interpret these signals


Senior Don Juan
Oct 19, 2009
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pretty hot chick in her late 20s. i'm 25. got her number at a party, she gave a few IOIs. 2 days later i called and talked for a while, she laughed at everything i said. made a date for tonight.

things went well i thought.. for instance when i picked her up and complained about my washer/dryer she said i can do my laundry anytime at her place. she was asking me about myself at dinner, laughing a lot, drinking alcohol.

but when i move toward her physically she backed away. the kino was totally unnatural it made me think she was disinterested. i've never been around a girl, interested or not, that was so resistant to physical contact. at my place we were watching a movie and she sat against the very edge of the loveseat.

then when i drop her off she hugs me kisses me cheek. says she had fun. then texts me 20 minutes later saying she had a great time and thanks.

are all the IOIs just fake? is she just going on dates to pay for dinner? planning to go NC to test it. i have another new date tomorrow night anyway.


Master Don Juan
Oct 15, 2009
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Go nc for a week. If she contacts you talk normal...emotionless. Plan another date for next week and this time MAKE THE HOE SAY NO.


Master Don Juan
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
yea, seems like you did everything fine, sometimes women's behavior is illogical so situations like this could happen...

she might be one of those girls who like to wait and really dont kiss on first dates.... so that could be a possibility...

wait for her to contact you, or wait a week and call again, or if she contacts you sooner, plan a second date, if she agrees, go for it, if she puts excuses, then HARD next her for good.

its not that hard... and if you go out with her a second time, EXPECT A KISS... if she declines, don't talk about it, just excuse yourself and tell her that thigns are not working for you and that you will drop her back to her house... and leave it at that... and see how she replies..

no talking about why she doesnt seem into you.. THAT will only KILL whatever little attraction she might have left for you.

good luck