25 year old man". This is a very narrow minded dude.

djjizzyjeff said:
Hopefully Mucus AKA Markus new rules applauded by the trashy cvm dumpsters that live on that site will FORCE men to leave the site in droves
Let's face it, dating sites are overcrowded with men anyway. It's not a concern at all if men leave a site in droves, it only matters if the women do. Sites like this have to cater to women in order to attract them. Most women don't really have to use dating sites to get male attention, but many of them do because they just can't get enough in real life.


May 21, 2013
Reaction score
zekko said:
Good point, that's exactly what he's saying. He may as well also say "There is no reason for a 45 year old man to contact a 30 year old woman". Or for that matter, "There is no reason for a 40 year old woman to contact a 25 year old man". This is a very narrow minded dude.

Let's face it, dating sites are overcrowded with men anyway. It's not a concern at all if men leave a site in droves, it only matters if the women do. Sites like this have to cater to women in order to attract them. Most women don't really have to use dating sites to get male attention, but many of them do because they just can't get enough in real life.

Want a good laugh? Read this thread about the age restrictions with Markus himself (TheBigFish) "answering" in it. It's epically hilarious as a LOT of the women are even complaining yet they can still get messages from younger men and still can email men of any age. It's the "disgusting old creepers" that are the "problem". Riiiiight! HILARIOUS.



Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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djjizzyjeff said:
Want a good laugh? Read this thread about the age restrictions with Markus himself (TheBigFish) "answering" in it. It's epically hilarious as a LOT of the women are even complaining yet they can still get messages from younger men and still can email men of any age. It's the "disgusting old creepers" that are the "problem". Riiiiight! HILARIOUS.

Interesting read, I especially liked this comment:

"I'm 34 and now I can only search 22 and above. That's 12 years. I think I can still contact 20 and above though. Oh, and my parents are 17 years apart. They were 18 and 35 when they met. Should I tell them they can't talk anymore?"

Apparently another part of this rule is that 18-21 year old girls can only be contacted by men under 30. I've never used a dating site, but seriously I don't find this hilarious, it actually p!sses me off. This is age discrimination, and should be seen as just as bad as racism IMO. Apparently it's taboo to discriminate by race but if you're older they can fvck you over all day. Couples who were previously talking all of a sudden find themselves with no way to communicate. The guy who runs this site is the worst kind of pr!ck, IMO.

Another poster also makes a good point. This was never a problem because women could set the parameters of who could message them in the first place. I've never used a dating site, but I have looked around on POF before, just because it's free. And I noticed most women had their accounts set so that they couldn't be messaged by anyone 50 or above anyway.


May 21, 2013
Reaction score
zekko said:
Interesting read, I especially liked this comment:

"I'm 34 and now I can only search 22 and above. That's 12 years. I think I can still contact 20 and above though. Oh, and my parents are 17 years apart. They were 18 and 35 when they met. Should I tell them they can't talk anymore?"

Apparently another part of this rule is that 18-21 year old girls can only be contacted by men under 30. I've never used a dating site, but seriously I don't find this hilarious, it actually p!sses me off. This is age discrimination, and should be seen as just as bad as racism IMO. Apparently it's taboo to discriminate by race but if you're older they can fvck you over all day. Couples who were previously talking all of a sudden find themselves with no way to communicate. The guy who runs this site is the worst kind of pr!ck, IMO.

Another poster also makes a good point. This was never a problem because women could set the parameters of who could message them in the first place. I've never used a dating site, but I have looked around on POF before, just because it's free. And I noticed most women had their accounts set so that they couldn't be messaged by anyone 50 or above anyway.

All it is is the Big Pimp Mucus trying to "Save" the well deserved and well known reputation of his site.

He knows damn well what the site is being used for.

I've said it countless times before as I know for a complete FACT what those chicks who use that site are on there for and nothing else. To get the best looking dude in the pictures they can.

Anyone else no matter what their age, how good their profile is or first message is a "Creeper/Loser". I must've made the cut as I'd gotten countless replies and numbers though I knew full well from the amount of full multiple non professional tinyeyed google imaged searched nude pics that it was the same chick and not off some porn site. Never bothered wasting time with h0es who go online to c0ckhop between God knows how many dudes. It's much better meeting people in real life who are more likely far less of a chance to be the type to not only hang out in dive bars but frequent one or multiple virtual dive bars online.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
You're right, Jeff, this rule is only being applied toward MEN. I didn't catch on to that, but you're right. Aside from the message posted below by the self righteous pr!ck, as you noted, in the comments there are guys who are being messaged by women out of their age range, but they can no longer reply.

"Message Restrictions
Posted: 5/19/2013 11:02:15 AM
if you are are looking for women the youngest you can search for is your age -14 this rule is only in effect if you search for women under 35. Women 18 to 21 can only be contacted by men under 30. (not fully implemented yet)

Women who are 18 come to the site to find people to date, they don't come here to find "friends" with men in their 50's. Over all for young women its just a horrible user experience as for some of them over half their messages are from men double their age. This change only effects 1.7% of first contacts between users on the site but it will make a huge difference in terms of female perception of the site. "

If being contacted by older men is such a horrible user experience for some of the younger girls, WHY don't they just set their account so they can't receive messages from them?

This is not only AGEIST, but also SEXIST. Where's the MRA crew when you need them?

By the way, I do know some girls who use POF, and again you're right, most of them use them for hookups.


May 21, 2013
Reaction score
zekko said:
You're right, Jeff, this rule is only being applied toward MEN. I didn't catch on to that, but you're right. Aside from the message posted below by the self righteous pr!ck, as you noted, in the comments there are guys who are being messaged by women out of their age range, but they can no longer reply.

"Message Restrictions
Posted: 5/19/2013 11:02:15 AM
if you are are looking for women the youngest you can search for is your age -14 this rule is only in effect if you search for women under 35. Women 18 to 21 can only be contacted by men under 30. (not fully implemented yet)

Women who are 18 come to the site to find people to date, they don't come here to find "friends" with men in their 50's. Over all for young women its just a horrible user experience as for some of them over half their messages are from men double their age. This change only effects 1.7% of first contacts between users on the site but it will make a huge difference in terms of female perception of the site. "

If being contacted by older men is such a horrible user experience for some of the younger girls, WHY don't they just set their account so they can't receive messages from them?

This is not only AGEIST, but also SEXIST. Where's the MRA crew when you need them?

By the way, I do know some girls who use POF, and again you're right, most of them use them for hookups.

I mean it's ALREADY a feature to set the age of the people you wish to contact you as a new member. It's almost like Markus KNOWS these chicks are barely reading anything when joining but just throwing up racy pics of themselves, slapping up some complete BS profile filler and sitting back letting them emails roll in picking the BEST LOOKING of the crop to meet and mate with and deleting all the rest no matter how good the guys profile, how serious he is or how good his first message is because he doesn't look good enough those dudes messages don't even bother getting read. Simply deleted.

So in "complaints" from slores who only feel the cream of the crop should be contacting them while they don't read nor bother to use their own restrictions and have to exercise their fingers blocking each person they don't like or a certain age "creeps them out" Marcus just blanket sets restrictions and blames it on the older men because the same lazy skanks who join the site don't read but respond off pictures 98% of the time. Others get deleted even IF they are in their age range but not up to the slores looks standards. Knowing they won't read restrictions to sign up or forcing people to choose an age limit won't do as they'll simply delete their account or not bother completing it and he NEEDS the slores to pimp out to male svckers.

I found this admin response in the thread comical!

Over the years, I have seen users, primarily men, complain that they feel women get too many emails from users.

I've seen men complain that they feel their emails get lost in the flood of other emails. They don't like it.

I've also seen these same men post all sorts of ideas and hair brained schemes on how POF could reduce their competitors emails.

Food for thought, it appeared like a lot of men were complaining that their emails weren't being read because ladies were getting too many emails. They asked for a solution. Well be careful what you ask for.

Now though, when POF takes action to try to resolve this issue a lot of those same men are complaining here.

From my point of view, it appears people asked for a solution to this problem, but when admin comes up with a solution, they don't like it. It never occurred to them that they might be part of the problem.

^^^Hilarious how they try to flip the "fix" as a man's "request"! This users reply was even better!

Personally, I think the reason for your limitations is that the site is trying to cater to cougars and actually force more of those relationships. Just look at the way the older men have been ridiculed and turned into villains and how so many old women on here are seeking men their children's (sometimes grandchildren's) age. The obvious misandry that exists on this site is so blatant it's downright pathetic. It's obvious women run things here and NOT Markus. No way would the snide disgusting comments he's been making towards men come from an actual male.

It's a well known FACT the site caters to women as markus pimps them out to all men as bait while they get banged out and tossed back to the curb by only the "proper" age and best looking they can get.

It's laugably obvious the site is a pure hookup site and a poor ending to the complete blind fools who take ANY of the women who frequent online dating as a serious relationship prospect. True the women "are" looking for relationships, dating, and possible marriage but in the meantime they are online riding the c0ck carosel till the engine burns out and they find some poor soul who's desperate enough to take them as his "wifey". Nothing more than the effect of the poor choices in life of the lower classes on that site.

Don't EVER be fooled by anyone who's ever used those sites.

*Edit: I personally know six chicks in real life who are on and have used that site. God as my witness ALL SIX were COMPLETE screwups and mental cases. Institutionalized, had abortions, are gold diggers...ALL SIX OF THEM. Literally the absolute WORST chicks a dude could EVER get involved with and they were ALL good looking just complete wastes of life. No joke.


Nov 4, 2010
Reaction score
djjizzyjeff said:
I mean it's ALREADY a feature to set the age of the people you wish to contact you as a new member. It's almost like Markus KNOWS these chicks are barely reading anything when joining but just throwing up racy pics of themselves, slapping up some complete BS profile filler and sitting back letting them emails roll in picking the BEST LOOKING of the crop to meet and mate with and deleting all the rest no matter how good the guys profile, how serious he is or how good his first message is because he doesn't look good enough those dudes messages don't even bother getting read. Simply deleted.

So in "complaints" from slores who only feel the cream of the crop should be contacting them while they don't read nor bother to use their own restrictions and have to exercise their fingers blocking each person they don't like or a certain age "creeps them out" Marcus just blanket sets restrictions and blames it on the older men because the same lazy skanks who join the site don't read but respond off pictures 98% of the time. Others get deleted even IF they are in their age range but not up to the slores looks standards. Knowing they won't read restrictions to sign up or forcing people to choose an age limit won't do as they'll simply delete their account or not bother completing it and he NEEDS the slores to pimp out to male svckers.

I found this admin response in the thread comical!

Over the years, I have seen users, primarily men, complain that they feel women get too many emails from users.

I've seen men complain that they feel their emails get lost in the flood of other emails. They don't like it.

I've also seen these same men post all sorts of ideas and hair brained schemes on how POF could reduce their competitors emails.

Food for thought, it appeared like a lot of men were complaining that their emails weren't being read because ladies were getting too many emails. They asked for a solution. Well be careful what you ask for.

Now though, when POF takes action to try to resolve this issue a lot of those same men are complaining here.

From my point of view, it appears people asked for a solution to this problem, but when admin comes up with a solution, they don't like it. It never occurred to them that they might be part of the problem.

^^^Hilarious how they try to flip the "fix" as a man's "request"! This users reply was even better!

Personally, I think the reason for your limitations is that the site is trying to cater to cougars and actually force more of those relationships. Just look at the way the older men have been ridiculed and turned into villains and how so many old women on here are seeking men their children's (sometimes grandchildren's) age. The obvious misandry that exists on this site is so blatant it's downright pathetic. It's obvious women run things here and NOT Markus. No way would the snide disgusting comments he's been making towards men come from an actual male.

It's a well known FACT the site caters to women as markus pimps them out to all men as bait while they get banged out and tossed back to the curb by only the "proper" age and best looking they can get.

It's laugably obvious the site is a pure hookup site and a poor ending to the complete blind fools who take ANY of the women who frequent online dating as a serious relationship prospect. True the women "are" looking for relationships, dating, and possible marriage but in the meantime they are online riding the c0ck carosel till the engine burns out and they find some poor soul who's desperate enough to take them as his "wifey". Nothing more than the effect of the poor choices in life of the lower classes on that site.

Don't EVER be fooled by anyone who's ever used those sites.

*Edit: I personally know six chicks in real life who are on and have used that site. God as my witness ALL SIX were COMPLETE screwups and mental cases. Institutionalized, had abortions, are gold diggers...ALL SIX OF THEM. Literally the absolute WORST chicks a dude could EVER get involved with and they were ALL good looking just complete wastes of life. No joke.
Have some green my good man


May 21, 2013
Reaction score
Here's what you've gotta love. It's not persay about the site itself. It's the targets they choose to blame things on = "sleazy" older men.

Markus expects (and lefty society would no doubtedly "believe" his crock and agree) people to believe that the "problem" is because 6,041 men were disguised as men talking to other sleazy older men (as per his statement in the article) and this somehow has affected 3.3 million daily "well intentioned" users of his site.

It couldn't POSSIBLY be because the site is WELL KNOWN to be a FREE virtual dive bar full of the lower classes who are all fluffing their way in their profiles "looking for a serious relationship" to have ONS after ONS? Nah. Couldn't be.

Nor could it be the fact that all men who sign up get bombarded with racy ads for horny asians, russians, women seeking sugar daddies etc. younger girls who want older men etc as soon as they sign up? Nah couldn't be. Can't blame those advertisers!

Nor could it be that women whom have swarmed in droves from dive bars, MySpace, Craigslist, Adult Friend Finder with every worthless quality in the book are allowed to have bikini pics up, pics in their underwear, showing clevage, posing provocatively on their beds, floor, on cars etc with drinks and looking for "fun and adventure" in every regular USERS profile let alone neon lights inviting sex for "good guys" = hot bulls by saying they're sick of teh playaz, games etc? Nah couldn't be that either..

It's GOTTA be those "sleazy older men" who talk to 6,041 men who are disguised as women whom are only men talking to other men within THAT group yet somehow winds up affecting all 3.3 million users..Either they're only talking between each other or they are the 6,041 users who are harassing the whole site of women who read delete based off of pictures IF they even open the message to begin with based off the dudes LOOKS. Which is it? a smaill niche has wound up affecting the entire site? Nice try MArkus. No one with common sense who isn't clueless and desperately putting these h0es on a pedestal is buying it.

Markus found an easy target to toss the blame to when he knows full well his "dating" site is a virtual dive bar hookup spot and ONLY took "Action" because the worthless slores who frequent it for months and years "Searching for the one" "complained" as they feel they are only "worthy" of the cream of the crop to "date" = have ONS after ONS and are mass complaining. That and most likely a few lawsuits along with the infamous reputation the site has ALL OVER THE NET. It's pathetically laughable.

Yes. It's those creepy, disgusting, older men who are the culprits! That's it! Everyone can agree to shift the blame to them! It's beyond pathetic and sad. Yet funny!

Markus the virtual pimp will continue to let the slores join and do as they wish for "relationship purposes" with the top studs while getting more and more desperate horny chumps to join while he rakes in the dough from advertisers and blames every problem on the "undesirable men" and protects his "princesses" who make him the money. He isn't fooling dudes with a clue.

Now someone would say: Wait a minute! You can't just generalize ALL the women on the site! You can't paint them ALL with a broad brush!

To which I'd say: When does a sane woman with any redeemable qualities or anything to offer in return for what she expects decide to just LEAVE the site or NOT JOIN IT IN THE FIRST PLACE? How many perverted messages? How many c0ck pics have to slap her across the face? How many nasty messages? How many "losers and creepy old disgusting men" hitting on her? How many "hawt" dudes looking for ONS? How many younger dudes looking for a cougar? How many older dudes looking for a sugar baby? How many "complaints"? How many shirtless dudes flexing in their bathroom mirror pics that they all claim to "hate"? How many dudes showing up not looking not like their pics? How many horror stories of dates they'd went on off of POF? And so on.. Yet these SAME chicks stay on there and have other profiles on similar sites for months and YEARS still "LOOKING FOR THE ONE?" and all on a site well known across the internet as a virtual hookup spot for h0es and bros.

And you mean to tell me anyone should believe any woman who uses those sites are "good catches" or "misunderstood" etc? ROTFLMMFAO! Every one of those chicks. No matter how nice she seems in her profile, messages, or IRL is worth anything. And to the dude who thinks he got a "Good one" off there? Hope you could care less about her past or God knows what she's been up to on that site..After you two are done she'll be right back on there!

It's simply MIND BLOWING that any rational sane man with common sense unless he's a completely desperate chump would disregard everything in an attempt to wife up a loaded with issues, tatt'd up cvm dumpster.

See the below article:

Plenty of Fish dating site founder pulls 'Intimate Encounters' option to ward off sleazy men
Markus Frind says only 6,041 of 3.3m daily users were women looking for no-strings sex



Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2011
Reaction score
Easy math right? Decide what's the youngest age you'd like to message, add 13, make.that your profile age......profit?