Ignoring Her After She Ignored Me


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2010
Reaction score
Canada, eh?
Mr. Fantastic, you gotta stop posting that lame as$ douchy beginner advice of yours. Second, don't miss enterpreet what I wrote and don't explain every single basic thing there is to read, the op already knows that. Lastly, dont go off topic. Thank you very much, Mr Nerd.


Don Juan
Feb 18, 2011
Reaction score
Mr. Fantastic said:
You think too much bro. Quit fantasizing about about her, quit playing these tactics and games cause they are a waste of time. If you like her take her on a date and see if she meets your standards. Apply AD's Machine and see if she can make it through the sorting process. If not oh well, she ain't worth it. Most chicks these days aren't (especially in America). Most if not all the chicks I've met are control freaks and want to control your life. Is that what you want? A woman to control your life? I didn't think so. So stop letting this chick control your behavior when you go to the gym. If you want to say "hi" just say "hi" and stop caring what she thinks about you.

tincanman99:"Oh no Mr. Fantastic! I said "hi" to her and she ignored me! She must not like me..."
Mr. Fantastic: Slaps tincanman99 "Why do you care!?!?"
tincanman99: "Because I like her and, and, since she is acting like she doesn't like me I must be a failure or not good enough..."
Mr. Fantastic: "Tissue?"
Mr. Fantastic: Throws the box at tincanman99 "Grow a pair man. Better yet Be A Man."

I don't care what anyone says about tactics and mind games and nlp. None of it makes real men. It doesn't build "confidence" (Oh how I hate that word. Most people claim to be confident but have no idea the true meaning of the word. Especially women. They claim to be confident but yet it is impossible for a woman to be such. All of her behavior seems to just be a reaction to society rather than acting upon society to forge their own reality. Heck take a woman wearing make up for example. She is insecure about what other people may think about her so she wears it in an attempt to improve what other people think about her beauty.)

Speed Seducer's: "Shut up Mr. Fantastic! We can get any woman we want. So what if we don't build confidence? We can get any woman so why? Why should we build real confidence?"

Mr. Fantastic: "Are you happy?"

Speed Seducer's: "WHAT!?!?!? I can get any ***** I want, anytime I want, and anywhere I want. I sleep with at least 3 women every night. I'm literally ******* happy."

Mr. Fantastic: "So are you saying you are happy because you sex women?"

Speed Seducer's: "What else could be better? Isn't that why I came to this site in the first place? To get any woman?"

Mr. Fantastic: "Yes but you also came here as an AFC and intended to become Don Juan. Don Juan is not insecure. Speed Seducers are. All they do is exhibit traits of confidence. They are not the embodiment of confidence. When you look at the core of a PUA all you will see is that they are still AFC because they focus on pleasing/reacting to women instead of improving the quality of their life. A good quality of life is defined and obtained internally in every individual. Obtaining women is not increasing quality of life. That is merely defining quality of life by an external source which can only bring happiness as long as that external source is present. Once it is no longer there quality of life and happiness disappear."

Speed Seducer's: "**** you dude. I'm gonna go get some ***** while you jay off with your right hand."

Mr. Fantastic: "In essence you are just jaying off as well (and who said the confident man doesn't get any? As a matter of fact he may get more than the SS...) At least at the end of the day one of use will be just happy while the other will be eternally joyful"

What I'm trying to get at here is you need to stop worrying about this chick and what she thinks about you. There are literally billions of other chicks out there and spending your time worrying about what this one chick thinks about you so you can "seduce" her is just a giant waste of time. If you like her get her digits and take her on a date. Enough said...

I f*ckin love responses like this. Always motivates me to try hard and become a true DJ.

Mr. Fantastic

Don Juan
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
Uh... Hashbrowns?
PapiChulo: "Mr. Fantastic, you gotta stop posting that lame as$ douchy beginner advice of yours. Second, don't miss enterpreet what I wrote and don't explain every single basic thing there is to read, the op already knows that. Lastly, dont go off topic. Thank you very much, Mr Nerd."

Mr. Fantastic: "Hmmm beginner advice? I don't know about that one. What I'm saying here isn't new (What the heck do I know anyways? I have only lived through it...). I wasn't misinterpreting anything you said. I discredited it because you weren't helping tincanman99. Feel free to discredit my advice. Can you? Or will you just resort to name calling? Also as far as going off topic... isn't that what you just did with your statement? Just saying. So please "Senior Don Juan" discredit my advice! Do it for tincanman99 sake!"