Got blood test results back - testosterone level is 198

May 19, 2007
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I just got a call from my doctor's office. My testosterone level was 198, and she said a normal level is between 241-827. So I made an appointment to come back in on 9/28 and my doctor will go over the different options that are available to me. I didn't think to ask when I still had the nurse on the phone if all the medication I'm on could be affecting my level of testosterone. I'm on 3 different antidepressants, 2 medications for high blood pressure, and another to treat my high triglycerides. I'll ask the doctor when I see him but I've been googling and have found some articles suggesting that testosterone increases the effectiveness of antidepressants.

One other thing, I saw something on the internet over the weekend that the length of a man's ring finger compared to his index finger is related to how much testosterone he was exposed to in the womb. Longer ring finger than index finger indicates more testosterone in the womb. Same size as or shorter than index finger indicates less testosterone. My index finger and ring finger are the same length.

I've always been very passive and a bit on the timid side. Huge mama's boy growing up and was raised by my mom and grandma (dad was there but pretty useless as far as a male role model goes). I never dated until I was about 22, didn't get my first car until I was 24, didn't get my first job until about 20, played no sports in school and was always quiet and withdrawn and to this day am very unsure of myself in unfamiliar situations. Does anyone here know enough about this (until I can talk to my doctor) to tell me how a testosterone level of 198 can affect a man?


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2009
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anti-depressant? what the hell is wrong with you? man has power to even overcome cancer with mind and mentality (proven test on cancer patients) and yet you take medicine to over come DEPRESSION??? l might be harsh on you or something, but i do not look up to ppl who take medicine for depression. please. i have been in depression too, and i over came it with meditation and mind power. wonder what ppl do in other countries to solve depression? thats right, military training, parental corporal punishment and self developmental meditation. stop taking those ridiculous fvcking drugs and go lift weights and outside activities. i might be being a little douche here but i am telling you strictly what i believe. btw, squats and other lower body workout boost your testosterone level


Senior Don Juan
Jun 7, 2007
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Fat stores a lot of estrogen. Working out is really important.


Jul 30, 2003
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get your ass under the iron


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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CasanovaFrankenstein said:
tell me how a testosterone level of 198 can affect a man?
You won't go bald as quickly?


Don Juan
May 22, 2009
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Interesting subject. I'm currently on a testosterone enhancing diet. I googled foods which increase your testosterone and I'm doing some weight lifting. Everyday, I'm eating low fat beef jerky, celery, Brocolli, Almonds you name it and staying away from foods which can increase estrogen. I'm also taking a zinc supplement, which works to convert estrogen into testosterone and is also a dht blocker (need some insurance on whatever hair I have left :p ) I've been on this for 3 months now. The result, I was a slim girly man before, now I feel like a beast. I'm also loving that extra aggression in my personality. So my advice is, testosterone is the sh!t and you need to work on getting those levels up.


Don Juan
Sep 13, 2008
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testosterone levels are a joke really to worry about. Just get a really good diet and workout regime and it will fix itself. Also watch your nutrition.

If you eat 30g of saturated fat it will give you optimal testosterone levels.


Don Juan
Oct 31, 2008
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moneyisking said:
anti-depressant? what the hell is wrong with you? man has power to even overcome cancer with mind and mentality (proven test on cancer patients) and yet you take medicine to over come DEPRESSION??? l might be harsh on you or something, but i do not look up to ppl who take medicine for depression. please. i have been in depression too, and i over came it with meditation and mind power. wonder what ppl do in other countries to solve depression? thats right, military training, parental corporal punishment and self developmental meditation. stop taking those ridiculous fvcking drugs and go lift weights and outside activities. i might be being a little douche here but i am telling you strictly what i believe. btw, squats and other lower body workout boost your testosterone level
You're a ****ing idiot. I can't believe people actually believe this crap.

YES, anti-depressants can help out people who really have a problem. I am not saying they aren't overprescribed. The reason they are is because a regular doctor, with hardly any psychological training can prescribe them. You say you're feeling down, they just shove pills down your throat. A real psychiatrist won't do this right away (good ones at least).

Some people have to stay on them for life but many just need them to get over a "hump" then they can handle the rest without them.

And your crap about cancer and mentality, maybe mentality can help a little and a bad mentality probably has the most effect but saying that you can beat it with just mentality is ****ing ridiculous. :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: What are you, a ****ing scientologist? :crazy:

You have no ****ing idea how the body works (neither do I really but atleast I KNOW I don't and will leave that to the EXPERTS WHO HAVE DEDICATED THEIR LIVES TO THIS ****).

So please shut the **** up and stop spewing this crap and let someone DIE because they thought they could beat cancer with just mentality. YOU ARE ****ING CANCER


Master Don Juan
Dec 11, 2008
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moneyisking said:
anti-depressant? what the hell is wrong with you? man has power to even overcome cancer with mind and mentality (proven test on cancer patients) and yet you take medicine to over come DEPRESSION??? l might be harsh on you or something, but i do not look up to ppl who take medicine for depression. please. i have been in depression too, and i over came it with meditation and mind power. wonder what ppl do in other countries to solve depression? thats right, military training, parental corporal punishment and self developmental meditation. stop taking those ridiculous fvcking drugs and go lift weights and outside activities. i might be being a little douche here but i am telling you strictly what i believe. btw, squats and other lower body workout boost your testosterone level
I would never say that in public,

But I agree


Master Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
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Instead of worrying about testosterone levels why not participate in sports, open up socially, and be more assertive?

Granted, all are pretty hard to do, but at least it's something you can work at and maybe complete. Your testosterone level isn't something that you can magically change much. You can try exercising, eating peanuts, and sleeping well but believe me, you won't perform a miracle.

Essentially, the easy way out isn't happening here. You have to actually take some initiative, figure out what's wrong, and put in some work fixing it.


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2009
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BwanaKuu said:
You're a ****ing idiot. I can't believe people actually believe this crap.

YES, anti-depressants can help out people who really have a problem. I am not saying they aren't overprescribed. The reason they are is because a regular doctor, with hardly any psychological training can prescribe them. You say you're feeling down, they just shove pills down your throat. A real psychiatrist won't do this right away (good ones at least).

Some people have to stay on them for life but many just need them to get over a "hump" then they can handle the rest without them.

And your crap about cancer and mentality, maybe mentality can help a little and a bad mentality probably has the most effect but saying that you can beat it with just mentality is ****ing ridiculous. :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: What are you, a ****ing scientologist? :crazy:

You have no ****ing idea how the body works (neither do I really but atleast I KNOW I don't and will leave that to the EXPERTS WHO HAVE DEDICATED THEIR LIVES TO THIS ****).

So please shut the **** up and stop spewing this crap and let someone DIE because they thought they could beat cancer with just mentality. YOU ARE ****ING CANCER

you say alot of stuff, but you sound like a pvssy to me, so don't even start an argument with me. if it's a battle physical or mental, i am winning.

Luthor Rex

Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2006
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the great beyond
CasanovaFrankenstein said:
I just turned 36 in June, I'm about 5'8", 215 lbs
I've heard about the "finger trick" for knowing your testosterone before. Mine are also about the same length. From my own life -- while I'm not typically as aggressive as other men I have been involved or am currently involved in things like recreational motorcycle riding and arnis. Yeah, it really is like they showed in that Fight Quest episode, well they never made me do that thing with the chicken.

However, even at 33 I'm not going bald and just this past six months have I started showing any gray, but that gray is a few strands here and there. Most guys my age I know are obviously balding and have more gray in their hair than I do. I also generally have kept a "young" look. Could this be the effect of a medium testosterone level? I don't know, but what I'm getting at is while you should do what your doctor says and get your T levels to "normal", there is no magic bullet to 'fix your life'.

Luthor Rex

Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2006
Reaction score
the great beyond
moneyisking said:
you say alot of stuff, but you sound like a pvssy to me, so don't even start an argument with me. if it's a battle physical or mental, i am winning.
Considering that you think you can "cure" cancer with your mind the only thing you're gonna win at is the Special Olympics.


Master Don Juan
Jun 4, 2006
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I'm now curious what my testosterone level is. I have the suspicion that it is low because I've always tended to be quite shy with women, I'm also very non-aggressive. Even though I've been doing martial arts for 4 years, I still think getting in a fight would be pretty scary, which is part of why I wanted to go into martial arts in the first place, so I'd have some confidence if I ever did have to go toe to toe in the street. I also am not assertive by nature. I can make a conscious effort to be, but it's never come naturally or comfortably and I'm pretty much an introvert. Didn't date in high school, never had any contact with girls until my 20s, and well into my 20s at that. I wonder if testosterone levels have something to do with that.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
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Ditto the advice about exercise. Lose fat, gain muscle, take up a martial art, or any team sport, even aeoribics at the gym. Get plenty of sleep every night, don't smoke or drink (or cut back).

And get off anti-depressants if possible. (be careful).

And believe it or not, how often you jack it affects your T. Too much or too little, and you'll be depleted.

Watch movies like troy, and spartacus and 300.

Get a hobby making things with your hands.

Joining toastmasters will do wonders for your self confidence, which in turn will boost your T. Bonus if you give a speech at toastmasters and then go to a strip club and practice talking to naked ladies.

Avoid meds at all costs, and stop reading silly internet posts about ring finger length.


Don Juan
Dec 6, 2007
Reaction score
CasanovaFrankenstein said:
One other thing, I saw something on the internet over the weekend that the length of a man's ring finger compared to his index finger is related to how much testosterone he was exposed to in the womb. Longer ring finger than index finger indicates more testosterone in the womb. Same size as or shorter than index finger indicates less testosterone. My index finger and ring finger are the same length.
i disagree with this theory. my ring finger is 1/4 inch longer than my index finger and i have the same personality as you minus the medication. if this fingers theory is true, i should be aggressive and hitting on girls left to right.

i wish this was true.