Is this post authentic? (warning, longer read)


Don Juan
Aug 6, 2023
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So I met this girl on campus. Was waiting with a bunch of friends to go climbing with the climbing club, and saw her walking past: blonde, tan, long legs in tight shorts. Damn, better get me a girl like that, I thought. Well she walks over to us. She’s here to try out climbing. Nice.

We all take the train together. I catch her name and find out she’s a medical student. Quickly see the twitchy neurosis and snarling rage hidden behind her eyes. This girl has a good dose of angry crazy, easy to tell. Very tightly wound. I’m kind of into it. After initial greetings I ignore her to speak to my friend. There’s another guy in the group obviously hitting on her and telling her his life story. Do I attempt to speak to her more? No.

We get to the climbing wall and as regulars of the club it’s our responsibility to teach the newbies how to tie in and belay and all that so they don’t kill themselves or their partners. I could have offered to teach her, and she looks at me imploringly. But I don’t. I teach some Asian kid instead and she gets paired with blabbermouth who eagerly jumps at the chance. She looks mildly disappointed. Do I try to spend more time with her? No. In fact, I ignore her the rest of the day and leave at the end without saying a word to her.

A week or so later I decide to go to a hiking club meet. We’re doing a short walk and then going to a pub to socialise. Whatdy’know, med student girl is there again, looking fine as ever and very North Face. After initial greetings and “oh we met before” I ignore her for the rest of the walk, and speak to everyone else except her.

At the pub half the people leave and we all sit down to get drinks. I’m speaking to everyone including her now, as we’re in a group. Conversation is quite good and I can tell she’s pretty smart, but ofc, wound up in the “I hate myself but I’ll take it out on everyone else” kind of way. Other guys are all interrupting each other to get a word in with her.

There’s a really cute goth bartender at the bar. Has the kind of sleepy, spaced out vibe to her. One of the guys obviously has a crush on her because he can’t stop staring and keeps going over to get drinks directly from her. I tell him to just go for it, hit on her bro. He’s like, nah… too scared. I say “If you don’t hit on her I will”, he says “be my guest”. The med girl is grinning at me like “is he actually going to do it?”, and ofc, I get up, walk over to her, tell her she’s really cute. “When does your shift end?” she tells me a time which was much later; normally I’d wait around to meet them if it was soon but that won’t happen this time. “Okay can I get your number then?”, she’s quite taken aback and of course says yes. “Do you get many guys hitting on you then?” I ask her, “Not really” she says, and blushes.

I walk back to the table and they’re all mouths agape impressed like I’d just did a backflip or something. “Whoah dude that was smooth”, “Thanks”. Blondie is grinning with her big white teeth and giving me the “bend me over and **** me right now” eyes. The guy next to me asks me (out of earshot of medthot) how I learned to do something like that and I tell him “practice, after failing many, many times and embarrassing myself”.

As the people trickle away over time I’m left talking to medthot. We have a nice conversation and I tell her I’ll take her climbing sometime again. She’s totally up for it and gives me her number. Important note here: plausible deniability. It’s not a date, I didn’t ask her out. I said I’d take her climbing. I’m doing her a favour, imparting my experience onto her. It’s just friendly, there’s no way I’m doing it because I want my **** inside her. Obviously….

So a week later I text her out of the blue telling her I’m going climbing on Wednesday if she wants to come. She replies like five times, and then bombards me with texts on the day as well like “I will be 5 mins late”, “where are you?”, “I’m nervous haha”, “Do I need this and that etc etc etc”. I ignore most of them and reply with one word to the relevant ones. Text message ratio is like 5:95 me to her, at this point I know I have her.

So we go climbing and it’s more time to speak together more intimately and I tease her and make jokes about her competence and I use the excuse of tying her in and helping her out to put my hands on her, her hips, her waist, her hair etc. She’s blushing and I think getting a bit turned on and after we finish I just leave. Don’t ask her to extend the date or anything… well it was just platonic climbing together after all right? She’s a bit disappointed by this and asks me if we’ll go climbing again soon and I say maybe and leave.

A bit more in the comments.


Don Juan
Aug 6, 2023
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Do I beg to see her again? Do I make her any promises? No. Left her hanging completely.

Well another week later where I don’t message her at all, I text her that I’m going to a party and she should come with me. Ofc she plays a bit coy at first like “I might be busy, who’s party idk the people etc etc” but I just ignore the texts entirely. On the day of the party I text “I’ll pick you up from your place where do you live?” and she sends me the address.

So I meet her at the front door and she’s all Urban Outfitters and looks nice, and we go to get booze and walk to the house party. As we walk we have a dark conversation and I can really pick up on her overt rage and superiority complex; she is a med student and I’m not and that makes her better than me. To be fair, she must be really smart, she gets great grades and I wouldn’t be able to get her grades or even get accepted onto her course, so her raw power and anger translates somewhere. But it also means she belittles literally everyone else who isn’t a Med student and thinks of herself as queen.

We get to the party and there’s barely anyone there, we’re not that early, and the people there are kinda nerdy, I cringe because I took this girl to a lame party. But do I apologise and make excuses? Nah, I just go with it. We meet all my friends who I haven’t seen in a while, and they’re used to me bringing a conveyer belt of girls to these things and they talk about all the usual things “where are you from, what do you study” etc. I can see just how proud she is whenever she says “I study medicine”. It’s so funny. My friends respect me a bit more now because she isn’t just a dumb bimbo and she’s also hottest girl at the party by far.

Well the party fills up with actual cool people eventually and as it does so I don’t trail around with her like a dog. I let her do her own thing and go and hang out with other people. We bump into each other occasionally and at one point another girl shows up who’s tied for or even slightly hotter than her and I can tell she hates her immediately. The girl, who I have history with, is polite and friendly with everyone but literally ignores me and medthot. Medthot seems a bit insulted by this. A bit later on she asks me if I’m going to hit on her like I did with the bartender, in a jokey way of course, and I tell her “No, not with her, we don’t have a good relationship, we ignore each other now”.

This set her cogs turning and she starts asking me more questions about her and I tell her, “I don’t want to talk about it. Drop it” and she says “Oh, okay” and does. Truth is, this girl rejected me recently and was very bitchy about it, I hit on her quite overtly and she was disgusted by it. Now she ignores me and thinks I’m a creep. That’s fine… but medthot doesn’t need to know this, and I can spin it in such a way that she thinks we ****ed or something. Plus I can rub medthot in rejection girls face.

So we’re going round the party and another dude shows up. He is an acquaintance of mine, friend of my friends, and we’re on good terms but not exactly close. He’s ****ed girls I’ve been into and I’ve ****ed girls he’s been into and it’s stupid to say there’s a rivalry there but I think there is, even though it’s dumb. He is very handsome, more attractive than me, has a chill stoner vibe, and now the chaddest guy at the party. Whatever, I’ll only get mogged if I allow myself to get mogged. We have a friendly chat and I can see that he’s taking an interest in medthot and she’s taking glances at him. Great.

So what are my options? Guard her all night, be cold and distanced, tell her to stay away from him, or just sit back and let it happen? Well there’s only one option really. I introduced them to each other. Not doing so implies saltiness, and I had to be courteous to save face and keep that dgaf vibe. I could see the hungry “wow he’s hot” sparkle in her eye which feltbadman, and he was being really smooth and chill with her and they were focusing the conversation at each other and I started to feel like a ****ing thirdwheel so I left to talk to some other girls.

Idk what they spoke about but eventually she came back to me and we had a good time the rest of the party, shared a few cigarettes with otherChad, and then left. I told her I would walk her home. Important that there was precedent that I picked her up from her place, now it’s not about discovering her house for the first time, but instead taking her back to somewhere familiar.

I kiss her on the journey there and hold her hand and when we get to her place I tell her that I need to pee (this was actually true) and she is hesitant but I think she was just looking for an excuse to let me in. We get up to her flat and I pee and then go into her bedroom and start kissing her and the rest is textbook, bit of ASD, but get through in the end and the sex was quite bad. She was eager yet inexperienced and I just collapsed, fell asleep and left in the morning.


Don Juan
Aug 6, 2023
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I meet her one more time at my place a few days later. She was hesitant at first and had to wrangle a bit to get her to meet up again. Bad sign. I tell her we’re going to cook together.

Cooking together is my favourite date of all because it sets a power dynamic and allows you to lead her, lets you show competence, gives her a plausibly deniable excuse to come to your place, and your bedroom is right within reach. Ticks all the boxes.

We cook pasta and salmon and I’m in charge and show her simple things like chopping onions. She doesn’t really know how because she’s a spoilt rich girl but she really enjoys being bossed around like this and the whole time I’m pinching her ass and kissing her and picking her up and just being affectionate in a way that she wasn’t used to. We go to my bedroom and she tells me her life story (god I’ve heard a million life stories by now) and I am resistant to telling her mine and remain mysterious and closed off. I do tell her that I’m not looking for a girlfriend and I’m seeing two other girls at the moment and she shouldn’t expect anything serious. She seems a bit taken aback but also impressed by this. I ask her to suck my **** and after some resistance she does so and it was the scariest and most aggressive ******* of my life I thought she’d ****ing rip my foreskin off she was so violent with that thing and I couldn’t *** out of fear so I told her to just lay down on my thigh and jerked off onto her face.

Well a few days later I ask her to meet up again and she says we need to talk about something and I’m like “great… oh well”. And we meet in a park and she gives me this whole, “It’s the wrong time for me. I don’t want to be your third girlfriend. The way you talk about women offends me etc etc”. I tell her she’s being dramatic and acting like she’s in a reality tv show. She tells me that she told her friends all about me and they told her to run away because I’m a horrible person. ****ing “friends” man. Girl’s friends always sabotage it for each other. Always bitching at each other about their guys… and when is the advice ever “stay with him”? They’re always telling their friends to break up.

Whatever, cool, we won’t see each other anymore. “We’ll still talk though right?” She wants to keep me on as an orbiter. Lol. “No”. I tell her. “I will block your number”. “Oh, okay”. She looks sad about it.

I don’t block her number but I do ignore every text she sends me for the next few months. Polite things like “I just saw you on campus lol” or “Are you going climbing this week?” She’s trying to reconnect with me, by giving me openings to ask her out again, this is the way women do it, they’re never overt about wanting you back. I ignore her.

At climbing and the hiking trips I see her there. She looks very pretty. I ignore her and talk to other people. Sometimes I bring other girls that I’m dating, plates or potential plates that are prettier or more extraverted or blonder than her. She gives me quick glances but maintains her distance. I see it in her eyes, she wants me back. If the sex was better, maybe, but atm, nah….

A few weeks later I’m sitting at the cafeteria eating my lunch when I notice the chad from the party. We say hi and sit together. He asks me about the medthot and what happened between us. I tell him the truth. “We met like two times and she dumped me but tbh I don’t mind that much the sex was bad and she was really high maintentance and kind of crazy”.

He tells me that he’s been hooking up with her for a few months now and yes she is crazy.

Of course... What did I expect?

I smile at him. I’m not actually as hurt as I thought I would be, in fact I find it kind of funny. If he was looking to get me upset or anything, it didn’t work.

“Well you lasted longer than I did bro haha” I tell him.

“Yeah man I went deep... it was bad”. He has to go to his class so we bump fists and I spend the rest of the day with a smile on my face and a good mood. *****s will be *****s. Just accept it.

I run into her a month later, on campus. I can’t just ignore her now because that would imply saltiness. We have a brief conversation.

“I’m walking this way, walk with me?” I ask her. “Sure" she says.

“I saw (otherChad) the other day” I say to her. She gives me that toothy grin again when I bring up his name. She didn’t think I knew, or at least didn’t expect me to mention him. She likes the idea of me finding out and being hurt. I can tell. It’s that bitter rage again.

“What did he say?” She’s being hesitant to reveal too much. Probing.

“Oh, we just both agreed you’re crazy”

She laughs. “Well he’s just mad because I dumped him and he was so in love with me and got all emotional and wouldn’t stop texting me af-“

“Ah, ah” I put a finger to her lips. “I don’t want to hear it”.

“Don’t want to hear what?”

“I don’t want to hear you badmouthing my friends. That’s between you and him. You shouldn’t be telling me these things. I like him. I don’t want my perception of him changed”

“Oh okay” She looks a bit taken aback.

We walk in silence for a bit more.

“I’m going to a party this weekend if you want to come” she says.

I think about it. “Maybe”.

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