Guitar question


Don Juan
Sep 2, 2023
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I have tried to learn the 6 string guitar, but cannot remember any chords. I can play some very basic things with tabs only. My question is: do you think I should switch to the 4 string bass guitar?


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Serenade her on your bass guitar.



Senior Don Juan
Feb 15, 2023
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I have tried to learn the 6 string guitar, but cannot remember any chords. I can play some very basic things with tabs only. My question is: do you think I should switch to the 4 string bass guitar?
I've been a guitar teacher off & on for many years, so here's my 2c.

If you can't remember any chords, how do you expect to remember bass lines, songs, or arraignments on a bass?

It's not about what instrument we think you should switch to, it's about what instrument you have the passion to learn how to play. Your passion and love for music is the only thing that will lead you to learn and develop yourself on any given instrument.

If you have memory issues concerning chords and theory, you need to work on it cause that is half the music game, and how much you want to be skilled at making music is the only thing that will overcome it.

Learning to make music proficiently and mastering an instrument like guitar takes love for music, passion, and dedication. There's no easy roads (like switching to another instrument cause you think it might be easier), otherwise everybody in the world would be able to do it. If you want to learn to play guitar you have to ask of yourself, how much do you want it?


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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it's about what instrument you have the passion to learn how to play.
No, it's about who you're trying to impress. @davidsonj73 is not that passionate about guitar or bass, he's driven to impress women with his musicianship.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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The bass guitar is meant to play one note at a time, while a regular guitar is meant to strum, although a guitar could be used to play one note at a time like a bass.

Millard Fillmore

Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2023
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I have tried to learn the 6 string guitar, but cannot remember any chords. I can play some very basic things with tabs only. My question is: do you think I should switch to the 4 string bass guitar?
Repetition my friend. Just keep at it. Use Ultimate Guitar Tabs (free online on a desktop).

For me I just learned songs I liked that used simple chords and went from there. E, Eminor, G, C, F (there's an easy version of F), D, A, A minor. B is a little tricky but B minor is common and simple. Also A7, E7, G7, D7 are fairly simple.

Also do some basic drills where you switch between chords. But I think playing simple songs you enjoy will make it fun and not a chore. Lotsa classic rock, folk, blues, and country that's easy to play.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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Once you understand music( theory ) , you'll be able to understand every instrument.

The bass is by no means easier than the guitar. Again ,once you start studying music you'll understand what I mean. Even the congas need skills.

You should actually be glad it ain't essy. And mesmerized by the challenge. Similar like dealing with women..


Senior Don Juan
Sep 26, 2020
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To echo what Millard Filmore says... It's all about the repitition at first - Practice, practice, practice... then practice some more.
By learning some songs, you'll eventually 'get' where your fingers should be for each chord - and in time your left hand (or right hand if you're a lefty) will just fall into position as you're playing.
I also notice you haven't mentioned sore fingers - which suggests to me that you maybe haven't yet been trying for very long.
All beginner guitar players have to go through it - and in my experience, almost all beginners mention it- but you you have to perservere, push through and they eventually toughen up until it's no longer a problem
Not gonna lie - it takes time and practice - don't expect to play anything much fluently within a week - It will likely be years before you could maybe get away with busking.
Keep at it - practice songs etc with chord changes, over and over.... It will come.... in time.

When I learned to play, there was no internet - We had 'songbooks' we could buy at a music store (My local music store still has them, though I imagine that they don't sell many now there are so many online resources)
I got some books of popular songs - Songs that I knew, and so, could follow easier because I knew how it should sound (timing, rhythm, etc..)
I remember practicing in my room with my guitar unplugged, so I didn't annoy the neighbours (or embarrass myself due to how badly I sucked at first)
Also, TAB books were available - I used to get them (or borrow from friends) for songs/bands that I liked, and wanted to play
Started when I got a guitar for 15th birthday - was playing with some like-minded friends at around 16 - and was eventually in a covers band in my early 20s.

For me, I felt I was getting somewhere when I could strum througth Queen's 'Crazy Little Thing Called Love' - Somewhere around 1980 (Age about 16) a friend showed me the intro and loaned me a chord book that had it.
Then Link Wray's 'Rumble' - Very easy, and sounds fantastic on an electric with a bit of distortion...
OMG - the memories of those years..... :D


Senior Don Juan
Sep 26, 2020
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No, it's about who you're trying to impress. @davidsonj73 is not that passionate about guitar or bass, he's driven to impress women with his musicianship.
Funny because it's almost certainly true.. :rofl:
And I admit it - that was part of why I perservered after I started playing...

Fun Fact:
I was at school with a guy named 'Algar' (second name)
His cousin is Michael Algar - aka Singer and Guitarist ('Olga') of the British Punk Band 'Toy Dolls'
Michael was at my friend's house during the summer holidays when I was 15 - He had his guitar with him (This was before he was in a band - He was/is a year older than myself)
It was due to being in my friend's room, with Olga playing, that inspired me to learn to play - He tried to show me the intro to Bowie's 'Ziggy Stardust', but I was all unco-ordinated fingers and thumbs... :rofl:

'Olga' in action:
to clarify...
The one with the red Telecaster.