I just dont get it


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
Reaction score
This is a spontaneous post, i havent though through it ahead of time.

This 21 year old girl makes a status update saying, "i dont know if my throat hurts from sucking d1ck or if i have a fever". You then go to her page, and she has a Tinder conversation picture with this guy who says "hes only motivated to keep blowing her back out and nothing more, when you come over again". She talks and responds like shes into it or doesnt mind, then writes as a photo caption that "guys only ever want me for my body, this sucks". The 'ever' to me means this is something she even does as a habit. Im only seeing a few snapshots of her life.

Is this how girls live? it's far from the first time i see this stuff, and i would think a girl's mental health has to be a total trainwreck to live like this. And shes 21! I cant even get any matches on tinder (at least not here), let alone any meetups, and here you have these guys who couldnt treat the girls more like shyt if they so tried, and theyre plowing them out all day. What she shows is both repulsive and confounding to me, but i also pity these girls because i believe a woman's mental health has to be fvcked up beyond all measure for her to be like this, but maybe this is normal?

WTF is going on? are there any girls who arent like this? is this what im supposed to respect and "love"?
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Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
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It's not normal or healthy but based upon my observations this is actually very common.

In my opinion, the types of men that women go for are a reflection of them as individuals. For instance, there is a guy I know in my area who is around my age, early 30s, and he is the definition of a poser in every single way. He is on steroids, flaunts wealth that he does not actually have, associates with scumbag conmen, etc. There are tons of women that spread their legs for this guy despite all of these very obvious bad qualities that he is displaying to the world. This is the take home, the women that are going for this particular man are literally the female equivalent of him.

I could cite tons of other examples like that above.

Also, I personally feel that mental health issues are a big issue for young adults today, particularly with women, and some of the things that you are seeing are a reflection of this. I've seen tons of examples of women using their bodies in order to garner the attention of men, whether that be from dressing provocatively or spreading their legs far too readily. Many women grew up in broken and dysfunctional households, often with a father figure that was either physically or emotionally absent. Something else to consider is the friends and people these women associate with. Look at the people a girl hangs around and you can get pretty good idea as to what she is like. If her friends are attention seeking shameless *****s chances are she is just like them. If her friends are druggies or alcoholics chances are she is similar, etc.

I'll be honest with you, based upon what I've seen in my current area it really does truly appear that most women are broken. The ones that I know of that are in fact normal are not at all single and have been locked down by a man for quite some time.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
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I'm not trying to be condescending, but you answered your own question.

A majority of girls nowadays LOVE the c0cky, arrogant @sshole that treats them like sh!t and acts like he doesn't care.

We can argue about it....we can disagree with it....but it's just how it is. Adapt and change.
Based on what I'm reading, I think he feels disgusted and repulsed by the idea of getting involved with women that behave in this manner. Granted, the particular anecdote he pointed to in his post definitely is a bit more on the extreme side, though I've seen tons of stuff like this myself.

One of the things that I feel some on this forum seem to miss is that there are men who want more than just a hookup and are instead looking for potentially something more meaningful with a woman. I believe that wanting to have a relationship with an attractive and quality woman is in fact normal for many men but the issue is that finding this can be actually be very difficult, as women like this are in the minority in today's world. I personally would not want to bring a woman into my life who was akin to that mentioned on here, as she wouldn't offer any benefit or value to me other than being a source of sex.

I have a friend that operates on this level, he has these bat**** crazy side chicks that exist purely for the sake of sex and nothing more. It's an interesting dynamic but I personally would not have the capacity to handle the degree of drama that they bring. They literally will text him pages and pages of these drama filled rants despite the fact that it's quite apparent that they are only a source of vagina and nothing more. Personally, I would have a very difficult time dealing with that, as it would detract from other pursuits of mine and create stress in my life that I really don't need. I honestly blame the women for this and not the men, as women are the gatekeepers of sex and men are just playing with cards they were dealt with.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
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Based on what I'm reading, I think he feels disgusted and repulsed by the idea of getting involved with women that behave in this manner.
Yes, exactly this. It wouldnt concern me if i had no potential relation to them, but the fact that this is the pool of women i have to deal with honestly makes me feel scared when i think of dating. What if the woman i end up with is like this but hides it to me? it's repulsive to me, but like i said i also pity them, not least after reading some Suzanne Venker who writes about my suspicions.

And even for just hookups, i dont like making women feel like trash (unless just sex is what they wanted anyway). The idea of hooking up with a girl like her doesnt make me feel like i should be glad for "easy pvssy", it just makes me feel despair. From experience, it also makes me wonder who elses d1ck she sucked this morning.. i dunno if you guys have seen it, but seeing a girl hook up with multiple guys in a short time span doesnt make me turned on, it just makes me feel repugnant.
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Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
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I totally agree with this. I just believe that, in order to begin the process of getting a girl attached to you, you have to first d!ck her down right.

Yes, girls want a 'nice' guy. They really do. But, she wants to see the bad boy in you first. She needs to know that she's with a man's man.
I personally believe that women of dating age range in today's world simply have no clue in regards to what it is they should be looking for in a man, nor do they have any idea as to how you go about landing and holding on one in the first place. Many women think sleeping with a guy on a first date will make him want to have a relationship, where as in the man's mind he's thinking "well, that was easy, I guess when I'm horny I can just send her a text". I feel that women just don't know how to interact with men and are totally clueless.


Master Don Juan
Mar 30, 2019
Reaction score
This is a spontaneous post, i havent though through it ahead of time.

This 21 year old girl makes a status update saying, "i dont know if my throat hurts from sucking d1ck or if i have a fever". You then go to her page, and she has a Tinder conversation picture with this guy who says "hes only motivated to keep blowing her back out and nothing more, when you come over again". She talks and responds like shes into it or doesnt mind, then writes as a photo caption that "guys only ever want me for my body, this sucks". The 'ever' to me means this is something she even does as a habit. Im only seeing a few snapshots of her life.

Is this how girls live? it's far from the first time i see this stuff, and i would think a girl's mental health has to be a total trainwreck to live like this. And shes 21! I cant even get any matches on tinder (at least not here), let alone any meetups, and here you have these guys who couldnt treat the girls more like shyt if they so tried, and theyre plowing them out all day. What she shows is both repulsive and confounding to me, but i also pity these girls because i believe a woman's mental health has to be fvcked up beyond all measure for her to be like this, but maybe this is normal?

WTF is going on? are there any girls who arent like this? is this what im supposed to respect and "love"?
#rule number one on the internet:
It's a dude. There are no girls on the internet. :lol::rofl::devil:


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
Reaction score
Yes, exactly this. It wouldnt concern me if i had no potential relation to them, but the fact that this is the pool of women i have to deal with honestly makes me feel scared when i think of dating. What if the woman i end up with is like this but hides it to me? it's repulsive to me, but like i said i also pity them, not least after reading some Suzanne Venker.

And even for just hookups, i dont like making women feel like trash (unless just sex is what they wanted anyway). The idea of hooking up with a girl like her doesnt make me feel like i should be glad for "easy pvssy", it just makes me feel despair. From experience, it also makes me wonder who elses d1ck she sucked this morning.. i dunno if you guys have seen it, but seeing a girl hook up with multiple guys in a short time span doesnt make me turned on, it just makes me feel repugnant.
I totally understand where you are coming from, as I've experienced similar thoughts and feelings in regards to what is available to me. Here is some brutal truth, most women are like this and you are going to have a hard time finding a woman that is more well adjusted, normal and is actually single. Most of these women are already in steady relationships with well adjusted men, I'm not saying this to discourage you but it's something that is important to fully accept. It's going to be difficult to find what you are looking for but always be aware that you are one of many men dealing with these same issues, so you aren't alone.

We are roughly of the same age, for men like us we should be well past the hooking up/ONS stuff and be looking for something that provides a little more substance. It is not in your best interest to compromise your standards or personal behavior in order to land these women, in fact I'd be disappointed if you actually did something like this. Do not feel pity for these troubled women, they made the decision to behave this way towards men and they are getting exactly what is due. I want to clarify though, this is not an attempt to make you totally give up on women but again just accept that given the times you are living in what you are seeking will be hard to find. However, while I can't guarantee that you will find it, if you do you'll find that waiting was worth it.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
Reaction score
I totally understand where you are coming from, as I've experienced similar thoughts and feelings in regards to what is available to me. Here is some brutal truth, most women are like this and you are going to have a hard time finding a woman that is more well adjusted, normal and is actually single. Most of these women are already in steady relationships with well adjusted men, I'm not saying this to discourage you but it's something that is important to fully accept. It's going to be difficult to find what you are looking for but always be aware that you are one of many men dealing with these same issues, so you aren't alone.

We are roughly of the same age, for men like us we should be well past the hooking up/ONS stuff and be looking for something that provides a little more substance. It is not in your best interest to compromise your standards or personal behavior in order to land these women, in fact I'd be disappointed if you actually did something like this. Do not feel pity for these troubled women, they made the decision to behave this way towards men and they are getting exactly what is due. I want to clarify though, this is not an attempt to make you totally give up on women but again just accept that given the times you are living in what you are seeking will be hard to find. However, while I can't guarantee that you will find it, if you do you'll find that waiting was worth it.
I do know more healthy women technically exist, as i witnessed it last year. I was housemates with two women, one swedish and one bangladeshi, and the difference in their lifestyles was night and day. Im not gonna go into depth, but didnt see the bangladeshi girl hook up at all for my months long stay while the swedish girl was like in the OP. I posted about them last year.

But personally i dont expect to ever find a healthy single woman where there's mutual interest too. I assume your perception is similar. But from my experience, being with broken women is worse than being sexless even if both suck. Ive said to myself repeatedly that i would rather be celibate than be with woman X, Y or Z. The sex act has not been worth the sense of wanting to get away from them, and of wasting my time like you said as i have not liked being with them. The latest woman i broke it off with seems to know shes a trainwreck, but she also seems to have accepted it and given up. She said she goes to a therapist and feels worthless. It's just depressing man.

No guy is going to respect a woman who doesn't respect themself.
Precisely. But they either dont know this, pretend not to get it, or understand it but cant or dont keep themselves to it. The same goes the other way around to, women dont respect men who dont respect themselves either, something i used to tag in my posts all the time here as fundamental.

Women like this are the AFCs of females (Average Frustrated Chump), performing a selfdestructive behavior loop which both results from and reinforces their neuroticism.
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Master Don Juan
Dec 17, 2020
Reaction score
This is a spontaneous post, i havent though through it ahead of time.

This 21 year old girl makes a status update saying, "i dont know if my throat hurts from sucking d1ck or if i have a fever". You then go to her page, and she has a Tinder conversation picture with this guy who says "hes only motivated to keep blowing her back out and nothing more, when you come over again". She talks and responds like shes into it or doesnt mind, then writes as a photo caption that "guys only ever want me for my body, this sucks". The 'ever' to me means this is something she even does as a habit. Im only seeing a few snapshots of her life.

Is this how girls live? it's far from the first time i see this stuff, and i would think a girl's mental health has to be a total trainwreck to live like this. And shes 21! I cant even get any matches on tinder (at least not here), let alone any meetups, and here you have these guys who couldnt treat the girls more like shyt if they so tried, and theyre plowing them out all day. What she shows is both repulsive and confounding to me, but i also pity these girls because i believe a woman's mental health has to be fvcked up beyond all measure for her to be like this, but maybe this is normal?

WTF is going on? are there any girls who arent like this? is this what im supposed to respect and "love"?
its just simple nature , alot of people think women want love , they dont..
they want good d1ck ,a dude with money, emotional , physical, mental attention . they want it all , but they cant get it all, so they are constantly faced with the choice of cheating, staying miserable and faithful to someone they dont desire , or going through slut phase just like this chick.
nothing is wrong with the dude ''im only motivated to keep blowing your back out'' is basic male nature, most males are NOT monogamous. even the animals dont live monogamously

think about it ... a healthy young male with testosterone flooding through his veins , good looking and strong ,extremely confident and successsful wouldnt think twice about monogamy, that would be like locking yourself up and throwing away the key.

she probably is mentally ****ed , which is why any ''good guy'' would get eaten alive by her
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Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
Reaction score
its just simple nature , alot of people think women want love , they dont..
they want good d1ck ,a dude with money, emotional , physical, mental attention . they want it all , but they cant get it all, so they are constantly faced with the choice of cheating, staying miserable and faithful to someone they dont desire , or going through slut phase just like this chick.
nothing is wrong with the dude ''im only motivated to keep blowing your basic out'' is basic male nature, most males are NOT monogamous. even the animals dont live monogamously
If your post is true when why is she complaining? why is she miserable? do you think she is just pretending to be for attention?


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
Reaction score
It's because she is bat**** crazy, that's why.
Haha, my question there was half rhetorical and half real. But I dont think saying these women are "just bat**** crazy" teaches us much about them or our society, although it is certainly the bottom line. You already said what you wanted to say though.


Master Don Juan
Dec 17, 2020
Reaction score
If your post is true when why is she complaining? why is she miserable? do you think she is just pretending to be for attention?
well look at it this way ,if you were single all your life and it was hard to get women , now you got status and money, now you're gettin women all of a sudden, you would feel like ''damn all these chicks want me for my money''
she is just complaining publicly is all

womens SMV is judged by looks

men are SMV is overall value , looks , money , status.

women have more power in the sexual market place.
they may sleep with men on their level , but they wont commit to those men

women are willing to sleep AND Commit to men HIGHER than them , but THOSE MEN WONT COMMIT to her
because that would be him sacrificing his options an therefore his value and power.

now lets hypothetically say im wrong about all of this ....

give me ONE good reason why she cant find a man to commit or to commit to?


Master Don Juan
Dec 17, 2020
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The more I get exposed to this kind of thing and women in general the more I’m convinced the “I wish men wouldn’t use me” is a **** test to weed out the guys who will sympathize with her.
ding ding ding.

once this guy shows his sympathy.. he is pegged as ''boyfriend/hubby material''
he will then be further screened for his earning potential , willingness to give non sexual flattering , entertaining attention,
and willingness to help raise children, which could or could not be his.

she will occasionally , if not regularly or semi-regular sleep with these guys who''only want her for her body '' behind the boyfriend or hubbys back , much like a rich man sleeping with bimbos behind his wifes back .


Master Don Juan
Dec 14, 2020
Reaction score
ding ding ding.

once this guy shows his sympathy.. he is pegged as ''boyfriend/hubby material''
he will then be further screened for his earning potential , willingness to give non sexual flattering , entertaining attention,
and willingness to help raise children, which could or could not be his.

she will occasionally , if not regularly or semi-regular sleep with these guys who''only want her for her body '' behind the boyfriend or hubbys back , much like a rich man sleeping with bimbos behind his wifes back .
the crazy thing is lately
Women are telling me this. I don’t know why


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
Reaction score

Sir FB

Don Juan
Feb 27, 2021
Reaction score
Based on what I'm reading, I think he feels disgusted and repulsed by the idea of getting involved with women that behave in this manner. Granted, the particular anecdote he pointed to in his post definitely is a bit more on the extreme side, though I've seen tons of stuff like this myself.

One of the things that I feel some on this forum seem to miss is that there are men who want more than just a hookup and are instead looking for potentially something more meaningful with a woman. I believe that wanting to have a relationship with an attractive and quality woman is in fact normal for many men but the issue is that finding this can be actually be very difficult, as women like this are in the minority in today's world. I personally would not want to bring a woman into my life who was akin to that mentioned on here, as she wouldn't offer any benefit or value to me other than being a source of sex.

I have a friend that operates on this level, he has these bat**** crazy side chicks that exist purely for the sake of sex and nothing more. It's an interesting dynamic but I personally would not have the capacity to handle the degree of drama that they bring. They literally will text him pages and pages of these drama filled rants despite the fact that it's quite apparent that they are only a source of vagina and nothing more. Personally, I would have a very difficult time dealing with that, as it would detract from other pursuits of mine and create stress in my life that I really don't need. I honestly blame the women for this and not the men, as women are the gatekeepers of sex and men are just playing with cards they were dealt with.
Thank you for this balanced and reasonable post. Some days I read in here and get a little discouraged about what type of man I’m going to be if I really take off and run with what is written. The attitude and principles you espouse here resonate with me.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
Reaction score
I do know more healthy women technically exist, as i witnessed it last year. I was housemates with two women, one swedish and one bangladeshi, and the difference in their lifestyles was night and day. Im not gonna go into depth, but didnt see the bangladeshi girl hook up at all for my months long stay while the swedish girl was like in the OP. I posted about them last year.

But personally i dont expect to ever find a healthy single woman where there's mutual interest too. I assume your perception is similar. But from my experience, being with broken women is worse than being sexless even if both suck. Ive said to myself repeatedly that i would rather be celibate than be with woman X, Y or Z. The sex act has not been worth the sense of wanting to get away from them, and of wasting my time like you said as i have not liked being with them. The latest woman i broke it off with seems to know shes a trainwreck, but she also seems to have accepted it and given up. She said she goes to a therapist and feels worthless. It's just depressing man.
I don't want to get too political, but Europe as a whole has gone too far left and it shows through the dynamics between men and women. Sweden in particular is out of control with where it's gone. In the U.S this is something that you see in big cities but especially on the west coast (Seattle, San Francisco, Portland, etc.). I feel that the current culture has over the past few decades created a scenario where women have been programmed to believe that behaving like men will make them happier when it in fact has the opposite effect. Women now more then ever are hyper focused on their careers and become self reliant, with the notion that they don't need men. Next thing you know you have a bunch of millenial females going past their 30s and up who have never been married and don't have children except for a "fur baby" at home.

Now, if a man wants to actually have a relationship with a more well adjusted and quality female he typically needs to find one that is relatively young and childless. Where do you find women like this? You are generally going to find them in cultures or places where more conservative and traditional type values are still respected. For instance, I live in an area that has a very heavy hispanic population and many of the women from middle class equivalent backgrounds get married fairly young, early to mid 20s, and retain their feminine values. I feel if the idea of getting married, having kids or having a more normal relationship with a female you need to avoid the career/masculine minded females and go for women like this instead.

Something else to consider, you should look at the background and family upbringing of the women and you'll get a good idea as to what they'll be like. From my observations, it's more often than not the norm to see women from broken households to be very maladjusted towards the interactions with relationships and men.