Informative Blogs


Senior Don Juan
Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
I'm still looking
While the active discussion taking place at this forum is great, I can't help but want to direct others to additional sources of information about game, masculinity, feminism, and just plain old life. It would appear that most posters look for quick advice for a particular situation. I lurk the mature man sub-section a lot as the discussion is a lot more heavy hearted rather than just "Why didn't she text me?" or "Do I still stand a chance?" Out of respect I do not post there as I am not yet old enough to (nor do I understand women or true responsibility as they do), but I feel it is the most valuable source of information one can get outside of the DJ bible around these parts.

The following are three regularly updated blogs that are pertinent to men wanting to improve themselves with women or just how to improve themselves in general. I'm sure a lot of you already know about them, but for those who don't, there be gold in them thar hills. Feel free to contribute any more that are high quality in work.


Personally, I would hire this guy to travel across the United States to give seminars about the state of feminism, marriage, masculinity, and religion if I could. Poses very tough questions and very critical of the femosphere. In particular, I loved his article why anger is not a bad thing.


Mostly a discussion about the psychology of game and attraction. Rollo is the mastermind behind this one. Awesome resource, but I definitely need to keep a dictionary nearby when reading his posts. Not a bad thing, but can get quite technical.


Mostly a discussion about the mechanics behind game. The Alpha/Beta comparison is taken to a new level. Very informative, but find myself disagreeing on some topics.