Has the movie "Get Out" ruined white women for minorities?


Apr 21, 2015
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Heard that movie "Get Out" is great.

The director is a black dude.

The white chick lures black people (dates them) to this area where the whites (a HUGE surprising shot at liberal frauds) exposes them for the phonies they really are.

I wonder how many black dudes etc. that movie not only enforces to not trust whites who pretend to "love" black people but turns them off to "down" white chicks.

The crazy shyt is its not just a black director that exposes these frauds but Hollywood allowed it to be released. (possibly because he's black).

I watched interviews with the chick who played the white chick and the black dude who she tries to snare and the hilarious real life shyt she unwittingly exposes out of her own mouth in the friggin interview! The actress literally says in the interview she's ashamed at how her family members "mistreat" others as if she's admitting she's the same fraud portrayed in the movie itself.

Must see film. horror "comedy" type with tons of actual reality and truth in it.


Not interested in this piece of trash. White people are already getting enough flack from the rest of society. We don't need this racial agitator riling up black people to hate us more by drawing analogies to slavery in the 21st century.

Unfortunately, most black people I know couldn't wait to go see this movie.

I wonder how a movie would be received about a white male going to meet a black woman's family in the hood, where the families' hidden agenda was to get him to join a gang and pay reparations. That movie would be identical to this.


Apr 21, 2015
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Not interested in this piece of trash. White people are already getting enough flack from the rest of society. We don't need this racial agitator riling up black people to hate us more by drawing analogies to slavery in the 21st century.

Unfortunately, most black people I know couldn't wait to go see this movie.
I see it also as kind of racial agitation but at the same time as a discussion piece.

I fvcking love the fact it slams liberal frauds and their self serving bs. It's good to know many blacks are aware of these frauds and if they arent will see these "helpful" liberals and dems in a different light.


Apr 21, 2015
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This movie is getting a lot of hype, is it any good?
heard it got a 100% rating on rotten tomatoes.

and you'll see in many interviews with the main actor and actress the shyt that the movie was about play out in the interviews.

The chick sounds just like a typical clueless Valley girl liberal and the black actor like this dumb bytch still doesn't "get it".

Watch the trailer and a few explainations about it.

then watch the interviews. the idiot chick is trying to act like she's the star when the black dude IS the reason that movie is insane.



Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
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It sounded interesting to me. From what I've read, this movie takes aim at white liberals and their supposition that everything is okey-dokey because of political correctness, social justice, etc. It also sounded like there was some dealing with white woman/black man false rape accusations, though I was unclear how exactly that fit in (and how it's relevant in 2017).

The fact that it's delivered as a horror movie is cool. If you can deliver an argument via horror or comedy, it's often more effective. Whether I will agree with it or not, I'll give it a try, but not in theaters.


Apr 21, 2015
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It sounded interesting to me. From what I've read, this movie takes aim at white liberals and their supposition that everything is okey-dokey because of political correctness, social justice, etc. It also sounded like there was some dealing with white woman/black man false rape accusations, though I was unclear how exactly that fit in (and how it's relevant in 2017).

The fact that it's delivered as a horror movie is cool. If you can deliver an argument via horror or comedy, it's often more effective. Whether I will agree with it or not, I'll give it a try, but not in theaters.
You've got to watch the interview of the chick and dude stars of the movie.

I was cracking up at how the chick was self-serving and doing exactly what the movie is about.

being a bleeding heart liberal.

The comment section of the video was LIT with many people who saw the movie trashing the chick in the interview.

I've got to find it and post it


Apr 21, 2015
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This comment nailed it:

Basically this movie exposes how white liberal families can be insanely racist in a subtle way that is poisonous and damaging to the mind of a black person. The family forcibly tries to act all accepting and welcoming, and showing how "liberal" they are, while imposing references in every conversation to the boyfriend's race. It's almost as if they don't see him as an individual, all they see is his race, and they treat him differently because of it. The hypnosis is to weaken him mentally into their own "pet slave". I strongly recommend everyone to watch this movie, and put your politics aside and form an objective opinion about it.


Apr 21, 2015
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check the comments section about the chick. lol

chick is almost oblivious to the point of the movie and how she's a typical libtard.

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
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The Dirty South
I will not google or view any preview for this trash, but I do want to get something straight - you have a white chick and a black dude - and this movie is making it out like the black dude is the victim of some wrong-doing????


I guess the FBI murder statistics do not resonate at all. Don't get me wrong, I detest libtarded women and they certainly cause trouble, but I'm not aware that they were particularly prone to murder.

I do get some strange satisfaction from totally ignoring pop culture and not spending my money on TV, etc.