Men Arent allowed to buy the morning after pill.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
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Yup - had a delayed pullout last night. - I know, I know, CONDOM - Blah Blah blah - spare me the moral high ground on that one lads.

Just went to the chemist and asked for the morninig after pill. I'm not allowed to buy it.

Only the woman can buy it apparantly. Fvcking cvnt behind the counter giving me a smug "you're fvcked buddy" look while she tells me that.

So I call the girl and tell her to go get it herself.


Married Buried

Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2012
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Purefilth said:
Yup - had a delayed pullout last night. - I know, I know, CONDOM - Blah Blah blah - spare me the moral high ground on that one lads.

Just went to the chemist and asked for the morninig after pill. I'm not allowed to buy it.

Only the woman can buy it apparantly. Fvcking cvnt behind the counter giving me a smug "you're fvcked buddy" look while she tells me that.

So I call the girl and tell her to go get it herself.

This is ridiculous. You ARE allowed to buy it, I've seen it done many times. Why did you allow this? Should have demanded a supervisor. I can't stand seeing guys just laying down and taking the BS served to them.

I would have been irate. No way I am leaving that store without it.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
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Malice said:
This is ridiculous. You ARE allowed to buy it, I've seen it done many times. Why did you allow this? Should have demanded a supervisor. I can't stand seeing guys just laying down and taking the BS served to them.

I would have been irate. No way I am leaving that store without it.
Never had to buy it before - so I Didnt have a clue that she was actually just being a cvnt about it. In process of kicking off right now.

Married Buried

Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2012
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Purefilth said:
Never had to buy it before - so I Didnt have a clue that she was actually just being a cvnt about it. In process of kicking off right now.
So you told her to go buy it herself? That is shady considering the fact you have no idea if she actually spent the 50 bucks and took it.


Don Juan
Jun 26, 2013
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Malice said:
This is ridiculous. You ARE allowed to buy it, I've seen it done many times. Why did you allow this? Should have demanded a supervisor. I can't stand seeing guys just laying down and taking the BS served to them.

I would have been irate. No way I am leaving that store without it.
This is very similar to what happens to many women when they request tubal ligation. The doctor tells them "they can't.." because they have to "wait until they're 30.." or some other random number they come up with.

The only age requirement to seek such surgery is that you be 18 - old enough for informed consent to surgery.

Many physicians do not perform sterilization surgery until a patient has passed a certain age because they are 1) idiots who think women don't know what they want or 2) fearful of a malpractice suit if the surgery is performed and the patient later wants children.

If a physician tells you that it's illegal to perform the surgery until you're 30, RUN to another physician. Also, tell everyone you know that the physician is a filthy liar, and file a complaint with your state's medical board. Additionally, if you're having difficulty finding a physician who respects your reproductive choice, get a referral from Planned Parenthood.

I found that information to be very insightful. Hopefully someone else will as well.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
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It's the internet, but -

Can men buy EC?

Yes - men 17 or older can buy Plan B One-Step, Next Choice One Dose, Next Choice and Levonorgestrel Tablets from a pharmacist without prescription. Men under the age of 17 will not be able to buy emergency contraception either with or without a prescription. ella is available to women by prescription only, regardless of age.
The CVS incident in 2011 as well as the OP's APPEAR to be misunderstandings.

However it's a sad comment on American society where men accept this sort of thing as status quo. When you think about it rationally, a person should be able to purchase whatever is for sale in a store over the counter regardless of age, gender, race, religion. But logic goes out the window in feminist America. I'm not blaming the OP - it's a confusing position to be in but it's made so by feminist indoctrination - because we all know very well that if fems had their druthers, only women could buy morning after.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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Guys for what I recall Op is british so there's a good chance in that case that the law is different.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
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Malice said:
So you told her to go buy it herself? That is shady considering the fact you have no idea if she actually spent the 50 bucks and took it.
True, I went with her though and made sure.

No more risks. :nervous:


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
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it don't matter really, only rule about drugs is if the drug you have the prescription, but really most of time we can buy any drug even without the prescription, why? they want to sell, if we can buy viagra even being young I don't think they will stop you buying that pill.

now you have the chance to prove and try to make a change do to her what c*nts like her would do to a guy, hunt her down and sue her or just push for her lose her job.

about the doctor don't wanting to make the definitive control is most of time youa re young its adivised to doctosr not do it on young people,

and for the part of woman don't know what they want, please are you sure they know what they want? if woman know what they want we wouldn't have this kind of forum


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
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Danger said:
I had to buy one some time back, a few years ago. They didn't keep me from buying it.

I wonder if this is a new thing? If so, I think one could sue based on gender discrimination.
If Danger promises me not to "red mark" me again, out of a juvenile rage, here are a few facts you guys need to know about the "morning after pill":

1) It is a boat-load of hormones to shock the female endocrine system to prevent the body from triggering into pregnancy mode. It upsets not only the

pregnancy trigger, but the whole hormonal system as well. It must be avoided unless absolutely necessary.

2) You legally can buy the pill, but this implies that you plan to hand it to a woman.

3) Although you can legally buy the pill, you can't gavage it to her without her consent.

Ergo, there's some idea behind the argument for not selling the pill to men, without the presence of a woman,

constitutionally right or wrong, I am not sure. I am not an expert.

But objectively, there are two sides to this issue.

But of course, the trigger happy MRM school will cry "gender discrimination" without giving the other side of the argument a moment's thought.

What would a man do with a morning after pill apart from giving it to a woman (and possibly forcing her to take it)? Prevent his own pregnancy?


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
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No offense boilermaker, but thats like saying why should women buy condoms when they'll only make men wear them.

or What business does a guy have buying tampons for his girlfriend?

Anyway it turns out that the original need for a "consultation" was BS since in the next pharmacy we went in and she bought them without the pharmacist even blinking.


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
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That's true, Purefilth.

I don't doubt your legal right to buy it.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
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Boilermaker said:
If Danger promises me not to "red mark" me again, out of a juvenile rage, here are a few facts you guys need to know about the "morning after pill":

1) It is a boat-load of hormones to shock the female endocrine system to prevent the body from triggering into pregnancy mode. It upsets not only the

pregnancy trigger, but the whole hormonal system as well. It must be avoided unless absolutely necessary.

2) You legally can buy the pill, but this implies that you plan to hand it to a woman.

3) Although you can legally buy the pill, you can't gavage it to her without her consent.

Ergo, there's some idea behind the argument for not selling the pill to men, without the presence of a woman,

constitutionally right or wrong, I am not sure. I am not an expert.

But objectively, there are two sides to this issue.

But of course, the trigger happy MRM school will cry "gender discrimination" without giving the other side of the argument a moment's thought.

What would a man do with a morning after pill apart from giving it to a woman (and possibly forcing her to take it)? Prevent his own pregnancy?
I commend you for attempting to see both sides. But what you plan on doing with the pill is irrelevant. A man buying morning after does not imply that he will hand it to a woman. He could plan to break it down and study it, or to take it himself for some messed up reason. Like Purefilth says a woman can buy a condom.

As far as not being able to "give it to her without her consent," this is true of all medication. You couldn't buy sleeping pills and spike your woman's drink with them without her consent either. But you can still buy sleeping pills. In any situation if you force-fed a person any pill or spiked a drink with it you could be in a boatload of trouble with the law.

Women are always demanding men take responsibility over these things. I'll bet if she chooses morning after she'll have no problem with the man paying for it.

In any case let's flip the script. Imagine a day-of birth control pill for men existed. You pop it and you're shooting blanks that night. You don't think they'd sell that to women?


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
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samspade said:
I commend you for attempting to see both sides. But what you plan on doing with the pill is irrelevant. A man buying morning after does not imply that he will hand it to a woman. He could plan to break it down and study it, or to take it himself for some messed up reason. Like Purefilth says a woman can buy a condom.

As far as not being able to "give it to her without her consent," this is true of all medication. You couldn't buy sleeping pills and spike your woman's drink with them without her consent either. But you can still buy sleeping pills. In any situation if you force-fed a person any pill or spiked a drink with it you could be in a boatload of trouble with the law.

Women are always demanding men take responsibility over these things. I'll bet if she chooses morning after she'll have no problem with the man paying for it.

In any case let's flip the script. Imagine a day-of birth control pill for men existed. You pop it and you're shooting blanks that night. You don't think they'd sell that to women?
Condom example or flipping the script aren't exactly the same examples. They both assume that women have the same power over men in terms of forcing them into doing something.


* Condoms aren't potentially harmful. Morning after pills are.

I am not saying buying them should be illegal, but it is not gender discrimination to pose such questions either. Because the user is certainly going to be a woman.

Men abuse women all the time. A guy coercing his girl to take a pill doesn't sound as strange as a woman threatening a man to wear a condom.

As I said, I generally agree with you, but the counter-examples aren't exactly working.


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
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Danger said:
Boiler don't start whinging. You began insulting me and only further escalated when I pointed it out. And you deserved that mark for said poor conduct.

But I will happily go down this road with you, since it seems you have this continual vendetta against me, not to mention the MRM types.

Has it ever occurred to you that a man may just be going to the store for his gf to pick it up? Have you never heard of men doing similar things such as picking up feminine products for a woman?

Do you really want to start going down the road of denying certain purchases based on sex?

What use would women have for a condom? They don't have a penis.
What use would men have for KY? They don't have to worry about a vagina that was sore due to being unlubricated.

If you are going to use the logic that people should not be sold something because it COULD be abused, then we may as well shut down the whole marketplace today.
I was being cheeky. I don't have a vendetta against you, or the MRM, of course.

I generally agree with you, but women-condom, men morning-after-pill analogy isn't very clean.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
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goodfoot said:
I don't think men should be prohibited from buying the morning-after pill, but definitely don't slip it to a chick without their knowledge. This guy did and caught a murder charge for it.

he caused a abortion not a morning pill, 2 diferent cases by 2 diferent drugs.

and boiler why the case of condom is not the same? hmm? hey maybe he could be alergic to the material and his GF make him use. thing here is they say is a guy can't choose if he will ahve a child or not but woman? she can decide and don't even need the father of the child to do that.

and woman abuse guys all the time too, if not because everyone thinks all woman are "naive little angels", that make it not be truth


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
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ok, say the condoms not the same lets go by a drug - women can buy viagra right?

Why should a woman buy viagra if the only thing she can possibly need it for is a man.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
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Boilermaker said:
Condom example or flipping the script aren't exactly the same examples. They both assume that women have the same power over men in terms of forcing them into doing something.


* Condoms aren't potentially harmful. Morning after pills are.

I am not saying buying them should be illegal, but it is not gender discrimination to pose such questions either. Because the user is certainly going to be a woman.

Men abuse women all the time. A guy coercing his girl to take a pill doesn't sound as strange as a woman threatening a man to wear a condom.

As I said, I generally agree with you, but the counter-examples aren't exactly working.
I hear you. Bottom line is we shouldn't exclude the sale of something simply because of the possibility to do harm. After all a mother could just as easily "coerce" her adult daughter to take it. I could buy a pen or a piano wire and kill somebody with that - and so could a female.

"Men abuse women all the time" - that's out of the feminist playbook, I would lose that if I were you.


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
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Purefilth said:
ok, say the condoms not the same lets go by a drug - women can buy viagra right?

Why should a woman buy viagra if the only thing she can possibly need it for is a man.
But it's not just that women are the only users.

It's also that it's something that's potentially harmful.

Again: I agree with you in principle, but it's a delicate issue.

There are lots of regulations in gun purchasing also, although with this simple logic, anybody should be able to buy it regardless of who they are.

But let me repeat: morning after pills aren't of this same category.