My mother wants too meet up with my ex for a coffee...


Don Juan
Feb 8, 2022
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Hi guys,

Long time lurker here, and back since caught oneitis again. My ex dumped (22 yr HB8, been with here since she was 19, i am 29 atm) me last sunday saying the good old stuff she wants too be single again. That we dont fit anymore blabla. You all know the drill. I kept my dignity, dressed sharp, didnt beg or cry, she did cry. I said all was good and that if she changes her mind give me a call, and that this doesnt change anything for my own mission/purpose (work/goals etc). Then walked away and went NC for my own sake, focussing om work and gym, found new motivation for my goals.

Long story short: She was very attracted from the beginning, chased me 2 years long during COVID times (we were together for 2,5 years). I lost my job during COVID and had mental health issues, because of an old traumatic experience 3 years ago. It was healthwise the toughest part of my life. But i went too therapy, worked on it everyday, she complimented me a lot during those times that she learned soo much from my resilience during this time. But i did lose frame, during this tough time, i know i ****ed up and I forgive myself for it. 2 weeks ago she wanted too talk and said she starting having doubts, that she more and more likes her free time, wich she didn't before. Then she went on a ski-trip with her girlfriends (lol) and ofcourse when she got back she dumped me because she had "new insights" that gave her clarity about our relationship. So basicly all her girlfriends told her too dump me, I am pretty much sure of that.

So I went NC, too focus on me, focus on my struggles and my mission. And I am back at like 90%, new job, new clothes, 4x gym etc, i feel actually really great and have my **** together again.

My mother told me she wants too have a drink with my ex. I have no idea why, probably because she is a woman and it "doesnt feel right" too have her end contact with my family over text. Mind you, we all held great relationships with ours and their families.

So my ex contacted me this morning (and breaking NC of 6 days), asking if it is okay that she is gonna have a coffee with my mother this sunday.

So my question is, do i just text her saying, sure np? I didnt want my mother too seek contact with my ex at all, but i cant change what my mother did, it was of her own doing. If i dont text, i seem like maybe i am butthurt, but i didnt want too break NC too begin with...

Thx in advance for reading :)