I hate having friends.


Dec 15, 2004
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I hate all of my friends because I believe that I am better than them. I choose to only talk to them and hang out when I want to. For the last month or so I've completely ignored my telephone, and when it rings I careful screen the names that pop up. I am such a fking loner..... I have people that want to hangout but I would rather be alone because I get so tired of talking about the same shyt or just dealing with people in general... They keep calling......

Can anyone else relate?


Don Juan
Feb 23, 2005
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Can anyone else relate?
Yes, but only because my friends would rather stay home and play video games rather than go out and live life.
...or they expect an itinerary of the day’s activities so that they can decide if it's worth their precious time.

I guess they have just become very boring… :yawn: (sigh)


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
The problem I have is my friends are so goddam pvssy-whipped by their gfs and wives, that I have to wait until they're temporarily off the leash to hang out with them. When we do make plans, something usually "comes up" (they never say what) or they just don't show up. It fvcking pisses me off that they let their women have so much control over their lives.


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Orange County, Ca
Yuriy777 said:
Yes, but only because my friends would rather stay home and play video games rather than go out and live life.
...or they expect an itinerary of the day’s activities so that they can decide if it's worth their precious time.

I guess they have just become very boring… :yawn: (sigh)
I have the same problem. Two nights ago I was hanging out with the guys at my house. We were trying to think of stuff to do. I was suggesting hitting up a couple of bars, meanwhile one of my friends was refusing and the other two were apethetic. They're too fvcking addicted to World of Warcraft to even care about their social lives. And when they don't want to play WoW, all they want to do is buy some alcohol at the liquer store and get drunk at my friend's apartment instead of actually going out.

I know some of you are thinking "go find new friends" but it's really not that easy. At least not for me.


Don Juan
Jun 25, 2006
Reaction score
I hate all of my friends because I believe that I am better than them. I choose to only talk to them and hang out when I want to. For the last month or so I've completely ignored my telephone, and when it rings I careful screen the names that pop up. I am such a fking loner..... I have people that want to hangout but I would rather be alone because I get so tired of talking about the same shyt or just dealing with people in general... They keep calling......

Can anyone else relate?
I don't hate my friends, and I enjoy hanging out with them, but there are many times when I'd just rather be alone. I, like you, absolutely hate talking about the same old shyt day in and day out, and I sometimes avoid people I know so I don't have to go through the old smalltalk routine (God I hate that, relatives do this especially). I probably should get out more, but I'm content and I hate it when my family tries to use shaming tactics to get me to change my habits.


Master Don Juan
Jun 12, 2006
Reaction score
Damn, aren't you dead yet from my idea to tape a baseball bat to the clutch? Actually, this really does work, no plan to kill you at this time...

I think I see where you are going with this: Our friends are pvssys. They want you to be like them. I have about 9 friends, and 2 of them are "aware" of this site.

Suggestion: find some other DJ's in your area. Otherwise, use the baseball bat and hit yourself in the head about 2 times, then, you'll be just like your "friends".


Master Don Juan
Oct 2, 2005
Reaction score
I hate all of my friends because I believe that I am better than them. I choose to only talk to them and hang out when I want to. For the last month or so I've completely ignored my telephone, and when it rings I careful screen the names that pop up. I am such a fking loner..... I have people that want to hangout but I would rather be alone because I get so tired of talking about the same shyt or just dealing with people in general... They keep calling......

Can anyone else relate?
Thats why its so great to meet new people everyday, you always find someone different. Why do you think some marriages fail, it becomes a boring routine. Same shlt different day, thats why being spontaneous is good, but it sucks to have friends that dont have the same mindset, maybe you should go fnd some.


Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
Shiftkey said:
I have the same problem. Two nights ago I was hanging out with the guys at my house. We were trying to think of stuff to do. I was suggesting hitting up a couple of bars, meanwhile one of my friends was refusing and the other two were apethetic. They're too fvcking addicted to World of Warcraft to even care about their social lives. And when they don't want to play WoW, all they want to do is buy some alcohol at the liquer store and get drunk at my friend's apartment instead of actually going out.

I know some of you are thinking "go find new friends" but it's really not that easy. At least not for me.
Hah, same here, especially the WoW story...damn game addicts! And if not, they wanna play cards, or watch a movie. Fvck that!

But sometimes when I want to relax and be with my friends, they are really cool. But in social situations, I don't like them. Especially because they are real AFC's.

So yeah I see them only during certain days and not in weekends any more.


Master Don Juan
May 30, 2006
Reaction score
I've been getting annoyed with my friends lately, too. I've slowly been improving myself, particularly with women, and they seem to be jealous.

It really rears up its head when I meet a new girl and something small happens... it's all these guys can do not to burst out with the sucky AFC version of "but did you f*ck her?".

Yeesh. Like crabs in a barrell.

At the other end of the spectrum... most of the guys I meet who are better with women are just a pain in the butt to be around. They all think they're the sh*t and are constantly trying to dominate everyone around them.

It's rare to find friends who are somewhere in the middle.


Don Juan
Jun 27, 2006
Reaction score
Southern California
I hate all of my friends because I believe that I am better than them. I choose to only talk to them and hang out when I want to. For the last month or so I've completely ignored my telephone, and when it rings I careful screen the names that pop up. I am such a fking loner..... I have people that want to hangout but I would rather be alone because I get so tired of talking about the same shyt or just dealing with people in general... They keep calling......

Can anyone else relate?
I do the same, but it's not really because I think I'm better. It's just my personal preference to spend time with myself vs. being social. Unless I have an objective in mind (i.e. go out and get laid, go out and feed myself, go out and get item X, etc) I dont see much merit to being social. It's tedious.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 19, 2005
Reaction score
Troy, MI
I hate all of my friends because I believe that I am better than them. I choose to only talk to them and hang out when I want to. For the last month or so I've completely ignored my telephone, and when it rings I careful screen the names that pop up. I am such a fking loner..... I have people that want to hangout but I would rather be alone because I get so tired of talking about the same shyt or just dealing with people in general... They keep calling......

Can anyone else relate?
Same story for me- I answer my phone a fraction of the time because I know when I pick up it'll be the same old thing. I'm either busy doing nothing or actually doing something. My friends aren't very smart and lack the knowledge I need to interested in my interactions with them...so there's this feeling of elitism which I try to stay away from since it's unhealthy for me to think that way.

I realize that I'm a loner, too. Guess what? I don't care! I know a couple peeps that'll talk to me once in a while and that leaves me content enough to go back into isolation. Friends are overrated, anyway. :yawn:


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zealand
Desdinova said:
The problem I have is my friends are so goddam pvssy-whipped by their gfs and wives, that I have to wait until they're temporarily off the leash to hang out with them. When we do make plans, something usually "comes up" (they never say what) or they just don't show up. It fvcking pisses me off that they let their women have so much control over their lives.
OMG sounds liek my mates someone here undertands how it feels to be the only unmarried guy in a group of mates lol


Master Don Juan
May 13, 2005
Reaction score
Midwest America
The real issue with friends is that most people hold onto their idealized definition of friendship from adolescence. It's kind of like the AFC holds onto idealized, romantic notions of love. Let me explain...

Friendship is nothing more than the bond shared between people which similar life situations. In early childhood, there's not much differentiation yet, so the similar life situation is simply "they live nearby." Around puberty, economic realities, as well as physical changes, begin to stratify kids into social groups. In adulthood, people's life situations differentiate dramatically. The only true metric of friendship at this point is your attitudes toward life.

If you've chosen to evolve, it can be a painful lesson to learn that the friends of your youth who have chosen to stagnate, who were your "bros for life," no longer care for you or are bringing you down. It's akin to having your young heart ripped out by the chick you had oneitis for.

I've posted the following idea before, but it bears repeating. Sales guru Joe Girard places the people he meets into 3 different categories, simply titled 1's, 2's, and 3's. It works really well for judging character.

1's are the winners in life. They're people who continually work to improve themselves. They bring everyone around them up. They associate most closely with other 1's. Everyone loves them and respects them, or is envious of them. Look to associate with as many 1's as possible.

2's are the crabs, as they're called here now (credit to tits for that). They whine and have an excuse for everything. They believe in luck, and hate change. They're always looking to shoot the 1's down, or in the crab analogy, pull them back into the barrel. Ignore the 2's.

3's are the fukking losers of the world. They blame everything on others, and on "the man." They have the Brown Touch - everything they touch turns to sh!t. Avoid the 3's like the plague.


Threads like this remind me of a few life lessons I've learned, among them that as a grown man with adult social skills, you live much more of a solitary lifestyle than when you were younger. You don't "run with a crew" like you did in high school or college. You aren't hanging out with your friends 5 nights a week.

Along with adolescent notions of friendship come adolescent notions of social status. Nothing spells out immaturity quite like people, both male and female, who think that social status is "how many high-end clubs and party scenes am I known at?" Or better yet, "How many people are linked to my MySpace page?" Grown-up social status is how influential and respected you are.

So for anyone who posted on this thread whining about their lame AFC friends, man up and stop associating with these people. There's a recurring theme on this board about crappy friends, haters, cahk-blocks, and it gets old after awhile, doesn't it? Go seek out the 1's, ignore the 2's, and shun the 3's. There's nothing shameful about retooling your social alliances, even if that means you’re alone quite a bit. Don't ever let anyone, especially the little GIRLS you meet, shame you into thinking otherwise.

And with that, I’m changing my sig…



Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score
I don't want any close friends.....


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Orange County, Ca
Good post RedPill. That's an interesting take on people.

I don't plan on ignoring my "2" friends, because we do have some hobbies in common, but I do regonize the need to branch out and find "1s" to hang out with for social activities.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zealand
Yea but what happened with me is that all of my close mates (about 5 of them) we all started out as 1's and now years later they seem to have become more like 2's and 1 has become a friggen 3.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
at our house
glad they arent asking you to help them move or anything.

The Juan and only

Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2005
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Well that really sucks for you dude. I'm not trying to rub anything in here but I personally love to hang out with my friends - we always have fun and they always have something new and witty to say whatever the subject. Plus I know we can discuss almost any issue completely openly, it's very refreshing actually. Especially as we all like to do the same things anyway.

My advice would be to get some new fvcking friends; people more like yourself.

p.s if they were really your friends any phone convos would go something like this:

friend: hey, you wanna hang out/go to a bar/suck a lemon
you: nah, cant really be bothered today, maybe sometime next week.
friend: k, no prob
*doesnt bother you for a week*