My girlfriend has accused me of being an emotional robot, not good.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 10, 2007
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She basically told me everything about our relationship is perfect, except two things.

One, I'm too agreeable
Two, I'm not emotionally present for her

On number one, it doesn't mean that I'm backbone-less. I have called her out when she did stuff I didn't like, and she has never done them again. In fact, she told me the time she felt most attracted to me (even though I made her cry) is when I told her never to double book me again, forcing to change plans. I also pretty much set the pace of our relationship, and take charge most of the time.
No, rather what she means by that is I don't challenge her ideas enough. This point is, for me, easily fixable. I love playing the devil's advocate. I don't know why I never did it with her, it's odd, but I love doing that. It's natural for me.

However, point number two is more of an issue. I simply do not open up to her. I have a very hard time opening up. She has tried in the past, and I have just (without realizing it) shut her out.
I care very much for this girl, and I want to keep her for the long haul. However, I am aware that with what I am giving her right now, long-term wise it isn't enough for her. She craves an emotional connection.
It isn't something that I don't want with my SO, I just seem to have a hard time doing it.
Ironically, SS has given me so much in the past, but I also think it has made me guard my emotions and feelings a bit too much.

Let's hear it guys, what do you suggest/think?


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2014
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What is the question?

Open up if you want, why would you care what an internet forum of strangers who dont know you or your girl think?


Senior Don Juan
Jul 10, 2007
Reaction score
jurry said:
What is the question?

Open up if you want, why would you care what an internet forum of strangers who dont know you or your girl think?
Err I wasn't entirely clear. I just can't seem to know how to do it. It's not that I don't want too, I find it very difficult doing it.

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
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If she's complaining of you not "opening up" enough, then you are doing just fine. Keep it up. The first start of a power switch in a relationship is trying to get you to change to fit her ideals. Absolutely DO NOT open up. You will get too comfortable. Whatever you do, DO NOT OPEN UP. Keep being a mystery. Just feed her little nuggets once in a while.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
I can relate, I've been called out for these exact things before and I know myself well enough that there is a bit of truth to them. Nobody wants a relationship with a person that has the emotional outwardness of a cold piece of hard steel. I had a pretty good handle on our relationship and still had this brought to my attention.

She's a woman, they all like a little drama in their life. It helps them feel a deeper connection to you and helps them view you in a more powerful sense.

As far as opening up, just tell her you will work on it. Smack her on the butt more and have more sechs and in 3wks she'll be telling you how happy she is. Sometimes just telling people you are working on it is enough to convince them even tho you changed nothing!

Many times what they say they want isn't really what they need. Take what they say with a grain of salt. Perhaps just crack the door open a tiny bit and call it good. There's some truth to what the previous posters said, however on a scale of 1-10 of emotional openness, you need to be somewhere in the middle. Only you know where you are on that scale.
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Don Juan
Dec 27, 2014
Reaction score
Opening up too much like she wants you to is not a good thing. Divulging too much to her is a great way for her to use what you say against you.


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2006
Reaction score
OP, when was the last time you teased her a bit?

Women don't EVER know what they really want. So don't expect her conclusions to make any sense.

Women don't enjoy or appreciate perfection, balance or peace for too long. They need a dose of negative impulse every now and then. Even if it's just fake. Don't ask why. They're just dumb like that. Even the "smart" ones.