Nasty situation


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2013
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^Yeah, but he stuck to his principles, just like she did. That's the point. How much can he give in before she loses respect for him. It's not about getting laid, it's about pandering to the pu$$y. There is a fine line, and a gray area though. Did he play this one correctly, well, who knows.

Who's to say that if he did pay, she would have went home with him and jumped on his jock? Maybe, instead, she would have thought: "this guy's paying for everything because he just wants to get into my pants, he's a chump"

Hind sight's usually 20/20, but I don't think it is here.

Chick's these days are all over the place.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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backbreaker said:
it's not the fact that he stuck to the issue... there are issues that I stick to when I was screening women. I don't / will not date a woman who smokes. period. i don't care how hot she is i hate cig smoke.
Well, it's not an important point to me, but maybe it is to Die Hard. I can understand how some guys can resent the "Guys pay" rule. I mean, if women really want equality - equal pay and all, if the sexes are equal, then why does the man have to pay? Because he is getting the golden snatch in return?

I'm just playing devil's advocate here though, like I said it's not an issue that is important to me. I can see where it comes from though.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
Peaks&Valleys said:
^Yeah, but he stuck to his principles, just like she did. That's the point. How much can he give in before she loses respect for him. It's not about getting laid, it's about pandering to the pu$$y. There is a fine line, and a gray area though. Did he play this one correctly, well, who knows.

Who's to say that if he did pay, she would have went home with him and jumped on his jock? Maybe, instead, she would have thought: "this guy's paying for everything because he just wants to get into my pants, he's a chump"

Hind sight's usually 20/20, but I don't think it is here.

Chick's these days are all over the place.

that's hte point. it's not pandering when YOU asked for the date lol. good god guys lol.

Look. I"ve been there. I had my old oneitis and once a week she'd call me up beucase she was bored, and just say "hey backbreaker i'm bored." that was my queue to basically ask her did she want to come over / grab something to eat, which i was more than happy to. she'd proceed to take me to red lobster or whenever the **** and i'd be out of 50 bucks for a peck on the check lol. every week.

that i get. I get that. I should have put my foot down and say look kat, you can't keep inviting yourself over for free meals and not giving up the ***** lol. that's not gonna work. I get that. that's pandering to *****

but i i keep asking YOU out on dates, i can't in the middle of hte date say "damn babe, are you paying for your drinks?" That's pretty ****ed up you can't do that.

that's the difference.


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
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Dear DieHard,
"I'm being stubborn and uncompromising with all women lately, they must co-operate and do things my way or they can fvck off." Yeah that's been my attitude for years,but initially it doesn't pay to be too overt about it...
Your Dancing Skills have enabled you to add maybe a point and a half to your dating value,that is of course with another Dancer...So until you get her on the floor you have to be a little subdued....A few drinks,a meal,mere Bagatelle,just Sprats with which to catch your Mackarell LOL.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Is all this "I buy you dinner and you give up the pvssy" business still valid though? Trading money for sex? I know it's the worls's oldest profession, but isn't the DJ ideal that the woman enjoys the sex also, and will want to give it up to a man of value?

I agree that if you ask a girl out, you should be prepared to pay, at least. Otherwise that's just being cheap.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
it's not even about buying *****. it's just... it's just what you do. you ask a girl out you pay. that's the way it is. that's the way it will be. does it really matter WHY it's that way?


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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I agree that if you ask a girl out you should be prepared to pay. That may be somewhat tempered with online dating though, since both parties are advertising that they want to go out. I'm not sure though, I've never done any online dating.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2013
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backbreaker said:
that's hte point. it's not pandering when YOU asked for the date lol. good god guys lol.

Look. I"ve been there. I had my old oneitis and once a week she'd call me up beucase she was bored, and just say "hey backbreaker i'm bored." that was my queue to basically ask her did she want to come over / grab something to eat, which i was more than happy to. she'd proceed to take me to red lobster or whenever the **** and i'd be out of 50 bucks for a peck on the check lol. every week.

that i get. I get that. I should have put my foot down and say look kat, you can't keep inviting yourself over for free meals and not giving up the ***** lol. that's not gonna work. I get that. that's pandering to *****

but i i keep asking YOU out on dates, i can't in the middle of hte date say "damn babe, are you paying for your drinks?" That's pretty ****ed up you can't do that.

that's the difference.
All he said was that "they agreed to meet"

This day and age BB, chicks need to be prepared to go dutch. That's just the way it is. He had already paid for drinks at the first bar, with no problem. And he was going to pay at the second, and she threw a hissy fit when he asked her to pay at the third.

Drinks are fvcking expensive. So he's supposed to take her out all day, and pay for everything? Does she have a job? I'll willing to bet she does.

I dated a girl like this a few years back, smoking hot, cool as $hit, my same age, never been married, no kids. Same type of situation. I soon figured out why she had never been married. She makes guys jump through all these hoops, then when they do, she realizes she's not attracted to them anymore. She wanted to find a guy, we had mutual friends, she complained about it. She just didn't get it. The attraction between us was there at the beginning, but she had all these "rules". She would force guys to go above and beyond what they would normally do, and were comfortable with. And they were an attraction killer, if not for the guy, then for her.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
It's about pre concinved beliefes

It's not about what is right or what is wrong. Better yet, how do we as guys screen women?

I will speak for myself

1. I don't like girls with ****ty manners. It reeks of a bad up bringing or lack of class. Elbows on the table, talking with your mouth full, etc. I'm out.

2. I don't like women who talk about other guys on dates

3. I don't like women who let me move in TOO quick. If I'm able to get Anal within 30 minutes of meeting you, you probably aren't worth my time lol.

4. I don't like women who play with their phones on dates. I'm here give me your attention.

5. I don't tolerate drug users (weed, occasionally, is fine)

The above works for me. You might not agree with all of them, but on the first 2 dates this is basic **** i'm looking for.

Number 4 is a perfect example. The way I feel is that if a woman likes me she will like me enough to put her phone down. There is no commandment about that anywhere. She might very well be a good girl, just having a day where she's on the phone. But that's a rule i have.

This is the exact same for women and drinks. There are quite a few women, who believe that a man who likes them, will show them that they like them by paying for their drinks. You could argue that in 2014 women should be willing to pay. **** I agree with you. But i don't care about being right. I want to get laid lol.

Just as important as doing things that will get you laid is not doing things that will prevent you from getting laid.

It also depends on the vibe o the date. If I like the convo, if I like where it's going i have no qualms about paying I don't care how many bars we go to. If she's not interested i could understand that.

My point is, women have screening processes just like men. To some women, to a lot of women, a guy who will not pay for a woman's time can mean 1 o 3 things. 1. he's broke.. 2. he's not interested or 3. he just wants to ****.

my point being, why would you even cross that bridge? it doesn't matter if you are right or wrong. just pay for the damn drinks and adance to the next level

Die Hard

Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2009
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First of all, one can approach the issue from a general viewpoint and talk about a basic rule for every general situation where a man and woman are out on a date. can approach the issue with respect to this SPECIFIC situation, where it's about ME and THIS GIRL and all the specific details of OUR situation.

Clearly, Backbreaker is applying his GENERAL idea about the issue on my SPECIFIC situation, which is foolishness. He's assuming all kinds of untrue things and inserting all kinds of aspects to my situation which really don't apply.
Other guys on here have already adressed most of those things and I'm too tired to go into all of them anyway. Besides, I don't take Backbreaker seriously anymore since he started to go crazy on me out of nothing in the Anything Else section. I can't deny he has many valid insights and valuable comments on this site but the guy is not right in the head if you ask me...

Anyway, let me explain my view on this specific situation. Her behavior on Whatsapp last week is a critical element here... We were having a fun and playful conversation there and out of nothing she displayed a very strong emotional response, which was totally out of proportion, telling me she was gonna delete my number. This was a clear sign of someone with a serious personality disorder. Just like BPD's can erupt in a fit of rage just because you make some totally harmless comment.... (Now that I think of it, this is exactly what happened in the Anything Else section when Backbreaker suddenly went crazy on me...)

That conversation was about whether a woman has to prove herself to a man before he shows her his sweet side and treats her as best as he can. She responded to the matter as if she was literally fighting for her life, it was ridiculous. And she TURNED the conversation into this, she forced it upon me, she forced it into a confrontation while the conversation had been totally playful and innocent up until then.
So she clearly indicated having issues there and it was a situation where we came to a direct clash about the frame. She tried to force me to accept the idea that she doesn't have to prove anything to me and that she expects me to treat her like a princess unconditionally.

So when we were about to leave the bar and I asked her if she was gonna pay the next round, it was with the above in mind. We were having a great night and I was actually quite impressed with her, to the point where I told myself during the date: "Hey, I think I'm not just out to get into her panties. I think I like her more than that, I think we actually click!" Normally, I would've never even come up with the idea to ask a girl to pay the next round of drinks in such a situation. I liked her and we were having a great time, I would have gladly paid for her all night long.

But I was qualifying her with that question, I wanted to see how she'd respond in order to form an opinion about her and our situation. Things felt good between her and me, there were lots of moments where we were talking but really not listening to each other's words, coz our eyes were locked and we were losing ourselves in that mutual gaze at each other... The moment I asked about paying the drinks was somewhat of a test, like pinching yourself to see if you're not dreaming. I wanted to see if things were really as good as they felt to me... And boy, am I glad I did that. Coz I got a clear answer, that's for sure!

We were having a great night and building a connection to each other, it felt kinda special to me and I could tell that she was experiencing things the same way. It was there in the eyes and the smiles, the responses when we talked about a few personal, emotional matters... We had created that kind of mood where you just feel like holding each other's hands and look deep into each other's eyes, instead of just wanting to fvck, lol.

But hey, the more I think about all this, the more I realize that this girl was probably a cluster B psychobytch. In this mood, this situation we were in, no normal woman would've suddenly decided to go home because the guy innocently asked her if she wanted to pay the next round of drinks. She would've eagerly said yes or at worst she would've smiled and made a joke about it. The last thing she would've done, is get up and decide to go home all of a sudden, lol.

She's fvcking crazy and this situation was an exact repeat of the situation we found ourselves in last week on Whatsapp. A very sudden, disproportional emotional response which was totally out of sync with the situation. That's psychopath behavior, that's cluster B personality disorder behavior. If this kind of extreme drama shows up even before two people have met in real life and then again on their first "date", you can bet your azz that the guy needs to RUNNNNNNN FOREST RUNNNN!!!

I mean, these are red flags like no other. And I picked up others during the night, which I won't go into coz it's too much details that might be recognized by someone who reads on here and compromise my anonimity on here.

But to cut things short: I don't give a FVCK about what a man is supposed to do or don't on a first date. That's not the issue here at all. The issue is that I threw out a test and I got my answer. So I was absolutely right in bringing up the issue to her in this specific situation.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
When I saw "Nasty situation" I thought the chick took a dump on top of your car after you rejected her, or falsely accused you of something...

This isn't nasty. You met a girl who's too inflexible with her stupid rules to date, and you created a storm in a tea cup in your own mind.

Cut the bullsh1t psychoanalysis out - she's not a cluster B or psychopath - for your own mental health, mate.


Don Juan
Apr 5, 2011
Reaction score
West of the Mississippi
Slickster said:
This should not be too difficult.

Apologize for the misunderstanding and explain that you are a bit of a jokester who likes sarcasm. Obviously it wasn't coming thru properly via text and suggest a meeting so she can see how fun you are in real life.
Terrible advice. Only AFC's explain and apologize for doing nothing wrong in order to get a date. If she took it the wrong way and is giving him a bad attitude online then he saved himself from having a lousy date.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 5, 2014
Reaction score
Die Hard said:
We were having a great night and building a connection to each other, it felt kinda special to me and I could tell that she was experiencing things the same way. It was there in the eyes and the smiles, the responses when we talked about a few personal, emotional matters... We had created that kind of mood where you just feel like holding each other's hands and look deep into each other's eyes, instead of just wanting to fvck, lol.
Guys need to stop falling for this. It's perfectly fine to enjoy it in the moment, I do myself when things are going smoothly, but don't be fooled into switching over to LTR mode, it breeds expectations way too soon, hence your little test.

You have no leverage before you actually have sex. Stop expecting to meet that diamond-in-the-rough and treat all women accordingly. Sex first, relationship last.

If I ask a chick to go dutch and she responds with an attitude than I don't put any more stock into the interaction outside of sex. If it's to the point of disrespect, next...