Lets hear your Stories of REJECTION! + my story of rejection


Don Juan
Feb 9, 2001
Reaction score
Massachusetts (home of the great Anti-Dump)!
Mt. Everest, I'm sorry but that was the funniest thing I've heard in a looong time! I was rofl, damn that is so cold. Did eventually say something to her? Wow, that is wrong on her part. Well anyway, since I did laugh so hard at that story I might as well throw one up.

I'm a young guy (16), so I've have a few stories, anyway this girl and I used to hang out, on coincidence. She came on to me, since I really didn't like her- she had an ok face and her body wasn't nice- I thought she was overrated ( a lot of guys wanted her badly). So she came on to me and we were chillin after school where everyone usually does, and my boy comes up to us. He starts talking trash to her and she's like, "You better be quiet or I'll get my bf to beat you up!" I said to myself wtf???- I then said, " Nah, Me and A**** are cool." She got pissed cause I didn't say something to defend her (even though it was a joke). Then, I had skipped track practice so she and I chilled and talked on the stairs at my school. I think I bored the hell out of her because she kept on talking about she was hungry and she didn't laugh at anything I said (my downfall- humor). One of my friends comes up and he had a lunch with him and she starts devouring his food- I said, as a joke, " Jenna you're such a pig". She didn't say anything we were talking for an hour- then I had bounced.

She kept on touching me and playing around with me, but after a few weeks after that she COMPLETELY ignored me. I wasn't really upset because I really didn't like her, but I did miss her attention. She started talking to this other kid that I didn't like, but I went on and talked to other chicks. She ignored me for the rest of the year, except for a little small talk. But I could tell she hated my guts. I guess that's not really a bad rejection but that was the most recent rejection I've had.


Don Juan
Aug 24, 2001
Reaction score
Ok heres my story.
So theres this girl that I would see every day and we would always flirt and sit close to each other. Always touching and she would sit on my lap and give me back rubs all the time. When sitting close I would have my arm around her and when walking together we would link arms.

I was thinking to myself wow this girl sure is straight forward. None of this 'I wonder if he likes me' bull****. We talked on the phone and through IM's all the time (I think that was my first mistake). She initiated conversations and would call me all the time.

I really fell for her, I would hang out with her as much as possible. Now this next part is where I think I really messed up. I talked to a friend of hers about asking her out and things got blown waaay out of proportion. It was like ****ing front page news for a week.

So finally I just say **** it. Im gona ask her out now. I pick her up and carry her away from everyone and just go for it. She gives me this look like she's sorry and gives me THREE not just one but three excuses for not going out with me. The first was that she had this pact with a friend of hers that they wouldn't have any boy friends (sounds like a pre-made excuse for both of them) and second that she was already in a relationship (what the ****? look at the last excuse) and third that its summer and she doesn't want a boyfriend. I give her a smile and say 'ok maybe some other time'.

I got totally shafted there but I still talk to her once in a while. I made it clear that I wasn't interested in her anymore though.
Mar 7, 2002
Reaction score
Multiple rejections in one!!

I was out at a dance club recently (let's hear it for under 21 night), and this one pretty hot girl comes up and starts grinding with me. At the end of the song, I ask her what her name is.. she tells me, and walks away. I think alright.. whatever.

So I spot another girl in the crowd who wasn't dancing, and I try to start a conversation with her.. I asked her what school she went to.. she told me, and turned around and walked awway. Ok.. not going well.

So a little later, I was waiting by myself for the friend that I came with to get back, and this girl who wouldn't tell me more than her school came and sat down right next to me.. there was no one else close to us. So I'm thinking what the hell? ok.. I'll try again. More 1-word answers, she wouldn't dance, and then she got up and left. Um.. so when I saw her at the end of the night when most people were leaving, I smiled and said
"So Allison, what have you got against me?"

She ignored me and walked away. Ouch. Maybe I just caught some girls on a bad day.. but the club scene doesn't seem to treat me too well.

The Main Event

Don Juan
Jan 7, 2003
Reaction score
The Pinnacle
Originally posted by bondjamesbond
Not too long before I met my wife I had stopped in a Ponderosa to get a steak and there was this gorgeous creature of a hostess working there. I gave her a big smile and hello and went and found a seat. She was one of those chicks that come around and refill your coffee so I knew I'd be getting a visit. When she stopped by I started chatting with her and really seemed to be hitting it off well. I decided to go back a few days later hoping she'd be there. She was, and was taking a break, sitting by herself, no less! It was a golden opportunity, so, not being shy, I grabbed my tray and walked over to her booth. "Hi" I says, "Mind if I join you?" She said, "If you don't mind, I'd much rather be left alone."........I was a little taken aback so I went off and ate my dinner. When I finished, I noticed she was still sitting alone so I figured I'd try again. I walked over and just asked her if she had been working there long. She looked up real annoyed and said "You're kind of a pain, I'll be glad when you leave!"
"Damn!" I said, "I guess that rules out that blow*** I was hoping I'd get!"
This one was worth bumping, even if only for his come-back. Every once in a while you read something that makes you think, "can't wait until my next rejection".

I am
The Main Event.

classy broadside

Don Juan
Sep 16, 2008
Reaction score
in email

Here's one I've gotten through email. This was after I wrote her (after due introductions, flirting, etc.) to get her number so that I could call her and set up a date.

Her response? (I edited some parts out in the middle for redundancy/length)

"Give you my number? What do you think I am? Just a thing that you can command? I will not be ordered to do anything. Did I ever mention a desire to talk on the phone. That would be a no. Did you ever politely ask if I would consider doing so? Again, no. Do I care if you think we have a lot in common? ROFLMAO NO! […] Here's something for you to ponder when you're home alone tonight with nothing to do, maybe, just maybe, this is why you don't have a girlfriend and aren't getting laid."

Admittedly I was knocked a bit off balance by this. But I wrote her back letting her know that I'm glad she responded this way, and that it's clear we didn't need to waste time with one another.