Non Verbal Communication thru... Origami!


New Member
May 6, 2001
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This is a technique i've been using for a while. I must admit i do it only a few times as a pickup technique.

If you've seen "Blade Runner" you'll remind Gaff uses this when she wants to talk with Deckard. If you master origami, wou could easily become a mistery just by talking by folded paper. She'll have to decode and think about the messages you send.

If you're not so nice (like me) you can just tell your date how you made it, and they'll feel jealous for not having all this criativity from you.

Have you heard about tzurus? They're Swan origamis... And they have a legend... if you do a hundred of them, you might have a dream come true... so, what to do?

first, look at your target... if you're too shy, no problem...
next, take a napkin and make a tzuru out of it... if you don't know how, search on the web for origami pages... i know, it's hard and the first one i send was made from a drunken friend of mine on a nightclub.

next, attach a message... i usually write:
"This is a tsuru. If i do a hundred of them, a dream will turn real. Could you call me, or i need to do all the other ninety-nines? (phone # here)"

just think about it :]

"Amigo de mulher eh cabeleireiro" (A Woman's Male Friend is a [gay] Hairdresser)

[This message has been edited by DieselChrist (edited 05-06-2001).]

[This message has been edited by DieselChrist (edited 05-06-2001).]


Senior Don Juan
Apr 23, 2001
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Heh, that's not a bad idea. I like to create balls myself...but never have at a bar or club. Those take too much time. They work great in a 2 hour class...I can make one w/12 pieces of paper in about an hour and still take notes (as long as it's not an intense lecture), and I can do the 30-piece ones in about 90 minutes if I'm just listening, if I'm taking notes I'll make the pieces one day and put them together the next.

--Blaine Moore
"A beautiful woman moved in next door. So I went over and returned a cup of sugar. 'You didn't borrow this.' 'I will.'" -- Steven Wright