If you are sexually successful guy, please answer this question


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2009
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I don't mean to discriminate the less fortunate ones that still hasn't gotten it, but what can I say; if you want to know what a fish tastes like, you have to ask someone who ate fish before right?

So, if you are getting laid, generally happy and feeling good in life and about yourself, well-motivated for success and self-improvement, and not in constant mood of sh!tty feelings, then please answer this question.

As you live on your day, do you think about being a DJ?

I mean, I keep reminding myself, "I need to be on the pedestal, not her", "I need to be positive", "I am happy", "I need to listen more", "I need to be c0cky and funny" etc etc etc. So I constantly have these "thoughts" in my mind going. Do you guys do this too, or do you just be yourself and still everything falls into right places?

If you don't think about these sh!t all the time, how do you act right in right times? Let's say a girl stood you up or did something rude. How does your mind know that you have been done wrong and this b!tch needs a smack? As I was reading some articles on how to be a Man, my older brother (who is successful in life and women) told me "you have to read those kind of stuff to know how to be a man?" So bring me some knowledge please, b/c I am always thinking and getting pretty tired of it.


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2008
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Personally, w/o saying that I am DJ myself cause there is always improvement, I did this in my early beggings, when i first found out about this site and started acting and being different! I would think, this is wrong, this is right and staff, after a while though it became a habit, my behaviour had completely changed and i was a new person! Nowdays, no I don't think about it! Maybe sometimes when I have to take a serious desicion on how to act on something I might think "what is the right thing to do here, how a DJ would act?" But that's only in special occasions! It becomes a habit after a while! :)


Master Don Juan
May 18, 2003
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No I don't really think about it now... at the beginning it used to freak me out. When women started reacted positively to me I didn't know how to handle it at first.

Visualizing your own success is a big help and that's something I spend about 10 minutes doing that every day. At other times, just be in the moment and you'll be fine.


Don Juan
Mar 6, 2011
Reaction score

If you wanna understand to be a man you want to be, assume you have small kids. Now treat your gf like that little kid.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
in constant mood of sh!tty feelings

As a side note, I think what you are feeling is chemical. I think lack of sex causes depression in both men and women at a chemical level.

CJ 101

Don Juan
Apr 18, 2011
Reaction score
Chicago, Il
I used to have the same problem when i first started studying seduction but i overcame it as time went by. Your problem stems from being self concious and analysing eveything a chick says or does when she's with you. So you need to give yourself an assignment namely: starting today you'll make small talk with females everywhere whether it's at the supermarket, the mall, the bus, the train and while you're talking to the female stop trying to read her mind, stop trying to think about what she thinks of you, or the fact that she looks like she has an attitude, forget about all of that just start a neutral conversation or make a witty comment and take it from there. Four years ago i used to hit bars and clubs sometimes i'd even go alone (YOU DON'T ALWAYS NEED TO HAVE A WINGMAN) and when i got inside the club instead of standing on the side and staring at chicks wearing mini skirts i'd walk up to any chick that caught my eye and make a witty comment that would lead to us talking and as a result i've had two chicks give me a ******* at a bathroom in a bar in Chicago, I've had chicks leave the bar and head straight to my car to **** - I'm one of those dudes who believes in SAME NIGHT LAYS, I leave taking numbers and e-mail addresses for DAY GAME. Just two weeks ago i was at a bar on State and Division street in Chicago, i saw two chicks ( white and black chick) sitting together and talking, i went up to them and i made a comment about them looking bored and that got them talking to me, so i suggested to the white chick that she come and dance with me and within twenty minutes of us dancing on the dance floor we started kissing and making out, i remember when we stopped making out that people around us were standing there looking at us so we moved from the dance floor to a dark corner where i fingered her while she was playing with me, i ended up taking her number and we're meeting up this weekend, i could have met up with her sooner but i have a girlfriend who's always with me. So what you should do is :
(1) Stop self analysing when you're with a female
(2) Just relax and focus on vibing with her when you're talking to her.
(3) Start talking to females everywhere as go on with your daily activities and you'll do just fine. Good luck bro.


Don Juan
Jan 17, 2011
Reaction score
St. Louis
firelord said:
If you wanna understand to be a man you want to be, assume you have small kids. Now treat your gf like that little kid.
So true. Women are like children.


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
moneyisking said:
As you live on your day, do you think about being a DJ?

I mean, I keep reminding myself, "I need to be on the pedestal, not her", "I need to be positive", "I am happy", "I need to listen more", "I need to be c0cky and funny" etc etc etc. So I constantly have these "thoughts" in my mind going. Do you guys do this too, or do you just be yourself and still everything falls into right places? No I dont really do this. I used to. I think I might still do it sometimes, but only for brief seconds. It comes naturally after a while. I believe that it's all about experience, and how you interpret it.

If you don't think about these sh!t all the time, how do you act right in right times? It comes naturally as you progress. Let's say a girl stood you up or did something rude. How does your mind know that you have been done wrong and this b!tch needs a smack?Watch your attitude towards women btw, you dont want to treat them like a lesser or an object. As I was reading some articles on how to be a Man, my older brother (who is successful in life and women) told me "you have to read those kind of stuff to know how to be a man?" So bring me some knowledge please, b/c I am always thinking and getting pretty tired of it.
Action > Knowledge.

Now I wonder, what have you done towards "becoming a DJ" since you joined the site?


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2009
Reaction score
@CJ 101: Great advice man. By the way, may I ask you further input about focusing on vibe with women? What does that mean? I used to shift my focus towards woman I am talking to and just make sure I talked about her, etc, but it got old and didn't give me any results.

@Norwegian DJ: Honestly, I have my own moments of embarrassments in order to get good with girls, but once I am so close to finally have sex, for some reason things go bad and I regress in progress. Few weeks before I fell into depression (which I am in a bit now), I felt great and almost banged a chick and for no reason at all, things just fell apart. This happened repetitively, so it's kind of like hamster in a wheel kinda thing.


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2010
Reaction score
moneyisking said:
if you want to know what a fish tastes like, you have to ask someone who ate fish before right?
No. If you wanna know what fish tastes like, yo go catch a fish and eat it yourself. ;) Sure, ask an experienced fisherman to teach you but ultimately you have to experience the fish yourself.

As you live on your day, do you think about being a DJ?
"Men acquire a particular quality by constantly acting a particular way... you become just by performing just actions, temperate by performing temperate actions, brave by performing brave actions."
At first, anything new/different is awkward (unless you're a Natural). After many years of constantly doing the same thing, thinking the same way, traits are ingrained into your brain and become part of you.

I used to be very shy and socially awkward. It was until my mid/late 20s that I got tired of being a chump (didn't know any better) and decided to do something about it.


Dec 17, 2009
Reaction score

Do you realize that 90 percent of this forum's members are virgins? Like Elmer Gentry? You just asked a question to people who don't know the answer. Most of the forums members are virgins, women posing as men, or homosexuals. Try to at least ask this in the Mature section.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
Falcon25 said:

Do you realize that 90 percent of this forum's members are virgins? Like Elmer Gentry? You just asked a question to people who don't know the answer. Most of the forums members are virgins, women posing as men, or homosexuals. Try to at least ask this in the Mature section.
True to some extent, That's why I only look @ reputable peoples responces. A little harsh though.
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Gray The Prince

Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2010
Reaction score
Falcon25 said:

Do you realize that 90 percent of this forum's members are virgins? Like Elmer Gentry? You just asked a question to people who don't know the answer. Most of the forums members are virgins, women posing as men, or homosexuals. Try to at least ask this in the Mature section.
Why u mad tho?


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2009
Reaction score
oh ya, and how do you treat women like children? b/c in order to treat as such, yourself has to actually "believe" that women are like children. I can't tell my self "women are like children" 100X and boom. If I told you that if you stab your hand, you will bleed right? We "believe" that b/c we actually know that. So how do you engage yourself to "believe" something. I guess if you knew how to do this, gaming women and getting laid would be so easy b/c this could be applicable to any necessary belief to become successful with chicks


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
The guys who I learned the game from never knew about PUA or pick up or any of that. They had a just do it, try it and see what happens mentality. They told me a few things. Like don't listen to what she says, or no bytch is better than you, but that was about it. Most of the game they talked about was logistics, how to get her home, how to stop rumors from spreading, how to juggle multiple girls....they would laugh at how nerdy some of this stuff is if they ever read it. In fact, those two guys are married to some hot chics and still banging younger girls on the side. Players for life (except for that whole getting married bit).

As for guys here...I think they have to do that at first. It's like learning any skill, eventually though it becomes second nature.


Master Don Juan
Sep 13, 2005
Reaction score
entering the 4th quarter....
After you F*ck enough girls you realize (the mind of a real DJ)

1. All is left is some good memories
2.I can get it when i want
3. I'd Rather have a Really GOOD ONE over 1000 one-nighters....

i couldn't count all my fingers and toes all the girls i've hooked up with and at the end of the day i'd rather have a toyota camry that's reliable for years to come with good mileage than a ferrari that's only gonna last me 6 months....

You just get tired of a shallow lifestyle...this is what happens after you've had too many women...u want something real...


Don Juan
Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
PrettyBoyAJ said:
True to some extent, That's why I only look @ reputable peoples responces. A little harsh though.
I agree, although what do you consider reputable? Is it post count? Cause any idiot can post a lot of times and still not know what the **** they're talking about. I say anyone with half a brain can look at anyone's post and give a reasonable assessment of the information contained therein. If it makes sense to me and I can see how it applies/doesn't apply, it works for me. I try not to discount the message just because of the source.


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2009
Reaction score
Badmannaz said:
After you F*ck enough girls you realize (the mind of a real DJ)

1. All is left is some good memories
2.I can get it when i want
3. I'd Rather have a Really GOOD ONE over 1000 one-nighters....

i couldn't count all my fingers and toes all the girls i've hooked up with and at the end of the day i'd rather have a toyota camry that's reliable for years to come with good mileage than a ferrari that's only gonna last me 6 months....

You just get tired of a shallow lifestyle...this is what happens after you've had too many women...u want something real...
lol you sound just exactly like what my brother told me at dinner table one day (in absence of parents of course)... what's up with yal players lol? it seems like you guys wise up and eventually reach the same conclusion, how shallow it is. But also bear in mind you didn't feel that way until you fvcked enough women. I think I know what you mean and I do fully understand, and I also know fully that I will feel futile and fruitless about fvcking women. But how can I say that right now when I haven't even fvcked any and can't even be in a mood to talk to anyone with at least some game? I am one of the most stubborn guys I know (not expressed outward though). I know I will never be able to live with the fact that I was not able to do something, and this case, women. It's like a phase. In order for baby to born, woman must receive a seed (except Jesus guess), and in order for me to see that being good with girls is shallow and meaningless, I actually need to be good with getting any girls I want. I just hope that I get this thing straightened out and feel good living day by day, b/c I am almost 22 already. But I thought it was pretty funny how you and my brother sounded exactly the same.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
Reputable = people that I've seen multiple good advice or people that have given me great advice. I don't look at no green dots or post count.


Don Juan
Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
PrettyBoyAJ said:
Reputable = people that I've seen multiple good advice or people that have given me great advice. I don't look at no green dots or post count.
Excellent answer. I respect that.