How To Get Jacked - A Beginner To Advanced Guide

Money & Muscle

Master Don Juan
May 22, 2023
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I wrote this out for /MRP because I'm flared as 'actually jacked' and got tired of answering the same question. Figured I'd repost this here to provide some value:

Everyone at one point has asked the question "How do I get jacked" or "What's the best program".
I recently got this question and went into more detail than I should have for a comment - so I decided to go full bore and make an actual thread for it.

Answer: It depends where you are in development honestly, which is why this is a long answer; it’s nuanced.
To preface this: I am speaking from my own experience and the experiences of clients I’ve trained. I will give my suggestions and explain why. There are many ways to get jacked, but this is the way I recommend to get there with the least amount of fvckery possible.

Step 1: I would have a trainee run Phraks Greyskull LP until his lifts stop progressing consistently. This should take a while, anywhere from 6 to 18 months, and his big 3 lifts should be at or above 1,000lbs total. This is an arbitrary number, but I put it here to emphasize how long one can and should run such a program for.
*Feel free to add an exercise of Biceps Curls at the end of each training session (3x8-12).

Why Phraks?
I recommend this because it will give the trainee the fastest strength progression possible as it is a Linear Periodization (LP) program, without leaving any weak points (it addresses all primary movement patterns of the human body… Vertical Push/Pull | Horizontal Push/Pull | Squat | Hinge (Deadlift)).

I prefer Phraks Greyskull over other templates like Starting Strength, StrongLifts, etc because it addresses all these planes of movement.

Additionally there is data to support that beginners will gain muscle at the same rate whether training with strength or hypertrophy methods.

- If both strength and hypertrophy training methods produce the same physique changes, the trainee should be maximizing strength. The alternative is to have the same end-of-beginner-physique, but be weaker than if he had been following a strength template like Phraks.

Lastly, it puts the trainee in a position to do very well in either hypertrophy or powerlifting training methods, while giving him a taste of both if he weren’t sure which direction to take.

Step 2: IF (and only if) the trainee is no longer progressing with Phraks Greyskull LP, I would then recommend he start DoggCrapp Training with the 2 or 3 day split. During this time, the trainee will learn what it means to really be training to failure, and he will be SORE. A trainee should also be learning how they recover and respond to different exercises (both are rather individual, moreso recovery than exercise response), as well as learning good exercise selection.

Why DoggCrapp?
I recommend this program because nothing teaches muscular failure like Dante Trudel's Rest Pause method. Learning this point is essential for the trainee to continue getting effective reps and avoiding junk volume. People have been successful running DoggCrapp for literally years on end without taking a break; some as much as a decade or more. This program can be the trainee’s “forever program” if he wishes.

Step 3a: If a trainee wanted some variety while training with the same DC Intensity principles, I would then recommend moving to Trained By JP. While this program corrects a few of the things I may disagree with regarding DC training, I do not think this can effectively be run without first learning to really juice a single set for everything it has to offer. Hence why I start with DC training before this. It isn't necessarily "better" than DoggCrapp, it's simply got nothing I can criticize.
NOTE: I have VERY few criticisms of DC training and most everyone would be better off taking Dante Trudel's words as gospel until they are at a VERY advanced state of training (by "very advanced" I sincerely mean that you are capable of placing in bodybuilding competitions if you lost 10lbs of fat).

I find this program to be extremely effective and allows for significant changes to suit the trainee based on recovery. This is personally my favorite program.

Step 3b: Similarly to 3a, a trainee could do very well by starting Fortitude Training (I recommend starting with Virgin Voyage as the system is complicated to set up without this). Paying for the program will grant you access to Scott Stevenson’s forums, where he is very helpful.

Why Fortitude?
Some older gentlemen may want to consider this in lieu of TBJP as it tends to be a little more joint friendly. That being said, it is still wildly effective regardless of the age of said trainee. This program is equally as effective as TBJP or DoggCrapp, it just isn't my personal preference.

Step 4: If you are at a point where DC, Fortitude, TBJP and proper dieting/nutrition/gear are getting you progress, you are beyond the stage where I can advise you. Moreover, you are probably getting so jacked that you're starting to turn women off. (There's a PUA, maybe it was Roosh or Roissy, that posted his experiences with this, if someone wants to link this, it would be greatly appreciated - I cannot find it/haven't read it myself).

Such an individual is unquestionably jacked, in or out of clothes (if you have to tell someone you lift, you are not here yet); I expect this to take anywhere from 7-10 years of no bullsh!t training to achieve. 15 years if you're a retard like I was when I first started lifting (15 years ago).

*Note: Where I add one exercise of Biceps Curls at the end of every session – if your girl is training with you, I would not have her do Biceps curls; instead I would have her alternate Glute Bridges on Deadlift Day and “Bad Girls” (adductor machine) on Squat Day. You’re welcome.

**Note: Any John Meadows training programs would be a great pit stop in between 1-2 or 2-3, or anytime afterwards. They are higher in volume but absolutely brutal, and I've never known anyone to get smaller as the result of running one.

***Note: If your diet is sh!t, do not expect anything but sh!tty results from these programs.

****Note: Your Deadlift, Squat and Bench form probably suck, so watch these videos to save yourself some time, then put up some better numbers.

Phraks until you stop progressing for 2 or more weeks. You should be able to follow this to have a big 3 into the 1,000lb club, and then some. Expected 6-18 months, but many could follow this program as written for years or a lifetime if only seeking to maintain with minimal effort.
2) DoggCrapp for 3-6 months, but can be run for the rest of your life.
3a) TBJP for minimum 3 months, but can be run for the rest of your life.
3b) Fortitude Training. Can be run for the rest of your life.
4) Get a coach or maintain what you have and find some different hobbies, fvck. Intrasexual competition should not be taken to extremes unless you are a fvcking weirdo like me - even then, it is not advisable.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
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What is your workaround for someone who damaged a shoulder benching heavy years ago like me?


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
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How do I get less Jacked?

No seriously I get jacked too damn quick.

I often try to lose size, as I get big and muscular very damn quick, even at my age in my 40s.

I'm 5ft8 and getting too jacked is not a good look, often aim to lose muscle and go for the leaner/trim look haha

Money & Muscle

Master Don Juan
May 22, 2023
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What is your workaround for someone who damaged a shoulder benching heavy years ago like me?
For Phraks?
In this order:
Incline BB Bench
Incline DB Bench
Incline Smith Bench
Flat Smith
Converging Bench Press Machine


Sep 10, 2014
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How do I get less Jacked?

No seriously I get jacked too damn quick.

I often try to lose size, as I get big and muscular very damn quick, even at my age in my 40s.

I'm 5ft8 and getting too jacked is not a good look, often aim to lose muscle and go for the leaner/trim look haha
Eat less. How big you get is a direct result of the amount of calories you are intaking.


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
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Eat less. How big you get is a direct result of the amount of calories you are intaking.
I actually tried one meal a day for a short period.

8 hours sleep, no breakfast in the morning or food intake for another 8 hours.. Pretty much a 16 hours fast.

8 weeks of this eating regiment, have gotten much leaner and overall in better shape.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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How do I get less Jacked?

No seriously I get jacked too damn quick.

I often try to lose size, as I get big and muscular very damn quick, even at my age in my 40s.

I'm 5ft8 and getting too jacked is not a good look, often aim to lose muscle and go for the leaner/trim look haha
Become a vegan. That mass will fall off quick. And you’ll get shredded.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
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I’ve noticed among many a disconnect between chasing PR’s on lifts vs chasing aesthetic goals.

its the powerlifter vs bodybuilder divide

almost all the ego lifters i know (including myself) have sustained some bad injuries also


Sep 10, 2014
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I’ve noticed among many a disconnect between chasing PR’s on lifts vs chasing aesthetic goals.

its the powerlifter vs bodybuilder divide

almost all the ego lifters i know (including myself) have sustained some bad injuries also
I was never an ego lifter but I have pretty much gotten hurt on all my PRs and have joint issues due to years of heavy lifting.