Mixed signals from a chick


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2004
Reaction score
Hi, Id like some input on this situation, Ive been thinking about it but I cant seem to get my mind around it.

Theres a chick that Ive known for around three years. I got to know her at university and I always had the feeling that she was somewhat attracted to me. I however was in a relationship at this time and I pretty much have been keeping to myself and my studies these last years anyway, so my contact to this chick remained restricted to small talk.

After one year I decided to switch my major, so for a pretty long time I only would rarely see this chick. I always still had the feeling though that she was attracted because in those rare instances in which we did coincidentally meet she would really go out of her way to come towards me and chat. Of course I never pursued, I was still in my relationship.

Around a year ago i ended my relationship. Ive started to work in a lab so I also switched the library in which I normally do my studying everyday, which also happens to be the same one that this chick frequents. We sort of restarted the contact between each other, actually she did. I was studying and she walked up to me and said 'hi', I had noticed her but I thought she had forgotten about me after so long.

So in the last few weeks we have been talking more and I asked her for her messenger adress(messenger seems to be the main medium for primary communication these days). She tells me that she doesnt have internet at the moment because she had just moved, but she still writes down her messenger, email and her phone number on a piece of paper which she hands me. Again I see this as a good sign, she seems to take the initiative, she could have just given me the messenger and told me to wait until she gets internet.

I wait a few days and on Thursday I send her a message, i ask her how her studys are going and if she wants to have lunch on Saturday. She answers me that she is happy I sent her a message, but she regrets that during the weekend she will be visiting her family. This is genuine, its not an excuse, Italian students often visit their familys on the weekends and I have seen her with her suitcase.

I waited another week and on the next Friday I send her a message if she wants to maybe go see a movie on Sunday. She answers me that she would love to, she told me she would return from her family around 7, we could meet after that. On saturday we talk over messenger(she is with her family) and we try to decide which movie to watch. All the movies sucked, so we decide just to have a drink somewhere. Later on she says that instead of meeting sunday it might be better to just have a drink after studying on monday. I agreed.

On monday she then sends me a message in which she tells me that she has to go home between 5 and 8 pm because there is a public transportation strike(this is also true, ****ing country this is). After work that day I went to the library, she was actually just getting ready to leave. I suggested we have a coffee, which we did. We talked for around 45 minutes, then I told her I still have to go study a bit, so we parted ways.

Later that night I sent her a message that I enjoyed talking with her. Yeah call me a chump. She answered, she said she also enjoyed it and well see each other tomorrow. I havnt seen her during the entire last week and I wont be seeing her for the first three days of this next week either because I have to stay home.

It seems to me that she isnt interested in me. It seems wierd though because she always seemed pretty enthusiastic when I say her. It would also seem as if she sort of torpedoed our date, but then again the problems which caused that were actually real, so it makes it hard for me to decide what to think.

The bottom line though would seem that if she were actually interested she would make the next move. Ive tried to organize two dates now and they both failed, I would feel like an idiot asking her out again.

I would just like some input from you guys about how to interpret the situation and if you have any ideas about what I should do.


Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
The United State of Texas
I see what you mean by saying that this one is hard to get your mind around.
It does see a little confusing. However,usually in situations like this,where there is confusion on whether or not the girl likes you,more than likely,it's just attention that she's after. If all of the things you just described were to happen at the beginning when you two first met each other,I'd probably think that she was really interested,and it was just an issue of bad timing. One thing I did notice was whenever you suggested a date or a get-together and she couldn't make it,she didn't make a counter offer,and the one time she did,she cancelled that.

To me,the main problem was that you knew her for three years before asking her out. I know,I know,you were in a relationship,already dating someone,but to her,that doesn't matter. When women get used to you being a certain way,it's hard for them to see you in a different light. She knew you for three years basically as a friend,someone who she chit-chatted with every now and then,and now all of then sudden,out of the blue,you want to change things to a boyfriend/girlfriend,sexual attraction/intimate relationship.
You can't do that,she's already gotten used to the way you were for the past three years.

However,if you think she still might be interested,go ahead and ask her out again. I'd rather ask her out and she say no,than to wonder around not knowing.


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2004
Reaction score
Igetit! said:
To me,the main problem was that you knew her for three years before asking her out. I know,I know,you were in a relationship,already dating someone,but to her,that doesn't matter. When women get used to you being a certain way,it's hard for them to see you in a different light. She knew you for three years basically as a friend,someone who she chit-chatted with every now and then,and now all of then sudden,out of the blue,you want to change things to a boyfriend/girlfriend,sexual attraction/intimate relationship.
You can't do that,she's already gotten used to the way you were for the past three years.

However,if you think she still might be interested,go ahead and ask her out again. I'd rather ask her out and she say no,than to wonder around not knowing.
Well we wrent really friends, we did smalltalk like maybe every two months if we saw each other. Like I said, before this entire situation I actually didnt even expect that she recognized me.

What you said about just wanting her to say "No", is dead on. I would like to somehow get such a reaction from her, but I dont know how to practically go about contacting her again. If she is still interested I wouldnt want to seem desperate, maybe instead of asking her out again I could send something else?


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
Just chill, mate. The ball's in her court, let her make the next move. Let her do some work to get your attention. If she has to do nothing to get you, she will lose interest.

Don't act like you're doing her a favour by asking her out twice. You've done what you could, just get on with your life and if she hops on board, great. If not, well, you've been living just fine for 3 years without this chick.


Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
The United State of Texas
Phoenix_of_the_ashes said:
Well we wrent really friends, we did smalltalk like maybe every two months if we saw each other. Like I said, before this entire situation I actually didnt even expect that she recognized me.

What you said about just wanting her to say "No", is dead on. I would like to somehow get such a reaction from her, but I dont know how to practically go about contacting her again. If she is still interested I wouldnt want to seem desperate, maybe instead of asking her out again I could send something else?
I didn't say that I want her to say no,I said that I would rather her say no than to be walking around wondering whether she likes me or not.
Look,if you're in the position of sitting around waiting for her to give you the green light so you can date her,then it's ALREADY over. She's not going to say,"Ok,I'm ready now. You can date me". She's also not going to give you a direct "no" if she's not interested. You'll just have to go by her actions. If everytime you set up a date with her she gives you some excuse about how she can't make it without giving you a counter offer,what does that tell you?

I'm about to give you advice that is very,very often given on this forum,but personally,I hate. Ignore her. Just go on about your life as if you never even met her,as if she doesn't even exist. Don't call her anymore,don't ask her out again. I hate this advice,but it seems appropiate in this situation. The reason I say to do this is because we already know your position. We already know that you're interested in her,you just need to find out where she's at. Let's see if you removing yourself from her life has any effect whatsoever. If it doesn't,if she doesn't try to contact you,or suggest another date with you,then there's your answer right there.

So don't call her again. If you're out in public and you see her,you can speak and say hi or whatever,but DON'T ask her out. Let's see if the fact that your interest has disappeared means anything at all to her.

Just a suggestion man.


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
Mixed signals are used by women so that you can't use future sight on the situation. Looks like you'll have to up the game or da fame or da bank.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
Reaction score
"so that you can't use future sight on the situation" never thought of it like that. any further thoughts on that?