Material posessions unimportant: abcd_z's mission log


Senior Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Oslo, Norway
To prove to my roommates Jeff and Leon that looks and material posessions are largely irrelevant when picking up women, and to prove that I can do it, I am going to meet, attract, and sleep with a woman that is from an 8 to a 10 in looks, as decided by my roommates Leon and Jeff, within one month.

Alternatively, she must be equal to Leon's girlfriend Hazel in appearance. If Leon isn't around to judge (He'll give me $20 if I pull it off), a topless picture of the woman with me will suffice. Wish me luck.

I do not have a car or a bed.
I live in a house with 5 other men.
If I can do it, anybody can.

Start date: Feb 17

Final deadline: Mar. 17


Senior Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Oslo, Norway
Going over the old writings of Mystery and Tyler Durden, I realized that they had two different ways to handle attraction. That struck me as rather limiting, so I spent a lot of time reverse-engineering a system that incorporates both approaches. Even once I'm a master pickup artist, with everything internalized, this is a framework I will still be able to rely on.

0) Internal state/Inner Game

1) Social Value
1) Emotional Stimulation

2) Compliance
2) Kino

3) Comfort
3) Logistics

4) Sexual Potential
4) Escalation


Senior Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Oslo, Norway
When you find something that works for you, you tend to stick with it. I had a routine stack that would open any set consistently, with a great segue to an IVD, followed by a personal DHV-spiked story. (Mother's birthday, Wolf's Paws, and Spanish Friends, in case you were curious. I'm pretty sure I've listed them here before.)
I have probably used that stack over 200 times, and it is getting very, very hard to make it work for me.
So, after devising the general strategy, I decided to use a new routine stack. This is my second day using it.

Yesterday at the mall where I work, I ran the modified Tent Opener on a FF 2-set, threw in a FTC by saying that I was on break and couldn't stay too long (truth), then I ran the 2 men routine, then we just vibed a bit. Turns out they're both geeks, so we talked a bit about random geeky stuff. Tried a BT-based tease ("Hey look, an obvious distraction"), but they wouldn't look, so I didn't try anything else along those lines. They didn't have cell phones, so they told me where they might be around the time I got off work.

I met them there, along with 2 of their male friends, ran the best friends test (they passed easily), tried a BT-based roleplay which didn't work ("you guys are like the dorky little sisters I never had" "Uh, no."), and ran another DHV story (Spanish friends), which they found hysterical for some reason. I still don't know why, sometimes the story has that effect, other times they look at me like they're still waiting for the punchline.
The situation wasn't really going anywhere, so I left. At that point I realized that my biggest sticking point was a lack of plan for venue change or Day2.

I still need to work on that.

Today I had some running around to do. I took the bus as usual, and on the first trip met somebody I recognized from high school. Back in high school I was an annoying attention whôre, which may be why she completely ignored my overtures. Undaunted, I attempted to make contact, only for her to tell me that before work, she listens to music by herself in the back of the bus. Subcommunication: Leave me alone.
At that point I tried something I'd never done before. I took two non-existant calls on my cell phone, the first about somebody expecting me to have some sort of project done by a certain time, and me putting my foot down, the other about a woman who wanted me to spend time with her, or at least come to a party she would be at. I figured that even though the target probably wasn't paying attention to me, it was worth a shot. Then I tried once more to open the lines of communication, to no avail. Oh well. At the next stop I moved over to another passenger and opened her with Mom's b-day, but I've used that so many times I just couldn't get it to hook.

Then, on a later bus, I see two different woman, both of them attractive enough to open, but because of my personal preferences, I open the slightly nerdier-looking one of the two.
Modified Tent Opener, segue to the 2 men opener, she talks about her "mates" not being necessarily attractive, I catch her choice of words, she tells me she's a furry. Me: "Oh man, I just got rid of the last one."
I wasn't going to use Wolf's paws. I swear I had retired it, but it was so relevant to the situation, I just had to use it. I use the stock cold read based off of that, then we talk a little bit more. I see the other woman smile at a joke I tell the first one, and my first instinct should have been to merge the sets (as well as you can on a bus), but my stop was coming up. At the very least I should have gotten her number to continue the conversation, but I didn't think to at the time. Oh well.

Coming back from my last stop, I run the American Pie opener on an underage 2-set, just to get the opener canned, and hopefully find a natural transition from there.

Funny thing is, I wasn't even planning on going sarging today.

P.S. These were just the notes I jotted down as a sort of mental shorthand. If anybody's curious about the actual routines, let me know.